And Then I Found You

By englishrose19

118K 5.1K 6.5K

Helena Bonham Carter one of the worlds most famous British actress, finds out yet again her also very famous... More

The Phone Call
A little too much
The Hotel Room
"I'm fine"
A Date?
Take me back
Wrong move
Over again
Let's make it a third
Black & Blue
The Dinner
So Damn Perfect
Not Just Yet
They know
The news
Goodbyes are never easy
Two suprises
The Ring
Good & Bad
Grief of what once was perfect
What could have been
Who told you?
Through strangers eyes
One thing after another
Leave us alone
The Need
Talk to me
Familiar Times
Too much to handle
Our little girl
Moving in
Looking after you
You again
'I love you'
The Plan
No one said it was going to be easy
Geography Project
The Ivy
All a lie
Two parties under one roof
A pigeon amongst the doves
Kiss and make up?
Rose Petals
A kidnapping to remember
Here's my ring
My End of the deal
You don't have to like me
One and Only
I've got you
Never again
Burton and Taylor
Lovers in the backseat
Eyes that burn
If I only knew
Works every time
Never ending circles
Broken Heart
Two little life lines
Just for Now
Self Control
The plague of Love
Treacherous thoughts
Hate Desire
Fuel for the flames
The Interview
Bloody wonder
The Pictures
Daddy's Girl
The wind up
The Final Chapter

Just a case of waiting

1.3K 70 25
By englishrose19

Coming home after a whole day shooting her scenes as Bellatrix on Harry Potter, Helena was ready to take a long bath and relax. It had now been 3 weeks since Johnny had left from the airport and if she were honest she felt rather miserable not having him around. The way she was feeling now, she wasn't sure whether she would be able to really cope over the next few months without him. She practically rolled her eyes at herself as she made her way up the stairs to her bedroom, she mocked Johnny whenever he was soppy and yet she was being soppy herself. She was a strong independent women who got on with things no matter what the circumstances and since her divorce that side had crumbled. She depended on Johnny's love and support and now she had none of that.

Dumping her purse and coat on her bed Helena yawned as she walked into the bathroom inside her room. Turning on the taps and plugging up the bath she stirred around the warm water with her finger tips to work out the right temperature before mixing in some bath suds; maybe to much then necessary as the suds began to rise quite quickly.

Stripping down Helena smiled contently as the warm water lapped around her sore muscles as she gradually got in. Leaning back in the bath she took in a deep breathe, closing her eyes and giving into the water and suds soaking her body. This was perfect, just what she needed, nothing was more relaxing then a bath. Well that's what she used to say anyway.

"Well you're a sight for sore eye's" a gruff recognisable voice came from her bathroom door way. Shooting her eyes open Helena's eyes widened in horror "Dominic! what on earth" she gasped trying to cover her body with the suds feeling so exposed to him as his eyes just seemed to take her all in. "Get out!" she cried out embarrassed he had seen her in this way.

Laughing at her Dominic shook his head with a smile playing about his lips as he shut the door making her eye him warningly. "Come on Hel I just want to talk to you" he reasoned pulling up a stool and sitting rather to close to where she was bathing. "Not when I'm practically naked! will you get out" she warned him again making him chuckle at her again.

"Remember my dear, I've seen you completely naked" he smirked his eyes watching hungrily over her as she laid awkwardly in the bath. "And that's exactly what I'm trying to forget, and will you stop looking! I'm not yours to look at anymore" her eyes were angry now, it was hard to cover yourself when you had a pair of beady eyes staring at you.

"Yes, Johnny" he scoffed making her frown "I knew there was always something" he added to which she shook her her head "Not that time when you accused me of sleeping with him! we were just friends then" she explained not wanting him to believe he had been right all along.

"Anyway what is it you want?" she asked changing the topic, her eyes still hard on his face as she looked at him. "I wanted to talk to you about our children" he stated "Well can we not talk about that matter when its more appropriate...." This only received another laugh from Dominic.

"Listen I don't want them to think that I've given up on them, I'd still like to see them from time to time" he explained. Helena had said all along that she would never prevent her children from seeing their father no matter what a pig he really was. "That's fine Dominic, you must let me know and then we can arrange days when they can come over to you" Helena was a good and fair mother, as much as Billy wouldn't want to see him she would at least give him and his father the option at least to see each other.

"Well that was easier then I thought" again this only received a frown "Dominic with everything that has happened between us I wouldn't change your relationship with the children...It's like you don't even know me" she scoffed slightly more aggravated by that fact then anything. With all these 'Happy' years they had together surely he would have managed to work her out by now.

"I do know you Hel, better then anyone" he said almost as a whisper, his eyes were glued to hers as he said this. She felt even more naked if that was even possible, just by the way he looked at her like that, it was uncomfortable.

The sudden ringtone from Helena's phone sounded out from the bedroom making them both look at the door. "I'll get it" Dominic said walking out of the bathroom before she could protest. She heard the ringtone stop and then heard him answer it that made her blood boil.

"Hello?...Johnny" she heard him say making her eyes widen in shock. She hadn't heard from him since the day he left and now he was finally on the phone. "Dominic give me my phone!" Helena called out not hearing him respond to her but to Johnny instead "What am I doing here? I came to see Helena" oh god this was really sounding great. Jumping out of the bath Helena grabbed the huge white towel from the towel rack and wrapped herself in it leaving a few suds still resting on the tops of her shoulders.

Running out of the bathroom now she was at least covered Helena snatched the phone off Dominic and ordered him to leave. "One moment darling" she said to Johnny as she practically pushed Dominic out of the room. "Get out" she hissed making him chuckle "I'm going....we'll talk about this some other time" he said finally before she slammed the door in his face and managed to hold the phone to her ear even if she was juggling the phone and the towel at the same time.

"Johnny! I'm so sorry about that" she started holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she tightened the towel around her body.

"What on earth is going on" he sounded rather annoyed and it put her into a panic "Well I was having a bath and then Dominic came in" this only made matters worse. "You were in the bath! why is he there Hellie" Johnny was beginning to sound more concerned and slightly anxious as well. The thought of her ex-husband talking to her while she was naked under just the water and suds of the bath was bound to make any man go crazy.

"He wanted to work out a time to see Billy and Nell....I just got home from work and he just popped up out of no where....literally" she explained this time sitting on the end of her bed and taking the phone into her hand properly as she talked to him.

"He didn't try anything did he?" She could sense the worry in his voice and for that all she could do was smile sweetly down the receiver "Of course not, just got me at a bad time is all....But enough about all that, how are you? what have you been up to?" she asked desperate to get off the topic of Dominic and focus on him.

"well...I've been very busy, hence the reason It's taken me this long to ring you....I'm up at a ridiculous time and finish much to late, I've just got back to where I'm staying and am ready to call it a night" Johnny sounded tired which made her sympathise with him. "It's 4:00 here what time is it there?" she asked looking at the clock on her wall.

"Umm" she heard him yawn as it was clear he was checking his watch "11:00....I'm shattered" he said finally "I miss you so much Hel, it's only been 3 weeks....and before you say it I'm not being soppy, just truthful" he couldn't help but smirk but she didn't have to see that he was, as she could hear the playfulness in his tone. "You are being soppy but I have to admit I hate not having you around, the kids are missing you as well" she confessed with a small smile tugging at her lips. Billy and Nell were both rather quiet now that Johnny wasn't around to play games with them and entertain when ever he could.The house was certainly more calm that was for sure.

"I miss them too, please give them big hugs from me" he meant every word, Billy and Nell were probably the closest he would ever come to having children and for that he loved them like a father should love his children even if they weren't blood related.

Talking for a good hour and a bit on the phone, catching up about this and that and discussing both films they were doing at the moment Helena didn't want to have to hang up the phone. Johnny would be away for so long and any chance that she got to talk to him she would make sure she would grab onto no matter what she was doing. She knew this call would be expensive for him as he rang her and therefore as much as she didn't want to say goodbye she knew she should not only that but it would be late for him over there and so she should let him get some sleep.

"...But I just don't know, he's a good directer yet I always feel that he wants something from me...He said he's bringing his daughter of 29 to watch but he keeps going on about how much of a fan she is of mine and that she really likes me..." Johnny didn't mean to be rambling about his time filming but there was just no stopping him. Helena didn't mind, just to hear his voice was enough, it settled her in some way to know she was able to be with him even if they were opposite sides of the world.

Helena smiled down into the receiver of her phone as he talked about how's directer wants to set him up. She didn't know why but she did find it quite amusing. "Well he's probably just wanting to find his daughter a nice man, which of course you are my love...But unfortunately taken" she had no worries when it came to Johnny, she trusted him with her life.

"I told him that I'm in a relationship but he just seemed to shrug it off" Johnny sighed as he spoke "He is an older guy anyway isn't he? he probably just wants what's best for her" he knew Helena was right and for that alone he had to agree. His directer was older and he knew that he probably just wanted his daughter to be happy even if he had told him numerous amounts of times that he was involved with Helena across seas. 

"Just don't go falling for her, that's all I ask" Helena teased, she was fine when it came to Johnny. Every time they went out he was sure to be hit on by some blond bimbo at the bar, but she used to watch him shut them down before they could even try their moves on him. He used to take their numbers to be polite and then hand them to her so that Helena could do with them as she pleased. Johnny was faithful, he always would be.

"Like I would do that" Johnny replied smiling as he said this to her on the other end of the phone. "What are you doing now?" He asked out of the blue, wanting to know what she was up to this very second. The truth was she was still wrapped up in her towel but thankfully dry at least that she managed to prop herself up on the bed resting her back on the headrest. "Stuck in my towel talking to you" she chuckled "Freezing to death" she added as she tried to wrap the towel even tighter around her.

"Well thats a nice thought" he practically purred into her ear "What me freezing to death?"

Hearing him laugh at this the other end made her smirk "No....the thought of you in nothing but a towel" he playfully said making it very clear just how much he missed her. Helena couldn't help the small blush appear on her cheeks as he said this or the small giggle that followed. "You really are missing me"

"Like mad" she heard him respond. Looking at the time she noticed that it read half 5 therefore it must be at least half 12 there. "Sweetie it's late for you now, I don't want you waking up extremely tired in the morning...Plus this call will cost you everything" of course she didn't want to have to say goodbye but she had his best interests in mind here. She could here him sigh in defeat before he gave in and agreed "I suppose I better go, long day tomorrow" again she heard him yawn and that only made her feel guilty that she had kept him up so late talking. "And I need to get Billy and Nell something to eat for tea" she stated saddened that she had to give up the call now.

"Alright, well I'll call you when I can" Johnny said making her smile warmly into the receiver.

"Ok, try get a good nights sleep I'll tell the kids you called" she said pushing herself off her bed and walking over to her wardrobe to pull out some Pj's "Talk to you soon, Love you" she heard his say as she balanced the phone between her shoulder and ear "Love you too...Bye" As soon as they both hung up Helena sighed to herself. It had only been 3 weeks, but it felt like a year.

No one said it was going to be easy.

A/N: Hellloooo!!! Just want to say a big thank you to all my lovelies that comment and vote!! means a lot and I hope you can give me feedback on this chapter too!!! Thanks so much for reading <3 hope you enjoyed.

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