The Speedster

By JacobZenj

36 3 0


The Powers

36 3 0
By JacobZenj

Jessie, he was a normal kid. The thing about this kid was he loved to run. He entered in a lot of track races in different states and countires. Just because he loved to run doesnt mean he was good at it. He came in last place every race. Every race was a year apart and he would train for a year and lose then train for another year and lose. One year he had gone to a real race track in the olympics, he was flabbergasted. He always raced with his best friend. His best friends name was Bart. Bart always watched the races and was always there for Jessie. At the Jr Olympics tournament Jessie won 3rd place out of the 15 people. Jessie felt so proud with himself that night he took a walk around the neighborhood. While he was walking he saw a shadowy figure. He got scared and tried to speed walk back home.While he was walking that speed walk turned into a jog then a full on sprint home. As soon as he started to sprint the shadowy figure appered in front of him. The shadowy figure touched his head and Jessie fell asleep. He woke up the next day in his bed thinking it was a bad dream. Jessie was a fairly skinny boy. It was hard for him to do a pushup but when he did his daily pushups they seemed easier. And when he did his situps he noticed he had really strong abes. So he took off his shirt. At the sight of his 6 pack abs his eyes widened than his mouth slowly turned into smile. At this time he didn't know he had superspeed so as he was practicing he stared to run and than he saw a leaf pop up from him running but the weird thing was he had gone around a couple times before the leaf hot the ground. So then he looked behind them and saw a streak of lightning. Jessie read a lot of comics so he thought he could be a superhero. Somewhere else all you hear is the screams of guards at a local prison THE twins are killing the guards. Soon all the guards are dead and the twins fly and teleport out of the prison. The two brothers names were Makne and Danni. They were arrested for nothing so the old figure gave them their powers but they used their powers for bad. One day the twins decided to destroy the statue of liberty and thats how they got into jail in the first place. As soon as Jessie found out about this he ran looking for them and guess what... he found them in an old dirty warhouse. He was running so fast that his clothes caught on fire and the whole building burnt into flames. The twins got away and didn't care for this "speedster" because he was just a kid. Coincidentally enough Jessie's dad was a scientist. Jessie told his dad his powers and why the building burnt into flames. His dad responded with "The extreme speeds are forcing your clothes to catch on fire so you need a friction proof suit. His dad made him a friction proof suit and Jessie tried to think of a superhero name. The next day the twins decided to terrorise the city so Jessie calling himself "The Speedster" now is going against these two evil twins. This second time the twins were over it so they cashed him across the country as they ran and flew the twins noticed he was fast, really fast. So, finally he outran the twins just as he knew he was gonna do. So he's happy with himself so he takes a nightly walk again. He knew if he saw he shadowy figure he could just run away from him. So, he took a walk and he saw the shadowy figure and he tried to run, but for some reason he didn't run superfast. Then the shadowy said something in a deep raspy voice. He said "You need to take down the twins". "Why", Jessie said. "They wish to destroy the world with the powers I granted them", The shadowy figure said. "I'll try", Jessie said. "My name is Marna", the shadowy figure said. I will help you defeat them, but I'm far to old to take them down myself. I will show you how to run faster and get stronger with your powers. With that Marna gave Jessie back his powers and Jessie sped off to his house. Jessie suspects something will happen to his family and friends in some way. Marna said to himself "I will give some one to help you young Jessie. Bart was Jessie's best friend and Marna knew that. Bart is a fairly chubby boy and short, but he was smart, really smart. So, one day Bart is walking to the park and he see's the twins blowing up stuff and he says "STOP". The twins looked at him and shot at him. But the bullet missed and Bart blinked before the twins eyes, but the speedster twin saw it was "The Speedster" that helped this kid. As Jessie dragged Bart he blinked once and he was in Jessie's garage. While they were running Bart saw Marna, but they were going so fast that he couldn't make it out. While in Jessie's garage Bart feels different he tells this speedster. Then Jessie takes off his mask and Bart yelled "JESSIE" your the superhero. Jessie said " Bart what did you say" Bart said" Oh, I said I feel different, but dont mind that". Jessie said pick the car. Bart said "WHAT" I cant pick that up. Jessie said "yes you can". Now pick it up. Bart said "Ok". He started to pick it up and he picked up the car. Bart said "OH MY GOD". He put the car down and said "So Im part of your team now right". Jessie said "I guess". The next day the twins decided to terrorise the city again so Bart rode on Jessie's back when they got there the twins were waiting. They didn't make a plan because it happened so fast. When they got there Bart threw a car at the brother Makne and he ran away and Jessie chased him. Then Bart jumped in the air finding out he can fly! So Bart was stronger than Danni and he took Danni down. While Jessie and Makne are running around the world they start to go back in time! Jessie finally caught up to Makne and he threw Makne millions of years in the past and after he therw Danni to. As soon as Bart and Jessie got home they were on the news. They were celebrating and somewhere in Russia a portal opens up. "We Come, We Take", A sound came frim the ship.

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