
By steaknouis

1.5K 28 2


Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

860 8 2
By steaknouis

“Mikeyyy! How’s it going man?” Luke yelled towards the fluorescent computer screen that displayed the image of his best friend who was thousands of miles away from him. He was glad that they could have a quick Skype before school started back up again.

“Heyy Luke! I’m just dreading the first day of school tomorrow… how’s it up there in Canada?”

“I’m fucking freezing. You don’t even understand. I can’t wait to get home.”

“Well I wish I was you right now.”


“You don’t have to come to school until Friday! I wish I could be far away from this hellhole.”

“Well at least you have Scarlett. I’m sure you two can find something fun to do,” Luke said cheekily.

“Oh, we always do,” Michael laughed. “Well I gotta go mate. See you when you get home on Friday.”

“Alright, bye. Let me know how the first day goes.” Luke signed off and briskly closed the computer. What was he supposed to do now? It was bitterly cold outside –inside as well- and there was nothing exciting to do around this stupid house. Oh, the perks of visiting family in Canada.


This day could not get any more stressful. Alice hopped in the car and sped away from her strange new house. They had moved in a week and a half ago, but she still wasn’t accustomed to the new house, city, school, even friends. Well, she hadn’t exactly made any new friends yet. This is what troubled her most. Alice wasn’t the most outgoing person ever, and now that she would be dubbed the “new girl”, it would be even harder. She tried to relax as she loosened her grip on the steering wheel. She reassured herself that it would be fine, yet her heart told her differently.

As Alice pulled into the parking stall in front of this unfamiliar high school she could feel the knot in her stomach growing tighter by the second. She tried to take a deep breath as her new boots contacted the pavement. She felt as though she was being watched, but rather by a thousand judging eyes. The people waiting outside the school turned to each other to question the nature of this girl. Alice pulled her long brown hair over right shoulder and proceeded to enter the school. Everything was going to be okay, she thought to herself.

After being pointed in the right direction by a young blonde teacher who looked like she knew more about the latest celebrity gossip than how to graph a quadratic equation, Alice walked into her homeroom and claimed the only desk that wasn’t currently occupied at the back of the room.

“Welcome back students!” boomed the teacher apparently named Mr. Cooney that stood at the front of the room. “I know we’re going to have a great year!”

Oh great. He was one of those school-is-fascinating-and-I-truly-believe-you-all-want-to-be-here teachers. This was going to go over well. And Alice was right. It wasn’t.

“I would like you all to welcome the new addition to this class. Her name is Alice.” Mr. Cooney motioned for Alice to stand up.

Immediately, all eyes were on her. Alice cautiously stood up to face her new classmates. She did an awkward waving movement and quietly sat down in her seat that was almost as cold as the looks she was getting. Great. It was already off to a good start.

A boy with blue hair turned to Alice. “Don’t worry, the first day is always the worst. If you want I can help you out,” he said with wink.

A girl that had the most beautiful smile Alice had ever seen shoved his shoulder. “Michael leave her alone. Hi I’m Scarlett. So you’re new here?”

“Hi… I’m Alice. Yeah, I just moved here. I used to live in New York.”

“That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to visit there!”

Michael raised an eyebrow at her.

“Anyways,” Scarlett spoke with a laugh, “Do you want to have lunch with us today?”

Inside Alice wanted to scream. Of course she did. She wouldn’t have to eat alone with everyone else staring at her.

“Sure,” Alice replied.

“Alright! Well see you later!”

The next thing Alice heard was the almost deafening sound of the school bell signifying a change in periods. Everyone gathered their books and practically ran for their next class.


The only thing on Alice’s mind was how not to make a fool of herself as she strolled into the cafeteria. She looked around hoping to see Scarlett or Michael’s vibrant hair. After scanning around the room, her eyes landed on Scarlett. Alice couldn’t but help and be jealous. She was absolutely stunning. Scarlett had the most gorgeous dark brown hair, big hazel eyes, and a smile that could light up a room. Alice was sure she was going to become a model. She suddenly became embarrassed by her staring when Scarlett saw her. She immediately waved Alice over. Okay this is it, she thought. Don’t blow it.

Alice took a seat at the end of the table that was stationed next to Scarlett.

“Hi!” Exclaimed Scarlett.

Alice answered timidly, “Heyy…”

“Everyone, this is Alice she just moved here!” Scarlett gestured from Alice to the group of students gathered around them and back to Alice again.

“Hi Alice,” a few said simultaneously accompanied with nods from around the table.

“So why did you move here?” questioned Scarlett. Michael shot her a look.

“My mom got transferred with her job.”

“Oh! Where does she-” Scarlett got cut off.

Michael nearly shouted, “We have to go we’re going to be late!”

“Okay, okay. Sorry we gotta get going. But we will see you in homeroom again tomorrow! Oh! I’m having a back to school party this weekend you should totally come!”

“I probably will,” Alice beamed. This was turning out to be a better day than she had hoped.


Over the course of the week Alice had come to learn that this school had the weirdest teachers she had ever seen, that Michael and Scarlett were ‘a thing’ and they liked to kiss at every moment possible, and that they were incredibly popular. This made her wonder why they were so friendly to her.

It was a bright sunny Friday morning, still showing evidence that summer had only just ended. She was standing with Scarlett and their group of friends she had come to know a little more each day. Most of them were actually nice.

“Alice you look so pretty today!” Scarlett announced to the group.

Alice couldn’t help but blush. She looked down and smiled. Scarlett never stopped giving compliments.

“Seriously! I don’t know why that boy would’ve dumped you!” Scarlett added, referring to Ryan who had just broke up with Alice for moving away from him.

Alice suddenly lifted her head, “I don’t either…” she trailed off.

“Well we will find you a new boy at my party tomorrow!”

Alice just smiled.

Across the lobby of the school Luke was catching up with some of his friends.

Michael’s blue hair caught his eye. As he walked closer towards him, Luke’s eyes shifted to notice a girl with the most stunning hazel eyes he had ever seen.  He stopped right where he was. Luke could barely overhear her laughing with Scarlett, and what a cute laugh it was. Michael saw him standing there and stepped beside him.

“Luke! Good to see ya man!”

Luke’s attention turned to his best friend standing next to him.

“Hey man! How much has school sucked without me?” Luke responded.

“Shitty as usual.”

Luke then looked back to this breathtaking girl just as she was leaving. Scarlett greeted him but he was too busy staring at this other girl to notice.

“I gotta go to class,” Scarlett said to Michael.

Michael touched her cheek and kissed her.

“See you later babe.”

Luke abruptly asked, “Who was that girl talking to Scarlett?”

“Her names Alice.”

“Fuck,” Luke blurted.

Michael asked, “What?”

“She’s really hot.”

“Well if she didn’t want me then she definitely won’t want you,” Michael joked.

“Shut up.”

“Relax. She’s going to be at Scar’s party this weekend.”

Luke smirked, “Good. I can talk to her then.”

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