A Faerie's Wing. -Watty Award...


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Princess Camilla, Queen of Faeries. That is what they will call me if I complete the task properly... Then al... More

One. A Faerie's Style.

A Faerie's Wing. -Watty Awards-

1.1K 59 86

My deep purple eyes watched the garden alighted with gold and silver as I flew down the aisle towards the king's chair that was, indeed, my father, making the breathtaking crafted-brass chair shine exquisitely in the glorious setting sun.The flowers in the grand royal garden spoke wisdom to me as my wings gently flew me down the small pebbled path with the garden flowers, which were a canvas of purple, pink, yellow, blue and a gorgeous dark green.My silver faerie wings fluttered as my legs were in a pile position, barely touching the ground as my royal handmaidens and I flew swiftly towards the excited and hushed whispers of the seated faeries.

The dress I wore was also silver and cascaded in a short train. My magenta pink hair, long and curly, flowed behind me and my face had been primed to perfection on the day I was given my first official task. I was so excited, my voice practically squeaked when somebody asked if I was okay, I was not okay! If l get this task completed properly... well let’s just say my life will change!

Humans cannot notice that we help in every small, big part in the world; gently guiding them with whispers and the human side of ourselves. Not somebody else but another part of your soul; they would be you and you would be it. Yes we do have magical powers that split into 4 main categories; Water, Air, Fire and Earth. Every fairy can fly but we do not access our powers from a wand?

That's a stereo type from witches or 'faerie god mothers' and trust me when I say we are definitely are not witches! I'd tell you all about how you got sorted into these elements but it was simple... I couldn't be buzzed too.

Of course each royal was split into an element as well but instead of simply bending the element, they controlled it... My mother was one of the best queen's ever to rule but sadly she umm left....

So my father who had only been married into royalty took over the throne until I was ready. But my question is: will I ever be ready? As I glided down the long elegant isle concealed in my own thoughts, I still felt like everybody was hanging on my every word as if I had something in store for them and would surprise them.

I was not exactly a normal faerie; I had my bad days and my good days which normally resulted in me saying completely absurd sentences or perhaps snapping at the faerie teacher which was not allowed in such a perfect school. I hadn't gotten my "extra" powers yet, which meant I was a late bloomer or the goddess 'Aphrodite' didn't think I deserved it... My father assured me that was not true but I had my doubts.

What if I couldn't handle this?

What if l repeat my mothers mistake?

NO! I was a force to be reckoned with!

I reached the end of the isle and bowed respectfully. 'Would you like to continue Princess Camilla?' My father asked and I said doubtfully, 'Yes My King' and my thoughts still hung on my mother’s words. 'See you Soon Camilla Europica Princess Royale'

Hi guys sneak peak of book coming out in March! Add it to library's comment, if you ask nicely I might just upload faster! Please tell me what you think. Dolly Jaro. Ps. Girl to left is Camilla. =)

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