In The Line

By tendivtwo

156 6 1

It's ten years before the 100 arrived on Earth. This is a story about what was happening on the ground at tha... More

Touch The Sky
Ghost Of The Past
Best Laid Plans
Incoming Storm


14 1 0
By tendivtwo

Second chapter is here. More Costia and Lexa bonding. Lincoln joins the characters.

Last chapter I named some of Lexa's family members. Now you can see how they function as a family (or don't).

Indra and Anya get a few lines as well...

Reviews will be appreciated.


After emerging victorious from a few games of tag with Costia, Lexa wanted them to rest for a while. They ended up in a nearby treetop. They were sitting there, eating fruits and laughing for about an hour. At one point spitting out the seeds from the fruit became a competition, too. The further, the better.

"Ha, that was the best one yet. Why don't you just admit defeat?" Costia teased.

"Never. I'm trying again." Lexa put a fruit in her mouth and after a few moments spit out a seed as far as she possibly could. It still didn't beat Costia's record.

"I guess we finally found something that I'm better at than you."

"Well, of course you are. It's a useless skill."

"I'm still better." Costia was amused by the face Lexa's made. She was so used to winning that this bothered her. And Costia so enjoyed teasing her friend.

"We should get going. It's late." Lexa just realized it was almost sunset. It was about to get really dark and a bit dangerous in this forest. She's been terrified of the dark since she could remember. It started out when she began sleeping in her own room. First she needed a candle to go to sleep peacefully, then a few and soon enough her room was filled with candles and she was still afraid. Afraid of what might lurk outside; in the hallway, outside her window. And staying outside, in the woods at night, that was unthinkable.

"If it's about me showing off, I'll stop." Costia didn't understand the sudden hurry and worry in Lexa's voice.

"No. I think we should get back before dark, that's all." Lexa was on the ground in a few quick movements. Costia on the other hand wasn't as good a climber as Lexa and took her time. Lexa urged her to hurry, so she did. She suddenly slipped and after a short fall landed on the ground feet first. Lexa screamed and ran to help her friend up.

"Costia! Are you alright? Costia?"

Costia didn't answer but sat up and made a pained expression. Lexa saw that as an invitation to examine her. Her knee was severely scraped, but other than that fine, while her foot was in a strange position.

"Can you stand?"

Costia tried to get up, but even with Lexa's help she just couldn't stay upright.

"I think my right ankle is sprained. Badly. I can't stand on it."

"Then I'll help you walk."

"You can't Lexa. This thing is already swollen. It's only going to get worse and you can't carry me, I'm too heavy. You have to go alone."

"No, no. There are panthers and wolves in these woods. And you are unarmed and bleeding. If you stay then I stay, too."

"Lexa, don't be stupid. Go back and you'll get me in the morning. I'll be fine, just go." Costia lied to make sure her friend was safe. In truth, she was terrified to stay alone without a weapon or a fire. It was a death sentence.

"Fine. I'll go. But I'll be the first thing you see in the morning. I promise you." Lexa was getting teary. She took out a knife from behind her back and handed it to Costia.

"You love that knife." Costia knew it was a valued family treasure.

"You'll give it back to me." Lexa hugged her friend and disappeared into the forest.


Costia was now completely alone. She clenched Lexa's knife in her hand and looked around. With every minute that passed it was a bit darker and she could hear more sounds coming from all around her. Now that Lexa was gone at least she didn't have to hide that she was afraid. She started crying. First softly but it grew stronger and louder.

Then she saw a light in the distance. Maybe it was rescue. A hunter from Trikru, perhaps. Didn't even matter. She was saved. The light came closer and closer. Suddenly it was close enough that Costia realized it was Lexa carrying it.

"What are you doing?" Costia asked.

"Saving my best friend."

"You're mad. Now we're both stuck here in the dark with no defense."

Lexa was close now and Costia could see she was not only carrying a torch but also hauling something behind her. It was a stretcher Lexa made from a few branches and her jacket.

"Just hop on."

Costia crawled to the stretcher and pulled herself up. She needed one hand to hold herself up and in the other she held the flickering torch. She shined the way in front of Lexa who started pulling with all her strength. Costia's feet dragged across the forest ground.

"Thanks for... You know. Being stupid and coming to get me." Costia said, realizing this plan might not be as mad as she thought.


Lexa could barely speak. Her throat felt like someone was choking her. No matter how much she tried not to think about all the scary things out there between the trees she couldn't. Her heart was pounding and the stretcher seemed to get heavier and heavier.


Luna and Trini got down from the tower safely and discreetly. Now they've arrived at their second destination of the day – the evening tournaments. It was a Trikru tradition since before Takoma was a child. It brought together people from different careers, people who didn't usually have any reason to gather, and gave them the opportunity to share their skills and learn new ones. Everyone was welcome, from the highly respected Nightbloods to the common fishermen.

"So these are the fighting pits?" Luna asked looking at the fighters. There were no deep holes in the ground like she imagined just some round parts with no grass.

"Well, they aren't actually pits, I guess."

"So how do we join?"

"Slow down. I first want you to meet one of my friends. As soon as he's done fighting." Trini pointed at one of the two shirtless guys wrestling in a pit closest to them.

Luna couldn't help but stare. He was good-looking to say at least. She drifted off for a second.

"I knew you'd like him." Trini giggled, "He likes to walk around without his shirt."

To be honest Trini was thinking about introducing them for years. They were perfect for each other. She liked guys that did a lot of crazy romantic gestures which was a rare thing among warriors. He liked girls who can hold their own in a fight but still need to be protected from time to time. He couldn't handle a girl that would kick his ass in a fight every time. So this was essentially a set-up. But Trini also avoided this for a reason. A selfish one. They were too perfect for each other. She was afraid of distancing herself from both of them. And there was the problem of them being from different clans. Floukru was in the coalition, but still this kind of thing was not common.

"So, you and him?" Luna asked in disappointment.

"No. We're just friends."

"I admire your restraint."

Trini smiled, keeping eye contact on her friend. He met her gaze as he was walking over. His opponent was lying in the dirt, gasping for air. It was a good fight.

"Nicely done." Trini congratulated him.

"I hurried it up a bit. Saw you were waiting for me. And who is this?" he turned towards Luna. She was just smiling and staring at him.

"My friend Luna kom Floukru." Trini rolled her eyes. Did she forget how to talk?

"I'm Lincoln." he took a good look at her now. He kind of liked her goofy smile.

"Lincoln that was a nice... knock down over there." Luna finally came to her senses.

"You want to try and block it?" He started walking towards the pit. Luna was confused but Trini pushed her forward and gave her a meaningful look.

She walked over and positioned herself on the edge of the arena opposite Lincoln. They both stretched for a few moments and then got into their fighting stances, waiting for Trini's cue. Lincoln charged first but his powerful strike was dodged by Luna. They blocked each other's punches a couple times before she managed to sneak an elbow kick.

After that panful blow she took a moment to think about what she was doing. She knew this guy for, what, two minutes and already she gave him a bloody nose. Charming. Although, she did want to impress him, and talking wasn't going well, so maybe kicking his ass would do the trick. While thinking about her next move she admired the perfect shape of his jaw and, well, got distracted. He punched her straight across the face and she fell down. She didn't expect him to bounce back so quickly.

"I'm terribly sorry. I really thought you were going to block that and I went full strength." Lincoln tried to help her up. She was still a bit dizzy and quite embarrassed.

"It's fine. I'll be fine." She took his hand and got up. There was a small stream of blood going from her bottom lip.

"I'll have to be more careful next time." He used his thumb to wipe off the blood from her lip and at the same time stroked her cheek gently.

Trini was looking at them. It was working! They were so obvious. Although, she couldn't help but wonder if this is how it's going to be from now on. Them, stroking each other's faces, gazing into each other's eyes and her, just standing there, unwanted.

"So, if you're all done hitting each other I was hoping we could show Luna around a bit. This is a rare occasion when neither one of us has some chore." Trini walked into the pit.

"What did you have in mind?" Lincoln sounded eager.

"I was thinking we should get back to the city and make her try a few Trikru delicacies."

"I thought we could go and have a swim in the river."

"She's Floukru, swimming isn't actually new to her."

"We can do both. Sounds good." Luna cut into their conversation.

"But first I have to ask you for a favor, Trini. You see, I wanted to be a guard at the tower for a while now, but I need a recommendation from my former master and he won't give me one." Lincoln tilted his head towards an old man standing not far from them.

"And you want me to talk to him? I will do it right away." Trini started walking in the old man's direction but Lincoln stopped her.

"No, Lady Scary Natblida. I just need you to fight me and loose on purpose."

Trini hasn't fought in the evening tournaments in ages. A few years back they became too easy. There was not a second that could beat her in any clan. Maybe a few masters.

"Of course. Anything for you. But try not to take advantage of this because I'll make you pay some day."

Luna cleared out of the pit and the fight began. Trini did her best to be as obvious as possible when attacking. She did a few advanced jump-kicks she learned from her mother to seem like she was trying. Lincoln was good considering this was about his tenth fight in a row. He finished the duel with a knockout punch like the one that Luna experienced earlier. And they were successful. Lincoln's master came to him and promised to talk to Heda about his job. Perfect!

Before going on their tour with Luna they decided to check on Lexa and Costia in the tournament for little kids. Lexa was usually quite successful at these. She'd often go a whole night without losing one fight. But tonight everybody was cheering for Ontari as she was undefeated. And Lexa and Costia were nowhere to be found.

"No. No Lexa, no Anya, no Costia. I thought they'd be back by now." Trini searched around for her sister.

"Sorry, I asked a friend and he didn't see them even come to watch, let alone fight anyone." Lincoln was trying to be useful. Trini was beginning to worry. It was almost completely dark and Lexa couldn't stand that.

"They are probably home already. No need for you to worry about them." Luna put a hand on Trini's shoulder.

"I have to be sure. I'll go to the tower and check on them. You two go. Have fun."

Lincoln and Luna didn't even have time to oppose her, she was already gone.


"And she vanished just like that?" Takoma sat at her throne frowning at the young woman before her trying to account for her daughter's whereabouts.

"I am very sorry Heda, but that's what happened. I was training Lexa and her friend so I gave them an assignment. They were to practice archery for an hour. I surveilled them but when they went into the woods to fetch one of the arrows they didn't return. I searched tirelessly for them but they didn't turn up. I presumed they went back home." Anya was sweating through her clothes, trying to explain to Takoma how she lost track of her youngest daughter. It wasn't simple, being master to the Commander's children. Anya actually had it easy. Indra, Trini's master, she was in a complicated situation. She chose Trini before she was Main Natblida, when she was around three. But now Indra had to share her mentorship with Takoma, as every Main Natblida was also the Commander's second. Neither she nor Takoma liked this but it was the way of the Tree People. And the familial ties didn't make things easier.

Trini stood by Takoma's side, on the right where every Heda's second stood for years and listened to Anya's lies. Upon arriving to the tower she found out her sister and Costia were missing and Takoma knew nothing. She didn't want to question Anya. She didn't want to get her in trouble and she knew Anya had no clue anyway.

"Well, they did not return home." Takoma interrupted Anya's shaky story.

"She obviously isn't the one to blame for this. We should send out a search party to find the girls and bring them home." Trini remained calm despite of wanting nothing more than to attack Anya.

"First rule of being a seken: Speak only when spoken to." Takoma chose to ignore the advice.

"I volunteer to lead the party. I do feel partly responsible." Anya tried to seize the opportunity to make things better.

Volunteer? Partly? Trini was shaking with rage. She hated irresponsible people and leaving kids alone unattended fit the description. She wanted to tell her secret to her mother so much. But she didn't. She hated Anya for getting her sister in danger, but there was no time for revenge. Something aimed at resolving the problem had to be done. Unfortunately Trini was upset, and when she was upset her self-control decreased greatly.

"That will not be necessary. It seems that you did your job properly and Lexa just decided to escape for no reason. There will be no search party tonight. If she could get herself into this mess she better be ready to drag herself out of it. You're free to go Anya." Takoma waved a hand at the door.

"Mother, don't you think you're exaggerating? They made a mistake. But they're only ten and they're all alone in the forest. We should get them." Trini slightly raised her voice. Anya was trembling, expecting her secret to be reveled any moment.

"How dare you question my decision?" Takoma rose from her throne and faced Trini, "If your sister is strong enough she will return. If not, well, she deserves what happens to her."

After saying that she gave the guard a little hand signal and he went out of the room.

"Are you hearing yourself, mother? You're supposed to protect all of us, your people, and you won't even help a child in need! Your child! Your blood!"

"I am supposed to make you into strong people and that's never going to happen if I come to rescue you from every single thing that gets in your way."

"Fine! I am going after them myself." Trini started walking towards the exit. She was stopped by Indra who just entered.

"Good. Take her and train with her. All night. Don't let her out of your sight. Under no circumstances go into the woods." Takoma was not going to let up. Indra dragged Trini out, grabbing her by her arms and shoulders.


Indra wasn't too happy with the Commander's decision, but carried out her order. She took Trini to the training court that was completely empty at this hour. Trini's first exercise was to throw punches and kicks at an old tree trunk. It was usually used for beginners that needed to toughen up.

"This exercise is pointless at my level." Trini said. She was taking all her anger out on that tree trunk, but still didn't feel calm. She should be out there.

"Then strike me." Indra replied and got into her fighting stance. Trini tried to attack her a couple of times, but her master blocked every strike with only one hand. Trini saw this as a sign to strike harder, but Indra got hold of her arm and knocked the girl to the ground.

"You are angry. That's why you can't focus, can't think in advance. You fight like a child! Get hold of your anger. Learn to control it and harvest its power when you need to. Again!"

Trini rose from the ground and saw Anya approaching.

"The Commander asked me to step in and take over your responsibility of guarding Trini." she said.

"She specifically sent me. I am her master." Indra turned towards the newcomer.

"Heda thought you deserved a break. I'm partly responsible so it's only fair I stay up all night with Trini."

Indra nodded and walked away. Trini and Anya just stood in silence looking at each other.

"Come on, get your horse. We're going after them!" Anya picked up one of the torches buried in the sand and handed it to Trini.

"Really? So my mother didn't send you?"

"You'd be faster if you asked fewer questions."

They went their separate ways and met up again both riding their horses. Trini's horse was pitch black and was named Trikova, meaning Shadow. It was with Trini since it was a foal.

So they ventured into the dark of the forest riding between the trees, waving their torches and yelling out the girls' names.


It was now completely dark. The weak torch in Costia's hand was the only thing stopping Lexa from completely losing it. Her heart was racing. And not only from the fear. Dragging Costia around was proving to be harder than she initially thought. She was tired and her legs just gave in. She fell and Costia with her. She got so startled she dropped the torch and it went out as soon as it came into contact with the muddy ground. Lexa screamed and started crying out, loud. Her hands started waving around hysterically and she was mumbling something, but it could not be discerned because of the crying. Costia managed to get hold of her hands in the dark and calm them.

"Listen Lexa, listen. I know you're scared. I'm scared too. But just look at the moon, look at the stars. They're always there even if you don't see them."

They both looked up but the sky was barely visible because of the canopies.

"The time to conquer this fear is now. I won't lie, we're in danger and I need my friend the fierce warrior with me." Costia slowly let go of Lexa's hands as she was calming down.

"The stars are always there." Lexa mumbled.

"The stars are always there. So, are you ready?"

"We wait for our eyes to adjust and then we continue." Lexa was mostly fine now, but still breathing heavily.

They were in silence for a few seconds and then they heard it.

"Lexa! Costia!" A voice from the forest that meant they were saved.

"We're here! Here!"


"Trini? Here!"

As soon as she was sure she found them, Trini jumped off her horse and run to hug Lexa. Lexa was crying and at the same time trying to explain how Costia hurt her ankle. Costia joined the hug and laughed from relief.

"I must apologize. It was my actions that led to this." Anya approached them. She tried to stay cold and distant but all three of them could see she was almost crying. She did after all have a conscience. And she was fond of the girls. She just couldn't show it. It would be considered weakness, like pretty much any human relationship was.

Lexa forgot all about her fear as she was riding with Trini through the forest. She finally got her knife back and held to it tightly while glancing at Costia who was riding with Anya. She was so glad she stayed with her friend. Yes, it was foolish, but it was not weak. Their friendship didn't make her weaker it made her strong.

Soon they rode into the capital. Lexa and Costia entered the tower and pretended to have walked till here on their own. Trini and Anya went back to training.


A couple of hours later Trini came back to the tower having received the shocking news that her sister has returned home alive. Approaching the building she noticed Costia crawled up by the door.

"What happened?" Trini kneeled next to the little girl.

"The Commander punished us for running away. I am not allowed to enter the tower till tomorrow."

"She made you sleep outside on the street? Did anyone look at your leg?"

"Yes. They called a healer."

"And Lexa?"

"I'm not sure. Heda got rid of me first."

Trini raced into the tower. Two guards were posted outside Lexa's room and stopped her from entering. Commander's orders they said. Lexa was to spend a night in her room, alone in complete darkness. Trini was outraged.

Her mother always made it clear she would do anything to make her daughters stronger. In Trini's case she used mainly physical abuse. When Trini was younger, and not as good a fighter as she is now, her mother would beat her as punishment, motivation and also for no reason at all, just to toughen her up. Now, years later, Trini had a back full of scars, but was one of the most durable fighters the clan has ever seen. Takoma tried disciplining Lexa in that way once, but Trini stood up to defend her. Lexa was way more emotional fragile than Trini at her age, so Takoma used mostly psychological torture on her. Like today, she made her encounter her greatest fear just to punish her.

Trini felt so powerless. It hurt her thinking of Lexa lying there, alone and scared. Takoma was aware of that. She knew that by torturing Lexa she hurt Trini too. And that was so much worse than any beating she could have given her. Trini walked out and came back to Costia. She looked at her for a while and then lied next to her on the cold ground. When she finally stopped thinking about the horrors Lexa was feeling right now, she drifted to sleep.


Important developments:

-Lincoln (18) is Trini's friend and met Luna for the first time

-Costia got hurt so Lexa and her were stuck in the forest, but Trini and Anya saved them without the Commander finding out

-Takoma has a history of abusing her daughters

The next chapter is longer and in my opinion more interesting. I'll try and post once a week.

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