The Mark Of The Wolf

Por BethanyShayPorteous

1M 17.8K 1.5K

** CURRENTLY INACTIVE ** ONLY WRITTEN UP TO CHAPTER 25 ** I hate how it turned out and not to mention I start... Más

The Mark Of The Wolf
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Five

42.1K 697 29
Por BethanyShayPorteous

Chapter Five

I remember growing up as a teenager and reading all those werewolf romance stories and wishing it could be real – so I would have someone who'd love me unconditionally, no matter what. As I got older I faced the fact that it wasn't real, and things couldn't be that perfect.

But stuff like that didn't exist, it was just written and put out there to make a girl go into a fantasy land and have it come crashing down around them when they faced the reality men – which was like looking at say, a freshly baked cake compared to a cake smashed into the ground.

It gave guys a standard to live up to and unfortunately, seeing as they never read those books, they never understood why women always had a go at them for not being like the characters in their novels.

I'd fallen into a novel itself. I'd been kidnapped, been told my kidnapper was a werewolf. Had life like dreams that I was escaping and, had been bitten who knows how many times. I couldn't believe how much like the books this was. I couldn't wrap my head around it, that this whole new world completely existed right under our unobservant noses.

The dream was a let down for sure – it had felt so real, I thought I'd be free. Of course I had to wakeup.

It was ten o'clock in the morning, I realised. I sat up in the bed, before getting out and making my way to the shower. How long had I been with these people now? A few days? A week? I couldn't remember. I didn't even know what day it was!

I showered quickly, and dressed with the once again supplied pants and shirts. I followed my same path downstairs, stopping in the hall when I saw Chelsea's room was no longer trashed, and there was laughter coming from the kitchen.

I walked down slowly, turning into the kitchen and I nearly died at what I saw in front of me. Chelsea sat close to Pierce, laughing and blushing every time he murmured something in her ear. Anna was laughing at Joe who was obviously attempting to cook. Kian sat at the table reading the paper and his parent were nowhere to be seen.

But that wasn't what I found so ... so strange. To see Chelsea sitting there and accepting this. That's what made me want to get out of here more. She was being brain washed.

"Oh hey Molly!" Anna said smiling. "Are you hungry, do you want breakfast – Joe get out, you can't cook. Go sit down." She shoved him to the table. She turned back to me, "so do you want anything to eat?"

I shook my head, "no. I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten since yesterday morning Molly," Kian grunted. "Anna make her some breakfast." Anna nodded and set about cooking.

I folded my arms, "I'm not eating your stupid breakfast."

The kitchen was quiet now. Chelsea was looking at me with understanding, but there was pity in her eyes. I noticed her mark. It now had a wolf face attached the ears. She'd been bitten again.

"You're going to make yourself sick," Kian said calmly, standing up and folding his paper. "So, you will eat." He grabbed my arm and put me into a chair. I didn't even bother struggling.

I think I was reaching a point of mental exhaustion with all of this. My arguments were becoming weaker, and all I wanted to do as cry and admit defeat.

Light chatter started up again as Kian sat next to me, reading his paper again. On the front of it I saw Chelsea and myself, with R.I.P written under it along with other things. I felt my body tremble, I really was dead.

Anna put a plate of food in front of me, while I stared at it with pure hatred. He couldn't force me to put the fork I my mouth.

"Eat," he ordered. In a tone I had never heard before, but some part of me told me I needed to listen to him when he spoke like that.

Against my will, I picked up the fork, to lost in my own confusion to care about what I was putting in my mouth.

Fifteen minutes later, after a long internal battle with myself, fighting against the fork and food, I finished what was on my plate, slamming my fork down angrily on my plate when I was finished.

"I hope I didn't burn your bacon too much," Anna murmured. "Linda makes it better."

Huh. Bacon, that's what I was eating.

"What day is it?" I asked quietly.

"Thursday," Chelsea supplied.

Thursday, so, if I was correct I had been with these people for about a week now. Time really flew when you were being held captive.

"Linda, Chelsea and myself are going to start baking after lunch today for the party tomorrow," Anna said cheerfully. "Do you want to help?"

I shrugged. "Whatever." It would be better then just sitting up in my room. Besides, being down here, I could have a better escaping opportunity.

"Great!" She clapped her hands together, "you boys aren't allowed in the kitchen when we start. The last thing we need is you picking at the food."

Joe grumbled something, earning him a smack on the head with the wooden spoon in Anna's hand.

Kian folded the paper and put it in the bin behind him. He opened his mouth to say something when Linda and Ross walked in.

"Boys, meeting down in the basement. The others will be here soon." He kissed Linda on the head before leaving. The rest of the boys followed, and I felt some tension ease from the air.

I turned to Chelsea, "what was that?"

"What was what?"

"Two days ago you were hell bent on slaughtering people, and now your warming up to him?"

She sighed, "I can't ignore it any more. He's my mate Molly. You need to embrace it."

That was it. I had lost an ally.

"It really isn't a bad thing. Once you accept it, things get so easy...everything just feels so right. So amazing."

I glared, "So you have accepted your death, your boyfriends and families pain, and the fact that on the next moon you will turn into a fury monster?"

She paled, her lips going into a thin line. "God what's going on with me?" She whispered.

"Nothing," Linda chimed in then. "You are accepting destiny."

I stood up, "she is accepting nothing! What are you dong? Drugging her? Drugging the food? What, in an hour I'll be going goo goo in the head like her?"

"Its the bite Molly," Chelsea whispered. "Every time he bites me I feel myself embracing everything. Already I can hear snippets of the wolf in my head." She stood up, staring at Anna and Linda who had been mostly silent through this.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the front door, causing everyone to jump.

"I'll get it," Linda said, rushing to open it. A bunch of men stormed past the kitchen to where I presumed the basement was. Linda followed. Obviously she was going to tell.

"Anna," Anna whipped her head around to face me.

"Please," she whispered. "Please don't ask me what you're about to. I know what it feels like, when Joe isn't near me. And I won't do that to either of those boys. I'm sorry." Her eyes had started to well up.

"Anna. We have families – people who need us!"

"Molly!" Chelsea whispered in shock and excitement. "The front door – its - its -"

"Open!" We both ran for the kitchen door, screeching to a halt when Anna stood there.

"Anna move," Chelsea whispered. "We're leaving!" She ground out. She seemed to be in the middle of an internal battle.

Anna sighed, "Chelsea think about Pierce. How he makes you feel, how he makes you laugh and you feel all the warmness spread through your body, and all you want to do is just curl up in his arms and stay there-" Chelsea was biting her lip, her eyes frantically going from the door to Anna.

"Chelsea!" I Snapped. She looked at me, "think of your family! You are bewitched!"

"SHE IS NOT!" Anna shrieked. "Its real Molly! Why can't you accept it?!"
"BECAUSE YOU WERE'NT MURDERED ANNA!" I grabbed her arm, twisting it as I flung her to the ground. She yelled in pain, and I'm fairly sure I twisted it.

Pulling Chelsea from the kitchen and out the front door, we ran. Chelsea, realising freedom was at stake, ended up grabbing me by the arm, and running faster – my feet barely hit the ground. This wasn't a dream, this was the real thing, all I could hear was my heart pumping, my breath wheezing and the shout behind us.

"Run faster Chelsea!" I screamed.

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

And then I fell. I hit a rock and fell, twisting my leg and foot and crashing to the ground, crying out in pain when I heard a CLICK. "Oh mother of god," I wheezed as Chelsea stopped, picking me up and running.

"I don't know," she puffed, "what they-" puff "are injecting-" puff "but god I can run fast!"

"W-w-why-y-y i-i-i-s t-t-the dr-dr-driveway sooooooo lo-loooong," my voice was jiggling as Chelsea sprinted.

"For occasions-" puff "like this!"

And then I heard the how like I did in my dream. And suddenly Chelsea jerked to a stop, me falling out of her arms from the shock.

"No," Chelsea whispered clutching her head. "Molly," she looked at me with regret. "I'm sorry."

We were surrounded before we knew it, and well, I couldn't do much seeing I busted up my stupid ankle. Pierce morphed out of his wolf and took Chelsea by the hand, leading her back to the house silently while Kian shifted, examining my ankle.

"Its twisted. "Go back to the meeting, tell my father I'll be back soon." The rest of the huge wolves nodded, taking off toward the house. Kian looked at me, "I really thought the escape attempts were over."

I glared at him, "the next time the opportunity arises, with Chelsea or with out, seeing as you guys are drugging her, I'll be out of here faster then you can say pyscho-sons-of-bitches." Hey it wasn't the best insult but, it was all I could come up with.

Kian sighed, and picked me up bridal style and began walking back to the house. "You're due for your third bite."

I stilled. Did that mean I would become more like Chelsea? I had a feeling when they meant bite, they meant injection of something. That one time in my bedroom – he could have been sticking a needle into my neck, you never know. Would I become more brain washed? I had to keep fighting. That's all I would be able to do.

But how long would I have to keep fighting? I was weakening, I was getting tired. All I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and stay there forever and not have to worry about it any more. But I was stuck here, stuck with strange people who were obviously in some sort of cult and I had no way of escaping. Oh. And they took the shape of giant wolves.

I knew I had to stop ignoring the fact that this was reality. That these people could indeed change into an animal, but I didn't want my reality to fall. If I did, then I'd have to face the fact that this indeed was all happening, and that I was stuck here for the rest of my life.

Maybe I subconsciously new. But that didn't mean I wouldn't do all I could to get out of here.

Half an hour later my foot was wrapped, Anna had already healed. Werewolf healing abilities apparently. Sure. I call it panadol.

I then had to sit on a stool in the kitchen furtherest from the door and roll the dough that was handed to me. Chelsea was slipping away again, getting semi involved in the conversation.

Maybe she reached breaking point before I did, and she was just accepting it.

I wouldn't do that.

I had a family to get home to.

I would not crack.

"Nikita isn't coming tomorrow is she?" Anna asked Linda.

Linda sighed, "I assume the boys filled you in with stories about her. Yes she's coming, I did invite the entire pack." She sighed, "its best just to ignore her. Now that Molly is here, she will have to lay off. All my boys are mated now," she said warmly.

"Why is my being here enough to make someone 'lay off'?" I grumbled. I didn't give a shit anymore.

"Nikita, apparently, has been trying to get her claws into Kian for years. Because he's the next Alpha. The boys all saw right through her of course." Linda sighed, "Nikita was very open about her feelings for ian – her fake feelings – all she cares about is the power that comes with being his mate. But, Kian et off too look instead...leaving a very put out Nikita behind, needless to say she won't be a very pleasant person."

I glared, "she can have Kian. In fact, that means I can leave."

Linda laughed, "Kian doesn't want her. And you are his true mate. Nikita and her love of power doesn't change anything," she threw her potato peelings in the bin. She looked at me and sighed, "look, Molly, you aren't going to be able to leave here. You may as well just accept it."

Wow, people really cared about your feelings here, didn't they?

"I think my dough is ready," ignoring her statement.

So we baked, me in silence, the other girls chatting and admiring the Christmas decorations.

All I wanted for Christmas was home.

Later that evening when I was sitting in the centre of my bed reading a random book I'd gotten off the shelf about the human anatomy, Kian walked in, closing the door behind him.

"Hi," he said.


He sat down in front of me on the edge of the bed and I turned my attention back to the book, not interested in it now, but trying to keep my attention elsewhere instead of the ass hole in front of me. Of course, I flipped to a page of a penis. Joyful.

I quickly flicked through pages before looking up at him. "Are you going to talk or are you just going to sit there?"

He frowned, "why are you reading a book on the human anatomy?"

I sighed. "It was all I could find. Everything else looked like it would fall apart if I touched it."

"Your bored," he stated.

"No shit sherlock," I muttered. "Of course I wouldn't be if I had my phone. Or, you know, if I was still on holidays with my friends."

"That's what I came in here to talk about," he started, rubbing the back of his neck.

I looked up, "you're letting me go?"

With the look in his face I guess not.

"If you aren't letting me go, then I'd just prefer you shut up and don't open your mouth."

"You've gotten braver," he noted.

I shrugged. "If you were going to kill me, you would have done it already right?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to kill you Molly."

"Well, you are. Emotionally."

"Thats what I came in here for."

"Well spit it out!" I snapped. A look of hurt flashed across his face and I felt my heart lurch before he hid it perfectly. "I just – I wanted to say I'm...sorry. It may not mean much to you, but I am. I'm not sorry for finding you, but I am sorry for how I went about pursuing things." He took my hand, and before I could pull it back he began tracing patterns with his thumb on it. It felt...nice. "But I will never be sorry for finding you, that much is certain. In time, I know you will come to love me as much as I love you."

I frowned. Right. I noticed he kept staring at my neck. "You're going to bite me again aren't you?" I whispered.

He nodded. "It shouldn't hurt as much this time, you'll end up with the face."

"Okay," I sighed. I yanked my hair back. "Just do it, and get out."

His hand went around my waist as his other one shifted my hair, holding it out the way as he kissed my forehead. My eyes fluttered closed, the sensation from one kiss – his lips – was overwhelming to me.

His lips trailed down the middle between my eyebrows before he kissed each eyelid, before following my jaw down to my neck, as he got closer I felt the mark below my ear tingle, making me let out a gasp at the feelings that it evoked.

He began sucking, tugging and nipping at it. I felt myself break out in goosebumps from it. I tried to control myself, but I couldn't. My own hands came up to bunch in his hair as he lowered me onto the bed.

I felt him hovering above me, the stubble on his chin tickling my neck. It was torture and pleasure combined. I felt him break the skin, but it didn't hurt this time. No, instead, it made me want to rip my clothes off and let him torture me some more...I slapped myself mentally.

I heard him growl, it should of scared me shitless but instead I just found myself wanting more of him. He sunk his teeth deeper, gripping the back of my neck tighter, his hand around my waist holding me closer.

I felt possessed, so in tune,


I would not fall victim to Stockholm syndrome.

I assumed he finished because he grazed his tongue over it a couple of times, before he captured my lips in the most passionate kiss of my life.

I returned it, gripping his hair tighter. His hands travelled south, stopping at my shirt before he lifted it up – me to drug induced in the kiss to even notice until I realised my shirt was up.

I flashed my eyes open and shoved him off me. It wasn't even the fact that I was almost partly naked – no it was the scars.

"What the hell!?" I yelled. I yanked it down angrily.

"Where did you get those scars?" He demanded, standing up and towering over me.

I gulped and frowned. "No – It doesn't matter!"

"Who hurt you? I'll kill them," he snarled.

I put my hand over my head. "Just get out Kian!" I yelled. "You're – you're ...tricking me! Get out! I won't end up like Chelsea! Get out!" I screamed, throwing the book at him – which he ducked much to my annoyance.

I was confused. I was tired. And I did not want to enter into my past with this guy.

I ended up throwing the pillows at him, all which he dodged. It was when I yanked the lamp off the desk and threw it, I heard a satisfying THUNK. And a grunt.

Kian was scowling, "alright, that hurt!" He rubbed his head.

I stood there with my fists clenched at my sides, puffing angrily before I began feeling dizzy. I groaned as I went to sit on the bed...missing completely before everything went black.

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