i n f i n i t e | hartmon

By ClassOfMalfoy

512 19 16

❝I swear we were infinite.❞ ⇑⇑perks of being a wallflower reference⇑⇑ My friend wanted me to write this onesh... More

i n f i n i t e

512 19 16
By ClassOfMalfoy

I do not own the Flash or any characters affiliated with the Flash. Please note I do not make money making this. Also, watch the video above. 


Central City was busy today. A dude rushed into me and I fell. "Come on," I mumbled to myself as I got up. I made my way to the stoplight and pressed the button so I could cross. I walked. 

I suddenly vibed. I saw Hartley. It was weird. He was running towards me and shouting my name. "Cisco!" I heard. I snapped out of the vibe. Everything happened so fast. 

One moment, I saw a car speeding towards me. The next, I was on he ground. Untouched by the cars. I scrambled to my feet. Someone rolled to their side, lifeless. It was Hartley. 

His glasses were cracked and blood poured out of his mouth. I went to his side and cursed.

"Dipcrap!" I chanted. I grabbed my phone and called Barry. "Hey Barry, someone kind of got hit by a car and he looks pretty dead. I really need help. We're on 5th avenue. The car sped away." I put down the phone. 

Hartley was good ever since Barry changed the timeline to ask Dr. Wells on how to become faster. He's been trying to bond with his parents ever since they disowned him. He was gay. I don't know why that's relative. 

We've gotten closer too. Sometimes, we would hang out at my apartment and talk. Even though he's still kind of a dick, I fell in love with him. Slightly. 

I checked his pulse and panicked a little. It was still there but it was fading slowly. "Stay, Hart," I whispered. Barry came rushing toward me. People stared in shock but I ignored them. "What happened?" He asked, picking him up. "Car. Hit. Him." I started to hyperventilate. It's what I do when I'm nervous. I focused and told Barry to bring him to STAR Labs. He nodded and ran away. 

I followed. 

At STAR Labs

"His vitals are unstable! If this continues, he'll code!" I heard Caitlin shout. I buried my face in my hands. "I'll try and get my dad," Barry said, running away. "Cisco! Look after him for a minute," Cait shouted and ran to go get something. 

I heard the sounds emitting from the machines. I tried my best to keep cool even though I was internally dying. 

I took his hand. "Hang on, Hart. Just a little while longer," I whispered. "I got my dad!" I heard Barry say. "What's happening?" Harry asked. I ignored him. A long beep emitted from the machine. I think we all know what's happening. "He's coding!" Henry shouted running over. Caitlin followed. I lost it. 

I cried in my hands. "No," I said. "Cisco," Barry said, dragging me out of the room. I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. "It's all my fault, Barry," I cried. He stroked my hair. 

I felt the world was fading all around me. All the sounds sounded like echoes and like I was underwater. It all felt blurry. It was trippy. Then I saw white. 

An hour later

I opened my eyes to a bright light. "Cisco?" I heard Barry say. I looked around a little and everyone was staring at me. "He's okay," Harry said, throwing his hands in the air. "Thanks for the moral support, Harry," I said sarcastically. I sat up. "How long was I out?" I asked, getting up.

"An hour," Caitlin said. I walked and pulled a chair so I sat next to Hartley. "He's going to be okay, Cisco," Barry said as he took a seat next to me. It was scary to be honest. To see someone you love so lifeless. "I'm sorry, Hartley," I said. I was crying again. Everyone pat me on the back and left me with Hart. Except Caitlin. 

"He's in a coma," She whispered, sitting across from me. "He broke a lot of bones. Got something lodged in his chest. We got it out. Almost hit the heart," Her voice broke. I guess Hartley grew on her too. The machine beeped a little faster. 

"I better put him on a breathing tube. His heart rate is increasing because he's not getting enough oxygen into his lungs," She gathered her supplies. "Could you get Henry?" I nodded and opened the door to reveal Barry, Joe, and Henry talking. 

"Henry, Caitlin needs you," I said with my head down. He ran into the room. 

"You okay, Cisco?" Joe asked me. I shrugged. He took me by the shoulders. 

"It's okay to let yourself feel, Cisco. It's okay. It helps. I know that," Barry hugged me and I cried in his arms again. 

"I feel so stupid," I whispered. "If I didn't vibe and I paid attention, this wouldn't have happened to him," My voice started to break. "No one blames you, Cisco. Not even Hartley."

Barry held me for awhile. I cherished that. It's not everyday the love of your fucking life gets hit by a car trying to save someone and end up being in a fucking coma. 

"Guys?" Caitlin said. "You can come in," She motioned us to enter the room. I quickly entered and sat in the too-white plastic chair. Barry and Henry talked rapidly but I ignored him. 

Hartley now had this tube coming out from his mouth which connected to some other machine I honestly gave no fucks about. "I'm sorry," I mumbled. I took his hand. It was cold. Eerily cold. 

"I'm scared, Hartley," I said, laying my head near his hand. I fell asleep to the sound of his breathing. 

A few weeks later

"Cisco?" I heard Caitlin say. I couldn't function. It was so hard. Whenever I look up, all I see is Hartley. Hartley. Hartley. 

"Yeah?" I said weakly. I stood up with a sigh and threw something across the room. Caitlin took a step back. "Sorry," I said, making my way to Hartley again. 

"Dammit, Hart," I took his hand. "Te amo, Hartley. Te amo. I'm sorry I had to be s-so s-stupid," I sniffled. "Y-you could die a-any m-m-minute now, Hart. I hope you h-hear me. I'm so i-in l-love with you. Y-your s-still a prick b-but I l-love you. 

Please don't die on me, asshat. Please. I," I stopped talking before I start to hyperventilate. I ran out quickly and entered my workshop. Where was my jacket? I'll use my STAR Labs one. 

I looked around for it until I found it. I grabbed it and I vibed. 

I saw Hartley and Dr. Wells. Evil Dr. Wells. "Give this to Francisco," He said, rolling his r's. Dr. Wells took the sweater. He nodded. "Of course."

With that, Hartley walked away and I entered reality.

I suddenly wasn't that cold anymore. So I hugged the sweater. It was his after all. I held it close to my heart. 

"Ooh, nice emotional moment, bro," I heard Barry say from behind me. I shrieked. "AAH!" I breathed really fast. 

"Stop! Don't do that!" I shouted. He smiled. "The sweater was Hartley's, wasn't it," he pointed at the sweater I held. I nodded. "Yeah."

"You're dying inside."


"You miss him."


"You're about to cry again."


"C'mere," He said, holding me. I rambled about the most random things. Nacho cheese, frequencies, which eventually led up to Hartley. 

"There was this time where I showed him my dingy, small apartment. He kept ranting about it until I showed him my room. It was, and I quote, 'Interesting'. I ordered pizza and he found my Harry Potter stuff. We played trivia for a long time. Even though we played Harry Potter trivia on a white carpet inside my small apartment, it was one of my best memories of him." I ended, crying some more. 

"Get your asses in the cortex!" I heard Harry shout. Me and Barry ran. "What is it?!" I shouted. 

Hartley was squirming in his bed. Alive. 

So alive. 

"Hartley?" I whispered. 

"C-Cisquito?" He whispered back, voice weak. He smiled at me. I scrambled to his side and hugged him. I felt him cry. I cried too.

"I thought I-I w-was g-gonna lose you!" I said. I hugged him tighter. "I remembered everything," He said steadily. "Thought you w-were g-gonna d-die t-too. I-I pushed y-you out o-of t-the way. I couldn't l-lose t-the only t-thing I l-live for," He whispered back. 

"Took the tube out yesterday?" I heard Henry say to Caitlin. I ignored them. 

"Te amo," I said daringly into his ear. I waited for a few moments until he responded. 

"I love you too," His voice lit up my ears. Not literally. 

I backed away from the hug for a minute, wiping my eyes and nose. I sniffled. 

I leaned in, not caring if anyone was watching. I saw he leaned in too. I closed my eyes and kissed him softly. 

 And I swear we were infinite. 

Months later

It was a Saturday. Everyone just hang out in the cortex, doing nothing. I came in, gave Hartley a kiss and dove straight to my computer. Not literally. 

"DAMMIT, HARTLEY!" I heard Barry shout. I looked over and he was playing, 'Kill it or you Die 3'. 

"Hey, not my fault you suck," He said, putting down the controller. Barry gave him a glare but turned back to the game. "Oh, hey Cisquito," He limped to the desk, grabbing his cane. 

"Hey, oldman," I smirked. I stood up and gave him a long kiss. 

"Guys, too much PDA don't yo- WHY DO I ALWAYS DIE?" Barry shouted. I rolled my eyes and sat back down. "Could you get the mail?" I asked Hartley. 

"Yeah, okay. I get it. Ask the injured boy with a fucking cane get the mail. Yeah. Thanks for the support, mi amor," He shouted. 

"Why can't you do it, Cisco?" He whined. Caitlin came in, having a whole new outfit. "Whatcha think?" She said with a wink and spinning. She had a mini skirt with a shirt that said, 'Free'.

"No, but I have to say, that conditioning game on point girl!" I said in my girly voice. She rolled her eyes. "So, Cisquito, what're you watching?" Hart asked. 

"Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince."

"Cisco. You've read and seen the movies more than three times!" 

"Don't care." 

I reached for the loaf of bread I keep handy. I played the movie. I was on the sectumsepra scene. This part always made me cry.

I absentmindedly stuffed bread in my mouth. "Is Ramon okay?" I heard Harry say. 

"His bread intake levels are extremely high?" He said again. "He eats bread when he's nervous," Hartley explained. 

"Well, I'm going to get the mail," Hartley gave me a kiss again and limped out. "I like him," Harry said. 

I thought that things were never going to be normal after the accident. I was right. It was completely different. 

But I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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