Our Little Mistake [muke mpre...

By Applezzz21

250K 8.7K 1.4K

Luke wasn't much of a party person, he would much rather stay home and watch movies on Netflix. Michael was a... More

Bonus Chapter.


10.4K 438 54
By Applezzz21


I haven't had anyone come over my house to meet my parents since I was like thirteen, and there's a reason for that.

My parents are very strict. You can only imagine that I wasn't allowed to do anything, so what did I do? I rebelled against them. When I turned fifteen, that's when I got in trouble for the first time.

Me and Ashton thought it was a good idea to throw eggs at Mrs. Robert's house. She was such an old bitch and had nothing better to do but sit on her porch and call us homosexual vampires (we also thought it was a good idea to dye our hair black and wear nothing but black as well), so we waited until it got dark, then threw a whole carton of eggs at her windows. The only reason we got busted, was because a cop just moved in on our street a few days ago and just so happened to look out his window and saw us doing it.

I was grounded for a whole month, but that didn't stop me from rebelling behind my parents' backs.

As I got older, me and Ashton settled down and started just selling and smoking wèed, going to parties, and drinking every night. The whole college thing was my parents' idea, I only went because they agreed to pay for my college education and agreed to pay half of the rent for my apartment, so I figured why the hell not? College parties are the best.

But after today, I'm probably gonna have to kiss that goodbye.

I parked the car in front of my parents' red brick house, their fancy cars in the driveway.

I opened the door for him, then led him up the pathway and up the front stairs. I knocked on the door loudly, since my dad is hard of hearing at times. We waited out there for a few seconds, then the door swung open, my dad popping his head through the door.

"Michael, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked. "It's almost 8pm, it's getting late." He said.

"Yeah, I know, but I came to talk to you and mom, it's important." I said.

He sighed. "Did you get in trouble with the cops again? I swear to god, Michael-"

"No, dad, but it is important."

He looked at both me and Luke, and then opened the door wide enough for us to come in. I walked in first, and then Luke followed behind.

"Whose your friend, Michael?" My dad asked.

"His name is Luke, his part of the thing I wanna tell you and mom." I said.

My dad looked at him and nodded. He thank turned around and stood at the bottom of the stair. "Karen! Michael's here!"

"Micheal?! My baby is home?!" I heard my mother, then heard her running down the stairs. My mother appeared and looked at me, running over to me and pulling me into a hug.

"My baby boy." She said, before burying me in kisses. "What are you doing here? Are you in trouble?" She asked worriedly.

"No, mom, I'm fine, but I do have to tell you and dad something."

My mother then looked at Luke, a bit confused. "Oh, whose this, sweetheart?"

"This is Luke."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Well umm...well not exactly." I said. "But he does have everything to do with what I have to tell you both."

She nodded. "Okay, I'll make some tea." She said, disappearing in the kitchen.

"This better be good news, Mike, I have to get to work in the morning." He said.

"Well, it depends on his you take it." I said, leading Luke in the kitchen. I sat at the big rectangular table, motioning for Luke to sit next to me. After a few minutes, my mother put some tea in front of us, sitting cross from us, along with my father.

"Well, what is it that you have to tell us, sweetie?" My mother asked.

I bit my lip, looking over at Luke, then back to my parents.

"I'm just gonna say it, and then explain." I said, before taking a deep breath.

"Mom, dad, I got Luke pregnant." I blurted out.

My parents' eyes grew wide, the look that I was expecting.

"You did what?" My dad asked, making sure he heard me correctly.

"I got Luke pregnant." I said again.

"Please tell me this is a joke, Michael Gordon Clifford?!" My mother stood up, using her famous 'upset mother' tone.

"It's not." I said seriously.

Both of my parents were silent, meaning they were beyond upset.

"How did this happen?" My father asked.

I was going to explain, but Luke beat me to it.

"It was my fault.." he blurted out.

"And how is this your fault?" His father asked me.

"I had no business being at a college party, plus Michael didn't know I was sixteen-"

"Sixteen?!" Both of his parents shouted.

"I didn't know, I just assumed he was at least eighteen." I said, trying to calm them down.

They were silent again, now I knew they were really upset.

"What do you both on doing with this baby?"

I pulled out the ultrasound picture, sliding it towards them. "Actually, he's having twins, and we're keeping it."

My mother picked up the picture, covering her mouth with her hands, tears falling down.

"Don't cry, mom."

"I'm gonna be a grandmother." She said, while my dad just remained silent.

"So umm, are you going to continue with paying for me to go to college and half of the rent?" I asked them.

My parents looked at each other, then at me.

"How about this? We'll continue to pay for all of that, but as for those babies, you're on your own. You have to take responsibility for something in your life." My father said.

I nodded. "Fair enough."

"I had a feeling something like this would happen." My dad said, shaking his head. "Now go home, I need my beauty rest." He said, getting up from the table.

I got up and led Luke towards the front door.

"Michael?" I heard, causing me to turn around, seeing my mother.

"Yeah mom?"

She still had tears in her eyes. "Are you going to bring the babies over when they're born? I'm sure your father will have a change of heart when he sees them." She said.

"Of course, mom, why wouldn't I do that?"

"Because we've been so hard on you, and we know you hated that, but we only did it because we wanted what was best for you."

"I know, I understand." I said. "I'll come over again, when I have the time." I said, before taking Luke's hand and walking out the door with him.

We walked to the car and got in.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He shook his head, letting out a sob, causing me to panic.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"This is all my fault, I'm so stupid." He said.

"No you're not, don't say that."

"You're parents are mad at you, and it's all because I went to a damn college party and had sex with you."

"My parents will get over it, they always do. I've done worse shit than getting someone pregnant and they got over it." I said, rubbing his back. "Just let me handle everything, okay?"

He nodded, rubbing his belly. I leaned in to kiss his cheek, which he actually let me do, and then started the car, driving to his house.


Now Michael's parents know!!

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-Apryle ❤️

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