If Jove Stray

By jaeshanks

8.3K 1.1K 157

{✨Book 5✨} Earth. Light years away, and yet now that some on the base were born there, it seems so...close... More

Chapter 1: plums
Chapter 2: off the registry
Chapter 3: plotting
Chapter 4: cookies and cauliflower
Chapter 5: stuck in bed
Chapter 6: not kidnapped
Chapter 7: a whole new world
Chapter 8: practice
Chapter 9: what really happened
Chapter 10: on being partners
Chapter 12: let's play ball
Chapter 13: moving forward
Chapter 14: satellite
Chapter 15: venturing out
Chapter 16: facing the storm
Chapter 17: reconciling
Chapter 18: a fire in her eyes
Chapter 19: the interview
Chapter 20: captain's log
Chapter 21: a wealth of knowledge
Chapter 22: executive orders
Chapter 23: coming home
Chapter 24: cool place, brah
Chapter 25: the usual law and blackmail
Chapter 26: won't be drinking alone
Chapter 27: friends such as these
Chapter 28: the other side of logic
Chapter 29: a brand new dept
Chapter 30: making a deal
Chapter 30: caught on video
Chapter 32: a brief history lesson
Chapter 33: a library for congress
Chapter 34: congress meeting part 1
Chapter 35: congress meeting part 2
Chapter 36: did we win?
Chapter 37: beginnings
Words: Old and New
Who are these People (part 5)
Preview Chapter 1: blocks and wine
EXTRA: talking with Levi
EXTRA: chat with Tyson
EXTRA: interview with Jae
EXTRA: conversation with Dashiell & Libba
EXTRA: Cameron and Harper
A/N: We Shadows

Chapter 11: and all the universe

181 30 0
By jaeshanks

Alcott would have usually joined Levi and Walsh for dinner, but Levi doubted that she'd make it today. Dylan came in a little later with a shy smile, but to his surprise and delight, she didn't go to her room but joined them as they sliced potatoes. She didn't say anything, but Dylan rarely did nowadays.

"Is Alcott coming?" Walsh inquired.

"I can message her; she got a new partner today," Levi said. "It's a...rotated situation. Dashiell's fault."

"I wouldn't doubt it," Walsh scoffed. "Then she either shows up or she doesn't; I'm sure she has much happening her life. A partner? Why? Can't they leave that girl alone?"

Levi heard someone rap on the door and he grabbed one of his crutches to get the door. Alcott was standing there with a smile. Levi's first thought was to glance at Dylan, worried that she was going to dart away.

"Where's the new guy?" Walsh called.

"Asleep," Alcott replied. "Or at least in his room. I don't know what Dashiell said to him, but he wasn't happy about it."

"When was the last time someone was happy about talking to Dashiell Turner?" he pointed out. "Dylan, do we have any onion left?"

"I think so," Dylan replied, and moved to the refrigerator to get some.

Dylan had been shifting away from the group, but Walsh had caught her in time. Levi took the onion from her and chopped it up. Dylan snaked her hand around his arm, standing next to him. He smiled, glad that she seemed to be doing better this week.

"He would have been welcome over," Walsh remarked.

"Tyson seemed upset; I didn't want to push things," Alcott replied. "Like I said, I'm not sure what Dashiell told him. They didn't have partners on Earth like we do, right?"

"Right, they had enough people for diversity," Levi said. "People married for all sorts of things: money, love, politics. Earth wasn't perfect."

"Of course not, they sent us here," Dylan said.

Levi glanced at her, squeezing her hand.

"My madre said that we were the best and brightest of Earth," Alcott remarked. "I would usually respond that Lully was hardly the best and brightest."

Walsh laughed.

"Lully is a smart boy. He needs to have less rotated hobbies, but Esperanza keeps him in line."

"You know, you could invite your parents over if you wanted," Walsh remarked. "You talk about them, but..."

"They think I should have made different choices; we don't agree on much," Alcott shrugged. "Of course, now my madre is moonshy over the baby, so I'm avoiding her more than I should."

"She's just excited about being a grandparent," Walsh said.

Levi could hear the wistfulness in his voice. Dylan squeezed his arm, and he slid the chopped onion to Walsh who added it to the potatoes.

"Ibsen wants to move the Aeneid," Dylan mentioned. "To the lake to make a satellite base."

"What?" Alcott laughed. "It's half buried in the side of the hill. Wouldn't that be something to see? When?"

"It's not set yet," Dylan admitted. "But we're talking about it."

"I would move out to the lake in a heartbeat," Walsh admitted. "Nothing to do with environmental, but Lully has built something impressive out there."

"You can always donate to the cause," Levi remarked. "Lully has been wanting to plant some trees out there, and Anatoly worries that they won't survive out there without better earthstorm planning."

"With a large ship as a windbreak, it might not be so bad," Walsh mused. "I would love to see the Aeneid move once more time."

He leaned back against the counter with a sigh. "I was a young man when we crashed. I miss the stars sometimes."

"What was it like?" Alcott inquired.

"I was unappreciative at the time," he said. "We didn't have many portholes but we all crowded around when we got to the planet. It was this glowing ball with the sun glinting off it. Beautiful. The rest of space was boring, you tell them, Levi."

"I got to see the Milky Way arm as we passed out of Earth's solar system," Levi admitted. "It was amazing."

Alcott slugged him in the arm. "I wish you had a holo-rib at the time. I would have loved to see pictures."

"We have a book," Dylan mentioned. "Levi, doesn't it have galaxies they photographed on Earth?"

"What are you waiting for? Alcott demanded. "Walsh and I will finish dinner, why don't you two go get it?"

Walsh handed Levi his crutch as Dylan and he moved to the front door. They headed down the hall together quietly.

"I still haven't wrapped my head around Alcott's new partner," Dylan remarked. "It's too rotated, even for Dashiell."

"I agree," Levi snorted. "Dylan, I was your only match, right?"

"Oui, why?"

"Why didn't they threaten you with cryo?"

"They would have," she answered. "Later. I was only eighteen; O'Keefe would have waited until I was twenty-four. Of course, they kept promising they'd pull you out of cryo. That was a lie."

They made it back to their berth. Dylan found the book on the shelf and returned to Levi's side. Levi was used to the roar of the earthstorm to the point that he had forgotten it was going on. He hoped this would be a short storm.


Dylan stiffened as a person turned the corner, heading towards them. It was Tyson, relief plain on his face when he recognized Levi.

"I'm so sorry; do you know where Alcott is?" Tyson inquired. "I was sulking and didn't ask where she'd gone, and I feel terrible about my behavior." He laughed. "I have six years of education on how to deal with people, and one encounter with Dashiell Turner throws it all out the window."

"You could have just called her," Levi told him. "Don't you have a holo-rib?"

"Yes, but I don't know how to use it," Tyson replied. "And I'm sorry, I don't think we were formally introduced. I'm Tyson."

"Dylan," she said.

He stuck out his hand, but Dylan had both of hers wrapped around the book. She hadn't bolted yet, so Levi rest his arm over her shoulders, giving her an encouraging smile.

"Sorry, Tyson, we don't really shake hands here," Levi explained. "I only know about it because my father told me. You can come along; Alcott and Walsh are waiting for us."

Tyson bobbed his head, dropping his hand. He walked next to Dylan, though Levi wished he would stand on the other side of her.

"What's the book?" Tyson asked.

"It's about galaxies," Dylan told him. "We were going to look through it for dinner."

"For dinner? Do we not eat food for dinner?" Tyson joked.

"During dinner," Levi amended, making a mental note to talk to Tyson privately. He didn't want this man to scare Dylan when she had made so much progress.

"How many people live here?" Tyson continued. "I guess I'm surprised there is book publisher."

Dylan giggled. "The book is from Earth. It's over a hundred years old."

Levi laughed as well at Tyson's surprised face as Dylan punched in the code to Walsh's berth.

"We picked up another for dinner," Levi called. "Not that he can eat anything."

"Tyson?" Alcott called. "Never mind him, I want to see these galaxies; Walsh has been talking it up."

"Ouch," Tyson remarked.

Dylan cleared a spot on the table and opened the book carefully. The colors had been pretty well preserved; the Aeneid and the base were relatively dust free. The first photo was of a bright blue sphere. They all stared at it for a while without saying anything.

"What does it say? Is that a star?" Alcott inquired.

"No, it's Earth," Tyson said. "That continent is North America, and that little bit there is Greenland. You can see Africa and Europe at the edges."

He pointed all of these out, and then wiped his eyes. "Wow. I'll never see my planet again. I mean, it's out there, somewhere and people are living and dying and they have very little in common with this world, at least as far as I can tell."

Alcott turned the page. Levi had pulled this particular book down when he was feeling homesick for the Aeneid. It happened less and less now, but he enjoyed the look of amazement on the others' faces.

"Do you think Lully could figure out a way to print these?" Walsh inquired. "This would be a beautiful print."

"I'llask," Levi remarked.

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