Dangerously In Love (Daryl Di...

By bebe05215

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Amber Greene is a spoiled, rich girl who never worked a day in her life and always got everything she ever wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 21

312 12 1
By bebe05215

Wiping my tears away, I stood up and stomped over to my Uncle.

"You lied to me," I sobbed. "Why didn't you tell me that Spencer was in there? Huh? And where the hell is Abigail?" I shouted enraged. "WHERE?"

Maggie walked in front of me. "Don't shout at him, Amber."

My eyes narrowed and I grabbed onto my bloody blonde hair in distress. "Then tell me Maggie, what the hell am I suppose to do? Spencer is freaking dead. I thought he died soundlessly not that he turned into a freaking walker! Why didn't you guys kill him before he turned? He was probably in horrible agony!" I cried remembering Jim. "I'm ballistic right now and I want some fucking answers!" I turned back to my Uncle. "Now, where is she?"

Uncle Hershel was quiet for a moment before he sighed. "...I don't know Darlin'. After we locked up Spencer and the rest, she ran off into the woods. We searched for weeks and never found her." My heart halted and I suddenly felt lightheaded.

"You mean to tell me, she's out there all by herself!"

He sighed. "It's been weeks. The probability of that is very slim. You saw what happened to Sophia."

My eyes narrowed. "Don't say that! She might still be alive."

His eyes softened and they held a striking emotion. Pity. He pitied me. "Oh child, don't get your hopes up," he sniffled and stared at his deceased wife's body. "I know I did."

I shook my head in disgust and stalked away. How could they not tell me? I could have- I would have- What? You would have, could have what? You're a coward Amber! You would have died before finding her. I shook my head and bit back tears. That's not true. I would have atleast tried. Just like you tried to find Sophia? You stayed inside all day while Daryl did all the dirty work. My eyes casted down as I made it to my room and shut the door. Damn it! She was right !

I decided to ignore the days event, instead I took a shower. I was very good at blocking off my emotions so I did just that. I didn't feel like paintng my nails but I did brush my hair and put it up into a high ponytail. I then sighed as I sat by the window and looked outside. The gang was digging holes for the bodies. I sadly gulped when I noticed Daryl come out of the RV. He was comforting Carol, but not me his girlfriend.

I suddenly felt angry. I wasn't stupid. I saw the way Carol looked at Daryl, maybe not romantically but there was definitely a spark somewhere in there. I keep telling myself that it's just because he tried looking for Sophia but I'm not stupid, she likes him. My anger surged. What if he likes her? We had established that I'd never cheat but what about Daryl? He was strong, capable and a freaking certified zombie killer. And Carol was good at cleaning, cooking, skinning and doing laundry while I was just here. I was useless and pregnant, nobody would want me. They don't even care enough to tell me things. I scoffed. Well I'll show them! I'll ignore them!

"Wow! Way to show 'em!"

I looked up to mentally glared at her when suddenly I choked on my own spit. Standing before me was a punk version of myself, so to speak. Her blonde hair curly and unruly, her makeup black and mysterious, her clothes dark and dangerous. My eyes widened at the evil in front of me but oddly enough I wasn't scared.


She smirked and winked plafuly. "The one and only babe."

Holy shit! I'm becoming my dad.

"Yeah you are."

Holy shit! She can hear my thoughts!

Brittany chuckled. "Of course I can, I am you. The only difference now is that I am out here instead of in there," she pointed at her head. "The lost of your brother has really weakened your mind, hence I was able to manifest myself into a visual personification. Neat huh?"

I shook my head in disbelief. "Am I crazy?"

"A little bit, but don't worry. I won't take over yet. I need more crying and sobbing before you're weak enough," she walked towards the door and leaned her head against it. "Someone's coming. It' probably your man. You better tell him off for the whole Carol thing."

I shook my head and she sighed. Her lashes long and flirtatious. "Am I really that pretty?"

Brittant chuckled. "How shallow can you be?" She paused before smirking. "As shallow as me! We are gorgeous love and that redneck better know it! Bye!" And just like that she vanished. The hell...That's when the door opened.

I smiled relieved but also disappointed when I saw that it was just Carl. He smiled and sat down on the chair in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled before pulling out a deck of cards.

"Wanna play?"

I giggled. Grateful to have something else on my mind. It was refreshing. "That depends." I paused and leaned in collecting the cards and shuffling them like a pro."Are you ready to get killed, little man?"

Carl smirked at the challenge. "Bring it on, sister!"


"They're back," I heard Lori shout from outside, and I dropped the round of cards and followed her outside. Like Lori, I hadn't yet to show. I'll admit I was 'bigger' than before seeing as my stomach was perfectly flat but not it has some roundness to it. And I still don't know how I feel about it. Either way, I could still move perfectly which is why I made it outside before any of them.

"Daryl!" I shouted happily but he just grunted and walked behind towards the trunk. How rude of him! Can you believe he still hasn't spoke to me about my brother and niece? Nothing instead, he goes off searching for Uncle Hershel.

"Well...that's why he's a good for nothing redneck!" Brittany glared at him from behind me. It still surprises me that only I can see her. "He even stopped sleeping in the same room with you, Amber. Wake up already. He's not good enough for you." And I looked down as she said this. I did feel a tad bit neglected.

I decided to speak up. "Uncle Hershel, what's going on?"

"These men," Uncle Hershel began. "shot at us and Rick and Daryl decided to capture one of them."

I gasped. "Why would they shoot-" I stopped talking when Rick and Daryl took the body out of the trunk, a young man -maybe a few years younger than me- was being dragged towards us. "What are you going to do to him?"

Shane looked me dead in the eye as he responded, "The only thing we can do is kill 'em."

Dale stepped in front of me when Shane said this. "You guys aren't serious? He's just a boy."

Daryl shook his head. "He could be a threat."

"He's chained up." Dale insisted. "You guys can't be that heartless. If we give in to killing humans, we're no better than those walkers!"

"It has to be done." Shane shouted and Dale shook his head before walking back next to Andrea.

My eyes were disbelieving. How?- Why would they do such a thing? I looked towards Daryl and begged him with my eyes."That's cruel.....it's fucking inhumane. Please don't-"

"Amber?" Daryl tensed beside me, as the guy talked from underneath the blindfold. "Amber Greene is that you?" I was silent. "It has to be! Amber please help me!"

Everyone looked at me and I gulped. I knew that voice.


The men gasped horrified. "You know him?" Rick questioned apprehensively. "How? From where?"

"I used to baby sit him and Maggie." I felt tears prickling at my blue eyes. "He's harmless, I swear. He wouldn't hurt you guys. He's just a boy."

"He shot at us, Amber!" Shane shouted in my face. "He's dangerous! Now stop living in this fucked up little fantasy world and grow a pair. We need him gone before his little friends come looking for him! Stop being so damn naive!"

"Watch ya' mouth Walsh!" Daryl intercepted but I was already crying. Daryl's eyes softned, "Ya' best get some rest. I'll talk to Rick and from then on, we'll see what happens okay?" I nodded before kissing his cheek, grateful when he did not flinch away from my touch.

Taking a few steps away from them, I decided to go sit on the porch swings for a while. Everyone else was going to place him in the barn. It was weird after having all of the walkers in there. It made my skin crawl. And as I swung on the swing with Brittany whenI noticed Carl straying away from the farm and closer to the forest.

"Carl!" I called out to him but he didn't listen. "Carl Grimes!!!" Or maybe he didn't hear me.

"Kids tone death, I swear!" Brittany rolled her eyes as his figure disappeared. She looked up at me and sighed. "You're not going after that little prick are you?" I nodded determindly before, I grabbed my hunting knife and ran after him. I seriously need to get a gun soon. And at the time, I didn't think to alert anyone because I thought that I could bring him back in no time.

However, that was not the case at all. I found him standing next to a muddy looking swamp a mile or so away from the farm; staring at a walker stuck there."Carl, you shouldn't wander off like this, let's go sweetie. Your mom's probably worried sick."

Brittany scoffed. "Yeah right! She didn't even notice he left! Now let's go, my shoes are getting ruined."

Ignoring her altogether, I reached out to him as I felt a few rain drops on my shoulders and sighed. "Carl, this is creepy. It's about to rain we have to get back before the swamp rises. We don't want to be stuck like that walker now do we?" Carl turned to me, his expression odd. "What's wrong?"

"You look like the little girl over there," Carl said while pointing behind the walker stuck in the swamp. My heart stopped and I was afraid to look out there. "Don't you see it? She's right behind that tree..." he trailed off as he jumped over a rock and ran around the swamp.

My eyes popped open but I couldn't speak. I just ran after him.

"I swear this kid needs a leash!" Brittany panted as the rain drops began to multiply. "My hairs getting frizzy-"

"You're not real so shutup!" I snapped as I crashed into Carl's back. 

He had stopped inches away from the walker. I looked up and stared at it, my mouth becoming dry. "Oh my god," I bellowed softly as a wave of pain hit my heart. It's too soon. Much too soon.

"Wow," Brittany began with a grimace. "I'm surprised she's still in tacted."

My eyes watered as they ran over her appearance. My little Abby. My precious baby girl wore a small pink dress with pigtails and one shoe. Her other foot entirely missing as she growled savagely for our flesh. I closed my eyes and used the tree next to me to support my crumbling body. I couldn't handle this. I wasn't strong enough. Everyone's right...I'm weak. But even as I thought this I noticed Abby limp towards us, towards Carl in particular. That's when I snapped out of it. 

I gripped my hunting knife and tried to push Carl behind me. But he wouldn't move. He held a gun in his hand and aimed it at her. "Carl sweetie, I'm going to need you to move," I cried suddenly scared as she approached. I took a deep breath. It's not Abby anymore, I reminded myself but it was no use. She was still my little angel. Brittany please help me do this! I pleaded as I stared into my nieces decaying face. 

Brittany smirked, "I thought you'd never ask."

But I was confused. She didn't do anything she just stood there and since I was distracted, I didn't notice Abby come close. I turned just in time to see Abby lung at Carl. He released a shot but it hit her shoulder. My eyes widened and a sudden urge to kill Abby over came me. Unleashing my knife, I jumped on top of her and stabbed her head with it. I then kicked her body off of Carl once, and then twice, three times, four and after a while I lost count. I was battering her body out of anger. I was angry at the world for doing this her. 

"Amber?" Carl's small voice could be heard behind me and I stopped. He was frightened. I had scared him. I turned and saw tears streaming down his face. It mirror mine and I knew he knew who that walker was. 

"Come here," I pleaded and he ran over to me and hugged me. I sobbed into his neck as the reality of how fucked we were sunk in. "I'm so sorry," I mumbled into his soft hair as I brushed it. My hands were wet and I finally took notice of the rainstorm that we were in. Out of all days to rain in Georgia. "Let's go," I told him, my head pounding. "Help me with the body?" I practically ordered and he nodded. Scared to defy me. And I knew my voice was harsh but I felt different. I looked around and saw Brittany smirking at me by the tree. She winked and I knew that this was her doing. 

Afterwards, Carl had helped me drag the body back to the farm. Since it was raining, no one was outside and I could distinctly see the lights on inside of the farm house. I rolled my eyes at them. Of course, they're all cozy while I'm slowly being devoured by my own pain and misery. 

"Is this deep enough?" Carl asked out of breath as we finished digging a grave for Abby. We dug it next to Spencer's grave.

"It's fine." I paused as I took off my sweater and covered her face with it. Then after we were all done. Both of us dirty and tired, I pulled Carl towards the farm. "Thank you," I mumbled and he smiled weakly at me.

"I'm sorry for your niece." 

I shrugged. "It's okay, shit happens."

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