My Highland Heart (On Hold/Ed...

By AJSkinner

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Lady Alexandra Stewart was once a happy and adventurist tomboy, much to her older sister Ainsley’s dismay, bu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen


23.9K 169 41
By AJSkinner

Scotland, 1275

The first thing I remember, when I awoke, was the sun streaming into my bedchamber through the stained glass window, causing the room to fill with a rainbow of colors. I had thought it to be a good omen, that the day would be a happy one, but how wrong I was to be.

“Alexandra, are ye up yet?” On hearing my sister’s voice, I quickly jumped from my bed, started to pull on my tunic and braies, then tugging on my boots. Once dressed, I began pulling all of my hair into a bun, so I could easily conceal it under a cap. I just finished, when the door opened to reveal my older sister, Ainsley. “Yer not goin’ dressed like that!” she exclaimed.

I placed my eleven year old hands on my eleven year old hips and stared at her, “And why not! Are we no goin’ on a picnic and playin’ games?”

“We are, but with our guests. Mother will want us lookin’ our best as hosts.”

“Mother is no goin’ to say a word about what I be wearin’, 'tis ye who needs to look her best for yer betrothed and family. Now let us be goin’ before Mother sends those blasted MacTavish boys to fetch us.” And with that I grabbed Ainsley’s hand, as we started to make our way down to the Great Hall to meet everyone, and break our morning fast before we headed out to the clearing for our afternoon picnic and fun.

"But Ronald, can it not wait until this eve, as we have already made plans for the day to include all of us?” I heard mother ask father just as we entered the room.

Before he could answer her, our presence was noticed. We made our way, immediately, to our seats.

“Tis about time the two of you decided to join us,” Father said with a bit of disappointment. He then gave me a stern look and I quickly removed my cap, as it was not polite to wear a hat at the table.

It was clear everyone had been waiting for us before eating, as they were already seated at the large trestle table. Father, of course, was seated at the head, with mother to his right, and then the entire MacTavish family, to father’s left. There was Laird Cullen MacTavish, Lady Elspeth, their oldest son Colin – also known as my sister Ainsley’s betrothed - followed by their second oldest son, Kieron, and then the twins, Evan and Elliott. Kieron was two years older than me and the twins two years younger. We have known and played together since we were babes, which was another reason why, my boyish dress would not surprise any of our guests.

“Tis alright Laird Stewart,” I turned to see Colin speaking to my father, “we must give the ladies more time to ready themselves for the day, if t'will allow them to look as beautiful as they are.”

I turned to my left to see Ainsley blush, as she lowered her head, and a faint smile spread across her face. The whole thing just made my stomach turn, and it was obvious the younger three MacTavish’s agreed with me. They started laughing, and making gagging noises towards their older brother.

“That will be enough boys,” Laird MacTavish announced and the room became silent once more.

Everyone then began to fill their plates with food and eat. That then, allowed my mother to ask her question again to my father, waiting for an answer.

“We men have a few things to finish, and will follow shortly. Go and enjoy this beauty of a day, as there are no' many ta be had, when the colder air starts ta make 'tis presence known inna months time.”

It was a very unseasonably warm October day for us here, in the Scottish Highlands. We are usually the first to feel and see the effects of the fall weather, but not today.

“Fine, we shall go, takin’ the girls and younger boys with us, but be expectin’ the rest of ye to join us within the hour,” Mother added with a smile as she and Father shared a hand squeeze to show both their promise and affection for one another when others were present.

Just as we were to set out I realized that I had forgotten my cap on my chair in the Great Hall. I jumped from my mount and started to make my way inside.

“Alex, where will ye be goin’? We’re about to leave,” Ainsley asked with annoyance.

“I left me cap and shall return in hast.” I then started to run up the stairs behind her. I did not stop my pursuit until I reached the room and had my cap in hand. As I turned to leave the room again I could not help to overhear the discussion taking place in front of the large hearth where my father, Laird Cullen and Colin where standing.

“Tis good to know that both yer daughters will be protected and the future of our clan’s will continue to be joined now, through our children’s unions, than just our mere friendship.” Laird Cullen added, with a hand shake to my father, and a laugh.

“Aye, but ye have nothin’ to worry about, as the union between Colin and Ainsley will secure your clan’s future. Where as, I will have to hope and pray, that Kieron and Alexandra will join the same way, and secure mine.”

“May we all send a silent prayer that all will be well then,” Colin added as all three joined in laughter and at my expense. I stayed silent and slipped out of the room before I was spotted, to make my way back to our group.

“Why ye so quiet? Ye’re never quiet unless ye’re plottin’ somethin’?” Ainsley’s words woke me from the thought of what I had overheard in the Great Hall.

“Ainsley, how do ye truly feel about Colin? I mean, how did ye feel when ye where told he was gonna be yer betrothed?” I asked her as I found my eyes looking towards Kieron who was playing around with his brothers as they took turns trying to push each other off of their mounts.

He was handsome, all the MacTavish boys where with their dark blond hair, that held just a hint of red in them when the light hit it just right, just like their father’s, but it was the green eyes they inherited from their mother that caught your attention. They were dark like emeralds, unlike my paler shade. You could get lost just looking in a pair of those dark green eyes.

“Aye, I was scared as first. I knew Colin as a friend but wondered if he would make a good husband? Would he grow to care for me in that way? Could he and I find the love that Mother and Father have? But the more I thought about it the more I became excited at findin’ out. And as 'tis we both have already grown to like each other and know love will soon follow after we are wed,” Ainsley stated with a smile on her face. I watched her touch her lips with her fingers, as if she was recalling a memory. “Ye know we have already spoken about names for our barins and how many we wish to have. Aye, we will find love and quickly as we plan to start on our own family right away.”

Before I could ask her anymore we came to a halt, as we reached the clearing for our picnic and afternoon play.

Our mothers and Ainsley were sitting on the blanket enjoying the warmth of the sun while me and the boys where playing tag in the nearby woods when I felt the ground move under my feet. I quickly started to run for the clearing towards my mother. As soon as I reached her side she was standing with an alarmed look on her face. She too felt the ground rumbling.

“Alexandra, I want ye to go with the boys and hide in the woods. Ye must stay hidden until I come and listen to Kieron’s every word.”

“But Mother…”

“Please do as I ask daughter,” as she hugged me and then whispered “I love ye”.

Just then, I turned to see Lady Elspeth speaking with her three boys and then hugged them just as tightly. As soon as she released them, Kieron walked over to take my hand, and lead me back towards the woods we were just playing in moments ago.

“Alex, we need to climb and hide in the tree’s higher branches,” Kieron stated just before I watch the three boys jump up and climb on the first low branch of a large tree. “Take me hand and I will help pull ye up.”

Just as I reached for his hand, the ground shook again, and I turned to see about thirty men riding into the clearing. I did not recognize the flag that was the color of blood with, what looked to be a dragon design on it. Yet, I knew instantly it was not of a Scottish clan.

“Alex,” Kieron voice caused me to return my attention back towards him “please take me hand as we must hide now.” I could see the concern and sadness in his eyes and knew that my life was forever about to change as I finally took his hand and he placed me on the branch beside him. “We need to keep climbin’ as they can see us where we are if they come searchin’ in the woods.” I allowed Kieron to continue helping me while trying to watch what was taking place in the clearing.

Once he felt we were safe enough away from being spotted, the four of us settled together between two branches, the twins on one and Kieron and me on the other. That was when I turned to speak.

“Kieron, do ye know who they are?”

“English from what I can make from the flag they carry and no plaid on their persons.”

“English, here so far in the Highlands? But why?”

“I do not know but 'tis clear me father nor yers knew of their presence or they would not have allowed us out here without them or an escort.” Oh no, Kieron was right. We were out here far from the keep walls with no men or escort - with no one to save us.

Then a scream I recognized to be my sister’s caused me to turn back to the clearing. I watch as five soldiers tried to pull her away from the security of my mother’s arms. Then three others joined on my mother’s side finally breaking them apart as the five continued to carry my sister away toward the woods while she screamed and they laughed. Four more soldiers did the same with Lady Elspeth. I noticed she did not scream or make a sound as she was being taken. Leaving only my mother in the clearing, who was still being held by the three soldiers. That was the first time I noticed a larger solider in front of them who was obviously the one giving out the orders as he dismounted from his mount. It was clear he and my mother had been exchanging words since the soldiers’ arrival. We were too far away to hear what was being said but it was clear from his body language that he did not like my mother’s words. She was known to have a wicked tongue when angered.

“Alex,” Kieron’s voice broke the silence. I turned to look at him and watched the tears that where falling from his eyes. He knew what was coming and was trying to save me from seeing it, but something deep inside me knew I needed to watch and remember. My head returned to the clearing just as the solider removed his sword from its sheath while the other three soldiers held my mother on her knees. He then raised his sword and quickly brought it down taking my mother’s head with it. I cried out but it was not heard as Kieron quickly covered my mouth with this hand to silence me. Then the four of us watched as the other soldiers returned from the woods to their mounts and rode out of sight.


AUTHOR'S NOTES ~ I hope you will hang in with me as I try to do some much needed editing to this story. I am working very hard to get the accent right and did some research on correct origin names and clans, so you will be seeing some name changes as I edit each chapter. AS ALWAYS, comments and suggestions are welcome as long as they are polite. Thank You ~ AJ Skinner

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