The Past Can Hurt. {Louis Tom...

By DemiSavedMe

7.1K 278 58

"She loved him and he loved her, but it wasn't that simple." More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Author's note.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Author's Note.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.

Chapter Three.

344 10 5
By DemiSavedMe

I decided to go downstairs and see what the ruckus was. 

"Oh, hi, sweetie. Are those boys annoying you?" Lauren asked when I saw her in the kitchen.

I laughed awkwardly. "What boys?"

"Oh, the boys of One Direction. They're in the living room with Simon." She replied.

"Oh." I stated simply.

"Would you like to help me with dinner?" She asked smiling.

"Sure." I smiled back.

"Awesome, just wash your hands then start cutting up some vegetables." She instructed.

I did as told.

"Do you like your new clothes?" She asked.

"Oh, yes! I love them! Thank you so much!" I said happily.

"Well, your uncle showed me picture so I kinda guessed on the sizes. Hope they fit, and if not, I can always take you to get some that do." She stated smiling.

"Oh, they do actually. I was quite surprised myself."

"Oh, good good. Man, those boys sure can get rowdy." She said referring to the boys in the living room.

I laughed. "Yeah, I guess so."

We were silent for a couple of minutes so I started singing quietly to myself Wasting All These Tears by Cassadee Pope.

"Wow, you're amazing!" Lauren exclaimed.

I blushed and looked down embarrassed. "Whoops, I didn't realize anyone could hear me."

"Why? You're amazing! Ever think about a career? I'm sure Simon could make it happen." She smiled.

"Oh, no. I have stage fright." I admitted.

"Well, you shouldn't. Anyway, it's almost ready. I'll do everything else. Go upstairs, wash up, and get ready." She told me shooing me off toward the stairs.

I went upstairs, washed my face, recurled the parts of my long brown hair that needed it, and went to my closet to pick an outfit. (A/N outfit at

"Dinners ready!" I heard Lauren shout from the bottom of the stairs.

I walked out the door and down the stairs to the dining room.

I walked into the dining room with my head down, looking at my screen on my phone.

"Hello, dear. Have a seat." I heard my uncle say. When I looked up, I saw the most beautiful pairs of eyes I'd ever laid eyes on. One Direction.

I went and sat at the end of the table.

"Ello, love. I'm Louis. This is Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry." The eldest one with perfect blue eyes said, pointing to each of them.

"Hi, I'm Katherine. Feel free to call me whatever you'd like." I smiled.

"I like her, Simon. She's not freaking out." Niall said.

I giggled and blushed.

For the rest of the dinner we all talked and got to know each other. I decided I really liked these boys. 

"Is everyone done?" I asked taking up plates.

"Oh, I'll get it, hun. Sit down." Lauren said.

"No, I got it. It's the least I can do." I smiled and walked into the kitchen with the plates and started washing them.

"Oh, I'm in trouble, I'm an addict.

I'm addicted to this boy.

He's got my heart tied in a knot, and my stomach in a whirl.

Even worse, I can't stop calling him.

He's all I want and more.

I mean damn, what's not to adore?" I sang to myself while everyone was in  the dining room talking.

"Wow, you're good." I heard from behind me, making me jump, drop the dishes back into the water in the sink, and turn around putting my hand on my chest.

"Goodness gracious, Niall. Don't do that!" I scolded as he laughed and pulled himself up on the counter to sit.

"Sorry, Kat,- can I call you Kat?" I nodded. "You're really good though."

"Don't tell a soul." I growled, getting back to the dishes.

"Why not, love?" He asked, confused.

"Because." I snapped.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, it's just been a tough week." I said truthfully, stopping what I was doing to look at him.

"It's okay. Wanna talk about it?"

"No, thank you." I replied finishing up with the dishes.

"Okay, well if you ever need to talk, I'm here." He smiled warmly, hopped off the counter, and walked back into the dining room with everyone else as I followed.

"Well,  we really should be going." Liam said as everyone stood up.

"Oh, no. It's a blizzard out there! We're not having you out in that, you could get hurt." Lauren said.

"Oh, c'mon. Really, we'll be fine." Zayn insisted.

"No, boys. It's dangerous out there. We have enough room. You can stay here." Simon stated.

"Simon's right guys. It's dangerous out there and we have our own rooms here. Lets stay." Harry concluded.

"Alright." Liam gave in.

"You boys know where everything is. Simon and I are heading to bed." Lauren announced leading Simon up stairs.

"GET IT, LAUREN AND UNCLE SI!" I yelled after them and the boys started cracking up.

"ALREADY DID!" My uncle yelled from upstairs.

Our jaws dropped. Then almost simultaneously we all started laughing our butts off.

"Alright, I'm going to bed. Night boys."  I mumbled and started walking up the stairs as I heard a bunch of  goodnights.

I went upstairs changed into my pajamas and a messy bun. (A/N outfit at Then laid down and fell asleep quickly.

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