Tell Me How To Reach You (Cam...

By ActXOne

108K 2.7K 244

She figures it just means that they really are best friends. She's sure that everyone must think about their... More



5.3K 167 0
By ActXOne

Lauren's been in Miami for two days, holed up in her room, collecting her thoughts and she can't help but be happy that management didn't tell anyone's parent's what happened. They just said the girls deserved a break before they started to promote their new album. She wonders if any of the girls told their parents the truth themselves, but she really doubts it. No one wants to know that their newly famous daughter is part of a band that has members blowing coke the night before a show.

She calls Dinah first, then Normani, then Ally. She apologizes and apologizes and they all must hear how genuine she is because they believe her. They also believe her when she says that she will never touch hard drugs again, and that when they get back to work she is going to behave.

"Look, I don't know what you're dealing with personally. But just figure it out okay? The three of us don't really know what happened, but I know you weren't yourself that night. Just make sure that when we get back to work, you're Lauren again," Ally says sincerely, mirroring what the other two girls said previously.

It's almost too simple, Lauren thinks, until every single call ends the same way.

"You really, really need to talk to Camila. You hurt her. A lot. 

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