Dancing In The Storm (On Hold)

Bởi mesayspizza

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Sometimes, people aren't what we assume they are. First impressions are never correct. One look at Hazel Cad... Xem Thêm

I'm just an itsy bitsy nameless creature
I could be anorexic for all you know!
aren't you the guy who had animal sex with my neighbor's dog?
Stupid boys with cooties
Did you know female kangaroo has three vaginas?
This is my personal space, I want you to not invade it.
Your lips looked kissable, so I kissed them
It's not my fault you have sexy nipples
I still don't understand your obsession with chemistry homework
I didn't know you were into naked guys wearing thongs.
Are you wearing a bra or are those tits outta' the cage?
You can't get away with just flicking at me missy!
What the fuck is this baboon doing here?
killing people and roasting rabbits for dinner.
Is this a date or a murder interrogation?
Stupid hairdryer tried to kill me!!
You're a pedophile
You have perverted clouds above your house.
You both are sickening and repulsively cute.
hey there disappointment, it's been a while
Never call me Xavier twice
You're stepping lines
I'm not your puppet
knock that stage off from under those people
I need to reconsider my sexual libido
Are you calling me a cockroach?
Do you think my name sounds like caviar?

I don't wanna look like a noseless person.

69 6 1
Bởi mesayspizza

"My darling you can't see it, can you
How like the moon you are, both of you so timid in yourselves;hiding pieces from the world.
Then there are those rare moments, when you both are full and it becomes hard to look away.
You are beautiful"


"Well so I think this one is better than the previous one. But personally this one too has too much of shimmer. I guess we'll have to find another one right?" Nora finally decided to ask me. I, who was plopped on her bed, rose my head a bit to see which dress she was talking about this time. About a dozen of dresses came to my view, leaving me still confused about which dress she was talking.

"I still don't understand why we're going through so many dresses. Why can't we just simply wear some jeans?" I asked in an extremely bored tone. It seemed like my suggestion worked on Nora.

"You're right! We can dress as classy as ever!" Oh shit! Did that mean I'm gonna have to dress slutty?

"No Hazel, you're not dressing slutty and that was one time thing!" Oops, looks like I said that aloud.

So the next hour we had finally opted two outfits. Nora had gone for bright pink shorts and a black shirt that had a lacy upper half. It looked extremely sexy. And I must say Nora had a very good taste. She picked a pretty decent outfit for me as well. It was sexy and comfy altogether. And luckily I didn't even had to move a limb.
Mine was black leather jeans that showed my long legs with a black shirt and a short leather jacket. I was happy.

Nora's outfit above.^^

Hazel's outfit^^

Unfortunately what I had forgotten about was that I had to wear high heels. And the worst part was Nora wasn't wearing them!!! That was plain rude, don't you think!?
Even though I protested against it with all my might, Nora wasn't among the people who just give up so unfortunately it was me who finally gave up.

Reid and Jacob ( Nora's date) arrived soon. We too were finally done, so we came down. I nervously fiddled with my jacket. I had no idea how Reid would find me because these kind of outfits were never my type.

Walking down the stairs, I did not lift my gaze. I did not want to see the disappointment in Reid's eyes. I kept my head low. Finally reaching him, I looked at him. And I must say he looked handsome. I looked away after I saw him looking at me with a blank expression. I knew wouldn't like me! And just when I started towards the door, a pair of hands grabbed me by my shoulders and I was turned around to meet Reid's eyes.

"You look beautiful Hazel. " and I lost my voice. Although, I wasn't as nervous as I usually am when I'm with Xavier, but the nervousness was still there. Only Reid and Xavier were the two people that made me word vomit and speak incoherent things. It was like I wasn't in the right state of my mind. It was annoying really.

"You l-look beautiful t-too." I stuttered. Reid looked at me with raised eyebrows. "No! I mean cute! No! Sorry! Handsome!!! I meant handsome. Yess definitely that. I mean men are not beautiful right? And you're a man so you're gonna handsome. Haha, so foolish." I spoke quickly. Reid laughed.

"You're cute." He remarked and I mentally victory danced. However when I saw Reid laughing, I realized that I wasn't victory dancing mentally, but in actual aswell. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. Great way to ruin the moment Hazel. When your crush praises you, victory dance in front of him so that he thinks you're crazy. Yep good going Hazel! No wonder Xavier calls me weirdo!

Where I did he even cone from!!!!??? I asked myself.

Don't be so surprised at thinking about him. My inner voice replied.

Of course I'm gonna be surprised. I shouldn't be thinking about him. I replied back.

Someone's crushing two people at a time!! the inner voice cooed.

Am not!

Are too!

Shut up!!

You shut up!!!

"You okay Hazel?" Reid looked at me with concern. Why the hell am I trying make a complete cake out of myself!?!?!

"Oh yeah of course! Let's just go shall we?" I asked as if I wasn't victory dancing then zoning out just few minutes ago. Please Lord, let me pass through the night without blunders.
Love, Hazel.

Reid looked at me with amused eyes. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Sure." I breathed out relief.

We began towards the convertible Reid had brought. Nora was going alone so we simply parted ways. For a same destination though. Since she wanted me and Reid to have a time alone. The uncomfortable silence in the car was broken by Reid.

"So Hazel, do you still sing?" He asked me. I laughed nervously and shook my head. Reid frowned.

"Why? You had a pretty sweet voice back then. As far as I remember, you used to love singing, back then when we were paired together." He asked me. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat.

Mom used to love singing, so she used to teach me. And that's the reason I loved it. Dad used to hear both of us singing everyday. He used to ask what I learnt from mom and then used to ask me and mom to sing. It was our family time. But now, mom wasn't so interested in teaching me, and no one was there to listen.

"Just not interested anymore." I answered quietly. If Reid noticed the tightness in my voice, he didn't mention it. Instead he changed the topic.

"I'm sure you still love music,'cuz I'm gonna turn the radio up. I can't drive without songs actually." He said sheepishly. I grinned.

"I don't mind at all. Actually I'm still addicted to listening songs." I replied. Reid grinned back and nodded. He turned the music and we fell back into a comfortable silence, letting the music takeover.

Rest of the ride went pretty smooth. I managed to get through, without embarrassing myself again. Yippee!

We entered his house, and I was welcomed with loud music blaring through the walls and a huge crowd of teenagers drunken off their asses. I hadn't even began my way into the crowd, when a guy came to me clearly drunk and grabbed me by the waist. Before I could even react he was pushed off me by Reid. He was wearing a little frown, concern etched over his forehead. I should say, he looked very cute. I mentally cooed.

"I don't think you wearing this outfit is a very good idea anymore." He said gloomily.

"I think I'm wearing the most decent dress among everyone." I replied with a pout. Reid looked at me and smiled. I felt my insides churning.

"Even then you look the most beautiful among every girl out here." He replied. Oh shit! Did he just say what I think he said?

"Hey! My friends are out there, let's go." He suddenly said. I nodded. I let him drag me through the crowd to the bar. A few guys were standing there. Reid did that man hug with every one of them and then turned around to introduce them to me. Although I needed no introduction. After all these years of stalking on Reid, I sure as hell knew the name of his friends. Haha, Not that I was a creep or something. Or was I?

"Hey Hazel, that's my friend Jonah, this is Braden, this is Kai and that's my Buddy, Drake." I one by one shook hands with each of them.

"Hi guys, I'm Hazel." I said shyly. One of his friend Kai looked at me with deep eyes.

"She's cute buddy. Do you go to the same school?" Kai asked me. My cheeks burned. What's with so many praises today? Don't people know, not to praise a girl too much?

"Hey! No flirting with. She's with me." Reid shoved Kai playfully. Kai smirked. I felt my inside churning take a stronger toll. Felt like somebody was murdering my insides now. Reid had just said I was with him. Does that mean he was possessive of me or was I just reading into everything too much? I shook my head off these thoughts and focused on the present.

Reid handed me a red cup with a drink. Just then I saw Nora entering the house. I quickly told Reid I was going too her and began her way. My journey however came to a halt when a very familiar smirking face entered my vision. I scowled.

"What's up weirdo?" Xavier asked me.

"The ceiling." I replied dryly. He raised his eyebrows.

"What's a nerd like you doing in a party? Aren't you supposed to be home doing maths homework?" He asked me with a smirk. And how I wished to knock that smirk off along with a few teeth.

"Why can't I come to a party?" I snapped.

"Because parties are not for the people who can't live a little. Who are too uptight to let loose." He taunted me again.

"I know how to freaking let loose!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Of course!"

"Prove it!"

"I will." Accepting Xavier's challenge I looked around and saw a guy carrying a few cups in his hand. Without thinking, I snatched the cups, making the drink inside splash out and drained it in one gulp. My throat burned. I looked at Xavier who was still smirking at me with his eyebrows raised. My scowl deepened. I took another cup of drink that was probably spiked aswell and swallowed it up too in one go. I grabbed Xavier by his collar and pulled him forward towards me. My hands found his and I guided them to my waist. His hands too in return latched onto my waist tightly. I began to rotate my hips around, grinding up on him. A grunt reached my ear. I turned around to meet his dark brown eyes almost black. A smirk creeped up my lips and without thinking any further I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. His response came immediately, by pressing his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his soft lips moving against mine. I felt his tongue beginning to dart into my mouth. I parted my lips further to give him and easy way in. I felt his tongue caressing every inch of my mouth. I moaned softly and was answered by a rough grunt. I now understand why the girls in our school craved his lips do much. They could surely do wonders on the other person.

We finally pulled apart to let our screaming lungs get some air. A grin made up to Xavier's face.

"Definitely worth it." He whispered.


"Tell meeeee!!!!" I shouted while balancing the two red solo cups on either side of my head. Xavier groaned.

"Come on Hazel. Please stop jumping!" He yelled over my screams and shouts. I suddenly quietened and pouted at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Come on tell me first!! Who do I look like???" I asked him again.

"Voldemort." He muttered quietly. I frowned.

"Hey! I don't look like a nose less person!!!" I protested loudly. Xavier held his hands up in surrender.

"Okay sorry! You look like a rabbit. Happy? Now please get off the couch. Kace is gonna kill me." He begged me.

In case you're wondering, currently me and Xavier were at Kace's place. After Xavier decided that I had quite a fair share of drinks, he brought me to Kace's home. And now I was jumping on his couch... With shoes on.

"But I wanna look like blossom!!!" I pouted again.

"Who the hell is this blossom!?" Xavier asked with irritation. My eyes widened.

"Blossom! The best among powderpuff girls!!" I told him in the you're-an-illiterate-person-living-under-a-rock tone.

"You are never drinking again." He warned me.

"First you tell me to drink and then not to drink. You are so confused!!!" Xavier rolled his eyes.

"But fear not my friend. I shall take you to dexter and he shall prepare a cure for you! He such a sweet person!" I made up a deep voice. Xavier's eyes darkened.

"Who is dexter!?" He demanded.

"He's that intelligent fellow! He made up a big laboratory! I wanna go there!!!! Take meeeeee!!!!" I began to thrash around when Xavier held me by the waist.

"Stop moving Hazel!!!" He yelled. My actions came to a halt. I looked at him with tears filling my eyes.

"Why are you shouting at me?" Xavier's face softened.

"You need to sleep Hazel." He asked softly. I frowned.

"But I don't wanna go home. Moms gonna be home tonight." I whined.

"Then stay here." He said softly. I nodded and rested my head against his chest. Gently, Xavier picked me up and began to carry me upstairs. Soon I felt the softness and warmth of the bed embracing me. I felt Xavier taking off my shoes and softly massaging my feet. My eyelids began to get droopy. I felt a pair of hands sliding my dress off and a new cool fabric began to cover my body. I decided not to respond and fell in the arms of the slumber calling me towards it.

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