The Jerk & I : Epilogue

By someone123

10K 56 39


The Jerk & I : Epilogue

10K 56 39
By someone123


So this is the Epilogue. Tis been the longest story for me. Although I suspect the story I'm starting after this will be longer. I've planned my next story and everything! I'm gonna try and make it more realistic and little less high-school girl typa thing. Yeah. So I hope you'll like it! THanks so much for being such awesome fans guys!! You are the absolute best!!


P.S. If u hadn't noticed MNR has been dropped. Abandoned. Finished. Gone. etc.



I hung onto the grimy metal pole. The train travelled at its usual speed, making me sway and lose my footing every now and again. I mean, I wasn't holding that pole for fun. The train was a little squishy and a little speedy today. All the seats were taken. Hence the whole standing up and holding the pole - ness.

I was visiting Macquarie University today. Just seeing the campus and everything, checking out my possible dorm room. It's still confused me why I wanted to go there. To study there. Especially since I hadn't really thought about college/university that much at all. Everytime I'd rhetorically ask this question to Alex she'd say, "I don't know! Stop asking that!" Then she'd continue about whatever it was we were going on about.

Jace wasn't exactly much help either. I still talk to him. Only on the phone or via e-mail/ MSN/ whatever. He was off enjoying college life. I still had this weird feeling he liked me, after all this time I think he still does. But I tried to ignore it, that usually worked. I couldn't face up to him and just tell him bluntly that I wasn't looking for anything with him. Basically: You're not my type. Don't wanna be with you. You're a great friend though. That was too harsh. Besides, I'm a coward.

Suddenly a sweeping feeling of calm and familiarity overcame me. We stopped at a station, making me stumble a little. A man, maybe my age, walked in. Right then I was fixated on him. He had broad shoulders, surfer-tanned skin, and spiky familiar-looking blond hair. My eyes darted to his hands that were big and holding a pile of books. Somehow, weirdly, he intrigued me. My eyes followed him, he stood next to the pole opposite to mine, not even looking up to me.

My heart started to rapidly beat and I could feel heat overtaking my neck, my ears, my cheeks. I blushed harder at the thought of being caught blushing by some stranger on the train. I laughed to myself as I thought of the cliche line: Love at first sight. It wasn't, I didn't want it to be, besides, that line seemed so shallow. He was just . . . interesting.

Finally, he looked up at me. His eyes were mesmerising. They were this beautiful grey-blue, like the ocean on an overcast day. His gaze held mine for a while before I broke it and looked away, pink colouring my cheeks.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a soft voice. I was taken aback. Umm, gee, I don't know, riding a train?

"Umm . . . riding a train?" Wow. I AM stupid.

He chuckled. It frightened me to know that that was exactly like the low, sexy, chuckle I had remembered after the week I had been hospitalised. Yet the sound was calming, I could sense that familiarity again and . . . strangely, I liked it.

"Cassie, you are too much," he commented. Then he straightened his posture and became noticeably stiff. I realised that I had too.

How the hell did he know my name? Even weirdly, he called me a stupid nickname that I hated. But coming from this guy he just . . . It didn't really make me hate it. "How do you-"

"You're books," he interrupted quickly.

I looked down at my binder and text books I was carrying in my hand. I checked the back of them and saw Alex's beautiful, arty handwriting of Cassandra Smoulders in black marker. "Oh." I said simply. But why call me Cassie?

"Well, since you know mine, what's yours?" I said. Or at least I"m pretty sure that's what I said. I couldn't really hear over the extremely loud, annoying sound of my heart beating.

"A - Alex," He replied.

"Huh, I have a friend named Alex. She's a girl though. Well, actually, her name's Alexis but she hates being called that." I was rambling again and I wanted to kick myself for it. Yeah, make yourself a fool in front of Mr. Hottie.

The train stopped, making my foot slide a little. Stupid, abrupt stop. I bit my lip, as I knew that this was my stop. Good bye, Mr. Hottie, I wanted to pout.

"Well, this is my stop," I said, jerking a hand through the slowly opening doors.

"Oh. Yeah. It's mine too, you go to Macquari Uni?" He asked.

Woah. Coincedence much?! "Yeah! I do! Well, I HOPE I do."

"Cool. I'll see you around Cassie." He walked out of the train.

"Yeah, you too, Alex!" I called out, running so the train doors wouldn't close on me.


I didn't see him again. Even though we went to the same university. I never did. Not on campus, anyway.

I remembered.

I remembered my first kiss, my first tutoring session, my first boyfriend and my first love. Strangely, that's all I remembered. How we broke up and what happened after? It's all hazy. In fact, the whole relationship was hazy.

I remember how I felt though. I remember exactly how I felt, how being with him felt. I miss it and I miss him.

It made me want to cry. I still got through the day with a smile.

I don't know what exactly was happening. Was I avoiding him, or was he avoiding me? I think it was both.

Alex and I went out to a nearby bar. I saw him there. I didn't say 'Hi.' I just continued my conversation with Alex and smiled as we left the bar.

It was all for the best.

He's still the only guy who made my heart race. I hope I make his too.


Ok, guys. That's it! Finito! Finis! The END!! I hope you liked it. The ending. Hope ya'll don't think she's some stupid girl who can't make up her own mind . . . yeah. If you have any opinions (good or bad) I'd love to hear them! I want the harsh criticism, guys!! I'm always looking for a way to better my writing. Thankssss! PLease comment and voteeee!!!! >.<




There is a sequel! It's not a direct sequel as in it's not told in Adam/Jace or even Cass's perspective. New person. But it's directly connected to these people so it's not a spin off. If you want to find out the rest of the story go to my page for 'Cross My Heart (If I Had One). It is the sequel to TJAI.

Thank you! and if you plan to read it I hope you enjoy it.

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