Believe In Us (Justin Bieber...

By jbffuploads

143 1 2


Believe In Us (Justin Bieber FanFiction)
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

22 1 2
By jbffuploads


When we picked Chaz , Ryan , Ash and Kim ... Mel ... Mel was awfully quiet . For sure , she is live-wire but not when she's thinking something . Especially something important to her . Man , I'm curious . Don't blame me , I'm her brother , ONLY brother . I have her and she has me . Well , our parents died when... Okay , I'm so not gonna thinking about his . I seriously want to ask Mel if she's okay but I kept quiet and keep my eyes on the road ..

It's been like 5 minutes and she still quiet and staring out the window . The guys and girls at the back was talking and laughing about something . Like I could care less. I look at Mel again and .... something was wrong ...

A tear was running down he cheek . HELL NO .

"Mel ? Are you okay ? " I quicly ask and at the same time , she wipes her tear and looks at me . I look into her eyes and understood . She was thinking about someone . Someone we knew since diapers ....


I nod and focus on the road again , thinking . Why him ? Why all the sudden ? She never thought about him so much . I better talk to her about this after school .

After a few minutes , we arrived at school . Everyone jumped out the car excitedly . I could hear a familiar laugh . It was Mel's . I smile knowing she's back being herself again . Maybe .

All of us walk into the school hall and I see my friends . They were signaling me to come and I nod . "Hey guys , see you later ? " I ask Mel and all  and the agreed by saying " Yeah man " " Okay sure " "Bye Jase" . I smiled at them and walk to my friends ...

The bell rang ..


SHIT . I can't believe Jason saw me crying . I got a feeling that he's gonna talk about this after school . Oh well ..

"What class do we have now ? " I ask Ash .

She rolls her eyes " History " I sighed . I pulled Kim and Ash to class , the boys following behind .

It's not official if we don't have like 3 or 4 classes together . We always do !

We took our normal seats .  They guys behind me , The girls infront of me .

The seat next to me was empty . A guy named Dale used to sit here but he had to move to California . He's good looking , nice and sweet . He's decent not like other guys who only wants to check out girls' boobs or asses . So , I'm okay with him . It sad that he needs to leave .

The class was noisy like usual . People talking here and there . But suddenly stopped when Mr Chance came in .

"Good morning class . Today a new student will be joining us " He says flatly

All of us couldn't care less , so we did our own things . I scribbled something random on the edge of my blank paper .

"Okay .. So , Justin you can sit next to Ms. James " I can feel him pointing at me . I feel the kid sitting next to me. "Hi" he said . Trying to make new friends I guess .

"Oh hi . Welcome to our school ,Justin " I said flatly and continue scribbling ..

And something make me stop ..

"Melly ? " I hear the voice calling my nickname . That what Justin used to call me . I slowly turned my head looking at him and ...

It was Justin ..

Justin Drew Bieber , the boy who left me with broken promises .. who left me heartbroken and lost ..

"Melly ? It's me JustyBear"

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