The Fuck Journal

By xylinara

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Exactly what it says. A collection of exploits as told by the characters themselves; a tale of curiosity and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five: The Omitted Chapter
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Seven

4.1K 68 66
By xylinara


Oh, Duff. Oh, my sweet, sweet, dorky asshole. He finally caught me. I finally said it, and I hadn't felt this fucking good in a long time! But before I get started dishing out details on all my plans for our date night, let me try to explain my side of the story...besides the fact that I acted like a total asshole before the whole situation came to a head.

I had spent days agonizing, trying to rationalize what I felt after the night at his house. It really did hit me like a fuckin' freight train, right there as we were eating. I felt like a damn mule had kicked me in the chest. My stomach clenched and I actually felt kind of...nauseated. I was scared and I didn't have a fuckin' clue how to handle it. Maybe that's why I spent the next few days calling him so often, because no matter how skittish I was, a part of me always sought out that comfort, that familiarity, even if it was just over a phone.

I tried denying it, but I could never ignore the surge of happiness I felt every time I heard his voice...especially when I heard him laugh. Over and over again it happened, with every ring of the phone, every joke, every stupid little thing we bullshitted about. I didn't know how to tell him. I didn't know if I could go through with it. I'd pussed out so many times before, even just trying to fuck around with him before we first started, and I had made my decision before I hung out with him and Axl that night at the bar: I didn't want to chicken out anymore. I was gonna do it. I just didn't know when or how it'd come to light, and I was willing to hang out, bide my time and wait for the right moment...I just didn't know it'd be so soon.

I'm actually quite grateful for that fucked up night at the bar, Axl throwing us off, poor Sherry, who I'm sure was really freaked out, and finally, me getting drunk and sick enough to let these emotions out. It was like a dam broke and I couldn't stop. All this shit just came tumbling out and I couldn't hold it back any longer.

I hated myself. I fucking did. I felt like such a complete, utter asshole. I felt like I was leading him on, and I was so ashamed of it 'cause he was my friend and I really cared about him, and here I am, fuckin' around, and suddenly get hit with, "Oh, shit. I'm in love with my best friend!" right there in that kitchen. I panicked. I ran away. Classic fuckin' Slash. I was a total dick to a guy who'd just given me one of the best nights of my life, just fuckin' left him standing there while I took off to brood and wallow with this realization.

I was well aware that I had some fears, some irrational and some not. I knew that we both felt the same somewhere deep in my heart, but I couldn't get over the paranoia that I would be judged, even by him, though I knew in my heart of hearts that he would never drag me through the coals, but I was so afraid of being laughed at, so afraid of being ostracized that it temporarily overrode my want of us to be together. Really, truly be together, not just ducking away into secluded corners and hotel rooms, sweet little words and gestures adding fuel to a growing fire, as well as this fucking primal, passionate sex that I craved just as much as the attention he doted upon me. It had started that way, after all, but after some time the need for him to hold me, kiss me, and spend time with me in a way that wasn't physical grew stronger, even more than the love of the sex we had together. But don't get me wrong, though, the sex is fuckin' great!

He'll never know how thankful I was for his kind words, there on my bathroom floor, and I'll never forget the emotions on his face when he told me he loved me. No one had ever looked at me like that before. No one had ever made me feel like that before. No one had ever made me feel more loved, more safe. I was so racked with guilt for running away and not manning up. I finally knew how much he cared, and I had just left him standing there that day at his house. I'm a fucking asshole!

I spent so much time clutched to his chest like a depressed, tortured barnacle that I had time to think, albeit frantically. Think about all the emotions I'd been feeling over the past few days...alright, fine, over the passing weeks and months. Take them apart, scrutinize them, and arrange them into a coherent, undeniable core truth. I had time where I actually felt safe enough to think about what I needed to say and how to say it. Time to gather that courage that I needed and tell him the words he had to hear and that he absolutely deserved to hear. The genuine words that I had to say out loud, to admit, and to repeat like a mantra. It was true, I loved him. Simple as that. And once I could see it for what it was, I had felt pretty ridiculous for being so afraid. This dude would never hurt me, so why the hell was I so terrified?

I had come to terms with it, granted, with a lot of kicking and screaming, or I guess puking and crying, and now I had to show him. I had to lay him down, hold him close, kiss him as lovingly as I could, whisper the words that I held in my heart, get lost in those soft, green eyes, listen intently to his sighs and gasps as we rocked into one another in a complete bliss, all of our own creation. I needed to feel his arms around me, pull me into him, hear him call me baby, hear my name pass between his red, wet lips as I loved him slowly, tenderly, telling him that he was my baby, as well, have his name fall from my lips, hushed, excited, and passionate. Duff. My Duff. My Lover. My Love.

Was I still worried that someone could bust us? Oh, yeah, of course. I really didn't know how I'd react if someone were to catch us or confront us about it (hopefully not like Classic Slash), but I was too excited about our night together to be bothered by it. He made me happy, and as far as I was concerned right now everyone else that had a problem could go fuck themselves. I had a date to prepare for and I was going to do it right!

I had actually managed to make it to the record store before it closed, but just barely. I had bolted through the door, hair flying, and ran towards the cassette bin and dug through it like a madman while the manager cussed me out that it was closing time. I glared at him and told him to fuck off; I was a man on a mission and this motherfucker wasn't about to stop me! After I found the tape I needed he argued with me about paying for it because it was after hours, so I just threw the money on the counter and walked out. Fuck that guy. But anyway, Duff had told me days ago that one of his favorite tapes had been eaten by the stereo in his kitchen, so that was first on my list. It wasn't much, but I thought it would be nice. Hopefully it would be a pleasant surprise for him.

Next stop was the liquor store. A couple bottles of Jack, a couple bottles of vodka, and what the hell, how about some wine, too? That was romantic!

I felt like an idiot as I stared at the selection, completely fuckin' confused and having no idea what to select. I must've looked odd, this bushy-haired, leather-clad dude scratching his head and muttering irritably to himself under his breath, fidgeting, trying to figure out which one would be best. "Red or white, red or white? Oh, shit, I don't know! Okay, okay, red, that's romantic, right? So...cabernet, pinot noir, zinfandel, merlot...what the fuck even are these?! Just fuckin' pick one, already! But what if it's not the right one...what if it tastes like swill?!" I paced up and down the aisle, glaring at all the bottles before me like they had personally offended me. Oh, god, this was hard! Just fucking pick one, man!

"Can I help you, sir?"

I jumped, ripped out of my pissy, agitated, wine-induced stress trance as a woman came up to me, smiling kindly and waving her hand towards the wine case. I stuttered, grateful for her help, and felt the knots in my stomach ease up a little bit. "Um, yeah, actually, you can. I've got a date tomorrow, right, and I'm trying to find a nice wine for it. Can you help me out? I don't know shit about wine!"

She gave a little giggle, turning to face the shelves and asked, "Were you looking for red or white? Vintage?"

"Uh..." I took a second to think. I wanted to do this right, so I wasn't afraid to drop a little money. "Red. How about vintage. Something sweet." For my sweet, goofy dork, I thought to myself, beaming a little.

"Okay! Well, we have some nice vintage ports, aged from fifteen to fifty years..."

"Fifty." I cut her off.

She nodded and grinned, weaving her fingers together, looking at me like I actually knew something about this shit. Vintage meant it had to be good, though, right?

She reached over, plucked a bottle from the shelf and dusted it off, I don't remember what it looked like, I just knew I had to get some good wine and get the fuck outta here because I had more shit to do before tomorrow. She passed it to me, saying, "This is the oldest, finest wine we have. Robust and fragrant, but it's got a hefty price tag."

"I don't care about the price. Money is no problem."

She looked at me oddly, up and down. Yeah, I know, man. This fucking hairy rocker dude in here buying up vintage wine had to freak her out a little. I'm sure she expected me to grab it and make a mad dash for the door or be wandering around in the cheap, rot gut section of the store, but fuck that, I decided to do this and I was gonna do this right.

I leaned down and grabbed another bottle, cradling it in my arms as carefully as I could, hearing it clink softly against the other bottles that I'd already picked up. I peered at her from behind my hair, taking her in disturbed gaze and ignoring it as I asked, "How do I serve it? Do I chill it or just leave it at room temp?"

"Um, you leave it at room temp, sir. Chilling it would destroy the flavor profile. Also, if you store it, keep it out of the sunlight."

"Okay, okay, cool, but I'm sure it won't last that long! Uh, give me a bottle opener and that'll be it."

She nodded awkwardly and I followed her to the register, watching as he scanned and deposited every bottle into it's own paper bag and put them in a bigger one, adding the corkscrew in with them. I handed her the money, all cash, and she looked at me like I was nuts, like I had robbed a fuckin' bank or paid for this with blood money. Ah, forget her. I had more important things to worry about.

I placed the bag in my backseat, careful not to jostle them too much 'cause I'd just spent a LOT of fucking money in there, packed up, and headed to another store, this time to grab all sorts of stuff.

First on the list: candles. Vanilla scented, that sounded good. Tealights? Yeah, those would work, too. Bubbles? Sure, why the fuck not! Some extra lube just in case Duff forgot to bring the one I'd left at his house, check. What else did I need?

I found myself wandering the store and wound up by the produce section and some huge, red strawberries caught my eyes. Oh, man, those looked good. I'll grab those, too! And some bananas...bananas are fuckin' awesome. While I'm here, I might as well get some milk 'cause I'm almost out. Ah hell, how about some chocolate syrup, too, 'cause I love chocolate milk and hadn't had any in a while. Oh, shit. Snacks, snacks, did I need to pick up snacks? Nah, nah, that fruit'll be alright. Something light and sweet would do just fine. I went ahead and grabbed an extra container of strawberries 'cause I was pretty sure the one I already had wasn't going to last the night.

I stared at everything in my cart, thinking over and over and over again if I needed anything else. Was this romantic enough? Was I doing this right? I continued to wind aimlessly around the store, racking my brain and putting a lot of pressure on myself, as I wanted to have everything perfect for our last night alone together. As I paced, mind still reeling, I caught a strong whiff of something floral. Was that roses?

I looked up from all the junk in my cart and saw vases upon vases of roses, huge, dark red, velvety with perfect spirals. I thought about it for a minute, chewing my bottom lip and mulling things over. Would that be too much? Would it be to cliche, or would he love it and be blown away? Man, this was so hard!

I definitely wanted to take his breath away like he did mine, so I went for it, placing five clear, intricate glass vases of a dozen roses in my cart. I had plans for these bastards, so I needed a lot of them. Besides, guys can like pretty things, too. We like women, right? Women are pretty. I thought Duff was pretty. Uh...let me rephrase that. Actually, I thought he was fucking gorgeous, not pretty. That was too stupid of a word for it, but still.

I stepped back and observed my plunder, hands on my hips and nodding with a quiet triumph. Yeah, I think this'll do!

I headed over to the check out stand and piled everything onto the belt, ignoring the smart ass look on the cashier's face when he saw me throw the bottle of lube and bananas on there. I stood in front of the register, hair in my face, minding my own business, shifting from foot to foot, just waiting for him to say something, and sure as shit, he did.

"So...someone's got a date tonight, huh? Or are you trying to dig your way outta the dog house?" He was grinning at me like a possum eatin' shit. I felt my blood bubble with irritation. Who exactly did this scrawny, little, freckle-faced, pimple-riddled fuckin' kid think he was?!

I straightened myself, smoothing out the wrinkles in my shirt and pushing my hair out of my face. I rested against the counter on my elbows, giving him a lusty little smirk, making my voice as seductive as I could. "Actually, no. Tonight I thought I'd just take some time for myself, you know, spoil myself a little bit. Get shitfaced, smear a little chocolate all over my body, and fuck myself senseless with those bananas you're holding." I grinned a little wider, leaning as close as I could to him and pointed airily to the bunch of bananas in his hands. I licked my lips slowly and bit my lip as I asked him, "Would you care to join me?"

The look on his face was priceless! Fucking priceless! He paled and almost dropped the bananas, scrambling to get them in the bag and ring up the few other items that were still sitting on the belt, red as can be and stumbling over his words as he told me the total and loaded my groceries into the cart, all while I stood there with my game face on, licking my lips and breathing heavily, being as big of a fucking creep as I could, suppressing the hilarity that was threatening to bust out of me.

I paid and turned to exit the store into the dark night, glancing over my shoulder one last time to give him a sexy little wink and watch him cringe against the register. Ha! You wanna fuck with me, motherfucker? I don't fuckin' think so!

I got to my car and loaded up the groceries in my trunk, careful not to crush any of the roses I'd bought, rolling and howling with laughter at this little bastard and how he'd regretted asking me that question. I made a mental note to tell Duff about it tomorrow, lit up a smoke and climbed in my car, ready to go home and prepare for the next day.

I hauled all my groceries into my house, putting everything away where it belonged and relaxing on the couch with a container of strawberries in my lap, Sassy curled up by my hip and Baby stretched across the back of the couch with her head on my shoulder. I devoured the shit out of those strawberries, too. They were so sweet! I hoped the other bushel was just as good for tomorrow.

I flipped through the channels, nibbling and trying to find something to watch before I went to bed. MTV popped up and the video for Jungle was playing. Wow, man, that was so weird, seeing myself and the band on tv, thousands and thousands of people probably watching it right now, most of us with teased hair and having a great time filming the video. I laughed out loud to myself when I saw the face that Duff had made at the camera for one shot. Oh, damn it, he was cute. A fuckin' total dork, but a cute one.

I thought about picking up the phone and giving him a call, but I decided against it. Instead, I reached over to the end table and lifted up a heavy book which hid beneath it a Polaroid of the two of us at a snake farm in southern California. He actually went with me after we had played Seattle, just like he said he would, even if he was reluctant as hell. The memory made me smile. I loved this photo.

We had an albino Burmese python draped over our shoulders. I held the front end, totally at ease and smiling broadly, and Duff had the tail end, forcing a tight grin through the look of panic on his face. I snickered to myself again, remembering how I had to fuckin' talk him into holding the damn thing and taking the picture, then having to do it again after he tried to take off so that we could both have a copy. I sat it back down with a yawn, content, stretching and reaching behind me to to grab Baby from the back of the couch.

She slithered lazily in my hands, tongue flicking and coiling herself around my arm, long body sliding easily from palm to palm as she glided towards Sassy and flicked her tongue against her, crawling over her and resting on her belly. Sassy awoke, raised her head and pressed her nose playfully against Baby's, purring softly. It was weird, seeing a cat and a snake get along, but I was grateful for it. At least I knew Baby wouldn't try to fuckin' eat my cat if I had to get up to take a piss or something. That had happened before with one of my males, and poor Sassy Girl almost didn't make it out alive.

I reached down and gave Sassy a little scratch, hearing her purr even louder and telling her goodnight before I turned off the tv, hauled Baby off of her and took her to her tank, depositing her gently as he slid from my arms and curled up beneath her heat lamp. I smiled at her proudly, thinking about how docile and awesome she'd been when I demanded Duff get over his fear and pet her. She really was a sweet little baby. Aptly named, just like Sassy, thanks to Duff.

I climbed the stairs to my room, ridding myself of my clothes and climbing into bed, Sassy by my side as always, my last thought being that I hoped that Duff would like everything I was planning to do for him.

The next day I awoke, ready and eager for our date. I was bubbling with excitement, smiling like a dumbass as I prepped and cut the tops off of strawberries, chugged chocolate milk, removed rose petals from the stems and placed them all into a large bowl so they were ready to go when I needed them, and I even wrapped the cassette tape for him, even though I had forgotten wrapping paper, or a bag, or anything, so I just used a paper bag from the liquor store. It wasn't elegant, but it would serve its purpose.

I had the Stones on blast while I worked diligently, glancing at the clock frequently, making sure I was going to get everything done on time. I made sure to place the remaining vases of roses on either end table of the bed, and one in the bathroom, lining up candles in both rooms, but not planning on lighting them until right before he got to my house.

I placed some wine glasses in the bathroom and drew a bath of pure hot water so it was ready to go, but wouldn't get lukewarm during the wait, and poured in the bubbles, watching them foam and grow, thankful that I had a huge water heater and an oversize tub that we could both fit in.

Man, I hope he doesn't think I'm a pussy, drawing him a bath like this, I thought, sprinkling some of the petals onto the bubbles and around the sides of the tub. I stood back and admired my hard work, numerous tea lights lined along the back corners of the tub and along the front of the bathroom counter, all placed perfectly. God, I hope he didn't laugh at me for all this...romance. I really had thought long and hard about it, and I just wanted to show him how much I cared.

I heard the phone ring and bolted downstairs, scattering rose petals from the bedroom and down the stairs as I sprinted, feeling much like a fairy princess, actually. I fumbled the receiver in my hands as I picked it up, and Sassy glared at me with irritated confusion when I threw myself on the couch beside her and the force of my landing made her fly into the air. "Hello?"

"Hey! Are you ready for me to come over?" Duff. I smiled broadly, feeling my gut flutter with excitement. I grabbed a cigarette from the end table and lit it up, sinking down into the couch and pulling my knees up to my chest, ready to reply when he added, "Hey, man! Turn the music down, I can't hear shit if you're talkin' to me!"

"Oh, shit, hang on!" I answered back, basically yelling into the phone, then got up and ran to the radio and paused the song, making sure to turn the dial all the way down so I didn't deafen myself later when he arrived. Oops, I had totally forgotten about the music. "Yeah, sorry about that, man. What's up?!"

He laughed, and I felt my heart pound at the sound. "Hey, Love! I was just wondering if you're ready for me to head on over there. It's a little after 7:30 and I wanted to call and make sure you're ready first so that I didn't ruin the surprise! I'm fuckin' excited!"

"Yeah, you can come over! I think I've done everything I need to. All I need is you!"

"Alright, cool! I'll be over there in a few minutes, okay? I still gotta get dressed, but I won't be long."

"No problem, sweetheart. I'll be ready when you are."

"Aww, you called me sweetheart! That's so cute!"

I felt my face flush. "Duff...damn it! You are a sweetheart! Now would you get dressed and get over here so you can see all the hard work I've put into tonight!" We both cracked up over the line, and though it was funny I still couldn't help but hope he wouldn't laugh at my efforts of romance. I was quite self-conscious, if you hadn't noticed yet.

"Alright, alright, baby, I'll be there soon. Lookin' forward to seein' ya! I love ya!"

I grinned into the phone, "I love you, too, you big goober."

"What the fuck is a goober?!"

"You! You're a goober! You're goofy, weird, and silly! Now get over here, damn it!"

"Okay, calm down, man, don't bust a it for later tonight!"

"Did...did you actually just say that?"

"You bet your sweet, tight ass I did!"

I shook my head and ran my hand over my face, cheeks getting hotter. "Jesus Christ, Duff!" I flicked the ashes from my cigarette and took another drag, busting out laughing and choking on the smoke as I heard him cackle over the phone at my comment. I regained my composure, "Just get over here, man! Quit fuckin' around. I really want you to see everything I did." The last sentence was a whine; I'm not afraid to admit that.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop. But you make it too easy sometimes!" he relented with a little giggle. "All bullshit aside, I'll be right there. And I love you. Sorry for bein' a dumbass."

I nodded as if he could see me, soft smile crossing my face. "Don't worry about it. I love you, too, but I'm just as excited as you are and I want you to get over here."

"I'll be right there, baby. Bye!"

"Alright, bye!"

I hung up the phone and rushed upstairs, lighting what felt like and probably was hundreds of candles in the bedroom and bathroom, burning the shit out of my fingers more times than I can count before I traveled back to the bottom floor and selected the song I was planning to play for him. It was the same one that we danced to in his kitchen, except this time I wasn't gonna fuckin' run away like a bitch right afterward. Man, I hoped this gesture wasn't too cheesy or redundant.

It wasn't long before I heard the doorbell ring, and my chest swelled with anticipation. I took a few deep breaths as I walked to the door and opened it, seeing my goofy Duff towering over me, tall and dressed all in black, smiling so fuckin' sweetly and excitedly that it made my heart race. Cute little bastard.

"Hey, what's goin' on, baby?!" He charged through the doorway like a bull to a matador and threw his arms around me, squeezing me so tightly and raising me off my feet so fast I actually fuckin' squeaked from the pressure of his embrace. He swung me from side to side as I held onto him, grinning like an idiot, patting him hard on the back and laughing into the crook of his neck. I really liked it when he did kinda made me feel small, but in a good way.

He sat me back down and I pushed the hair out of my face, beaming up at him as I let him enter the door and shut it behind him. He followed me closely as I walked over to the coffee table and picked up the crudely wrapped tape, passing it to him with a little smile. "Here, man. I know it's not much, but..."

I didn't have time to finish as he eagerly ripped it open, an expression of shock passing over his face, eyes wide, mouth open as he discarded the crumpled wrapping paper onto the coffee table and stared at the cassette. "Dude! Fuckin' Prince! You didn't have to get me this, man! You're the fuckin' best!" I beamed as widely as he did, giving a little grunt as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him, a little rough, but I couldn't even consider being mad at him with how happy he was.

I reached back down to the table, picking up one of the bottles of wine and handing it to him, shrugging a little. "I also got this. I hope it's good. I've never had it before, but I thought some wine would be, you know, romantic."

He leaned down and set the tape beside the other bottle, still grinning ear to ear as he wiped the dust from the one in his hand, then a look of incredulity crossed his face. He raised his eyes to mine, tapping his index finger on the label, words slow and amazed as they left him "Slash...this is...this is a fifty year vintage. How much did you spend on this?" He looked down and pointed with an unbelievable gasp at the other bottle, if possible, looking even more astonished. "You bought two?!"

"It doesn't matter how much they cost," I answered, stepping closer to him, pressing my chest against his as I wrapped my arms around him. "I wanted to do something nice for you, spoil you a little."

He cracked a smile, a puff of disbelief and suppressed flattery leaving his lips. "I--I can't believe this, man. I've never even had a twenty dollar bottle of wine, let alone a fuckin' one like this!" He lowered his head, pressing his lips to mine with lingering satisfaction, then pulling away with a huge smile. God, he smelled good. "Can we open it?!" he added, eager as hell.

I patted him gently on the chest with my hand, then took the bottle from him and placed it back down on the table. "In a minute. There's something I want to do first, come here."

I took his hand and walked him over to the stereo, turning it on, and he burst out laughing as the first chords of our song blared to through the speakers, his amusement booming and filling the living room just as much as the music. I wrapped one arm around his waist, taking his hand in mine with the other, trying to remember how the fuck to properly dance. I looked up at him, smiling softly and biting my bottom lip, stomach welling with glee. "Dance with me again, baby? And this time I promise not to run away afterwards!"

He laughed aloud, shoulders shaking, eyes shining happily. He squeezed my hand lightly, "You promise?"

"Yes, asshole, now dance with me!"

The lyrics started and we began shifting from foot to foot, taking little, bouncing steps in circles around my living room while Sassy stared at us in confusion from her spot on the couch, meowing and flicking her tail from side to side. Our bodies were close and we wiggled our shoulders and rubbed up against one another, hands starting to wander, laughing, singing, and smiling as the chorus came around for the second time and he grasped my hand, grinning at me as he said, "Go out for a spin, man!"

I tried, I really did, flinging myself out from him and back in, but wound up tripping over my feet and slamming head first into his chest, grabbing on to his shirt with a startled, "Oh, shit!" and pulling myself back up. He wrapped his arms around me and helped steady me, both of us cracking up and trying desperately to resume dancing to the beat, but too lost in the moment, slumped over each other and laughing too hard to even bother finding the rhythm as we swayed in place, my hands around his neck and my lips against his, soft and gentle, amused, and giggling uncontrollably.

We stayed that way until the song ended, tender, sweet kisses growing slower and more deliberate, his hands traveling down from the small of my back to my ass, squeezing gently as he pulled me into him, lips moving from mine and kissing down my neck, sucking lightly beneath my jaw as I wrapped my fingers in his hair and sighed quietly, so fucking happy to be in his arms.

He suddenly raised his head, a look of awe crossing his face before he lowered his eyes and caught my gaze. "Baby, are...are those rose petals?" I grinned with unabashed pride, knowing he had seen the staircase.

"Yes, yes, they are." I answered, grabbing him by his hips and pressing our bodies firmly together, and I couldn't help squirming against him in my enthusiasm. " wanna go upstairs and see where they lead?"

He peered down at me, the sweet, overjoyed smile I loved gracing his face. "Yeah. Yeah! Let's go!" He grasped my hand eagerly and we shot up the stairs, but not before I stopped and grabbed the bottles of wine. These fuckers better be good for the money I dropped on them!

I followed him all the way, nearly tripping for the second time as we reached the top of the stairs, and he followed the trail like a bloodhound, stopping in front of the closed door to my bedroom. He looked back at me, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths of anticipation, wide, happy smile still plastered on his face.

"Well, go on in!" I coaxed gently, giving him a little pat on the ass and really wanting him to see what I'd worked so hard on.

Still beaming, he reached for the door, twisted the knob, and it slowly swung open, dim, flickering candle light filling the dark hall as it leaked from the bedroom. Petals were strewn all over the room, all over the bed, and led into the bathroom, and I had placed candles on every possible surface I could find without having to worry about them burning my house down. I gave him an encouraging nudge towards the bathroom where the real centerpiece was, as he was just standing there, completely still and silent, lips parted, just staring, shadows from the candles playing off his face. Was...was he in shock? Did he not like it? What the hell was going through his head?

I wrapped my arm around his waist, bottle still in hand, and he did the same to me. Together we walked into the bathroom, and as we entered he stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide, face somewhat unreadable. Oh no, he didn't like it, did he? It was too much, wasn't it? All my time and effort and I'd managed to fuck it up and over do it!

A nearly inaudible, "Oh..." left his lips as he gazed intently at all the little tea light candles around the tub, studying the rose petals that dotted the bubbles. His arm tightened around my waist, his fingers gripped my hip, and I heard a little sniffle drift down from above me.

I sat the bottles of wine on the counter beside the sink and turned to face him, wrapping both arms around him and resting the side of my face against his bicep, nuzzling against him, worry starting to clench my heart. " you not like it, baby?" I asked timidly, really fuckin' scared of the answer.

He gave a small, breathy little chuckle and looked down at me, shadowed eyes glinting with twinkles of candle light. "No, no. It's..." he quickly raised his left hand to wipe his eyes. Was he tearing up?

He tilted his head sideways so that rested on mine, stray strands of his hair floating down and tickling my face. I heard his voice crack slightly as he said, "It's amazing. It's beautiful! It''s the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. You didn't have to do all this! I--I don't even know what to say! I love it!" I saw a single tear leave the corner of his eye, even though he tried to hide it by quickly wiping it away. Wow, he did like it! A lot! I was glad he did, but I didn't expect him to get so mushy over it! How sweet!

"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to make you cry!" I blurted out, a bit panicked and quite flattered at this strong emotional reaction, and also kind of feeling a little bewildered by it, but my joy at his appreciation overrode everything else.

He cracked up, throwing his left arm in the air and squeezing me tight with the right one around my waist, head still laying against mine. "No, no, it's okay! It just means a lot to me! It really was a surprise! I mean, yeah, I'm a grown ass man, but I still have feelings! And right now I'm pretty fuckin' happy and blown away! You did awesome!"

I gave him a little squeeze, definitely breathing easier as my worries flew right out the window. "I'm really glad you like it! I thought you'd make fun of me and call me a pansy for preparing you a bath like this."

"Dude!" He removed his arm from around me, spinning to face me, throwing all his weight on one leg and popping his hip to the side, resting his hands on his hips and looking down at me with so much glowering sass that I couldn't help but laugh. "You're talkin' to a tall guy who has back problems and you worry that I won't appreciate an awesome bath?! In a tub that I can actually fit in?! Get the fuck outta here, man!"

I watched in an amused and, honestly, somewhat aroused trance as he shed his clothes as fast as humanly possible, climbed into the tub and settled in, bubbles coming all the way up to his chest. He leaned against one back corner, skimming his palm over the top of the foam and rubbing rose petals between his fingers, peering up at me, happy as can be. "What're you waitin' for, man? Get naked and get in here with me!"

"Alright, alright, hang on," I nodded at him, smiling and raising my palms placatingly, "just let me open one of these bottles first and hand you these..." I reached across the sink, grabbing and passing him a pretty generously-sized bowl of strawberries.

When he saw them he let out an intrigued, "Ooh!" and snatched the bowl from my hand, selecting a particularly plump one and plucking it from the bowl, biting it in half and grinning to himself. "Oh, man. Where'd you get these things? They're really sweet!"

I had already opened a bottle of wine and poured us both a glass, so I figured I might as well start working on getting naked myself and joining him before he got impatient. "Uh, I honestly don't remember, man. Some fucking store I went to. And don't eat 'em all at once; save me some! Oh, shit, that reminds me... I've got something to tell you!" I placed the bottle on the floor beside the tub and passed him a glass before I settled in opposite of him, surprised to feel his feet actually touch my hips as I sank down beside him. Wow, he really could stretch out in this tub!

"Yeah, what happened, man?" he asked eagerly, then added, "Oh, but first!" He raised his glass towards me, and I did the same, tapping them together with a ringing plink, each of us sampling the bouquet before we took our first sip. Wow, it was sweet! Robust, and surprisingly smooth.

Duff took a timid first sip, paused for a second with a very, very concentrated expression, raised his eyebrows with a little nod and chugged down half the glass. "Oh, wow. Holy shit, man, that's really good! I wasn't expecting it to be this sweet from the way it smelled!" He reached down out of the tub and grabbed the bottle to top off his glass, and I smiled proudly, happy with my choice, even though I had no fucking idea what I was doing at the time. He peered at me observantly from over his glass as he took a smaller sip this time, bubbles dripping from the stem, and said, "So, what were you gonna tell me?"

"Oh, yeah!" I blurted out. I had totally forgotten! "Yeah, so I went to the store yesterday to pick up shit for tonight, right? And there was this kid working behind the register, and I had all kinds of shit, fuckin' roses, bananas, lube, chocolate syrup, so much shit, and he looks at me with this fuckin' asshole grin on his face and asks me if I've got a date that night or if I was trying to dig my way out of the dog house. And I looked at him, trying to be all sexy and creepy and shit, weird him out, and I said something like, 'No, man, I'm gonna go home, spoil myself, get a little shitfaced, rub chocolate sauce all over my body and fuck myself stupid with those bananas you're holding! You wanna join me?!'"

Duff almost spit out his wine and looked at me with wide, cynical eyes as he slapped his hand over his mouth. I was glad he did because that shit was expensive! He swallowed hard and licked his lips, shaking his head with disbelief and grinning, "Oh, no way! You fuckin' did not!"

"I did, I did! You should've seen his face, man! It was like I'd whipped out my dick and slapped him across the face with it or something!"

We both cracked up, taking generous swigs of our wine before he grabbed the bottle to top them off again, only half of the bottle remaining, then sat up a little and peered over the side of the tub, frowning and apparently missing something. "Ah, shit. I should've bought my smokes, man. I think I might've left them downstairs."

He started to get up, but I placed my hand on his arm and gave him a little pat, "No, no, I'll get 'em. Hang on, I'll be right back. Here, hold this for me."

He dutifully held my glass and watched while I tried in vain to wipe as many bubbles from me as I possibly could, running my hands over my hips and down my legs over and over again, finally giving up and exiting the bath. Holy shit, it was cold!

I darted downstairs as fast as I could, leaving a trail of bubbles and watery footprints in my wake, winding up damn near tearing my living room apart as I looked for those fucking cigarettes. Not on any table, not in or on the couch, fuckin' not in the kitchen. I was dripping wet, shivering, and starting to get frustrated, really wanting to get back into that hot water. Where the fuck were they?!

"Hey, baby!" I heard Duff call from upstairs.


"I'm an asshole! They were in my jeans the entire time!"

Are you fucking serious, man? I'm freezing!

I sighed and shook my head, teeth chattering and skin covered in goosebumps as I made my way back upstairs. When I had returned to the bathroom he was already holding both of us a cigarette and our glasses of wine, smiling meekly at me. "I'm sorry, man, I totally forgot. I lit one for you, though, as an apology!" I snatched it from him and took a slightly exasperated drag, watching as his eyes slowly scanned my body, all the way down to my dick and a sly smirk crossed his face. His gaze traveled back up, just as leisurely, and met mine, and his grin got wider with a raise of his eyebrow. "Cold, huh?"

"Fuck you!" I quipped back in jest and shook my head, climbing back into the bath, really, really thankful for how warm it was and downing the rest of my wine. God, I was freezing!

"Maybe in a minute!" Duff watched me tremble for a few seconds and held out his arm to me, beckoning me near him with a little twitch of his fingers and the sweet smile that always melted my heart. "Come here first, baby."

I obliged, extinguishing both of our cigarettes and throwing them on the floor, trying not to slosh around too much water as I turned and pressed my back against his chest, leaning my head back and resting it on his shoulder, my body relaxed and heart content. He held me close, lips laying small kisses on my shoulders as his hands ran up and down my arms, the smooth friction warming my cold, wet skin, and I started to shiver with someone else besides cold. I felt his arms wrap around me, the water helping his palms glide effortlessly up and down my belly as his chin came to rest on my shoulder and I heard him sigh, softly and happily. For a long while the only sound to be heard was the fizzing sound of thousands and thousands of tiny bubbles popping and the easy, serene, deep breaths that left us.

"This is really nice, ya know. We should do this more often." Duff broke the silence, voice low and affectionate. His head tilted against mine and elevated his knees, pressing them gently against my sides to help anchor me, as I had started slipping down in the tub.

I raised my arms, draping them over his thighs and letting my fingertips trace tiny, delicate circles right above his knee, watching how the bubbles followed my touch as I smiled tenderly with agreement. "Yeah, yeah we should. It's really nice just to be here with you. Who knows when we'll be able to actually do something like this again."

I heard him chuckle quietly and felt him nod against my shoulder. I turned my head, shifting my body slightly in his embrace so that I faced him a little more. I gazed up at him, studying how the shadows and flickers the candles cast upon him complimented his face, emphasizing his features. Damn it, he was dazzling in this light. I bit my bottom lip, raising my right hand, reaching back and caressing his neck delicately with careful fingers as I peered deep into his eyes. "Kiss me."

He bowed his head towards me with a tiny smile, probably thinking, "Wow, he didn't tell me to shut the fuck up this time!" and his lips met mine, a minuscule puff of excitement exiting him and tickling my skin as he kissed me, holding me tightly as he did, and I could feel the passion and want restrained in his embrace. I could feel the gratitude, excitement, and love as he raised a single hand and ran it though my hair, gentle and sweet, fingers brushing carefully through my curls and stopping to caress my face with tender fingertips, sighing as he pulled back and sucked my bottom lip, making my skin tingle and my heart race before he pressed his lips to mine once again, taking my breath away with the enticing, controlled urgency in his endearments.

I knew we both wanted to stay here for as long as we could, wrapped in each other, intimate and warm, but I also knew that we were both ready to get the hell out of that water and get into bed where we could be even closer and more physical.

I turned around to face him, my ass coming to rest right above his hips and nestling my knees on either side of his thighs, my wet hands gently gripping his shoulders as I shook my hair out of my face and lowered my chest to his, watching him as intently he watched me.

He tilted his head back and he gazed at me, the corner of his mouth twitching with a tiny smirk as his palms glided smoothly up and down my hips. "You know, this has been amazing. And I can't help but think it's only gonna get better before the night ends." The look of euphoria in his eyes was intoxicating and oh, so sweet.

Then that legendary duality of his hit when I felt his hands slide around to my ass, giving me a teasing squeeze with both hands before I felt a single finger rub against my hole, gently pressing in as a look of menacing eagerness spanned his face and I let out a gasp of surprise and a growling chuckle of thrill, digging my fingertips into his shoulders and pushing back against his hand. I could definitely feel his excitement, as it was pressed pretty hard against me. The devilish little shit!

"And you know what else?" He added, voice hushed, finger pushing deeper as I squirmed against him. "Now that I think about it, you look really good above me. You should try riding my cock tonight."

I grinned, shocks shooting through my body as I rocked against his hand, eyes closed, and groaning with conflicted wants as I said, a bit strangled and whimpering, "Yeah, but tonight was supposed to be all about you."

His mouth was on my throat, laying gentle kisses and marking me with tender sucks, then his tongue laid a long, wide stroke up my neck and his lips nipped my earlobe. I began to pant, and I let out a charged little whine as he pressed his lips to my ear and whispered, "Why can't it be about both of us?"

My head swooped down and I caught his lips with mine, arms around his neck, hips rolling against his hand and heart throbbing as a second finger worked its way inside me. I raised my head, his intense gaze captivating me as I gasped, "I want to do this right. I want to take our time, and I want to make you come more than once tonight. Can we try, baby? Can we try?"

He let out a deep, satisfied moan against my lips, free hand wrapping around both of our cocks as he stroked slowly, the two fingers of his other hand still sliding in and out and making me writhe and whimper with longing. "Let's get out of here. Let's get dried off. Come lay down with me, baby."

I nodded and shot out of that bath faster than I care to admit, grabbing us both a towel and tossing his toward him. He caught it with a gleam in his eye, standing back for a few seconds and observing me with silent delight as I toweled off and topped off my glass of wine, taking small, frequent sips as I watched him thoroughly wipe the bubbles and water from his slender body. He stepped closer to me, plucking a single rose petal from my chest with a little grin and letting it flutter to the floor before he sauntered over to the bed and draped himself across it, legs spread wide and right arm resting behind his head as his left hand lazily trailed up and down his cock. I sat my glass down on the counter and walked towards the door, leaning against the frame and taking in the sight of him for as long as I could. God, he was fucking sexy laid out on my bed.

A sly smirk tugged at his lips. "Well, are you gonna stand there and stare at me all night or are you going to join me?"

I let out a little chuckle, glancing down at the floor for a split second as I blushed. "Oh, I'm definitely going to join you, but I'm really enjoying the way you look naked and sprawled out across my bed like that. The candle light makes you look even sexier."

This time a flush crossed his face, and I felt myself stride over to the bed with determination, nestling my hips between his legs as I kissed slowly up his belly and chest, loving the way his hands slid up and down the sides of my body right before they grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down to him. He caught my lips with his and moaned with hushed excitement, hips already starting to rock against me as his tongue pressed against mine and flicked across my bottom lip, gently taking it between his teeth with a gentle nip and a pull before our mouths connected again, over and over, hungry and passionate.

I kissed along his jawline, down his neck and back again, drinking in the way he gasped as my lips met the spot at the base of his throat. His fingers tangled in my hair as I worked my way down and laid a tender bite on his chest, letting the tip of my tongue trace tiny circles around his nipple before I lightly caressed it, squeezing both of his pecs firmly with my hands while my finger made quick back and forth motions over the one that wasn't occupied by my mouth, a thrill rushing through me as a soft, "Yeah!" of pleasure dropped from his lips. I took my time there, teasing him, getting him worked up more and more until I kissed down his stomach, letting my hands trail down slowly as I backed myself further down the bed, pausing only to give him a small, teasing suck on the head of his cock.

He let out a shuddering gasp and spread his legs eagerly, wanting more, but I wasn't ready to give it to him yet. I had other plans for this first orgasm.

I backed down even further, never letting his gaze drop from mine as I wrapped my arms around his thighs and laid a long lick from right above his knee to the crease of his hip, and he writhed against me, trying to catch my lips on his dick, but I veered away, biting my lip and grinning slyly up at him as I watched him pant and beg me silently with those gorgeous eyes. I placed tiny kisses on his inner thigh, and I could see his eyes widening as I grew closer and closer to his cock, but never touched it. Instead, I lowered my head and flicked my tongue lightly against hole, watching attentively as he panted hard and clutched at the sheets of my bed, already shaking with anticipation of the thing that could get him off in no time.

"Is that what you want, baby?" I asked, low and teasing, and inflicting another little lick upon him.

He raised his head off the pillow, pulling his legs back further and peering at me with growing need. His chest rose and fell fast as he answered, a pleading whisper, "Yes, yes, baby, please!"

I grinned with a satisfied little chuckle and watched his eyes roll back as I licked him, long and slow, torturing him with tiny, fleeting flicks and following them with a gratifying, leisurely stroke, all the while enjoying the way he gasped and rocked against me, desperate for the more direct pressure that I withheld from him and that I knew without a doubt he craved.

His head inclined again, eyes glazed with wanting as they met mine. "Please, please, Slash, don't tease me... That feels so good..." he begged, licking his lips and panting hard, and I saw him raise a single hand to rest in my hair, to force me give him what he desired, but that wasn't going to happen just yet.

I snatched my arms out from under his legs, pushing back on his thighs and pinning them down with my forearms as I caught his hands in mine and restrained then against his stomach, and he moaned aloud with shock and surprise as I pushed my tongue against him, then whimpered and whined with yearning as I teased him again with little flicks of my tongue, feeling his hips try to writhe against me with little success. I held him there, immobilized, making him take it as I tantalized him over and over again, small, light little flickers drawing shivering gasps from him and direct, deliberate pushes yielding deep, throaty moans as his excitement grew and his cries became more frequent and urgent, body twitching, sweat beginning to dot his brow and wet bangs sticking to his skin as he lost himself to me for the first time that night.

"Oh god, oh god, please, don't stop! Don't stop! Yeah! Ah, f-fuck!" The last word was desperate and drawn out, the first letter hissing from between his teeth as his back arched and his head dropped back, fighting against the hold I had on him, the fingers of his bound hands grasping my wrist and clenching it tightly as I felt his load coat both of our hands, hot and wet, and I pushed my tongue inside him, watching the lost look of pleasure on his face intensify, rocking against him over and over as I fucked him while he rode out the shakes that consumed his body. He writhed, and gasped, and pleaded for me not to stop, even after the ultimate tremors had passed, but pleasure still shot through his frame.

I sunk two come-soaked fingers into my mouth, loving the taste of him on my tongue as I rolled it over them and I sucked on them greedily, right before I pressed them against him and they sank inside easily, a trembling, high-pitched moan dropping from his lips as his arms and legs stretched out across the bed, quivering as he shuddered and bucked against my touch. I pushed myself up on one arm and licked the come from his belly, salty and sweet, moving down and taking his cock into my mouth, feeling him thrust into my throat as my fingers plunged inside him, slowly, teasingly, but with growing urgency as I felt myself respond to the desperate, elated cries that flowed from him like water.

I felt his hands in my hair, tugging, pulling, trying to get my attention as my lips slid up and down his dick, still hard despite his orgasm. I glanced up at him, raising my head and peering at him curiously, stroking his cock slowly as he demanded, "Get your hips over my face and your dick down my throat. I want to suck you, baby, let me suck you, please!"

I grinned with lewd delight at his request. Mmm, fuck! Who was I to say no to an offer like that?!

I did as he asked, careful not to kneel on his hair as I lowered myself over him and felt the soft, firm touch of his tongue on the head of my dick, and his arms wrap around my hips, squeezing and spreading my ass as his lips closed around my cock and the inviting wet heat enveloped me. I gasped with satisfaction, stopping my motions on him and taking some time to enjoy the way he moaned eagerly around my dick, taking me further and further with each bob of his head until my hips jerked downward and I was buried in his throat. I growled zealously as his hands gripped my ass and held me there, then pushed me up as he sucked hard on the head of my cock, teasing me with little swirling licks of his tongue before taking me all the way again.

I heard myself gasp, "Oh, Duff! Oh, fuck, that feels so good!" I licked the palm of my hand, wrapping it around his cock and stroking him fast, watching his hips twitch against my touch and feeling him bury myself inside him again with a deep, vibrating moan that sent shocks up my spine and almost made me blow my load right down his throat.

I felt my cock slip out from his mouth and his hot, heavy breath caressed my thighs as he suddenly pushed me forward, then yanked my back by my hips, catching me off guard, his tongue pressing against my hole and making me fucking scream and rock against him with shocking need as I unraveled.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, god, don't you stop!" I demanded, pushing myself up on my knees and grasping my fingers in his hair, holding him still as I circled my hips and rode against the flicks and pushes of his tongue, my eyes rolling and my breath catching in my throat every single time his tongue slipped inside me. Oh, god, this was hot. Oh, fuck, it was so dirty and maddening! I writhed against him, feeling his hand slide around my hip and stroke my cock in time with the motions of his tongue, and it felt so fucking good that I knew I couldn't let him go without a little fun for himself.

I released my grip on his hair and leaned forward on my hands and knees, taking his cock in my mouth and sucking him in a frenzy, wrapping my arms around his thighs as he snarled and thrust into my throat. Then I felt two wet fingers sink inside me and I cried out like a madman, pushing back against them and sucking him with insane lust as I felt his fingertips brush against my spot, over and over, never fucking leaving, driving me crazy as his cock slid in and out of my mouth and I moaned greedily around it, frenzied and horny as hell.

I heard him growl from behind me, low and commanding, "You better fuck me! You better fuck me now and make me come so I can hurry up and get you on my dick before this night is over!"

He bit me hard on my thigh, fingers still pounding inside me as I pulled away and spun around, catching his lips with mine as I hooked his knees over my shoulders and quickly reached over to the end table and grabbed the lube, clicking it open and lubing myself up before I pushed three fingers inside him and he released a trembling gasp, eyes squeezing shut and brow furrowing as I wasted no time stretching him out and repeatedly thrusting my fingers against the spot he loved best, watching with hungry, greedy desire as he moaned desperately, writhed, and opened his eyes, tangling my hair almost painfully in his hands and begging me, eyes burning and voice pleading with need, "Fuck me, Slash! Fuck me, baby!"

My blood surged though my veins, and I immediately pressed the head of my cock against him, pushing into him and sinking all the way in easily, both of us gasping and panting, hands all over each other. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his as I gave him shallow, quick thrusts and tried hard to think about something other than how fucking tight and warm he was as his hands grasped my hips and pulled me into him, wanting me to go faster, deeper, begging me for more as I tried hard to ignore the quickly-building pressure in my gut.

I had to slow down for a second. I had to calm down a little or else I wouldn't last, and as hard as it was, I restrained myself. I kissed him slow, and sank into him just as gradually, gazing into his eyes and running my fingers through his hair as I rocked into him with slow, gentle motions of my hips, trying to regain control before I lost it. He looked up at me, heavy pants and gasps punctuating the exact moments my hips met his, lips parted and eyes lost in mine. I brushed my lips against his, feeling myself finally ease off from the edge, whispering, "You're so gorgeous, baby. You're so fucking amazing and I love you so fucking much!"

I suddenly thrust into him hard, not giving him any warning as my hips slammed against his ass and he cried out in an obscene mixture of pain and pleasure, fingernails digging into the skin of my hips, stinging, harsh, but so fucking encouraging.

"Oh, fuck!" his head dropped back, his squeezed shut, and his back arched, chest pressing against mine as he bared his teeth and screamed, the words rumbling in his throat, tearing from him loud and crazed and stammered with each thrust of my cock, "Oh, yes! I love you, too, baby, fuck me! Fuck me hard! Make me come again!"

I let him have what he wanted, growling and snarling as I thrust into him over and over again, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and grasping them with my hands, holding him still and pressing my chest against his, gathering my knees beneath me for leverage and raising his ass off the bed just like he had mine that wonderful night at his house, burying my cock as deep as I could inside him, listening intently as throaty moans escaped from him, hot, heavy whimpering breaths coming hard and fast. "Oh, shit! You feel so good, don't stop! Please don't stop!"

I could feel him tightening around me, trying to rock against me and pull me into him, fingers wrapped around my neck, growls hissing through his teeth and already loud, greedy moans only increasing as I plunged my cock inside him and gave him everything I had. My stomach muscles burned, sweat coated my body, and I couldn't stop watching him. God, he was so fucking mad with lust, so fucking horny and into it that I couldn't hold out any longer when he gave a strangled cry and his fingers constricted around my throat as I felt his cock pulse against my stomach, warm, wet, second load, even bigger and more powerful than the first slicking both of our bodies.

I couldn't fight it, I couldn't fucking do it after I saw the expression on his face. I roared incoherently and pushed myself inside of him as far as I could, holding him against me and growling as I ground my hips against him, panting and feeling my dick throb and my balls tingle like a motherfucker as I came hard, feeling everything but only seeing him look into my eyes, excited, satisfied, hands sliding up from my neck and clutching my face in his hands, so focused on watching me lose it that it only turned me on even more. We both shook, we both trembled and gasped against each other's lips, wrapped securely in each other's arms as we rocked gently against each other and rode out our combined pleasure. We finally came to a stand still, my forehead resting against his and little droplets of my sweat falling against his skin, the both of us panting and whining softly in our delirious state.

Our lips met, soft, and tender, and fulfilled as I felt his legs slide from my shoulders and duck beneath my arms, wrapping around my hips and pulling me into him as my arms gave out and I rested my head on his chest, listening to the sound of his pounding heart and his raspy, short breaths, feeling his fingers running through my hair, pulling stray curls away from my sticky skin and smoothing them down as he patted my head gently. We laid there for a long while, tangled together, quivering and panting, eyes shut, drinking in and enjoying the quiet moment and stillness in absolute bliss.

I finally raised my head, looking up at him, and he opened his eyes, a sweet, exhausted smile tugging at his lips as he met my gaze. God, he was beautiful. Skin slicked with sweat, hair clinging to his face and neck, freshly fucked and looking oh, so satisfied. I beamed up at him, giving him a tender, lingering kiss before I hauled myself from over him on weak, shaky arms and laid down beside him, his arm cradling me as I laid my head on his shoulder and let a single finger lazily play in the ropes of come that striped his belly.

I swallowed hard, breath quavering. "Damn it, baby... I tried so hard not to come, but I couldn't help it. You got me so worked up so many times and I couldn't hang on anymore when you came. That fucking look on your face... Oh, god..." My words were honest, quiet, and hushed with the exertion of the earlier moments. I nuzzled my face into his chest, grinning, so fucking happy to be in his embrace.

He gave a little chuckle, fingertips grazing slowly up and down my arm. I could still feel his limbs twitching, and it made me surge with pride. "It's probably for the best, ya know. I--I think need a little break before we pick up again. I'm, uh, a little oversensitive after all that..." I saw him crack an embarrassed smirk and felt him shrug, cheeks tinging pink as he did.

"Mmm, are you?" I bit my bottom lip as I teased him, wrapping my hand around his soft cock and stroking him slowly a few times, giving a low, rumbling chortle as his eyes shot open and he gasped in shock, giving a small laugh and smacking my hand away playfully.

"Fucker!" he joked, giving me a little kiss on the forehead. "Be patient for a minute! How about we get us a cigarette and a little more of that wine before I make you sit on my cock?"

I smirked, pressing my lips to his and got up from the bed, telling him to stay right where he was as I darted to the bathroom and refilled our glasses, then popped two smokes between my lips and lit them. I grabbed a clean towel from the closet, taking a few seconds to thoroughly wipe down my belly and dick before I walked back to the bed, knees wobbly and weak, sat down beside him and passed him his own glass and cigarette, smiling with affection as he said, "Thanks, sweetheart."

I grinned, biting down on my smoke with my teeth and leaning over to clean the quickly drying strands of come from his belly and tossed the towel carelessly on the floor. "You called me sweetheart...that's fuckin' cute! And you're welcome, Love."

He let out a little giggle, probably remembering how he'd picked on me earlier that night about the same thing. He sighed and puffed easily on his cigarette, then reclined back against the pillows and rested one his arm behind his head, and the other he draped across his stomach, cigarette loosely hanging from his fingers.

I glanced at him, thinking about what was to come and definitely feeling a little nervousness creep into my belly and words as I admitted, "I've never done it before. do you do it?"

He released a long exhale, smoke billowing in front of us in a massive cloud as he turned to look at me curiously, brows low over his eyes and lips pressed together. "Do what? Ride?"

"Well...yeah..." I answered awkwardly, twisting my lips and bobbing my head a little. I took a long, steadying draught of wine, awaiting his response as I watched him smirk and gesture fluidly with his hands, thinking of a way to explain this to me.

"I guess...I guess kind of like a chick does," he glanced away for a brief second, then back at me again, still trying to gather his thoughts as he nodded, apparently agreeing with his own words. "You just climb on top of me, ya know, lower yourself down nice and easy, maybe give yourself some time to adjust if you need to. If you want, you could, you know, jerk yourself off a little, or I could do it for you, and then once you relax and things start feelin' good you just kinda...rock." He lowered his hands, letting them hover over his hips as he mimicked the motion of the position. Sexy and helpful, but I was still a little timid about the whole thing, even as exciting as it was.

I sat there for a quite a few seconds, puffing on my cigarette and absorbing the information, wondering if I'd feel like a complete jackass trying to figure this out or if it would come naturally. It was like Duff read my mind as he added, draining his glass of wine, "Once you get goin' and get into it you'll figure out what works, what feels good and what angle really does it for ya. And if not, we can change things up a little or I could just hold you close to me and pound ya until you scream my name and come!"

I socked him on the arm, both of us snickering and taking last drags from our dying smokes. "Shut up! I want to try, but I can't help but have this feeling that I'll be, like, this total fuckin' bumbling, awkward, out-of-rhythm idiot on top of you."

He gave a stronger, but comforting laugh, taking both of our cigarettes and dropping them in the ashtray on the end table before he pushed himself up on his hands and sat beside me, pulling me into his chest with a wrap of his arm around my shoulder. "You'll be fine, baby. Things'll get goin', you'll get into it and it'll be like you're a pro. Don't be so nervous."

I nodded, his head halting the motion as it tilted against mine. I took a deep but apprehensive breath, mentally preparing myself and shoving my worries down, taking his words to heart and trusting in them. Alright, yeah. Yeah! I could do this! Who knows, maybe I'll find something new that I really like!

I rested my hand on his thigh and let my fingers trail lazily up and down his skin, smirking a little to myself as I said, " you think you've had enough time to cool down and maybe we can give this thing a try?"

I heard a puff of amusement exit him and he straightened himself up, gently taking my hand and wrapping it around his cock, fingers enclosing mine, guiding my hand slowly with his and I soon felt his excitement begin to build, and mine along with it. I raised my eyes from his lap, where our clasped hands still stroked his newly hard cock unhurriedly, and studied the expression on his face, ready and eager. He gave a sly little grin, looking so fucking angelic and devilish at the same time. "What do you think?"

What did I think? Fuck yeah! Let's do this!

I hauled myself up on my knees, pivoting my stance to face him and pressing my palms to his shoulders, pushing him down to the mattress with mild, composed force, only enough to let him know that I was going to be in control, since this was my first time doing this, after all, and that things were going to be set at my pace. He didn't protest, only gazed up at me expectantly, patiently, waiting for me to make the first move, already breathing with heavy anticipation.

I swung one leg over his belly, straddling him and letting my ass nestle right against his hips. He let out a quiet, "Mmm," of appreciation, biting his bottom lip with a little smirk when I rolled my hips against his dick, feeling it part my ass and press against my hole. A shock of thrill coursed through my body as I felt the head of his cock push against me, and I rocked forward, not sure if I was teasing myself or him more as I pressed my lips to his and pushed my hips back down again, a tiny, whimpering gasp escaping my lips this time as we met again.

"Get the lube, baby," he instructed helpfully, running his fingers through my hair and brushing his thumbs across my cheekbones. "It'll make it easier, and when you're ready you can just go for it."

I nodded, taking his advice, leaning over and snatching the bottle from where it sat on the bed, still open and ready to go. I poured a little in my hand, reaching back and stroking him, taking the time to watch as he closed his eyes and rocked gently against my touch, lips parted and brows low over his eyes. Fuck, I loved seeing that look on his face.

I decided to prepare myself a little more, pressing two fingers against myself and adding another when the first two slipped inside easily, as I was still adjusted from our earlier escapades. My eyes squeezed shut and I moaned faintly as I stretched myself out, pushing against my own hand and imagining what it would soon be like with him inside of me, me on top, getting fucking impaled by his cock...ooh, shit. I honestly getting a little lost in the fantasy as my mind wandered.

"Fuck yeah. That's so fuckin' sexy," I heard as I felt hands caress my hips, gliding smoothly down my thighs and back up again, his tender touch sending radiating tingles all throughout my body. I didn't open my eyes, only smiled and stopped my teasing motions on myself, reaching back and grabbing his cock, gingerly pressing it against myself, heart pounding and finding myself so much more eager for this than I expected.

I panted hard, breath hissing through my teeth as I leaned back further, feeling the head of his dick slowly, slowly sink inside me. A trembling gasp left me and I paused for a second, leaning down over him on my hands, and his lips met mine, soft and gentle, his palms sliding serenely and comfortingly up and down my back as he kissed me with amazing tenderness, slowly melting away my insecurities with his loving affections. A single hand found its way to my hair and the other slipped between us, wrapping around my cock and easing some of my tension with long, lazy strokes. I felt myself relax almost immediately and pushed back a little more, both of us letting out deep, ardent moans of excitement as I worked my way down, further and further, as carefully but promptly as I could, finally stopping when I felt my ass come completely to rest on his hips.

I granted myself a few panting, slightly stinging seconds, adjusting to his size before I slowly began to rock against him, letting his cock only slide out a few inches before I rolled my hips back and descended again. Anticipation grew inside me quickly with each little movement, each little moan and gasp that left us, and it wasn't long before I hoisted myself up, planting my hands on his chest and arching my back as I pushed back hard against him, burying his dick inside me and lurching forward and back again, faster but still keeping a steady, even pace, biting my lip to stifle my eager, elated moans, the feeling of his cock filling me up, so deep inside of me and already hitting all the right spots to drive me wild. Oh, shit! Oh, god, why was I so nervous to do this?!

I felt his knees raise behind me and his hands grasped my hips, his own beginning to roll in time with mine, carefully, considerately, never letting himself get carried away or go too deep when I wasn't prepared. I felt his eyes upon me and opened my own, peering down through the haze of pleasure flowing freely through me and seeing him gazing up at me, enamored, attentive, and aroused, eyes half-lidded and shiny with desire. I gave a flattered, somewhat awkward chuckle as he told me, with a sweet knowing little smirk, "I told you you'd be a pro."

I cracked an embarrassed grin, shaking my head but never stopping my rhythm, "Shut up!"

"Mmm, I can't help it," he bit his lip, suddenly bucking his hips upwards and thrusting into me hard as he pulled me down forcefully onto his cock. I cried out, voice shaking with a bit of surprise and quite a lot of pleasure as he growled, low and rumbling, "You just look so fuckin' sexy on top of me riding my dick like that."

The words shot an encouraging pulse of electricity through me and I sat up straight, leaning back and reaching behind me to steady myself. I grasped his thighs, my fingers digging into his skin harshly as I gave a deep, quavering moan and shuddered with lust when his cock sank all the way inside me with another quick, determined thrust. "Oh, shit! Do that again! Do it again!"

My eyes rolled into my head and my mouth fell open in a silent cry of lust as his cock pounded into me, one, twice, three times, slow, deep, deliberate and rough. His hands gripped my hips tighter with each powerful thrust, snarling viciously low in his throat as he yanked me down on him and met me with a hard upward thrust that made me quiver, "Do you like that, baby? Do you like it when I fuck you hard like that?!"

"Oh, fuck, yes!" My voice quavered and cracked, my words interrupted and staggered with every powerfully deep movement he laid upon me. I arched my back, rocking against his dominate momentum, feeling the head of his dick repeatedly hit me just right over and over again, driving me fucking mad as I yelped pitifully and ground my hips against his, getting so fucking close so fucking fast that it startled and thrilled me. My heart pounded, my lungs burned, my groin tingled and I begged him for more shamelessly, desperately. "Don't stop...don't stop...please don't fucking stop!"

His hands clasped around my waist, holding me still over him, low and close as he suddenly picked up his pace, using the spring of the bed to aid him as he pounded into me with a new voracity, snarling and growling through his teeth as my own carnal, passionate cries rose and fell with the brutal pace of his thrusts, my cock slapping hard against his stomach, and the slight pain of it only deepened my enjoyment. My hair bounced around my face, my body jarred and trembled as I got completely lost in the sensation of a new position that I knew without a single fucking doubt that we had to try again.

I dug my fingers savagely into his thigh as I steadied myself, reaching in front of me and grabbing my cock, stroking it as hard and as fast as I could while his frantic, brutal assault never ceased or slowed. My body tingled, my balls ached for release as I jerked off, trying to force myself down against him, bury his hard, girthy, wonderful dick inside me, and it didn't go unnoticed. "Fuck yes, get yourself off on my cock, baby! I wanna see you come all over me!" I chanced a glance down. His teeth were bared, his eyes were narrowed and he looked like a fucking animal. Jesus fucking Christ he was primal!

His words and expression were all the encouragement I needed to push me over the edge again. My stomach clenched, my head fell back, my back arched and my hand clenched down like a fucking vice on his thigh as I cried out, a deep, guttural scream tearing from my throat as my body jerked uncontrollably on top of him, my come coating his chest in thick, abundant ropes as I rocked madly against his relentless pace. His hips suddenly jolted upwards, pitching me forward and he caught me in his arms, pressing me against him as he pounded into me hard, hands travelling down and spreading my ass apart as he roared with lust against my neck and buried his cock inside of me fiercely, crazed with desire and the approach of his own climax.

I squirmed, and writhed, and whimpered aloud, shocks pulsing through my already sensitive body as he slammed into me ruthlessly, and it felt so good, it felt so fucking good when he snarled vehemently, fingernails scratching my skin with painful intensity as his hands clenched my ass, and I felt the heat of his load flood me. He slowed, still sinking as deep as he could, primal, passionate moans staggering and softening with each weakening thrust, both of our breaths hot, and heavy, and unsteady. He sank inside of me with finality as I felt his cock throb one last time, and his knees gave out, falling from beneath me and taking me with them, both of us letting out a loud puff of exhaustion as my limp, weak body fell upon him.

I trembled. Fuck, we both did. I couldn't think. I couldn't fucking breathe. I just laid there, stunned, satisfied, and fatigued, my body rising and falling with the deep breaths he took. For a long while we laid there, my arms around his shoulders and his around mine, eyes shut and bodies quivering.

Duff finally broke the long silence, and his voice was feeble and shaky, "Oh, god...oh, god, baby..."

I swallowed hard, the gulp catching in my dry, raspy throat. "I...I know. Holy shit." My last sentence was a whimper.

I slid myself from over him, laying my head on his shoulder and not giving a fuck about all the jizz that coated both of us as I wrapped my around around his chest and nuzzled close to him, already starting to feel the draw of slumber begin to tug at me. "We...we...holy shit, we have to do that again, baby. Oh, fuck."

He let out a quiet laugh, breathy and light. "I completely fucking agree. Dude, I don't even want a cigarette, man. I just want to curl up with you and go the fuck to sleep."

I nodded, giving my own little chuckle. "Alright. Let me blow out the candles and we can both pass the fuck out." When I finally gathered the strength to sit up I noticed that very, very few of them were still burning.

I reluctantly hauled myself off the bed, steadying myself on my quaking knees and making the rounds to extinguish the candles before eagerly making my way back to the bed where he laid curled on his side, already fucking snoring quietly, the slightest semblance of a smile on his face. I shook my head, smirking down at him with affection and a little astonishment as I crawled in beside him and wrapped my arm around his waist, hearing a tiny puff of contentment come from him. I kissed his shoulders softly, rubbing my hand gently on his belly. "I love you, Duff. I hope you enjoyed our romantic date tonight."

Just as I was starting to fall asleep, a sleepy moan exited him, and I felt him push back, nuzzling his ass against me. "Mmm, I did. I love you, too, My amazing, awesome Slash."

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