"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanf...

By ilikemeandyoulikeyou

473K 9.9K 6.9K

Superstar Taylor Swift and Supermodel Karlie Kloss had often been told that they would get along tremendously... More

PSA (again)


4.6K 144 69
By ilikemeandyoulikeyou

(a/n: So I wrote a long chapter and split it into two so this is the first half cause its more of a cute filler segment. enjoy while I finish up the second half)


"Oh my God." Karlie gasped, looking at the laptop screen while Gigi shuffled around the room, trying to get herself together. She stopped in her tracks when she heard her friend exclaim. "Do you like it?" Came an equally excited voice from the laptop. Karlie was of course, facetiming Taylor Swift at 11 in the morning, when she should have been getting ready.

Gigi rolled her eyes at Kloss because she was blushing so hard at the screen and she thought it was unbelievable that Karlie hadn't picked up on the fact that someone else was in the room too. Ugh these two, I'm going to be sick one day. The model was gaping at the screen in silence as her gaze intensified.

"Okay, what's all the fuss?" Gigi asked, amused that something had the model so riled up and excited. Her voice broke the trance the taller girl was in but she waved her over to see whatever Taylor was showing her. Gigi looked into the laptop screen to be quite surprised herself.

"Oh my God! Taylor you look amazing!" The older Hadid said, motioning for the singer to turn around. Apparently the superstar had went ahead and gotten herself a whole new hair cut. The singer had previously trimmed her hair which Gigi had personally asked about to which Taylor had said that she had been inspired by Karlie, which had made the 19 year old roll her eyes; however, the blonde hair was even shorter now and perfectly framing her face just below her chin.

"You look so-" Karlie had started to say when the door to their room opened to have Cara burst in.

Gigi laughed at the frown on the taller girl's face and the giggle on the other end told her that Taylor too found it rather amusing to see how Karlie reacted to getting cut off. "What are you bitches still doing in bed? We. are. so. late. for. breakfast. Everyone's already there!" The Brit shouted before stopping herself when she saw how the two were huddled up near the computer.

"Are you guys watching porn? Without me?" The brunette leapt onto the bed while the other three giggled.

"How rude, we would never do that!" Gigi said, laughing while Karlie simply made a weird face. "Who watches porn in the morning, Cara?" Taylor spoke up, making the Brit squeal and Karlie look away and close her ears.

Don't you hide that face, Kar. I can practically feel you blushing so hard, thought Gigi.

"Oh my God, TAYLOR WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT HAIR! Honestly, this does count as porn. You look very NSFW right now." The Brunette grinned, making the singer laugh out loud, startling Meredith right out of her cat bed. The three models were now sprawled on the hotel bed, all gazing at the singer who was starting to feel a little overwhelmed. "Gee, thanks girls, I didn't realise you would be this excited about it."

Karlie raised an eyebrow, she was finally looking at the screen properly, "Aren't you excited about your hair? You look-," she didn't get to finish her sentence once again since Cara's phone had begun to ring. It was Jourdan. Cara gave the phone screen a wide grin before accepting the call.

"Just a second. She's going to kill us, and it's all on you Kar." The brunette whispered, answering the call.

"Yes we're still here. Yeah love, I'm going to get them. Okay, okay, I know, would you calm down? Relax." Cara gave them both death glares before pointing her fingers towards the front door, indicating that she needed them all to hurry the hell up.

Gigi pitied the taller girl who gave Cara a sad smile before looking back at the screen where Taylor was sporting the same expression. Okay, you two, don't worry. Hadid is on the job. The model got up, bundling after the Brit.

Before she passed through the bedroom door however, she gave her best friend a playful wink. "I can hold them off for 30 minutes. See you then!" Have fun, you idiots. The model thought, slowly closing the door behind her.

Cara had gotten off the phone by then. "Where's Karlie?" She asked, looking at the closed door. "I think she's a little busy for brunch." The American giggled when she saw Cara's confusion turn into a smirk. "Oh okay, I see how it is." With wide smiles on both of their faces, they left to have brunch with the rest of the models that were in Paris for fashion week.


Phew. Karlie's eyes shifted back to the girl on the screen once her friends had left the suite. The model knew that her face was burning but she didn't acknowledge it. She gave the blue eyed girl an apologetic smile before resuming conversation, explaining why there was so much chaos on her end.

"Jourdan has insisted on getting everyone together for brunch on this day off." Karlie half informed and half complained. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to disturb your morning." The singer apologised. "Hey no! Im glad you called. I got to see the new hair." Karlie said, her eyes wandering about Taylor's new hairstyle once more.

The singer laughed at that, a blush creeping onto her face slowly while Karlie continued to stare with a small smile. The blonde hair was chopped shorter, it appeared shiny and just so soft as it curled only slightly at the ends, turning inwards at her neck. The golden ends seemed to kissing her chin. Her bangs were cut differently now, put to one side, making it look perfectly windswept. It was as if she had just spent the last twenty minutes doing her hair; it enhanced her cheekbones in a way she hadn't known when Taylor slowly tucked the loose strands behind her ear.

Karlie's small trance was broken by the slight clearing of Taylor's throat. "Thanks."

The model was immediately struck by her blue eyes looking directly through her, a small smile playing on her red lipstick clad lips, making them look far more luscious than usual. Okay she looks like she's about to head out.

"Isn't it like uhh..." Kloss looked away quickly, checking her phone for the time, "It's 2am over there! So what are you doing up at this hour?" The green eyed girl frowned in puzzlement while Taylor sighed, petting the cat who was now sitting on her lap, wide awake. "I was...recording some things." The singer answers, a weird tone in her voice.

"You record with your make up on at 2am, do you?" Karlie gave the blonde a suspicious look while Taylor giggled. "I just got back from a small party Ed was hosting with the tour crew. It got a little out of hand." The blue eyed girl confessed, making Kloss furrow her eyebrows in concern. "Are you okay?" She asked, receiving a small smile in return. "I'm fine. I was however, a little tipsy while getting home. Hence, the recording." Taylor held up her phone and shook it.

"That must've been fun." Karlie giggled, imagining a drunk Taylor singing half lyrics into her phone while trying to sit straight. "Oh I hope you never have to hear that." The blonde scoffed at Karlie, making the model wish she had called her just a little earlier considering the hilarious texts she'd gotten 30 minutes ago. "A party, huh? No wonder you're all done up. Have you even changed yet?" The supermodel questioned, paying attention the black straps running along Taylor's shoulders.

"Nope. Told you, I've been recording. I came home just a while ago."

"A while?" The green eyed girl asked, wondering why the singer would think of hitting her up at such an hour especially right after a probably wild party. "About an hour I think? Right Sam?" The singer called out to the closed door behind her which opened immediately to reveal the bodyguard bringing in a pitcher of water and some pills. What is he doing at her house so late?

He's her bodyguard, Karlie. Don't be stupid.

"You called, Miss Swift?"He asked, coming up to her when he realised that she was facetiming Karlie. "Hello, Miss Kloss. You seem to be up at a reasonable hour." Taylor grinned at him mischievously while Karlie detected the plain sarcasm in his voice.

"Its a reasonable hour alright, why is it that you two are calling me at 2am?"

The model asked the brown haired man while still confused as to why Taylor was giving her bodyguard that grin as if she knew something she didn't. "Miss Swift had a fun night at Mr. Sheeran's party," the bodyguard replied, smiling at his boss while she looked away from him, her eyes rolling.

"I think she had a bit too much to drink, which is why, I'll be setting up your medicines for tomorrow. I would very much like you to wake up without feeling like crap." He added, looking at her chidingly while Karlie chuckled on the other end.

The singer's lower lip was jutting out as she pouted like a little girl. Surely some of the alcohol was still in her system. "Take care of her, Sam." Karlie found herself saying rather seriously while Taylor shooed him away. "That's enough, Sam. We have some catching up to do."

"I'm not a baby. I can very well make my own decisions, thank you." She said, addressing the American sitting half-way around the world.

"Of course you can." Karlie rolled her eyes at the singer while Sam left the room, closing the door behind him. They were left staring at each other in silence again before Kloss broke it because she just couldn't hold the eye contact any longer without burning herself from its intensity. "So, Swift. Why are you even talking to me when you should be getting a good night's rest?" She raised an eyebrow in question while Taylor popped a cookie into her mouth.

"Should there be a reason? I just wanted to talk to you." The singer simply stated, making the model blush just a little more. Jesus, Karlie stop. "Oh yeah? About what?" She asked again, adjusting the laptop so that she could lie down, her head resting on her palms with her elbow  propped up, being able to easily stare at the shorter girl on the other end.

"I uh-" The blonde paused for a second, her eyes dropping lower for a moment before resting on her green eyes again. The supermodel knew exactly where her gaze had gone but she made no move to cover up the small bit of side cleavage showing due to the plunging neckline of the shirt she was in. That little stare had her burning in a slightly different region, however.

"I have a bad case of the munchies so I was nibbling on your-" The singer looked away, biting her lip when she realised that the model had caught her looking at her cleavage once again. The green eyed girl was giving her a smirk she couldn't bear to look at either. "On these cookies and I thought of you." Taylor finished, quickly picking up the half eaten packet of Karlie's Kookies lying on the table.

She thought of me. The model's smirk turned into a wide grin when Taylor took another bite. "How's that lifelong supply coming on? Any left?" She asked, ignoring the last part of the sentence that had sent butterflies through her stomach.

"Barely 2 packs left... I think Meredith has been sneaking away a few everyday." The singer said, grinning at the cat that was almost asleep on her lap. "Sure, Tay." The taller girl rolled her eyes, returning to the conversation. "You're still slightly drunk, aren't you?" The model said, studying the blue eyed girl's slightly glazed eyes. They were immediately alert as soon as she said it, piercing once more it seemed, into her soul.  "No I'm not. What are you going to be doing today?" Karlie watched Taylor's gaze drop once more. If you're going to continue doing that, I'm going to combust.

"I have the day off." The model answered nonchalantly, watching Taylor's throat bob up and down after another sneaked glance. That's it. Karlie subtly re-adjusted her shirt while explaining her schedule to the blue eyed girl.  

"Wow, who knew models get up to so much on their days off?" Taylor laughed when Karlie had finished explaining all of the sightseeing they were going to be doing even though they've all come to the city of lights a billion times before. "Yeah, you can't help but take in the atmosphere here. What with all the excitement and the architecture and the street style going around, I wish you were here." The model sighed, surprised that the last part of the sentence had sounded so wistful. "And receive a dozen lectures from you about all things Paris? Maybe not." Taylor said in a mocking tone, leaving the green eyed girl playfully hurt.

"There's just so much to take in over here. The weather is absolutely romantic for the approaching summer. Although it does appear quite gloomy." The taller girl looked out of the window with a distant look in her eyes. I really wish you were here.


I don't know, really.

"That sounds wonderful." The singer replied, drawing Karlie's attention back to the  Macbook screen. The  model noticed a brief sweeping glance from the blue eyed girl before Taylor gave her a big grin, changing the subject.

"I bet you're going to have a lot of fun today! I really like what you're wearing." The singer said, quietly, her cheeks going a slight shade of pink when Karlie beamed back at her. "Thanks, but it's just my go to." The model said, playing with the sleeves of the long denim button down shirt with the aforementioned plunging neck line that Karlie was just wearing as a thigh high dress.

"But I know that you are in a dress! I don't think I've seen you wear that one before." The green eyed girl commented, making the singer look down upon her dress in inspection. "It's cute! Wait, hold on." The shorter blonde replied before dragging out her chair and taking a few steps back so that her whole outfit was in frame.

Karlie felt a sigh escape her mouth when she laid eyes on the suave black fit dress Taylor was sporting. It was a perfectly cut black dress that fell just a little above her knee, showing off plenty of her toned legs while also managing to sport some skin on one side of her waist due to the jagged cuts made on the right. She looked alluring and inviting to anyone that dared to even glance at her. "Wow." Kloss managed to say when the singer did a slow turn, showing off every angle of the dress. The straps elegantly cut across her shoulders before forming a web-like pattern on her back.

More skin. Enough. I think you're killing me. Watching the blue-eyed girl in such a siren- like dress only made her head spin. She once again noticed how the new hair made her seem so confident, and ultra sexy. Her appearance completely threw out the 'girl next door' image that she seemed to have carved for herself, at least for Karlie. The dark winged eye-liner and the fierce red lips only added to the effect.

Alright, you win. You've slayed me. I beg for mercy

In that moment of time, Taylor Swift looked like a dark angel ready to rule and if the smirk playing on her lips was any indication, she damn well knew it. "What do you think?" The singer asked, dropping the smile when she had settled down again. Meredith had scampered off to her bed after being disturbed for the hundredth time.

Karlie's gaze fixated on her blue eyes once more, wondering if she had any words in her vocabulary to truly express what she thought; it turned out that she didn't. With the faintest of sighs, she resorted to the words that came within the range. "Stunning." She uttered, without any sentence whatsoever. Her gaze was intense, ebbing the singer to understand what she really meant, wanting her to know the emotion spilling out of the word. Taylor heard it alright; she looked away at her hands, a serious blush building on her face as she smiled at her nails. 

There was an immediate tension when Taylor's face lifted up at her again. "Thank you."  She said, an edge in her voice that the model had not hear before. She felt a shiver down her spine when she heard the words; it was so husky. Get your shit together, Kloss. The taller girl decided to lighten the mood before she got ahead of herself and blurted out all the adjectives that were running through her mind. "Like Cara said, very NSFW." said the model playfully, laughing as Taylor gave her an amused grin.

The conversation got back on track after that, flowing effortlessly as they caught up on Karlie's escapades in the fashion capital and Taylor's on-going tour rehearsals.

After a good fifteen minute talk, they came to a natural silence with Karlie re-positioning her laptop in order for her to be able to still talk to Taylor as she gathered her things. She knew that Gigi had promised her half an hour and she had realised that only 5 minutes were left before she was expected at brunch. I don't wanna go. She sighed, picking up her Chanel purse from her suitcase and slowly filling it with her essentials for the day. On the other end, Taylor was devouring what looked like her sixth Kookie for the hour, watching the model go about her room with a smile on her face.

Karlie couldn't help but feel flustered when the singer stared at her, wanting to fill the silence in some way. She bit her lip, looking away from the camera to slip her phone into the purse when the singer spoke up. "Hey Karlie?" she asked, a slightly awkward nervousness in her tone.

"Yeah?" The green eyed girl replied, thankful that she was giving her something to talk about. "Don't laugh at me for this but-" The green eyed girl looked up, amused and expectant. "What does NSFW mean?" The model burst out laughing, regardless; another shade of red coming over the singer from embarrassment. "I can't believe you just asked me that." It's been fifteen minutes since I mentioned it...why are you asking now?

"Okay, no need to be a jerk about it." Taylor replied, giving her a playful eye roll while Karlie sat on the bed once more. "Okay, okay. It's just an abbreviation. It stands for not-safe-for-work." The taller girl clarified, laughing lightly as she latched up her purse. The girl on the other end went quiet for a moment, the model was forced to look up in concern.

"You okay?" Karlie asked, folding her arms and waiting for the singer to answer. Taylor's eyebrows were slightly furrowed when she asked, "So when you said that I looked very NSFW..." I meant that I could just-

Don't finish that thought, Karlie. Don't you dare.

She didn't  finish the thought because Taylor's eyes were still focused on hers and they were waiting for an answer. The supermodel stood up from the laptop with a chuckle. "You're such a dork. I meant, that you look -extremely- sexy." She paused, her smirk growing while her green eyes met the clouded blue ones that seemed to instantly come alive upon realisation. "Oh." The singer's face flushed once more, breaking the momentary trance that Karlie was in, her smirk immediately disappearing when she noticed just how she had said it.

Where do you even get these impulses from?

I've complimented my best friends using the same words a million times. Would you stop overreacting?

Did you stare through all of their souls like that?

Oh just shut up, will you?

"Thanks, Karl." The shorter girl was fidgeting in her seat on the other end while Karlie tried not to hide herself from those blue eyes that seemed a tiny bit darker all of a sudden. The way the nickname rolled off of the singer's tongue only made it harder for the ever so awkward Kloss to come up with a reply to lighten the mood.

"You do! And that's hardly appropriate for a workplace." The taller girl emphasised lamely, watching Taylor laugh softly on the other end. She was shaking her head in amusement, her gaze falling to the floor while trying to hide her blush beneath her swishy hair. God, you're beautiful. She felt herself think when her best friend looked up lovingly at her.

"I'm so dumb. I'll never get this internet lingo." Taylor said sheepishly, making Karlie raise an eyebrow. "Really? But aren't you on Tumblr? I'm pretty sure that's where these things crop up from."

"Yeah well, you've managed to educate me, Miss Kloss. And for the record," the singer's eyes trailed their way quickly down Karlie's outfit for a brief moment. Karlie smirked involuntarily, thoroughly enjoying the reaction from the other end. "You look very NSFW too."

That was her cue. Karlie needed to get moving soon or she'd never be able to leave.  "Thank you, Miss Swift." The taller girl tried to hide her blush as she pulled on one of her brown boots. "Okay, thirty minutes are up. You need to get going." Taylor said, reading the time on her phone.

"And you, need to get to bed." Karlie had pulled on both her shoes, kneeling by the bed, now looking straight at the screen. "Okay." Taylor huffed. "Oh wait one more thing!" The singer added, just when the taller girl was about to say bye. "Yeah?"

"I'm going to be in New York next week." The blonde simply stated, making the model light up. "Really? Is it because of the house?"

"Yeah! And I know that you'll be back from Milan so..." Taylor drawled on while Karlie simply waited for her to finish the sentence. "Do you want to maybe, grab lunch with me on the 3rd?" Taylor asked, biting her lip which made it hard for Karlie to not look. Why does she seem nervous? We always have lunch together.

"Sure! Duh. How is that even a question?" The green eyed girl gave Taylor a wide grin, watching the other girl exhale happily. "Awesome. I need to know all of your favourite spots."

"You got it." Karlie could hardly wait. Relax, Karl. You've still gotta get to Milan first.

The model's phone began to ring; Taylor's eyes widened in realisation. "Oh my God, I'm wasting your time, I'm so sorry. Have a good day!" The singer said.

Karlie simply giggled, ignoring the call. "It's okay. I like talking to you." She blurted out, making the shorter girl grin back at her. "I like talking to you too." Butterflies. Shit. Okay what was that?

Karlie's phone then buzzed with a text from Gigi. The supermodel decided that it was in fact time to skedaddle. "Alright, get your butt out of here." Taylor said, earning a blown kiss from the taller girl. "I'm going. Go to bed, bye!" Karlie waved and Taylor did too before they both cut the call.

Karlie unlocked her phone to see what Gigi had sent once she had closed her laptop and kept it away.

[Gigi]: Get your ass down here or Jourdan is going to come up and kick you out personally xD :P

Karlie quickly shot her a reply before smiling to herself and locking her suite. Her day had started out wonderfully and she had no doubt that it was going to continue that way.

"The queen has arrived." Joan announced, hugging Karlie as soon as she reached the long table that seated over 11 models. It was clearly the best dressed table too because everyone was in perfect attire worthy of Paris Fashion Week.

Ten other beautiful faces looked up at her with bright smiles. Karlie made the round, hugging them all except Gigi and Cara since she had seen them already. Jourdan finally got up, putting her arm around the taller girl with a smirk on her face. "Cara here tells me you were kinda busy talking to a certain superstar? Have I been pipped from the best friend status then?" Karlie's gaze immediately wandered to find Cara, giving her a quick glare before turning back to Jourdan. "Don't be ridiculous, Jour. That's impossible. You're still my home girl."

"I don't mind sharing." Jourdan replied, patting her back before sitting next to her. "Let's get this brunch over with, ladies. Karlie here is going to be our tour guide of the day." The Brit said, earning a few chuckles from the other models as they continued their animated conversation.


(a/n: more coming in a few hours. Vote and tell me what you think? xo)


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