Ritz and Fritz

By poke03

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Chapter 1

11 0 0
By poke03

-Chapter 1

I was curled up in a ball, thinking about how I got into this mess. Now I remember, but first I needed to hide.


It was a warm summer evening in Compton Los Angeles, when I got a call from my business partner Richard Fruitful.

"Nathan! They're throwing a party in the honour of our company! You've got to come! It starts at 8pm!" He hung up.

Richard was born for success as was I,but I wasn't stuck up ass like he was. We were the founders of Compton University, it seems unlikely but it became the top university in the world. We were actually laundering drug money, we had a huge network which sold worldwide. Richard Fruitful the III was the son of Richard Fruitful the II who was loaded. Richards pockets were always fat, he had a mansion and 6 limos. He was average height and thin, he had combed black hair and a look that made him seem as if he were in the 1920s.

I got into my limo and told my driver Lionel to drive me to Vegas.

"Las Vegas?" He asked.

"No..." I replied sarcastically.

"Then where?" Lionel asked. I gave him a look, he knew exactly what I meant.

Parties in Vegas are always memorable, one time I ended up broke and had to con some dumb ass and received $1500 and I gave him cherry which he thought gave him superpowers, maybe intelligence. I wondered if we'd be in a casino or hotel, I hope not a casino. I always bet all my cheddar on a digit which is never lucky, I could always con someone though I mean I lied so many times to the police about my drug sales.

The police sirens were wailing behind me. I told Lionel to pull over, I saw the police car approaching creepily sliding past all the other cars. Now snaking towards me I quickly thought of ways to escape this, I thought if there was any bribe money in car.Crap! I have an M16 in the boot of my limo. I lifted a bundle of cash worth ten thousand dollars. The car now less than 5 metres away slowed down, but then sped off. Close call. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and told Lionel to continue driving.

Lionel was my chauffeur who was Mexican. he had 6 children and a wife and lived in San Diego in his spare time. I had a backup driver though who could drive me if Lionel was not available. his name was Mario, the scariest Italian to have set foot in my car. Once he started smoking weed while driving, I told him he was crazy but he told me to "Shut Up!" and I did so.

"We're here!" Lionel announced.

I looked up and all I could see was semi-desert and a sign which read: Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas

My phone rang and I picked up, it was Richard.

"Where are you?!" He yelled.

"I've literally just passed the border, where am I supposed to go?"

"Go to the Hilton Hotel" He answered.

"Hilton Hotel" I told Lionel and Richard hung up.


I found a trash bin. i slowly opened the lid, looking behind me I saw a figure. He looked at me with a sinister grin, he then laughed disturbingly and threw dollar coin my way. I better play along.

"Thank you sir!" I shouted, trying to make a hobo like voice.

"Buy yourself something nice..." He replied.

What can I buy with a dollar I thought. I had an idea. I walked quickly but not too quick to arouse suspicion, as I creeped up to the phone booth I withdrew my coin. I inserted the coin and dialed the numbers...


"Excuse me sir, what do we do?" Lionel brought the road block up ahead to my attention.

I reeled down my tinted blue window with my shades covering what the officer avoids looking at as if I was some psycho murderer. I peeped over his shoulder, the trauma prevented me from saying anything.

"Pretty gruesome, huh. Anyway, you're not supposed to be, tell me where you're going and I'll give you directions." The officer said, saying it as if it was a routine in an exhausted voice.

"H-h-h hil-hilt" I stuttered.

"Hilton Hotel?" The officer guessed.

"Y-y yeah" I mumbled.

"I got a lot of those this night, turn left and just follow the signs, I can't be bothered to go through all the directions." The unhelpful officer instructed.

"Lionel..." I started.

"I got it sir" Lionel interrupted.

"Well then punch it!" I yelled wanting to leave this place as soon as possible...


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