The Man Inside the Iron Fence...

By KatherineArlene

463K 33.8K 8.7K

It's 1939, and the world is at the precipice of war. But life for one young man in rural America couldn't be... More

Chapter 1 - Johnny
Chapter 2 - I Can't Get Started
Chapter 3 - It Looks Like Rain in Cherry Blossom Lane
Chapter 4 - Penny Serenade
Chapter 5 - Moonlight Serenade
Chapter 6 - Goodnight, My Love
Chapter 7 - Darn That Dream
Chapter 8 - I'll Never Smile Again
Chapter 9 - Night and Day
Chapter 10 - It's a Blue World
Chapter 11 - The Band Played On
Chapter 12 - There'll Be Some Changes Made
Chapter 13 - It All Comes Back to Me Now
Chapter 14 - I Don't Want to Walk Without You
Chapter 15 - I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire
Chapter 16 - Stormy Weather
Chapter 17 - All or Nothing at All
Chapter 18 - Paper Doll
Chapter 19 - Why Don't You Do Right?
Chapter 20 - People Will Say We're in Love
Chapter 21 - This Love of Mine
Chapter 22 - Fools Rush In
Chapter 23 - Walking the Floor Over You
Chapter 24 - Dearly Beloved
Chapter 25 - Who Wouldn't Love You?
Chapter 26 - Flying Home
Chapter 27 - Daddy
Chapter 28 - We'll Meet Again
Chapter 29 - It Started All Over Again
Chapter 30 - Johnny Zero
Chapter 31 - Swinging On a Star
Chapter 32 - They Took the Stars Out of Heaven
Chapter 33 - I'll Get By (As Long As I Have You)
Chapter 34 - White Christmas
Chapter 36 - It's Been a Long, Long Time
Chapter 37 - I Don't Know Enough About You
Chapter 38 - I Love You For Sentimental Reasons
Chapter 39 - I Never Knew
Chapter 40 - It's Over (Epilogue)
Bonus Chapter - Merry Christmas, Baby

Chapter 35 - Waitin' for the Train to Come In

8.1K 597 127
By KatherineArlene

July 1945

After helping Helen, Jonathon took Douglas's hand so he wouldn't fall as he climbed out of the back of the Duesenberg. A few months away from his third birthday, he was now at an age where he loudly insisted on doing things himself, even if they were physically challenging. Jonathon couldn't help being proud his son was already showing a strong character.

"Kitty!" Helen called behind him.

He let go of Douglas's hand and Douglas ran across the train platform. "Aunt Kitty!" he said, grabbing onto her legs.

"Careful, Douglas," Helen said sharply. "You don't want to knock Jessica out of Aunt Kitty's arms!"

"Hello, Douglas," Kitty said with a laugh, adjusting the baby so she could pat his head.

Helen put her hand on Jessica's dark hair while Jonathon greeted Kitty's parents. "Doesn't she look pretty today!"

"Thanks!" Kitty said, straightening Jessica's white lace dress for Helen to admire

They were all in their best clothes, except for Douglas who was wearing his favorite army officer's uniform. Helen had tried to get him in a suit, but he'd objected vehemently while she'd attempted to dress him and she gave up.

The sound of a train whistle sounded in the distance, and Douglas pointed in the direction it came from. "Twain!"

"I know! It's coming," Helen said, scooping him up.

"I want see!" he demanded angrily as she set him on her hip.

"You'll see the train. It's going to be here in just a minute."

Jonathon moved closer to her in case she needed him to take Douglas. They could hear the train coming now, and everyone on the platform turned in its direction. There were a few other families who were waiting impatiently for the train to appear.

Jonathon was surprised there weren't more, but he knew Billy had been on the first transport ship coming back from Europe. As soon as he'd landed in New York, Jonathon had wired him money so he could fly to Chicago, not wanting to wait for him to take the train across the country.

"There it is!" Kitty cried when it appeared from behind a stand of trees, practically jumping up and down.

It seemed like it took an eternity for the train to reach the station and come to a stop. Jonathon searched each window, but he didn't see his brother. A conductor opened the door in the first car and came down the stairs while Jonathon watched the darkened entry with excitement.

A young man in uniform appeared, and just as Jonathon realized it wasn't Billy, there was a sharp intake of breath, not just by his family, but others as well. The soldier struggled to come down the stairs, using a pair of crutches, his right leg missing entirely.

An older couple went to him as he reached the bottom.  The woman hugged him tight, and then began sobbing. The soldier patted her back, appearing embarrassed. "Don't cry, ma. I'm alright."

"Sure you are, son. Sure you are," his father said, but he looked like he was about to cry too.

"Billy!" Kitty yelled.

Billy was coming from two cars away, carrying a large duffle bag over his shoulder, but when he saw Kitty, he dropped it and ran to her. Even though she had the baby in her arms, he grabbed on to her and the two of them kissed with a fervor Jonathon had never seen in public before.

He and Helen were walking towards them, along with Kitty's parents, but they stopped several feet away to give them their privacy.

When they broke apart, both had tears in their eyes.

"Is this – my Jessica?" Billy said, cradling her face in his hands.

"This is your daughter," Kitty said, wiping her eyes. "Isn't she beautiful?"

"She's perfect." Then Billy saw Jonathon and he smiled broadly as he strode to him. "Johnny!" he said taking his hand in a firm grip. "It sure is good to see you again!"

Up close Jonathon could see his brother's face was leaner and more rugged, with fine lines etched around his eyes and mouth. He was no longer the boy who'd left home three years ago. The war had aged him.

"It's good to see you too," Jonathon said, smiling to hide his emotions.

"Is this Douglas?" Billy said, letting go of his hand so he could go to Helen. "Gosh, he's big! And hello," he said, realizing he hadn't greeted her.

"He's almost three," Helen said with a proud smile.

"You look ready to fight, young man."

"Say hello to your Uncle Billy," she prompted Douglas.

"Hi, Unca Billy," he said, and then buried his face in Helen's shoulder, making everyone laugh.

While Billy greeted Kitty's parents, Jonathon retrieved his duffle bag.

"I hope you're hungry," Helen said to Billy. "Annie's prepared a big dinner for all of us."

Billy grinned. "That sounds swell! I'm ready for some home cooking, especially Annie's."

"Let's get you home then," Jonathon said, smiling just as hard.


Throughout the meal, Billy asked lots of questions, wanting to know everything that had happened with the business and in town.  Jonathon got the sense he'd been a lot more homesick than he'd wanted to let on in his letters after being away from home for so many years. He also noticed Billy didn't ask about any of their old friends, and he wondered if it was because he already knew who'd been killed in the war, or he didn't want to know.

As Annie cleared away the dessert plates, Billy leaned back in his chair, rubbing his stomach. "That's just about the best dinner I think I've ever eaten."

"Yes, it was wonderful, Annie. Thank you," Kitty said, while everyone chimed in.

Annie blushed heavily from the praise. "No need to thank me. We knew this day was coming so Helen and I saved our ration stamps."

"Annie's being modest," Helen said. "It was all her idea."

"Well, I appreciate it," Billy said to Annie. "Really."

At that moment, Jessica let out a loud cry, and Kitty took her out of the high chair.

"What was that for?" Billy asked Jessica playfully as Kitty set her on her lap. Jessica rubbed her eyes and leaned into Kitty.

"I better nurse her, and then she's going to be ready to go down for the night."

"Ah!" Billy said, his body relaxing. "That's the second thing I've been dreaming about for years. Sleeping in my own bed."

Kitty looked at him, and then at the others around the table. "Uh, I was thinking we'd be going back at my house, where we, I mean where Jessica and I live."

Billy shook his head with an embarrassed smile. "Oh, right. I knew that."

"But if you want to stay–"

"No, no," Billy said, still shaking his head. "I don't know what I was thinking."

Even though he was trying to pretend he was alright, Jonathon could tell something had changed in his brother, like the joy at being home had suddenly drained out of him. From the silence at the table, everyone else saw it too.

"I guess I don't know where I live now," Billy said, trying to cover the awkwardness in the room with a laugh.

Kitty put her hand on his arm. "You should sleep here tonight. You earned the right to sleep in your own bed."

"I'm not going to be apart from you!" he said angrily, and Kitty pulled her hand away. His face fell, and he looked around the table, clearly ashamed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to come out that way."

"I'll stay here with you," Kitty said. "But – all of Jessica's things are at home.  I don't know how I'd manage."

"I probably have everything you'd need, Kitty," Helen said quickly. "And I can loan you night clothes."

"Thank you," Kitty said with evident relief.

"It's alright. You can put Jessica in Douglas's crib and he can sleep with us tonight."

Jonathon looked at Helen.

"I don't want to put the two of you out," Billy grumbled.

"He's slept in our bed lots of times," Helen lied. "He likes it."

"See? It's all going to work out," Kitty said to Billy brightly. "Tomorrow, after you've had a good night's rest, we can talk about where we want to live."

Jonathon opened his mouth and then closed it. He'd assumed Billy would go to work with him in the morning, but he realized he hadn't thought things through. After fighting for his country for years, his brother deserved to have time with his wife and daughter before he took his place beside Jonathon at the mine.

"Why don't you come with me," Helen said to Kitty. "You can feed Jessica upstairs and then we'll find what you need."

The men rose as they stood, and Kitty's mother said, "It's time for us to go home, Victor."

"Are you sure?" Helen said.

"Yes," she said, taking Helen's hand. "You young people have things to do and we don't want to keep you."

"We are very glad to have you home!" Victor said, offering his hand for Billy to shake.

"Thank you, sir."

"Ach! Call me Victor!"

After they'd seen Kitty's parents off, Kitty and Helen took the children upstairs, and Jonathon motioned for Billy to join him in the grand parlor. "Would you like a drink?" he asked, heading for the bar cabinet.

"Sure." Billy flopped on the nearest couch while Jonathon took the top off the whiskey decanter.

"You didn't talk about it during dinner, but I'm curious. What was it like, being there?" Jonathon asked, pouring a measure into two glasses.

"What do you mean?" Billy asked as Jonathon crossed the room.

"The war," Jonathon said, handing him his glass. "What was it like?"

"The war was..." Billy grimaced and then shrugged as he looked at his drink. "You're either bored out of your mind, or you're trying to keep you and your buddies from being killed by the Krauts."

Jonathon waited for him to elaborate, but Billy took a sip from his glass, and Jonathon did the same.

"Did you have something to do with me coming home early?" Billy asked.

Jonathon avoided his brother's eyes. "Why do you think it was early?"

"Near as I can tell, I was the only fellow in my company sent home. And on the ship, every man there was from a different division from mine."

Jonathon took another sip from his glass while he debated with himself. Should he tell his brother the truth?

"Come on, Johnny! I'm not stupid. All those men had furloughs and then they were on their way to the Pacific. They weren't discharged like me."

There was a tense silence until Jonathon finally broke it. "I made some phone calls,"he admitted.

"I knew it! You shouldn't have done it," Billy said through his teeth.

"The war in Europe is over! The army doesn't need you anymore."

"That's not true! It's still dangerous over there."

"That's why I wanted you here! I don't want you dying for nothing." Billy opened his mouth to argue, but Jonathon interrupted him. "I thought you'd be happy to be home with Kitty and your daughter."

Billy let out a breath and slumped in defeat. "I am happy to be home," he said more quietly. "But – I left my buddies behind. A soldier doesn't do that."

Looking in his brother's eyes, Jonathon realized he'd made a mistake. It was obvious his brother had formed strong bonds while he was away and Jonathon had forced him to break them. "You're right. I should have waited for the army to release you."

"You didn't know," Billy muttered, and then drained his glass.

"I'm sorry, Billy."

Billy sighed. "It's alright. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you've always tried to protect me."

"I'm glad you're home. I – I mean, we've missed you."

Billy gave him a tired smile. "I missed all of you too." He started to stand. "I'm going to hit the sack."

Jonathon rose and put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Take as much time as you need with your family. I can wait a while before you come back to work." He was glad to see Billy's face relax, his anger gone completely.

"Thanks, Johnny. I appreciate it."


That night, Jonathon laid in his darkened bedroom, listening to Helen hum a tune for Douglas while they waited for him to fall asleep. Outside their opened windows, a breeze picked up, making the tree leaves rustle, and he closed his eyes, enjoying a much welcomed feeling of peace. Billy was safe at home, and soon he'd begin working at the mine, easing much of the pressure Jonathon had been under for the last few years.

"Johnny," Helen whispered.

"Hm?" he said without opening his eyes.

"If Billy and Kitty decide to stay here, I think we should move into the cabin, at least for a few weeks. It would be nice if they could have the house to themselves, like a second honeymoon."

He found her hand in the dark. They hadn't spent a night in the cabin yet that year, and it would be like a honeymoon for them too. "I like the idea, but what about Douglas?"

"There's a little bed in the attic. We could have James move it down there for him. I think he'd like that. He's almost too big for the crib now anyway."

"I think he'd like it too. It would be an adventure for him."

"Good. I'll tell Kitty tomorrow." She resumed humming and listening to her soft, sweet voice, he smiled.

While he and Helen stayed in the cabin, maybe they'd finally be able to have another child. He already felt a lot more relaxed, as if all the worries that had dogged him relentlessly had vanished, even his concern about the trust. He was certain he and Billy would be able to figure out a solution to deal with it. His life was finally settling into what he'd hoped it would be.


Two days later, much sooner than Jonathon had expected, Billy was riding in the back of the Duesenberg with him as James drove through an early morning fog.

"The demand for iron has dropped," Jonathon said, while Billy looked out his window. "It started to drop as soon as it became clear it was over for the Germans, but who knows how long the Japanese are going to last. It seems like the fighting in the Pacific is going to go on forever."

"I hear they don't surrender," Billy said quietly, his eyes on the passing scenery. "They fight to the death." He shook his head. "I can't imagine..."

"So," Jonathon said, sensing he should change the subject. "I expect the demand will continue to be down, I just hope it doesn't drop so far we have to let go of any of the men. I've already let the women go."

"Women!" Billy said, facing him for the first time.

"Didn't anyone tell you we had to hire women?"

"No, no one told me."

"There weren't enough men available, and we were working nearly around the clock trying to keep up. They didn't do too bad, if you want to know the truth, but I don't have any use for them anymore. Soon the men will be returning and they need those jobs."

"Makes sense," Billy said, looking out his window again.

Jonathon watched him, and for the first time he wondered if something was bothering his brother. "You didn't have to come back to work so soon, you know. You could have spent more time with Kitty."

"Nah," Billy said, straightening while he rubbed his palms on his suit trousers. "I couldn't stay at the house anymore. It was making me antsy."

Jonathon grinned with relief. "Well, you'll find there's plenty to keep you busy at the mine."

"Good," Billy said, returning his smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. He faced his window again, and Jonathon's concern crept back.

Maybe his brother was having a hard time adjusting back to civilian life. He'd been in the military for over two years after all. It was going to take him some time, Jonathon decided. Once he got used to things,  he'd be as right as rain.

When they walked in the office building, Mrs. Gibson's mouth dropped open, seeing Billy. "Mr. Blackwell! I didn't expect to see you so soon!" she said, coming around her desk so she could take his hand.

Billy smiled his first real smile of the day. "Hello, Mrs. Gibson, how are you?"

"I'm really good."

"Mr. Blackwell!" said Jenkins, the head of shipping, and soon Billy was surrounded by the rest of the office, shaking hands and getting slaps on the back.

"Did you kill lots of Jerries?" one of them asked.

"Well, a few," Billy said, appearing modest.

There were guffaws. "I bet a lot more than a few!"

"Kiss any French girls?" Schroeder asked.

"Mr. Schroeder!" Mrs. Gibson said with shock.

"Nope, not a one," Billy said easily.

"You forget my brother is a married man, and it's time to get back to work," Jonathon said firmly, deciding to rescue his brother in case anyone else decided to ask inappropriate questions.

"Is there a spare desk in the accounting department for me?" Billy asked as the others moved away.

"Oh, no," Jonathon said, slapping his forehead. "I forgot you'd need a desk."

"It doesn't need to be in the accounting department. I'll sit anywhere. I don't mind," Billy said, looking around the large room.

Jonathon laughed as he put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Did you really think I'd forget something like that? Come with me."

He led Billy down the hallway past his own office, and after opening a door, he stepped aside and motioned for Billy to enter. Billy walked to the desk at the end of the room, then turned around.

"I don't understand. Is this a temporary office?"

"No, it's not temporary! This is your office."

"But this is Jenkins' office."

"Not anymore."

Billy sighed loudly.  "Johnny, you know I don't like special treatment."

"What special treatment! You're a partner in this business. Your name is at the top of the letterhead as much as mine is, and besides, after the way Jenkins acted when Father died, you deserve this office a lot more than he does," Jonathon said bitterly.

"What are you talking about? What did he do?"

"Never mind, I'll tell you later" Jonathon said, not wanting to ruin Billy's first morning at work by explaining how Jenkins had attempted to wrestle control of the company away from him after their father died. "Come.  Look out the window," he urged, and went to stand beside Billy. "This has just as good a view of the pit as my office," he said as they looked down at the first workers going to their machinery. "You can keep watch on the men simply by turning your chair around."

"Yeah.  That's good," Billy said quietly.

Jonathon looked at his watch. "We might as well start our rounds. By time we walk down there, the men should be at their stations." He grinned as he started for the door. "There's a lot to fill you in on. I'm eager to show you all the changes.  I'll bet you'll be surprised."

"I probably will," Billy said behind him as he followed him out of the office.


Billy is finally home, and everyone is happy to have him back.  Jonathon has high hopes for working alongside his brother, but as you can see, Billy is already showing signs that things aren't going to be as smooth as Jonathon expects.  What do you think might be going on with Billy?  And what's going to happen to the brothers if Billy doesn't meet Jonathon's expectations?  I can't wait to hear what you think!

Thank you so much for reading!  I really hope you've enjoyed this chapter!  I will strive to get the next one out as soon as I can.

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