Mr. Mendes • Shawn Mendes

By lightblueshawn

208K 3.5K 1.5K

Chapter 12- Rule 893C : - Your not allowed to (gently) touch one of your students, no matter what. FINISHED! More

Second book?


14.3K 187 115
By lightblueshawn

its 8.20, I'm like 10 minutes to early in class.

Only Marcel and I are here.

"You wear a nice shirt" he says to me, just to start a conversation.

I'm just wearing a blue blouse, with some light blue jeans under it.

I thank him, as the rest is dripping in the class.

as my best friend walks in, I must watch out, because she's going to tell me something, I see it in her eyes

"ANNA! omg I got to tell you something" she sits down quickly.

we are the totally opposite of each other. she's noisy, and I'm quiet. she's popular, I'm not. she has like 325353 pair of shoes. okay wait I have too.

'what's up" I ask her with a laugh.


"you have two weeks, to get him in your bed" I smirk at her

"I guess that will work "we both laugh as Mr. Mendes comes in and starts with his lessons.

"you all wrote a little story about the book. I read them all, and for some of you, wow ur a good writer" he smiles at me.

we all get our notebooks back and I see a note next to it "Awesome!" I smile and close my notebook.
"Today's homework was reading page 50 till 75. Can someone tell me where it was about"
I hear some students cough and chuckle. I don't understand why they don't like reading. I raise my hand. "Yes" he glances at me, I explain in detail where it was about
"...and then we ended in page 76"
As I end my story Mr. Mendes smiles "That's how I want to see it! you all should be prepared like her, good job!"
As the bell rings and walk outside with my friend.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Mr. Mendes asks me, and I nod.
"Have fun" Rosalinde winks at me and pretend like she's sucking a dick. I roll my eyes.
I sit down, on the table.
"What was your name again?" He glances at me "Anna" I smile
"your little story enjoyed me, you're really talented!"
"thank your sir" I thank him for this compliment
"The most people of your age don't like reading, why do you?"
"It's fascinating, when I read, I come into a peaceful room, no one is disturbing me, it's so silent"

he glances at me, and smiles "That's beautiful"

I nod and tell him I should go to the next lesson

"See you later, Anna"

I walk out the class room, and walk to my math class.

the lesson already started, so I explained that Mr. Mendes wanted to talk to me for a second

she's allows me to follow the rest of the lesson and I quickly get my books on my table.

the lesson went fast. from the 50 minutes, I have 40 left.

I listen to the explanation about linear formulas. I don't like math, but I'm not bad at it, so I don't really care, I'll just pay attention

Mrs. Adams is also our mentor, so she'll give us background information about everything too.

"I checked your tests, and I have a thing to notice"

she gives the tests to Geert and let them hand them to all the others.

"I got a message from your new English teacher. there is a week in Oxford, where you can win a scholarship with an English Literature think", on the I got my test, and I thank Geert.

a 94% so that's an A, nice.

study English literature in Oxford, that is a dream.

"he takes 5 other students with him, it's in January so that's quite long, so don't worry too much, about your tests, you all made it great, only 5 bad grades."


today went very fast.

it's still raining, that's a pity.

I zip my jacket till I can't breathe, and step on my bike.

as I want to ride away, I hear something from under the wheel of my bike.

I look and see I ride in glass, oh no.

it's raining harder and harder. so, I try to run with my bike.

it think my books are soaked wet when I am home.

as I put my bike against the fence I open the door.

my mother is sitting in the chair in the kitchen.

"oh, hey Anna! I'm so sorry, you have to get ur stuff together, you have to go to your dad's house for a week" she smiles nervous at me


'why?" I ask her

"I'm going to paint the house. so, it's better that you are not here. he expects you at 8 at his house"


"come on! Nev! we really have to go" I yell at my little brother as I put my shoes on

I hear him getting downstairs, and he gets his jacket.

when I got home, I also made my bike "bike-able" again. the wheel wasn't folded, it was just flat.

I put a big trash bag over my case, and put it on my bike. it's still raining.

don't get me wrong, I really like rain, but not if I have to go in the rain.

it's like 25 minutes to my dad's house, so we should hurry up, its 7.30 and he expects us at 8.

"So how is school going" I ask, as we are on our way to our dad.

he says its going okay.

after a long silence, he tells me he met a girl

wow why does the tell me this, he never tells me things

"nice, what's her name" I ask him as we park our bikes at the apartment complex

"Lizzy" I smile at him and ask for her last name



it maybe will be family, but they could also NOT know each other, we don't know.

"ah nice, I look forward to see her!" he smiles at me and we step in the elevator.

as we are on the 7th floor, door 76 I knock on it, and my dad opens the door

"ah hello! come in! your soaked" I walk in fast, and walk to my room, it's not big, its actually very small but I can live with it

I pull on a hoodie, with some sweatpants, and dry me hear.

I open my laptop, and see that I have an email from Mr. Mendes

we must bring an empty notebook next time.

its 9 as I go to bed, this was a long, rainy day, so I'm tired.

I'm excited for the English lesson tomorrow!


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