Love Bites

By vjknight15

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#20 in Vampire 25/2/18 A VAMPIRE ROMANCE "Promise me, Alsa. Promise me right now that you will always love me... More

LOVE BITES Chapter 1 : Dreaming a Memory
LOVE BITES Chapter 2 : The Truth of Reality
LOVE BITES Chapter 3 : Tired after Sleep
LOVE BITES Chapter 4 : Permission for Adulthood
LOVE BITES Chapter 5 : Rescuing a Temptation
LOVE BITES Chapter 6 : Love Bites
LOVE BITES Chapter 7 : Culprits
LOVE BITES Chapter 8 : Simple Little Moments
LOVE BITES Chapter 10 : Dull Past
LOVE BITES Chapter 11 : Walking Back Home
LOVE BITES Chapter 12 : Too Sweet
LOVE BITES Chapter 13 : Tasting Red Part 1
LOVE BITES Chapter 13 : Tasting Red Part 2
LOVE BITES Chapter 14: Distance
LOVE BITES Chapter 15 : Shattered Reflections
LOVE BITES Chapter 16 : Unraveling Minds
LOVE BITES Chapter 17 : Human Eye
LOVE BITES Chapter 18 : The Conjuring Room
LOVE BITES Chapter 19 : The Wage Of Fear
LOVE BITES Chapter 20 : Bite Me
LOVE BITES Chapter 21 : Unselfish Actions
LOVE BITES Chapter 22 : Drunk in Love
LOVE BITES Chapter 23 : Confessions
LOVE BITES Chapter 24 : Guilty Conscience
LOVE BITES Chapter 25 : Throwing Words
LOVE BITES Chapter 26 : Game On
LOVE BITES Chapter 27 : Walking The Puppy
LOVE BITES Chapter 28 : The Beast Within
LOVE BITES Chapter 29 : The Hunt Begins
LOVE BITES Chapter 30 : Reversion
LOVE BITES Chapter 31 : Crystal Skies
LOVE BITES Chapter 32 : Antics
LOVE BITES Chapter 33 : The Mortal and Immortal Side of the Heart
LOVE BITES Chapter 34 : Shades
LOVE BITES Chapter 35 : Seduction
LOVE BITES Chapter 36 : Adoration
LOVE BITES Chapter 37 : Human and Vampire Part 1
LOVE BITES Chapter 37 : Human and Vampire Part 2
LOVE BITES Chapter 38 : The Vampire Talks
LOVE BITES Chapter 39 : Paranoia
LOVE BITES Chapter 40 : The Happening
LOVE BITES Chapter 41 : Creatures of Darkness

LOVE BITES Chapter 9 : Sparks of Happiness

3.1K 191 56
By vjknight15

Chapter 9 : Sparks of Happiness

Draven's words drummed in my mind on repeat. "Your parents say hi. They should drop in... soon."

Your parents? What was he talking about? Had he meant Alastair's parents? But Alastair's parents were my parents too. And they couldn't 'drop in' as he put it; they're dead, and had been for the past 13 years.

Why would he say something like that?

Before I could voice any of my questions, Alastair's feet began to move again. He continued walking, pulling me by the wrist behind him.

Just before we turned the corner, I locked eyes with Draven. There was an twisted grin on his face that changed the entire look of him. Right before he vanished from sight, his mouth moved as if he was saying something and he winked at me.

"I'll see you around." I read his lips and was positive that was what he said.

I stumbled after Alastair as he pulled me through the cinema. His long strides were hard enough to keep up with without him moving quicker. Something was wrong with him. He rushed me through a group who were entering the cinema, I did my best to avoid colliding with any of them.

"Al- wait, slow down," I tried to reason as he pulled through the car park and towards Brianna's blue Camry.

Brianna had offered to drive us earlier so we didn't bother to bring our own car. It was obvious Alastair wanted to leave right now, for reasons unknown to me, but if he had the crazy that he could take her car without any repercussions, he'd have to reconsider. Plus, he needed the keys and Brianna had them.

I took a moment to look back at the cinema, half expecting to see Draven following us out. What the hell was that just now? Next thing I knew, Alastair's hand was gone from my wrist and he was holding the car door open for me.

"Wha- how?" I gasped.

"Just get in the car, Nikki," Alastair said and nudged me into the passenger's seat. He swung the door shut with a thud and strode over to the drivers side. He seemed to be having an internal battle about something.

"Alastair," I said once he got in the car himself, "this is Brianna's car, we can't just take it. How is she going to get home?"

His response was short and clipped as he searched around the car for something. "Zachary can drive her. I will also return her car once I take you home."

I picked up on the part where he said he would take me home. "Why do I have to go home?" I argued. "And who was that Draven guy?"

Alastair didn't respond and instead pulled a set of keys out of the glove box. I assumed they were a spare set. His movements were quick and sharp as he shoved the key into the ignition and roared the vehicle to life. Without looking at me, he backed out of the car park and sped away from the cinema.

"You obviously knew him," I continued. "Were you friends during high school or something?" Again he didn't respond but this time I hardly noticed with the amount of questions piling in my mind. My mouth couldn't move fast enough. "What was he talking about before, Alastair? About our parents I mean. Do you have any idea why he said that? And who did he think he was acting so cocky. Has he always made moves on girls like that? What an idiot."

I glanced at Alastair who remained silent, his eyes locked on the road and his fingers curled around the steering wheel. It looked as if he was mumbling something to himself.

"Alastair, was he making some cruel joke about our parents?" I asked more softly, staring out the window beside me. Everything rushed by in a blur. "Why would he say something like that?"

We stopped and waited for a brief moment at a round about but he still didn't say anything.


"I think he was," he cut me off, his attention never wavering from the road. We turned a corner. "Don't ask questions, Nikki. Please."

"Why?" The question left my mouth before I could stop it. I couldn't help but want to know more. "I feel like I don't understand anything here and I want to."

We pulled into our driveway, trees replacing the scenery of light posts and houses. Alastair stopped the car in front of the manor and immediately got out. I followed after him, almost jogging to catch up to him.

"Did he know Mom and Dad?" I queried, trailing after him through the house.

I just wanted to understand Alastair. I wanted to everything about him, all the little details, but he was making it difficult. More than it needed to be. Why did he insist on putting a wall between us?

"What kind of person would make a joke like that? It was like he was trying to get back at you. How did you know him? Were you friends once? What happened between you two? You can talk to me-"

Alastair spun around so fast, clasped my shoulders in the process, that I didn't even have time to blink. 

"Let me ask you a question now," he said, staring down into my blue eyes. "Do you like it when other men touch you?"

To say I was taken back by his sudden question was an understatement. Other men...? What was he talking about? The hickeys? I became acutely aware of the material wrapped around my neck. So he did get upset by them, he did care.

I also became aware of how warm this room was, or rather how warm I was, just like I had been in the cinema earlier. Pushing that aside, I focused on the situation. How was I suppose to respond to his question? I didn't want anyone touching me besides...  

I needed to answer. My eyes darted to the right, then to the left, I licked my lips. "I don't like the thought of it..." I answer honestly, deciding that was the best response, I was neither lying nor telling the whole truth. I then panicked. Did that make me sound like a slut? Like I didn't care who had their way with me? That isn't what I meant! "I mean, isn't it good your sister isn't interested in boys? You don't have to worry about me sneaking out at night or accidentally falling pregnant. I actually repel the opposite gender at school and I'll probably remain a nun my whole life. Doesn't that make you happy and put your mind at ease?" I laughed awkwardly at my own rambling. I couldn't help it, I was nervous.

But I really hoped the whole 'remaining a nun my whole life' thing wouldn't actually happen.

I finally built up the courage to look at Alastair again. His shoulders were tense and his eyes were emotionless, I hadn't noticed before, not until those crumby words left my mouth. He seemed to change in a matter of seconds; he relaxed, his face softening, like whatever was bothering him no longer mattered.

With slow movements, one of his hands that held my shoulder still crawled to the back of my head, tangling itself in my blond hair. Sighing, he lowered his face and pressed his forehead to mine.

The contact of skin burned but in a pleasant way. He closed his eyes and smiled. "That makes me very happy," he whispered in that velvety voice of his.

My chest constricted. He's happy. Closing my eyes, I too relaxed against him, a smile picking up my lips. I lived for moments like these. To show such raw emotion -- Alastair never shared this side of him with anyone other than me. Knowing that I held some special place in his heart made me feel as if I could conquer the world.

"Promise me, Alsa."

Something flashed through my mind, sparking to life with the happiness I felt in that moment. Blurry images flickered before my eyes, playing out in front of me like a rolling video and sucking me into it.

"Open your eyes, Nikki, and take a look." 

A voice resounded in my mind, gentle and loving. The scene changed. A giant slope. A golden sunset. Purple clouds... I could feel a breeze, it was cold but I was warm.

Another flash. A shadowed figure, dark but beautiful. Why couldn't I see their face?

"And do you, Nikki, promise to always stay by my side?"

I felt my head nodding, my face smiling, my heart promising.

The video stopped and my eyes opened, snapping me back to reality.

Everything was fading like dispersing smoke. The pictures, the shadowed face, it all tore apart and vanished before I could grab the pieces.

I came back to my senses. I was still standing at the staircase with Alastair. I blinked and a tidal wave of dizziness hit me. Suddenly, I didn't feel so good.

"Hey, Alastair," I managed a little breathlessly. I steadied myself by putting my hands on his chest, there was a pounding in my head that threatened to knock me over.

"What is it?" He asked gently, oblivious to what was happening. I didn't even know what was happening.

Splotches of black appeared in my vision and my eye lids grew heavy, beginning to droop."Can you... can you do something for me?"

His face suddenly contorted, more than it already was with the room spinning. He gripped me more roughly. "Nikki, what's wrong?"

I fought to keep myself standing. My legs were failing to remain strong, as if my weight was too much for them to handle. There was a ringing in my ears, the sound deafening. I felt hot, too hot. I was burning.

I chuckled, despite my state. "Could you maybe catch me?"

The last thing I felt before the darkness swallowed me were a pair of strong arms catching me as I dropped to the ground and the warm haze of my name being called again and again.


When my eyes opened, a splitting headache greeted me. Groggily, I pulled the blankets back and sat up in bed.

This feels like deja vu.

I was relieved to say I was in my own bed his time. A purple duvet covered my legs and a mass of soft toys surrounded me. Just as I sat up, a wet cloth slid from my forehead and into my lap. Picking it up I analysed it, my thoughts roaming.

Alastair must have carried me to bed after I passed out. He probably put the cloth on me too.

I smiled at his kindness, despite the soreness in my body that had me resting my head back on the pillows.

It was strange. I felt different. I couldn't explain it but something was off.

I thought back to earlier and realised I could recall everything that happened before passing out. I remembered the serene feeling of standing with Alastair downstairs, then the sudden flashes of what felt like a memory -- someone's else's memory. I must have been hallucinating. I also remembered Alastair catching me and him calling my name. He must have been beyond worried.

I looked around the room, half expecting him to be there, watching me, hidden by the darkness that blanketed the bedroom. Of course he wasn't though, I was the only one here.

Darkness? My brows knitted together. It couldn't be this late... could it? Flinging the blankets aside I crawled out of bed and towards the window. I drew back the curtains, rays of golden light blasted into the room.

It was already night, the last of the sun's light falling behind the horizon. How did I possibly sleep for this long? I wasn't even tired.

Squinting at the orange sunset that was far too bright for my eyes to handle, I pulled the curtains closed again. Like before, I stumbled out of my bedroom in search for an aspirin.

I crept down the staircase. The house was quiet, I wondered if I was alone. Holding my forehead I noted how warm it felt. Maybe I was coming down with something?

I couldn't afford to get sick. I had exams coming up and also, my being sick would only cause inconvenience for Alastair. And that was the last thing I wanted. I always seemed to cause him trouble; he was always helping me, saving me. I relied on him too much.

A child. That's what I was; a child. I hated it.

I shook my head. It was nothing that some medicine couldn't fix. It was just a headache after all, I'd be better before I knew it.

Switching on the chandelier, I entered the kitchen. I rummaged around the medication cabinet for a few moments but couldn't find what I was after. I then remembered I had used the last of the aspirin when I suffered from that hangover a little while ago.

"Should've bought more when you were in town," I mumbled to myself. I hated how forgetful I was sometimes.

Sighing exasperatedly I moved to the fridge. As always, there was nothing in it. Why wasn't anything working out for me today?

I glanced at the clock, it was ten to six and the store didn't close until around 6:30. If I hurried, I might make it. I didn't like the idea of starving and I did need aspirin after all, plus, it was still light out.

Grabbing my wallet, I found a pair of laced boots and sat down in the foyer to tie them on. When I was just about done, knotting the last bow, the front door opened and in walked Alastair, a small pharmacy bag in his hand. His eyes landed on me, surprised to find me there.

"You're awake?" He said it like a question.

I snorted. "Yeah, finally. I can't believe I slept so long." I pulled myself to my feet and dusted my butt off. I gestured to the bag in his hand. "What's that for?"

He opened the bag and pulled out a new box of aspirin. "I couldn't find any in the cupboard so I assumed we were out."

I smiled. Of course he did. "Thanks, Alastair. We were out. I forgot to pick up a new box earlier." He always went out of his way to look after me.

"Never mind that," he dismissed, "how are you feeling? Better?"

I put on my best smile. "Yup! I feel a lot better actually, you don't have to worry so much." I walked around him, still determined to buy food for dinner.

"I'll be the judge of that," I heard him say right before an arm wrapped around my shoulders. He pulled me flush against him, his other hand finding my forehead. His touch was cold against my burning skin. "You still have a fever," he almost growled, his gentle voice dropping. "You should go back to bed."

Too close. I pulled his hand from my forehand and stepped away from him. "Really, I'm fine," I insisted. "I don't want you to worry about me-"

I squealed when he suddenly swopped me off he ground, holding me bridal-style in his arms. "It's not your place to be telling me what to do."

I gripped his shirt and clung to his chest thinking I'd either fall or he'd drop me. "Hey, what do you think you're..."

"Don't tell me not to worry about you, Nikki," his said gently, ending my line of argument. His voice was as smooth as silk. I looked up; his face was close, inches from my own. I stared into his ash mauve eyes that peaked through the bangs covering them. "You're my top priority, I can't think properly unless I know you're safe. Let me worry about you."

How could I not love him when he said stuff like that?

I didn't know what to say so I said nothing. I kept my mouth shut and didn't struggle in his arms as he carried me up the stairs. I was sure my cheeks were tinged red, coloured with embarrassment.

He kicked open my bedroom door and walked straight up to my bed, holding me out over it. I gasped when he suddenly dropped me, the breath leaving my lungs as I bounced on the mattress. My loose hair fell over my face and both annoyed and flustered, I combed it back messily.

"Was that necessary?"

"What happened earlier?" He asked, ignoring my question. "Why did you faint downstairs?"

I picked up a soft toy and plucked at its furry coat. Shrugging, I said, "I don't know. I just..." another shrug, "I don't know." It was the truth, I really didn't know. One minute I was fine and the next...

Alastair looked down at me as if he were considering something. "Did-" he took a sudden step forward, but then stopped. "No. It's nothing."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What?"

He shook his head. "Just sleep," he commanded, picking up my purple blanket and chucking it over my head.

Darkness enclosed me. "Hey!" I cried out, tugged the blanket off me. My hair fell across my face in tangles all over again. "What about dinner? I need to pick up groceries and-"

"I'll cook tonight," he stated, flicking his black hair out of his eyes. "You cook every other night, tonight it'll be my treat."

I gave him a flat look. "You don't cook, Alastair."

He grinned. "Just you wait."

On a positive note, I didn't starve that night but needless to say, dinner was terrible. Alastair even found time to insult me
simply because some food got mysteriously caught in my hair. I made him promise to never cook again, no matter how sick I got.

A/N: I would actually marry Alastair, just sayin.

Published 17/10/2016

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