BLS #2 : Challenging The Bill...

By beyondlocks

4.9M 162K 8K

BLS #2 Sky Locason Billionare that never fail to make girls knee go weak. He has the charm that everyone envy... More

Chapter 1 - Cut Her Deeply (Edited)
Chapter 2 - Trouble (Edited)
Chapter 3 - Challenging The Billionare (Edited)
Chapter 4 - The Devil Itself
Chapter 5 - Asshole
Chapter 6 - PA
Chapter 7 - Getting In His Nerves
Chapter 8 - I Hate It but I Quite Like It
Chapter 9 - Sky? Hell?
Chapter 10 - Despise Him
Chapter 11 - Speaking of the Devil
Chapter 12 - His Behaviour
Chapter 13 - Starting to get Possesive
Chapter 14 - Dangerous Attraction
Chapter 15 - Sky's Past
Chapter 16 - Shocking News
Chapter 17 - Desperate
Chapter 18 - I Swear It
Chapter 19 - Broken
Chapter 20 - Dying
Chapter 21 - Angel's Heart
Chapter 22 - Brothers
Chapter 23 - Back
Chapter 24 - Her
Chapter 25 - Good Side
Chapter 26 - Worth It
Chapter 27 - Turn Into a Devil
Chapter 28 - Doom
Chapter 29 - Pay Him Back
Chapter 30 - His Statement
Chapter 31 - Debt Collector
Dealing With Trouble (BLS #3)


166K 5.2K 277
By beyondlocks

Sky Locason

6 years later..

Moving my hands around but feeling nothing. I opened my eyes to see the empty spot beside me. Quickly getting off my bed and go to the bathroom.

Walking out from our room and walked into the room across mine. Looking at my little princess still sleeping curling herself like a panda. I walked to her and kissed her forehead

She suddenly moves and opened her eyes slowly. Revealing those beautiful blue eyes and she smiled at me.

"Daddy" She slowly get up and I sit on her bed. She attacks me with hugs and kisses. Her physics might be a copy paste of her mom but she act like me.

"Come on let's see what is your mom doing?" I said and she nodded. Circling her small arms to my neck and I carried her downstairs.

I saw her cooking and giving our 3 years old son food. I walked to her and kissed her cheek.

"Morning love" I said and she smiled

She's still beautiful as ever and I just can't get enough of her everyday. After having 2 kids she's still looking so beautiful as ever.

"Morning mommy" My 4 years old daughter said cheerly

"Morning Sky and Cailey" Janet kissed us both and I put Cailey on the chair.

"How's my boy doing?" I hugged my 3 years old boy

"Goodgood" He answered

"Sky can you grab Aiden's milk on the fridge and put it on the small cup for him to drink?" Janet said as she cracked an egg , putting in on the pan

"Sure" I carried Aiden and opened the fridge , taking out his milk and put it in a small glass. As for Aiden , he's a little me. He really is but his calm like Janet while Cailey on the other hand really active.

"Here you go boy" I gave him the milk and he started to drink slowly

"Daddy" Cailey called me and I looked at her raising my eyebrows

"Can we go to the beach today?" She asked with her puppy eyes. She does know how to make her dad fall on her feet just like her mom. I smiled

"That's a great idea princess"

"Sky you have a meeting in 4 hours , why do you-" I stopped her by backhugging her while she's cooking

"Cancel it" I whispered to her ear

"Again?" She asked

"Yes again , The princess wants to go to the beach" I said

"You spoil her too much Sky" Janet shook her head but she's right. I spoil my daughter too much but I love her so much. She's a little ball of sunshine. She's a little mini of Janet but thank God she's quite feisty because when she grow up she can shove guys with her feistiness.

"What can I say? I love her" I said

"She will be a spoil girl when she's grown up" Janet said worried

"Relax" I kissed her cheek before taking a mug to make my coffee

"Mommy where is Zeus?" Aiden asked her mom and I can't help but laugh , Janet must have put that dog outside because I can't see him anywhere inside the house.

We got a Golden Retriever and Aiden want to named him Zeus , he's quite handfull but he's a good dog. Janet hates him because he likes to lick her while she doesn't like that.

"I sold him" Janet stated and we all three looked at her in horror

"Mommy!!" Cailey squealed annoyed

"You can't sold Zeus" Aiden said angrily

"Why can I?" She said carelessly while her children glared at her. I walked to the garden to see Zeus laying down scratching his body. I laughed

"Since mommy sold Zeus , let's buy a new dog" I said and Janet's eyes widen

"Don't you dare!" She glared at me
"Yesyes!" Aiden said excitedly
"You're the best" Cailey said

I laughed so hard to see my wife's reaction , she glared and gestured to kill me. I walked to the door that gets to the garden. Whistle to call that Zeus , he quickly ran to the door and walked inside.

"Zeus!" Aiden walked down from his chair and that dog walked to him. Aiden hugged him and Zeus just licked him.

"You didn't sell it mom" Cailey said while looking at Zeus

"I was planning to and maybe in the future" Janet said and I walked to her.

"I hate that dog" She said to me and I chuckled. I circle my arms around her slim waist and take that oppotunity to kissed her pink lips. She cupped my face and kissing me back hungrily

"I love you Sky Locason" She smiled

"I love you too Janet Locason"

Sky Locason
Janet Locason
Cailey Locason
Aiden Locason

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