Dance Classes [Gene X Reader]

By watchful_frostbite

44.2K 1.1K 3.3K

[Republished] "Stupid classes, stupid people... Why do I even have to go?!" I muttered to myself. I hated the... More

Author's Notes
Dance Partners?
Unexpected Vistors
Surprise Visit
A Rival Arrives
What happened...?
The Truth

Secrets Are Spilled

3.1K 96 250
By watchful_frostbite

(Y/N) P.O.V.

It's Saturday, finally! Feels like I'm stuck in a never ending cycle of school... I stretched out, popping my joints in satisfaction. I grabbed my phone checking the time: 10:30 am.

Too early. I'm going back to sleep.

I tossed my phone underneath my pillow and snuggled further into my covers. Just as I began to drift off I felt my pillow vibrate and ding out a tune. Confused I took my phone out and lazily opened one eye, checking who sent me text.

Contact: Gene

My eye twitched, so he finally decides to text me... Sitting up I clicked the text to read the whole thing.

[Gene: (Y/N), look in sorry I called you a kid. And I'm sorry I've been avoiding you. Can you forgive me?]

That's a sucky apologize... I thought a bit before I decide to respond to him. Maybe now I can get some answers.

[(Y/N): It's alright I guess. And I'll only forgive you if you tell me what caused you and Jack to fight.]

After a few minutes of waiting I began worrying, did I just mess up again? I knew I shouldn't of asked! Before I could continue with myself pity a buzz came from my phone. I checked to see if Gene replied, he did.

[Gene: Not telling.]

I groaned, of course he wouldn't say, what was I thinking. Scared that if I pressure him into telling me he'll get mad at me again, I avoided asking anything.

[(Y/N): Alright....]

As I waited for Gene to respond I heard a knock from my door followed by my mom's voice.

"Sweetie? Are you awake? A boy named Jack is downstairs waiting for you," Said Mom. As she spoke she sat down on my bed giving me a smirk, oh no- "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"

"NOPE. HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND. I REPEAT. HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND," I yelled, clearly embarrassed from the comment Mom made.

"Whatever you say sweetie," she giggled walking out of my room. I was left with redden cheeks and a glare on my face. Taking a glance at my pjs I realized I should probably change into something more suitable. I walked over to my closet and pulled out an outfit, something that I'd only wear on the weekends. As I put on shoes/sandals I remembered that I told Jack and Zoe my address once saying they could come over whenever they wanted. Guess today Jack decided to come. I walked downstairs to greet Jack, he sat on one of the stools beside the kitchen counter. He looked pretty dresses up, a clean buttoned up shirt and his hair looked combed... For once.

"H-hey (Y/N)," he said. He's still stuttering. Meh, I got use to it.

"Hey Jack, what brings you to my humble abode?" I asked as I spread my arms out to exaggerate my words.

"W-well I was wondering if you wanted to... Uhhhh- I mean- that is you want-" he began stuttering, his cheeks turning cherry red as he tried to speak.

"Yeah? Come on speak, I'm listening," I told him, hoping my words would somehow encourage him in a way.

"(Y/N), I lo-" before he could finish his sentence a tune rang through out the air. He stopped his sentence as I tried to find the source of the sound, it was my phone. I was getting a call from Gene?!

"O-oh, excuse me a second!" I said as I walked into another room away from earshot. I felt kinda bad about ditching Jack like that but I couldn't ignore a call. Pressing the "accept call" button I held my phone to my ear. "Hello?"

I heard shuffling from the other side of the line along with a couple other voices that I recognized as Sasha's and Zenix's voices. As the voices began to argue I just stood there awkwardly waiting for some kind of reply.

"Never mind I can't do this!" I heard Gene say, he sounded the farthest away from the phone.

"Come one! You've gotten this far! Don't give up now! Don't let your dreams be dreams!" Said Zenix. Oh my Irene, is he really going to do this? I swear if he does I'm going to-

"Just do it," finished Sasha. I let out a (laugh/ cry of anger) as my prediction came true. That must of grabbed there attention since the other side went completely silent for a couple of seconds before I heard Gene let out a shriek.

"Good luck, bye!" Said Zenix as the sound of footsteps followed. I heard a few cuss words come from his mouth as he yelled after his friends. A heard a gust of air before Gene decided to talk normally to me.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He awkwardly said. "How's it going?"

"Fine... Why'd you call me?" I asked bluntly. I'm still iffy about him... He hasn't texted me, he's been avoiding me and now he thinks that everything's fine.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go get some breakfast with me," he asked.

"Will you be paying?" I joked.

"Yeah, I'll pay," he replied.

"I was joking... But oh well I guess I get free food!"

"So that's a yes?"

"Sure why not? I haven't had breakfast yet," I said casually. But on the inside, stay calm, stay calm, STAY CALM.

"Really?! I mean- That's cool. So I'll meet you at Harry's Place? In like 10 minutes?" He asked.

"Sure I'll meet you there," I said as we said our goodbyes. When I hung up I couldn't help but feel like there were butterflies in my stomach. I know I should be mad but I couldn't help it, Gene is very important to me. I walked back into the kitchen and saw Jack looking down at his hands. I almost forgot about him...

"Sorry about running off like that, hehehe. But I got a call and I couldn't just ignore it-" I explained but got cut off.

"It was Gene wasn't it?" Jack asked, his voice low.

"H-huh?" I asked, a confused look on my face.

"I knew it, I thought you and him weren't friends anymore," he said.

"I thought so too, but-"

"But what? How can you forgive him that easily?" Jack stepped closer to me.

"I try t-to understand his-" I stuttered growing uneasy at how close he was getting.

"Understand him? Why would you do that?" By now our bodies were uncomfortably close.

"J-Jack your creeping me out..," I said, hoping he'd step back.

"I'm s-sorry," he stepped back. "It's just- why do you like him? Why not me?"

I suddenly knew why he's been acting all jittery around me, Jack likes me.

"J-Jack, I'm sorry. I-I didn't know you felt that way about-" I said as guilt slowly began taking over me.

"No, it's alright. I should of guessed I wasn't your type," he said hanging his low.

"J-Jack..," I reached out to him, trying to comfort him in a way. Suddenly he looked at me. His eye were turning red from the tears he tried to hide as he did his best to smile at me.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, I'll be leaving now. Good bye (Y/N)," he said as he walked out the door. I stood in my spot, paralyzed. What did I do? I know I don't like Jack, but... Why do I feel horrible right now? I shook my head, I should get going. I grabbed my (bag/ purse), making sure to tell Mom where I was going, and left to meet up with Gene.


As I neared the fast food joint I saw Gene, he was talking to a younger looking boy. The boy was wearing dark clothes, his black hair was covering his right eye and he had a bandana covering his nose and mouth. Is that another one of his friends? My thought was soon proven wrong when I saw Gene yelling at the boy. The boy let out a hasty apologize as he left the scene rather quickly. That boy has a really squeaky voice.

"Hey (Y/N), glad to see you didn't bail on me," Gene joked. I laughed at his joke and played along.

"You know I was thinking of bailing but I was hungry, so I came. Free food is the best food. So, um, who was that you were talking to earlier? The little emo boy?," I asked.

"Ugh, that was Zane. He's been trying to join the Shadow Knights for such a long time it's annoying," he complained.

"Well, why don't you let him join?" I questioned.

"We can't let just anyone join, we need hardcore people," he said.

"Oh," I said as we walked inside Harry's Place. It was a nice little place with an old timers feel to it, and it had cute little booths to eat in. And the food! The food was the best! Well except for the pancakes, those taste weird. But everything else was pretty good, and thankfully it wasn't to expensive. Gene and I walked to the cashier and placed in our order and made our way to a booth. We sat in silence for a while before Gene spoke up.

"So, how you been?" He awkwardly spoke.

"Fine, you?" I asked out of habit. Mom always said to be nice to everyone, even to that one (girl/ guy) in my school.

"Alright," he answered. And once again the air surrounding us was filled with silence despite the noise from the other customers. I looked around trying to find something to talk about but only saw the looks that people were giving us. They were staring at us, wat? Some began talking to each other pointing and giving us glances. Then a elderly pair walked past, the woman looked at us and gave us a smile nudging at her husband.

"Oh, Charles don't you remember our first date?" She asked as she held her hand to her cheek.

"But of course Mary. We were both so awkward and nervous," respond her husband as he looked over at us. I looked over at Gene, I really hope this isn't going were I think it going. He looked at me, his cheeks beginning to flush as he turned his head to the side avoiding eye contact. The elderly lady then nudged my shoulder grabbing my attention.

"Come on, don't be so shy around him. The date will be a lot more fun that way," she said smiling at me. Immediately my cheeks flushed a cherry red as I tried my best not to yell.

"B-but we're n-not-" I stuttered, trying to fit my words together to at least give them a explanation. While that was happening I could hear Gene coughing as he hit his chest to help him relieve his sudden cough attack.

"Look at them, they look so nervous! Awww, you both are so cute together!" The elderly woman said as she walked away with her husband leaving Gene and I a blushing mess. As the pair left a waitress came with our food and let us eat. We both are in silence as we tried to avoid eye contact, finally I couldn't take the silence anymore and thought of something to say.

"So how's school?" Lame, (Y/N). Lame.

"School sucks, I usually just ditch," he said picking at the food on his plate.

"Figures," I said as I took a bite out of the (sausage link/ bacon) on my fork.

"What about you, Miss Goody Two Shoes?" He teased.

"It sucks, but you got to do what you got to do," I replied. "You never told me what happened at your Chemistry class the other day,"

"Right, so there was this kid..," Gene smiled as he explained what happened. Turns out some kid almost blew up the whole chemistry classroom while trying to heat a beaker. I laughed, how does that even happen?! By the time we were half way done with our breakfast we were laughing, making jokes, like nothing ever happened. But I still wanted to know what happened the other day, what made them fight. What was the reason they fought? I guess Gene knew what I was thinking because what he said next surprised me.

"You still want to know what happened?" He asked as he took a bite out of his scrambled eggs. No use hiding it now I suppose.

"Y-yeah," I nodded. "But I understand you don't want to talk about it so you don't need to say anything!" I quickly added.

"No, I think it's best for you to know," he said as he took one last bite from his food.

"Time for a story..,"

-To be continued-

Done! Only two more chapters till this story is done! Who would of thought I would of gotten so many views from just one story? Not me that's for sure!
Oh, and my next book is going to be (hopefully) a pretty original idea. Hmmmm, should I give you guys a hint?
Yeah sure, why not. I like to hype things up. Now how do I make it not obvious on what it is? Hmmmm... Okay I got something!
Done, now to run off.

Until next time~

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