
By SilverTears97

57 0 1

My name is Philosophy, and I'm running for my life. I don't see as others do, I don't feel as others do. My w... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter One

19 0 1
By SilverTears97

I sat in the corner of my bedroom. If, you would even call it a bedroom.

If you opened the door and walked in, you would really see nothing at all. Just me, sitting alone in the forlorn, white room. When I was younger, I was ambitious, stronger, and willing to escape from this prison; I would beat down anything that came in my path, and tear down the opponent... especially when it happened to be my cruel, abusive parents, who were both addicted to drinking. But I had become very weak, in both mind and body.

There were no windows. The lock on my door was on the outside, so I was locked in like a caged animal. No lights. Endless darkness was all I truly ever saw. I was never allowed to leave, never. In my mind, I had become a creature of the dark and lonely, once a human and never to return. Lonely and almost lifeless. No meaning in the world. No friends, no true family; I was lost in my own mind. But even in my mind, the voices and people I created, abandoned me. I was sure I was going to die soon. Death would be better than this. Why couldn't Death come and pick me up right now? Take me now, Death.  I won't cry, or plead for Life when you take me. I'll stroll happily alone with you, to wherever I go after my life ends. Death would be better than this.

I shook my head, as if to shake the weak thoughts out of my head. I was being reidiculous. I needed to stop thinking  that way.

My will to escape from my solid dungeon has been growing for about a year. I didn't know how long I had been in there, exactly. I was only told my new age, each time my birthday passed. The only thing I knew: age. But I decided today would be the day I would break out of the damn room.

I was adopted by these alcoholics when I was eight years old. I am now seventeen. They told me my real parents abandoned me at a young age, about four years old. I was told my birthday was July 8th, but I don't even believe that. Everything they said, was a lie. I was in school until I was thirteen. Monica and Alexander Jones, my "mother and father," the alcoholics, locked me up in this room one afternoon when I was thirteen. The first day I was locked in here was July 4th, and it was only a few days before I turned fourteen.

What is my name, though? Oh, mine is a special one. Philosophy.

And as I pondered my strange name, wondered why I didn't have a middle or last name, and  thought what my real parents looked like, the door unlocked. I could just make out the figure of a man standing, holding a long object. The mirror. He'd make me look at myself in the mirror, after he finished abusing me for the night. I could hear his somewhat raspy breathing. Putrid Alexander, was here. I could almost hear the smile in his voice when he spoke to me.

"Hello, Philosophy." I rolled my eyes, and slightly sighed. Idiot human being. I slowly stood up with my chin high, and my arms crossed over my chest.

He would try to abuse me, and I would fight back, again. But today would be the last day. Today, meant out.

Jailbreak time.


Author's Note:

Yes, a slow beginning.. but it picks up and gets better. Thanks everyone for reading!

~ SilverTears97 ~

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