
By CalmlyCrashing

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"I've never really had anything to live for." Sadie is a seventeen-year-old girl with many problems. She does... More

Chapter 2: It's Never Gotten this Far Before
Chapter 3: I Am Addicted to Not Eating
Chapter 5: Lies

Chapter 4: I Run from My Problems

1.6K 43 2
By CalmlyCrashing

Sorry it's so short! And I haven't updated in a long, long, long time! And I told myself that I wouldn't do that! Shame on me. But I've been so busy with school and soccer. During the school year, I barely ever have enough time to do anything, because I do volleyball, soccer, then lacrosse. Then I have homework and tests and such. Like this week, I'm going to have exams:( But I decided to take a little break and post a chapter! Again, sorry it's short. The next chapter, I'll try to make it super long. I promise to see you soon:)



Sadie's P.O.V.

I ran away from him. I just kept running and running until I reached home. I ignored Robert's yells, and ignored my sister's questions. I ran straight to my room and weeped on my bed.

I felt weak. Why did I run from Leo like that? I told myself I wouldn't, but I did anyway! Just the food! I couldn't eat it! I haven't eaten a full meal in months. How could I now, just randomly? I have wanted to change for a long time now, but I didn't know where to start. Stupid, stupid, stupid, I told myself, and fell asleep in my tears.


The next day, I went to school, trying to avoid Leo as much as I could. He wouldn't want to see me anyway. To him, I'm now the freak that ran away from pancakes.

Walking into math class, I groaned. Leo was already sitting in his assigned seat, obviously waiting for me. Watching me sit down, and put my bag over my seat, he didn't waste any time to shoot me questions.

"Where the hell did you go last night? You just up and left! I had to eat pancakes by myself, and it's never any fun to eat pancakes by yourself! Did you walk? I could've taken you home. If you didn't want to go with me, you could have just told me in the first place."

"I did want to go!"

He stared at me as if I grew an extra head. "Then why did you leave? That make no sense Sadie!"

"I know! It's just... hard to explain... okay?"

Before he could say anything else, the teacher came in and started to teach the lesson.


Leo didn't say anything to me in art class either. I didn't know what to do. Should I apologize? Should I just keep matters the way they are? It would probably do me best to do the latter. I mean, he probably doesn't like me at all anyway. He probably talked to me in the first place out of pity or a bet anyway.

Walking down the street after school, wallowing in my own self pity, I felt lonelier than ever before. I finally obtained a new friend! ...And then lost him.

"Ugh!" I yelled into the sky.

"What did the sky ever do to you?" a smooth, deep voice said behind me.

I whipped around to see who the voice belonged to. "Leo? What the heck are you doing? Are you stalking me?"

Leo laughed and walked closer to me. "No. I was actually trying to catch up to you, and I did." Giving me a big smile, he continued, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my place today?"

"What? I ran away from you yesterday, and you're still willing to be friends with me?"

He shrugged, "We all do weird things every once in a while."

I stared at him. Was he serious? He was just willing to look over the incident just like that?

"So? Do you want to go or not?" I just kept staring at him. Grabbing my hand, he started pulling me in the opposite direction.

"I'll take that as a yes!"

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