The TaintedRain Fan Club

By TaintedLovers

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Do you love TaintedRain? Are you a lover of her stories, her personality, or just one of her close friends? T... More

The TaintedRain Fan Club
Job Officer Results
First Activity
Second Activity
Have any ideas for the third activity?
The third activity || Ashley's Tribute

Wanna help me run this club? Please read below.

419 16 29
By TaintedLovers

Hello guise so I had an amazing idea. Instead of running this amazing club by myself, why can't I just have some other people help me? There will be a few jobs open and anyone can apply for it. The only rule is that you have to be a registered member. To register, please go to "The TaintedRain Fan Club" page in your table of contents.

Before I explain the rules on how to sign up, please read the jobs offered:

President- This person can help me come up with activities, this person is allowed to block anyone who violates the club rules by bullying and other issues, this person has access to this account for fan club purposes only, and this person can also come up with their activities.

Vice President- This person can do anything a president can do, but serves kind of as an "understudy" for the president. For example, if the president is unable to do her role for a couple of weeks, the vice president will take over her place in the meantime.

Fan Club Watcher- This person will have access to this account for fan club purposes only, this person will keep an eye for bullies and people who violate the club rules, and this person is allowed to block people who have violated the rules.

Even if you don't get these jobs, you will still have a fair role in this club! Everyone WILL be allowed to create or come up with activities, notify me when someone is violating rules, and share their ideas around. I WILL NOT make anything unfair and please understand that I am making these jobs to make this club more organized. If you don't get picked, I do not have anything against you. You are just as important as the next person and remember I love you all (:

Instructions-To apply for these jobs please follow the following:

1. List which job you want (PICK ONE ONLY please)

2. Explain why you want it (MUST be at least TWO SENTENCES.)

3. Please write this: I will not violate the rules and I solemly swear that I will do my very best to protect and help support this club. (REQUIRED)

How I will pick people: I will pick a person randomly and it will also be based on how much you want the job and if you follow ALL of the instructions.

 Deadline: The deadline for this is Janurary 1st 2014 (PT). If you have a problem with this, please PM me. 

When I will pick: As soon as possible right after the deadline (:

Love, Sabrina <3

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