The Endbringer: Stories From...

By Scarf_User

790 29 14

Short stories detailing the final week before a meteor crashes to Earth, ultimately destroying it. More

Story 1: Final Confession
Story 2: Final Stand
Story 3: Final Fortelling
Finale: Reality, Ablaze


207 6 1
By Scarf_User

On that day, everyone on Earth recieved a horrific message... One that would place fear in the hearts and minds of everyone, and never vanish. There was no solution... no hope remained. All that was left for humanity was acceptance of the inevitable.

It started on a cold autumn day. Everyone went on with their days, completely unaware of the news they would soon hear. People were doing such normal things at the time... Laughing with friends, visiting family, worrying about taxes, you name it. Nobody even had the slightest clue that that was the last normal day they would ever have.

The next day, everyone was told not to go to work or attend school. They were told that it was a special order from the government, and to watch the news at a certain time for details. Despite feeling glad to get out of doing work, the curiosity of this sudden occurance had loomed over them, menacingly.

The time had finally came. Nearly every person had their eyes on the TV. A newscast was broadcasted all over the world, each one made specifically by the government of each given nation. Every broadcast was delivered by the nation's respective leader. They were slightly different, but gave the same announcment.

"Hello, citizens. You are all probably wondering why you were given the day off, today. I am afraid there is no easy answer to that. Yesterday, NASA had discovered a meteor on a collision course with Earth, which has been named, "The Endbringer" by the ones who discovered it. Every calculation and simulation all pointed to the same outcome: this meteor will without a doubt destroy the planet, therefore wiping out all life on Earth. The meteor is expected to hit within seven days and eight hours. We regret to inform you that there is nothing even our best scientists can do in that time frame. This will be our last week on mother Earth. We encourage you to make the most of these final days as you see fit. Nobody is required to attend school or work in the remaining days, so you will have more time to be with those you love. Thank you for your time. I wish you all the best of luck on your last days."

The screens went black. Every single person felt helpless in this situation. The world would end in seven days, and there wasn't a thing they could do to stop it.

The following are the stories of peoples' last days before the meteor struck. Each will follow the life of one person and their actions until the world's end. Their hope will be shattered, their lives torn apart... They will try as hard as they can to make the most of the remaining week.

(Next story: "Final Confession")

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