Remember me? (Kiba One Shot)

Od SoraAndNoir

2.8K 49 8

This is a Kiba one shot from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden and it is for XOXbrokenAnimedreamsXOX on Quizilla :) Enj... Více

Remember me? (Kiba One Shot)

2.8K 49 8
Od SoraAndNoir

“Critter! Come out, come out wherever you are!” You called walking through the trees. It was late afternoon and you were searching for your dog Critter who had run off during your walk. You were just a kid and hadn’t really found anything overly interesting with your life. It seemed pretty boring so far. “Critter!” You called becoming slightly antsy. You were impatient. You came out of the trees into a small clearing filled with wild flowers and a small stream near the middle. A boy was sitting down near the stream with a white ball in his lap and, surprise surprise, Critter was lying on the ground next to him. “Critter!” You complained and his head shot upwards. The boy and the white ball looked at you in time with Critter and the boy stood up. Critter took off heading towards you and danced around your feet happily. He was still in training but sometimes he just didn’t even try.

“Hi.” The boy said coming towards you.

“Hello.” You said back pushing your pixie cut brown hair behind your ear.

“I’ve never seen you around here before. What’s your name?” He asked stopping a few feet away from you.

“It’s rude to ask for someone else’s name before giving your own. But I’ll let this one slide.” You said and smiled with rainbow eyes. “My name is Mikio.” You introduced and stuck your hand out for him to shake.

“I’m Kiba.” Kiba said and shook your hand. “Are you new around here?” He asked after dropping his hand to his side.

“I’m only here on a visit. My grandfather lives around here and my family and I come and stay with him sometimes since he gets lonely. What about you?”

“I live around here, not too far away actually. Maybe you could visit sometime.” Kiba said and you nodded happily even though you knew you wouldn’t. You weren’t technically supposed to be out this far right now anyway so admitting that you had met Kiba not far from his house would only lead to trouble.

“Maybe, some time.” You lied and Kiba smiled.

“You’re hair is awfully short.” He stated out of the blue. “Why do you have it so short?”

“It used to be really long but then my mom thought it would be a good idea to cut it short so it would be easier to manage when I’m out on missions and stuff.” You explained.

“Missions? You can’t be a ninja already.” Kiba said almost perplexed.

“No, not yet. I’m in training. But my mom wants to prepare me early on so I’m ahead of the game and so I don’t get attached to the length.” You shrugged thinking nothing of it.

“Oh, that’s too bad. You would be really cute with long hair.” Kiba said and smiled. Your mouth parted a bit and you felt yourself blush lightly. “Well, I have to go now. My mom’s making dinner so I’ll see you around sometime I hope. See you later Mikio.” Kiba called as he started running home. “Let’s go Akamaru.” Kiba waved at you and then turned away continuing to run. You waved back robotically trying to pull life back into your limbs.

“Cute?” You repeated.

~9 Years Later~

You carefully walked through the trees as your long brown hair waved back and forth over your back. You were 16 years old and a pretty tough individual. Critter was wandering nearby while your two other team members walked beside you. Rue, a very hot headed, egotistical, stubborn girl and Shaoran, a very smart, reliable, gorgeous boy.

“Mikio,” Rue started and you briefly glanced at her in the corner of your eye. “Is there a purpose to visiting the Leaf Village?” Shaoran glanced at you also. You hadn’t really explained to them why you were going to the Leaf Village since it wasn’t under direct orders. You hadn’t even really thought about it yourself until you were already on your way there. You had told your parents and the Kage that you were going to visit the Leaf Village because you wanted to visit your grandfather’s grave. But in actuality you just wanted to do something different.

“Visiting my grandfather’s grave.” You explained. “It’s been a while since he’s died and I haven’t come by since I was seven.”

“How long ago did he die?” Shaoran asked. You shrugged.

“I don’t know, eight years ago.” You kept your eyes forwards. ‘Has it really been that long?’ You thought angry with yourself. ‘I haven’t come here to visit my grandfather in nine years and I didn’t even show up for his funeral. What kind of granddaughter am I?’ You felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked at it realizing you had stopped walking. You followed the arm up to Shaoran’s face and he smiled with sympathetic eyes. You hated that. Since he was doing it for your benefit you let it go. “Critter!” You called out and he bounded out of a bush, stopping in front of you. “I’m going to just go on ahead; I’ll meet up with you guys later.” You said jumping onto Critter’s back.

By the time you reached your father’s gravestone it was late afternoon and the sun was setting. You sat down on the grass about a meter away from the stone. You didn’t like the feeling of sitting on top of whoever may be laying underneath so you just kept yourself back a bit out of respect. The wind blew your hair to the side as birds sang a soft tune and the leaves ruffled against the breeze as they grasped the branches. It was quiet, serene, calm sitting in this little clearing alone with your dog. You had never felt so at peace than at this moment where the sun touched the earth and cast long, ever expanding shadows outwards towards and behind you. Never had you felt this peace.

“There you are!” A voice called from behind you.

But of course, all beautiful things must cease to exist from a moment in time. You felt surprise shock through your body from the sudden unwelcomed voice and you turned around as you stood. An old woman stood behind you squinting through her oddly rimmed glasses.

“Oh, I’m sorry dear. I’ve mistaken you for someone else.” She said as though she hadn’t interrupted you. You smiled to her kindly.

“That’s alright, I’m sorry to have been a disappointment.” You said with a hint of a laugh to your voice.

“Oh, you are not a disappointment young one,” The old woman continued obviously missing the laugh. “You are beautiful my darling and I’m sure, very smart. Don’t ever call yourself a disappointment.” You looked at her surprised and she bowed her head slightly. “My apologies for interrupting you dear.” She added before she hobbled off towards the other gravestones. You followed her with your eyes still surprised. You looked at Critter with a questioning glance only to see him fast asleep. You rolled your eyes and returned to your seat. The wind blew again and you stared at the gravestone.

“When I get there, what should I do?” You had asked your mom.

“What do you mean?” She had responded.

“Well, should I just sit there quietly and think?” Your mom had laughed at that.

“It’s up to you. Whatever you feel like doing. Some people talk to those they cherish that have passed on.”

“Talk to them?”


“What would they say?”

“Tell them what’s new, their problems, concerns, new friendships, boyfriends and girlfriends. That sort of stuff. Oh and thank them for what they’ve done for you.”

You continued to think to yourself trying to pull up some kind of idea of a thank you. But the truth was, your grandfather, he had never actually done anything for you. He never visited, he never sent letters, he never showed you any real kind of affection, and he had never bought you anything or brought you anywhere. He hadn’t done anything. So, then why did you feel like there was something to thank him for?

“Who are you?” A voice asked and you ignored it. It didn’t sound like it was directed at you. A moment later a giant white creature pounced on Critter and they both rolled around in a mess of black and white.

“Critter!” You exclaimed getting up and moving to attack.

“Whoa! Wait, wait, wait!” A boy’s voice said in your ear as an arm was wrapped around your waist to stop you from moving. You threw your hips back into whoever had grabbed you and made him lose his grip, you then spun around to him and thrust your fist at him. He grabbed it and tried to calm you down but you stepped backwards and lost your footing on the edge of the little hill.

“Whoa!” You exclaimed and fell backwards dragging the boy with you. The two of you rolled down the hill and eventually came to a stop with him lying on top of you with your legs between his. You were really dizzy and tried to concentrate on him but couldn’t focus the image. He put both his hands on the ground beside your head and moved himself so he was hovering over you on his knees and his arms straight. He shook his head a bit as your eyes started to focus and then you both looked at each other straight on in the eyes. There was a long pause.

“It’s you!” Both of you exclaimed. You blushed a bit realizing how you were sitting and started shoving him off of you.

“Get off of me!” You exclaimed urgently.

“Hey, don’t you go getting mad at me! You’re the one that knocked us down the hill!” He said irritated.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” You complained after he had gotten off of you and was sitting in front of you with one knee up and his arm hung over it. You were still lying down but you had yourself propped up on your elbows.

“So,” He started.

“You remember me.” You continued

“And you remember me.”

“You remember what I look like.”

“But do you remember my name?”

“Do you remember mine?”

“Mikio.” “Kiba.” You both said in unison. You both blinked a bit.

“I see you grew your hair out.” Kiba added with a smirk dancing across his lips.

“Don’t think too much into it. You hardly had an effect on me.” You said feeling heat in your cheeks again.

“Riiiight. So that’s why you waved at me like a robot?” Kiba asked and then mimicked your wave goodbye from nine years ago. You blushed even more.

“You remember that? Wouldn’t that mean I left an impression on you?” You asked and it was Kiba’s turn to blush. ‘Well that is surprisingly cute.’ You thought.

“Don’t over think it.” Kiba said putting a sour face on. “You leave as much of an impression on me as much as the next girl that walks by.” You flushed angrily.

“Is that so?” You asked hearing the irritation in your voice. “Well then allow me to leave so the next girl may enter. Critter, let’s go.” You stormed passed Kiba followed by Critter.

“Hey, wait a minute!” Kiba called and ran to your side. “What are you so mad about?”

“I’m not mad.” You said feeling your irritation grow. Were boys really that dumb? “I’m just making room for those girls that you’re waiting for to walk by.” You turned your milk chocolate brown eyes on him angrily. “So go wait for them.” You climbed onto Critter. You didn’t really get why you were so mad at him since you weren’t dating and you had only met each other twice but what he said had just really pissed you off. “Have a good life, Kiba.” You added before Critter started running off towards the village.

~Next Day~

“It’s raining.” Shaoran announced as he and Rue walked out of Ichiraku Ramen.

“Good call.” Rue said sarcastically crossing her arms as the rain started soaking through her clothing. You looked down at your own drenched clothes as they clung to your skin. You had been standing outside for about 10 minutes already. Your long brown hair hung in your face as water dripped steadily from the ends. Lightning flashed off in the distance followed soon after by a boom of thunder. Critter jumped surprised and then shifted behind you wrapping his body around you and lifted your hand with his nose. You gently stroked his head, easing his mind. Critter was afraid of thunder storms. “Anything else we have to do before we leave?” Rue asked and you and Shaoran looked at each other.

“Should we get a few supplies before we head out?” Shaoran asked and you nodded.

“It will probably be a good idea in case we run into some kind of trouble.” You said. Shaoran nodded in agreement and looked at Rue.

“Where should we start?” He asked. He and Rue started talking about where they could go as you zoned out. You tended to do this a lot. Your mind was easily distracted. You looked over to your right where the old woman from yesterday was standing. The entire street was empty except for her standing in the middle. Her eyes were on you as you looked at her. How long had she been standing there watching you, you wondered. How hadn’t you noticed her? The woman turned from you and walked down the street just begging to be followed. You watched her for a moment and then glanced at the other two quickly. They weren’t paying any attention so you darted away from the two of them after the woman down the street. The clouds overhead darkened the street as you made your way through the oddly empty streets. After about a minute you slowed to a walk where you had left the village into a little set of trees. You walked forwards looking around in a circle as ran continued to spatter on the ground and on your face.

“Hello?” You asked. “Is anyone there?” You felt your arms where goose bumps had developed from the cold. Your body was stiff and you felt tense. Something wasn’t right. Something bad was going to happen, you could feel it. A ruffle came from behind you and you spun around. “Who’s there?!” You demanded feeling the swell of panic in your gut. What had convinced you to go after a strange woman alone in the dark in a storm while in a strange place? Your breathing started getting heavy as a twig broke on the other side of you and you spun around.

“It’s your fault.” The old woman’s voice called. Her voice seemed to come from everywhere. Every angle, every crack, corner, and crevice, her voice echoed in your head overwhelming your body and dropping you to your knees.

“What is this?” You cried out attempting to pull yourself up to your feet.

“If you hadn’t existed, he would’ve been mine!” The voice was morphing, turning into something else. What was it? What was happening? It grew sharp and crisp, light and feeble, delicate and meager. It sounded…young. “If she hadn’t gotten pregnant, he would’ve been mine. He would’ve left her for me. If you didn’t exist there would never be another problem!” The woman stepped out of the bushes as she turned into a younger woman about your mother’s age.

“What are you talking about you crazy old bat?” You asked and her face darkened losing some of the intense beauty that was silhouetting it.

“You’re his daughter. He should’ve been with me. You shouldn’t exist and I should be married to your father not your hideous mother!” Your eyes flashed with something similar to blind rage and you pulled yourself up to your feet pulling yourself free from the shrill sounding genjutsu.

“Hideous? You are the only thing that I see around here as ugly and you will never be with my father again!” You exclaimed. She screamed in rage and a surge of power hit you throwing you off balance as she threw a kunai at you. You blinked through the rain, seen the kunai, your eyes widened, and then a flash of blackness passed through your line of sight. You felt like it was slow motion. You let out your breath and it felt like the sound echoed around you. ‘No.’ you thought as you turned to your left. You stared at the motionless figure laying on his side and felt tears spring to your eyes. “CRITTER!” You screamed. You could see the woman running at you in the corner of your eye but you were frozen solid. You couldn’t move, just helplessly stare at Critter on the ground. You moved your head slowly back around to look at the woman and felt a strong hatred like nothing you had ever felt before. You hated this woman. You wanted her to suffer, to feel pain, to wish she didn’t exist anymore. You wanted her dead, cold, and alone. But before you could move something new happened. Something you hadn’t expected. Your feet were knocked out from underneath you and you fell against someone’s arm. He kicked the woman in the gut from the ground and she went backwards a few meters. You breathed in and looked at him. You already knew who it was. “Kiba.” You whispered. He looked over at you as though realizing you were in his arms for the first time as he pulled himself and you up.

“Mikio, are you alright?” Kiba asked. Then your eyes closed and everything was black. This was new also. You had never fainted before.

~Shortly After~

You opened your eyes slowly and blinked a bit. Kiba was overtop of you with his hair dripping wet and hanging over your face while his eyes showed all the concern in the world.

“Mikio, are you alright? How do you feel?” He asked and you slowly sat up feeling your head.

“What happened?” You asked groggily.

“That’s what I would like to know. You didn’t do anything. You didn’t even try.” He said and you blinked.


“Did she have you locked in a genjutsu or something? You just stood there and let her run at you and almost kill you. If I hadn’t stepped in, you’d be…” He didn’t finish his sentence. “What was the matter with you?”

“I thought she killed Critter. Where is he? Is he alright?” You asked concerned.

“He’s fine. He’s not even hurt.” Kiba gestured to Critter who was sitting next to Akamaru perfectly fine. They looked like Yin and Yang, Critter black and Akamaru white. You sighed in relief. So she made you believe Critter was there and he had taken that kunai and died. You really were trapped in a genjutsu that whole time.

“What happened to the woman?”

“She’s dead.” Kiba didn’t even hesitate with answering.

“You killed her?” You asked and he didn’t say anything just guiltily looked away.

“You’re causing more trouble than I bargained for.” He said standing up and running his fingers through his hair.

“Did you want me to leave?” You asked and he quickly looked at you.

“No!” He said urgently and then instantly blushed. “I mean…”

“Don’t worry about.” You said smiling with your hair plastered to your face. “I get it.” Kiba looked at you blankly for a moment and then dropped to his knees and pushed your hair off your face behind your ears. “Do you want me to walk by again and see if I cause the same effect as the girl before me?” You asked and he chuckled.

“No, I already know it’s a different effect.” He said.

~Next Day~

You sat in front of your grandfather’s gravestone as the sun was rising and the breeze blew your hair and clothing around. The gravestone was a dark grey with chiseled white engravings. You stood up and stepped right up to the stone. Gently you took off your necklace and set it on top along with Critter’s collar. Kiba stood behind you about a meter back and watched you calmly. You had told him last night, what you had been thinking last time you were here.

“What changed? Why are you here to thank him?” Kiba asked and you smiled.

“I thought about it last night. My grandfather hadn’t done anything. So then why did I feel like there was something to thank him for? My grandfather had never visited me; he knew he was going to be gone before I was old enough to understand. My grandfather never sent letters, it hurt his hand to write and he couldn’t afford messenger birds. My grandfather never bought me anything; he didn’t want me to care only about material possessions. My grandfather had never brought me anywhere; he wanted me to see the world for myself through fresh eyes. My grandfather never showed me any real kind of affection; he wanted me to grow strong like a tree instead of a delicate little sprout. My grandfather helped make me who I am. He bent me to abide to my own beliefs and made me strong, he guided me to myself and made me grow straight upwards; he did the little things that sent me flying. He was a good man.” You explained and then glanced back at Kiba so you were half facing him. “Plus,” You started and Kiba raised his eyebrows and cocked his head slightly to the side. He reminded you completely of a dog right then with his head tilted and his ears perked to listen. You smiled and giggled a bit. “My grandfather brought me to you. That’s why I’m thanking him.” Kiba was surprised at first but then his eyes softened and he smiled right before it turned into his signature full-on smirk.


“Well, guess this is it.” You said digging the toe of your shoe into the dirt. Kiba nodded and scratched the back ofhis head.

“I guess I’ll come visit you soon then?” Kiba asked and you nodded smiling.

“I’d like that.” You said sheepishly. Kiba glanced over you at Rue and Shaoran and you looked back at them too. They were both watching the two of you smirking. “Just ignore them, they’re cra—” You started as you turned back to face him but you were cut off by Kiba pinning his lips to yours. You were wide eyed for a moment and then kissed him back feeling yourself lightly blush. Kibaheld your chin between his fingers and raised your head up a bit so that he could deepen the kiss. Eventually, he pulled away from you, leaving you breathless and blushing.

“I’d better get going.” He said and swallowed. He was trying to breathe properly but it was obviously diluted from the kiss. “I’ll see you soon Mikio.” He added and he turned to leave. You grabbed onto his wrist and spun him back to you taking a couple of steps to him at the same time. You pushed yourself against him and raised yourself onto your tiptoes to kiss him again. He instantly kissed you back and grabbed onto your waist. Was this what the feeling was supposed to be or was it way too early to tell? Was it possible to just know right away or was it hormones and hopefulness? Whatever, for now, you decided, you’d call it love.

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