There Will Be Blood (not mine)

By turntojelena

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*YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW ME IF U WANT TO READ SOME OF THE CHAPTERS!* Justin Bieber, 25, the son of a Chica... More

There Will Be Blood
1. Prologue
2. A World Ruled by Men
3. Purity
4. Gangs of Chicago
5. Plasma and Transfusions
6. Directly From Venus
7. Shades of Brown
8. La Forza della Tigre
9. Sin and Punishment
10. Jungle Chase
11. War of the Roses
12. Master and Commander
13. Power Pleasure and Pain
14. La Pura Verita
15. Joie de Vivre
16. The Weight of One Choice
17. Heaven Hell and Purgatory
18. Chaos and Order in Russia
19. Strategy for the Demise
20. Russian Porcelain
21. Blood Oath
22. The Tale of Two Justin.
23. The Definition of Rage and Love
24. Bulletproof
25. Inferno
26. Music of the Heart
27. Poison
28. Horn of Amalthea
29. Apples Diamonds and Ink
30. Indiscrezioni del Passato
31. Paradise Lost
32. The Revolutionary
33. Cinders and Ashes
34. Valentine's Day Massacre
35. Meeting of the Minds
36. Gargoyle
37. Pyscho-Chemical Torture
38. The Old Man and the Wheelchair
40. Marine Biology
41. Helen of Troy
42. News and Return
43. The Races
44. The End of Madeleine Fell
45. The End
46. Epilogue 1- A Single Rose
47. Epilogue 2-Always and Forever

39. Obedience and Authority

19.4K 276 122
By turntojelena


I was actually salivating as Keegan pushed the giant piece of fatty, Chicago deep-dish pizza across the breakfast bartowards me.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Jaxon said hesitantly.

"Shut up," I snapped and took my first bite of heaven in almost a month.

I moaned as the grease slithered down my throat. The heat from the pizza burned my mouth, but I didn't care. I would die a happy man just for this one last taste of freedom.

"Is it good?" Keegan grinned and took a large chunk from his own pizza.

"You have no idea." I swallowed another bite.

"This is not going to end well." Jaxon started to pace the floor of my kitchen.

"Will you sit down?" Finn rolled his eyes. "You're stressing him out."

"Maddie is going to kill us all," he muttered. "She almost strangled me for giving him a cup of coffee. What is she going to say when she sees him eating pizza?"

"She's going to castrate you." Keegan laughed at me.

"I wasn't the one who went out and bought the stuff," I argued.

He thought for a second, and then shrugged. "She can't beat me."

"You wanna bet?" I chuckled.

It had been a month since my "episode", and Maddie was breathing down my neck like a dragon. She was the personification of Nurse Ratchet, and it wasn't fun at all. I had a heart problem; I didn't die. To me, it wasn't really a big deal. It's over now, right? Not according to Maddie. If she wasn't shoving pills down my throat, then she was makinghealthy food and monitoring my stress level.

I wasn't allowed to move from the couch if she was here. She would have a medical reason for everything, and I wasn't even allowed to shout at the TV. I was a fucking invalid, and I wasn't taking this new life well.

I was a person who got restless if I sat in a chair for five minutes. What did I do now that I was glued to the couch? I was going insane. My mind was literally buzzing for some kind of interaction. I had gone through two Sudoku books and began on a New York Times crossword set that was supposed to be difficult. It was less strenuous than advertised.

On the occasions when Maddie was at school, I took the opportunity to do something productive.

Against everyone's wishes, I secretly did some behind the scenes work. I kept a low profile, but got things done. I went over numbers from business transactions and monitored everything that my brothers handled. I would clean the house from top to bottom, which under Maddie's classifications, fell under strenuous activity.

However bad Maddie was, she was nothing compared to my parents. Even over the phone, they berated me for not following rules. When they came over, Pattie went crazy. She always had to point out something that I was doing wrong. It was very annoying, but her persistent nature didn't let up. Jeremy took the firmer approach of basically tying me down to take my meds.

I wasn't a child, although, I was acting like one. They were forcing me to behave like a fucking baby. I had no say over anything anymore. I had depleted in authority so quickly that it made my head spin. I couldn't wait to get the seal of approval from the doctor so that I could go back to work. This was hell.

I was just trying to have some control over something and defiance was just enough of a rush for me to stay sane. Thus, the reason for the pizza. This was my first taste of real food since I had gotten out of the hospital.

"She's going to kill us," Jaxon repeated and plopped down in his chair. "I just know she is."

"Maddie is reasonable. She's not going to chase us around with a knife," Keegan mumbled through his pizza.

"She tried to actually stab me the other day when I wouldn't take my new medication," I said.

"Why don't you just do as the doctor said?" Finn asked.

"Because I don't need any of that stupid shit."

"Yes, you do. You're old," Keegan laughed.

"You're older than me." I growled.

"Yeah, but Bridget has had me eating organic for years. My heart's as healthy as a horse."

"I'm not going to be eating healthy shit for the rest of my life." I took another bite of pizza.

"I was reading up on it and the books said that as long as you just eat things in moderation, you should be fine," Finn said. "But that's after the first year."

"Nope, too long," I replied. "I want pizza now."

"You could have really been fucked up." Jaxon got his own slice of pizza. "What if you had to go in for bypass surgery?"

"Ma would have flipped."

"She might have had a heart attack herself." Keegan sighed, "She is driving me crazy. Last night, she came over with a scale and tried to take my weight."

"She recorded my body fat this morning after I ate breakfast," Jaxon mumbled. "It was so lame, and then she threw out my cereal because it had too much sugar."

I was about to say something about how stupid all of this was, but I heard a key in the front door. Maddie was home.

We stopped eating and looked at each other for a split second before we jumped into action.

"Put the box in the oven," I ordered and threw the half-eaten slices of pizza in the trash. I handed the plates off to Keegan, who washed them under running water.

Finn was chugging the small amount of beer that we had left behind, and Jaxon was sputtering around like a windup toy.

"Justin, I'm back," Maddie called, and I could hear her taking off her coat.

"In the kitchen," I said. "Act normal."

We sat around like idiots and tapped our fingers.

Maddie came in the kitchen with bags of things, and Keegan jumped up to help her.

"What's all of this?" he asked.

"I had to go grocery shopping after school," she answered. "How are you guys?"

"Good," we answered in unison.


She was going to know something was up.

Maddie eyed us for a second before walking over to me. "How was your day? Did you follow the schedule?" She gave me a kiss.

"Yes, I took my medication and did my exercises."

"Good, and you haven't been lifting anything or working?"

"No, Maddie. All he does is sit and mope," Finn reassured her.

"I hope so. We can't take any chances. Tonight, we're having baked chicken, brown rice, and steamed broccoli."

"Yum," Keegan replied sarcastically, "I'll make sure to be gone before then."

"It wouldn't hurt the rest of you to eat healthier as well," Maddie said maternally. She was turning more into our mother every single day.

"So... we're going to go." Jaxon hopped off his stool, his voice shaking slightly.

Maddie tilted her head to the side and squinted. "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing." Finn shrugged.

"Jaxon." She turned to him and put on her best sweet face. He was no match. He never could resist Maddie, "Is there something I should know about?"

Double damn it.

Jaxon snapped his mouth shut so that it looked like he was about to explode. He just shook his head instead of answering.

Maddie walked around the kitchen with a skeptical eye, and I could see her scanning the room.

"Why don't you go upstairs to change?" I suggested.

"I'm fine," she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.


"Well, we're going to go." Keegan started pushing Jaxon and Finn out of the kitchen.

The fuckers left me with the evidence and a sure-to-be-angry Maddie. The door closed behind them, and I tensed up slightly just thinking about what was in the oven.

"Alright, well, I'm going to go put my stuff away. I'll be right back to make us dinner. Let me just put my books in the library."

I heard her footsteps climb the stairs, and I waited a couple of seconds before I jumped off of the stool and took the pizza boxes out of the oven. I calmly walked to the front door and opened it quietly. I went into the hall and shoved the boxes down the garbage shoot.

"There." I wiped my hands clean of the evil proof that I had been slacking from my regiment.

I went back to the door and realized that I was locked out.

"Damn." I should have known better.

I knocked and waited for an answer, but nothing came. I rang the doorbell this time. Still nothing.

"Maddie, can you let me in?" I hollered.

"Who is it?" she said from the other side.

"You know who it is. Can I come in?"


"Uh, why?"

"Because you had pizza. Do you think I'm stupid, Justin? I could taste it on your fucking breath."

"Maddie, just let me in. We'll talk about it later. I'm not shouting at you from the hallway."

"We'll talk about it right now. Do you even take this seriously?"

"Of course I do. It was just one slice of pizza, and I didn't even finish it."

"You're so immature. This is very important, and I'm trying to keep you healthy. Why don't you just listen to the doctor and do what he says?"

"Maddie, I'm not going to talk to you with a steel door between us."

"Well, you're not coming inside until you give me your word that you'll do better."

"Fine," I ground out.

"You're lying. You should want to get better."

"I do, but I'm bored. What else is there to do besides fantasize about what I can't have?"

The door swung open and Maddie was standing there with tight lips. "You could do a whole bunch of things besides trying to kill yourself."

She pulled me into the house by the sleeve of my robe and pushed me towards the kitchen.

"I don't like to be taken care of," I said as I sat at the table.

"I know and I'm really trying to let you do things on your own, but if I do that, you won't ever take your medicine."

"I'm not a child."

"Then stop acting like one. Do what you're supposed to do."

She started to empty out the tablets that I was required to take. They were in one of those old people medicine holders that had the days of the week on it.

"Don't fight me." She held them in her palm and poured me a glass of orange juice.

"When is this going to be over?" I took the pills from her.

"A couple more months. The doctor said you'll be better soon if you do what he says."

"I hate that stupid doctor." I took my medicine, downing the whole glass of juice in one gulp.

Maddie gave me a head nod of approval. "Thank you."

She started to walk away, but I caught her wrist and pulled her towards me. I trapped her in between my legs.

"Now that I've been good, can I have my reward?"

"We didn't talk about any rewards." She raised an eyebrow.

I trailed my lips from her collarbone to her neck.

"Justin, that doctor said..."

"I know what the doctor said. Just indulge me."

I brought her face close to mine by the base of her neck, and she complied with my requests. Her lips moved with mine easily, like they always did. I knew I only had about half a minute before one of us would make some sort of sexual sound. That was when she always pulled away.

Just as in every time before, when she moaned, Maddie put her hands on my chest and pushed me back.

"Justin, no sex." She was panting pretty heavily.

"But I've been good," I said pathetically.

"Not good enough."

"Maddie, I jacked off twice in the shower this morning. It's getting very difficult to stay away from you," I sighed.

"I don't think you're supposed to be doing that. Masturbation increases the heart rate. What if you passed out in the shower?" She was starting to get worried.

"Maddie, Maddie, calm down." I held her face in my hands. "There's an easy way to solve all of that."

"Really? What is it?"

"You'll just have to shower with me." I grinned. "We can save water and you can make sure that I'm being safe."

She hit my shoulder and laughed her way to the stove.

We had a dinner of cardboard brown rice, plastic, steamed green beans, and rubber chicken. Nothing had salt or pepper, and I swear that it all tasted like glue. Maddie did allow me to have a glass of wine because according to the Almighty Doctor, one glass every other day was good for my heart. That was about the only thing I could look forward to.

"Now, go sit on the couch and watch TV." She picked our plates up from the table.

I ignored her statement and helped her with the dishes. It was the least I could do for being such a dick.

We sat on the couch for the rest of the night, reading Pride and Prejudice. I didn't particularly like it, but I wasn't really complaining. Around midnight, Maddie convinced me to get in bed even though I wasn't tired. The doctor said I needed at least eight hours a night, which was preposterous to me. No human on the face of this earth needed that much sleep.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" Maddie asked as we brushed our teeth in the bathroom.

Once again, it wasn't lost on me how much of a married couple we resembled. The strange thing was that I couldn't see myself not in this position. I never thought I would say that.

It must be the medication.

"Am I allowed out of the house now?" I spit out toothpaste along with a little amount of blood into the sink. That's when I knew my teeth were clean.

"I think a walk would be good and it's been nice out."

"We could go to the pier. I haven't been there in a while."

"That sounds good." She eyed me in the mirror. "Wait, you only want to go there for the fried foods, don't you? No, we won't be going there."

"I can at least sniff them."

"No, I'm putting my foot down. You're not dying on my watch." She gave me a wet kiss on the cheek and went into the bedroom.

I followed her a couple minutes after I made sure everything was straightened out and clicked the lights twice.

Maddie feel asleep almost instantly, but I was awake and in no way ready to calm my body down.

The hours passed quickly and before I knew it, the clock was flashing three in the morning. I still didn't want to shut my eyes, so I rolled out of bed and quietly left the bedroom. I put on some snow boots and a heavy coat so that I could sit outside on the balcony without getting sick. The cold air was just what I needed to clear my head, and I just sat in a chair to think. I didn't really have much going on in my head, but it was nice to get out of the stuffy house.

I had been locked in this apartment for the past three and a half weeks. I had only been out for doctor's appointments, and even those were kept to an hour minimum. I ran my hands through my hair and tried to pull myself together. All I needed a sense of freedom. I had never been locked up in my entire life, so this was pure torture.

As I sat outside, I told myself just how lucky I was to have someone like Maddie. She was a ball buster, sure, but that's what I needed. Nothing would get done if she just let me walk all over her. We were both stubborn to the point of annoyance and if she were anyone else, I might have snapped by now. Maddie's determination to keep my healthy just showed how much she cared for me. I guess I couldn't whine about that.

I almost bolted out of my seat when I remembered that Maddie's spring break was starting soon. Actually, I think it started today.


I had promised her that we would go away. I always screwed things up, of course. And with my heart thing, all our plans were delayed, but I could tell that she was excited about going somewhere when we had first talked about it. Well I'd be damned if I ruined her fun.

I got up from my seat and made three phone calls. One was to Keegan, one was to Finn, and the other was to the car service. It took nothing but the snap of my fingers to make this all come together.

The hard part was going to be waking Maddie up.

"Maddie." I shook her shoulder when I went back upstairs.

She was so exhausted that she didn't even move.

I tried again. "Maddie, you have to wake up."

Still nothing.

I turned on the light and shook her more furiously.

"What?" She groaned, "I'm tired. Go back to bed."

"No, you have to get up. We're leaving."

"We're not going anywhere."

It took some force, but I was able to sit her up in bed and move her legs over the side. She was still unconscious, although, that might work to my advantage here.

I went through the room, grabbing her some clothes. I put her in a pair of my pajama pants, and got her coat along with a hat so that her head would stay warm. I shoved her feet in some boots, thinking that she would at least be responsive by now. Still nothing.

I, thankfully, was already dressed to leave, so it didn't take me any time at all to get my wallet and phone.

"Maddie, are you even alive?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

"Why am I not lying down?" Her eyes opened, squinting against the light.

"We're going out." I stabilized her as I helped her stand up.

"Justin, I'm not in the mood for sex," she sighed.

I laughed quietly, "We're not having sex."

"I don't want to go out. It's too early for this."

"You'll thank me later."

"I haven't even brushed my teeth or hair. Where are you taking me?"

"Just stop asking questions."

I dragged her by the hand downstairs and made sure that she didn't fall. Her eyes were closed the whole time. I shoved a pair of my Ray Bans over her face so that she looked somewhat alive and locked up the house. Before we left, I made sure to grab all my medication. There would be hell to pay if I forgot that shit.

We were in the elevator a second later.

We stopped on Keegan's floor, and he pushed an unresponsive Bridget in. Finn and Olivia came in as well when we reached them.

"We should have planned this better," Keegan said, supporting a sleeping Bridget on his shoulder.

"I hate you guys." Olivia crossed her arms. She was the only one really awake, but I don't think she ever went to bed. "Where the hell are we going?"

"You'll love it." Finn grinned, "Where's Jaxon?"

"I sent a car for him. He's going to meet us at the airport." I answered.


We had six people, but no luggage, so we were able to fit in a limo that I had previously called for.

Maddie went back to lightly snoring as she leaned against me. The sunglasses were falling off her face, but she didn't even notice. Even Olivia fell asleep.

"Do you think they'll be mad when they wake up?" Keegan kept poking Bridget in the arm. She was out cold.

"No, they'll be fine," I answered.

"Should you even be traveling?"

I didn't really know the answer to that, but I figured it would be ok. I needed a vacation anyway, so it wasn't like I was disobeying the doctor's orders.

We pulled through the private airport about half an hour outside of the city. The plane was already waiting and ready to go. Jaxon was leaning on a car as we approached.

"What took you guys so long?" He opened the door when the car stopped.

"We had to lug these three with us." Keegan pulled Bridget out.

We all stood on the tarmac and the whirl of the plane's engine was too loud for them to stay asleep. Maddie nearly jerked awake and pushed the sunglasses into her hair.

"Justin, what the hell is going on?"

"We're going on vacation."

"Like hell we are." She put her hands on her hips. "How did we get here?"

"We dragged you," Finn chuckled. "Just get on the plane."

"Are you going to kidnap us?" Bridget spat.

"No, we're going to have some fun."

"Can we go? It's cold out here." Jaxon shivered, and then stomped his way up the descended stairs of the plane.

"It will be good for my stress," I told Maddie hopefully. "A vacation would be good."

"Did you bring your medicine?" she asked me.

"Yes." I held up the bag.

"And what about your doctor's appointments?"

"We'll find a doctor there."

"Where exactly is 'there'?"

"You'll just have to get on the plane and find out."

We were the only two left on the runway.

"Please," I almost begged, "I promise it won't be anything bad."

"This better be worth it. And I expect you to actually relax on this trip... wherever the hell we're going." She trudged up the stairs, and I followed.

Keegan, Finn, and Jaxon were buckling up.

"Where are Bridget and Olivia?" Maddie asked.

"In the room back there." Keegan pointed behind him.

She walked to the bedroom and went inside, closing the door behind her.

"Maybe we should have waited until the morning." I sat in the seat next to Finn.

"They're going to be super pissed if this doesn't work out."

The ride was a long one, but not unpleasant. We all went to sleep anyway, so it made the time feel a lot shorter. I set the clock to wake me early so that I could take my medicine. I was trying to get on Maddie's good side and being proactive about my health would be the way to do it.

I checked in on the girls, who were all but passed out on the large bed in one of the many rooms of the plane. They were tangled up and Bridget was nearly hanging off of the side, but she didn't seem to mind. I decided to leave them alone and let them catch up on missed sleep.

"So, how long are we staying?" Jaxon looked out of the window.

"A week." I sat back down in my seat.

"Good. I need a break." He leaned back.

"Did you even tell Ma you were leaving?" Keegan asked.

"Nope. She'll be super surprised when she wakes up."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, dreading that phone call.

We landed at one of the many private airports as the sun started to rise over the Miami skyline.

We had to taxi for about an hour because there was some rich businessman who didn't want to leave the runway for some reason. I had no idea what that was all about, but by the time we were ready to exit the plane, Maddie was stumbling out of the room.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"South Beach." Keegan threw his hands up in the air.

"Oh, brother," she sighed, "you all have kidnapped me."

"You'll have the perfect time. We all need a vacation," I assured her.

"And you promise to take it easy?"

"Yes, I promise."

Bridget and Olivia woke up when the plane stopped and we descended, taking off our heavy coats as the heat from the Florida sun beat down. It had been years since I had been here, and I had forgotten how hot it could get.

There was a van waiting for us on the tarmac. We piled in without a second thought.

Olivia was bouncing in her seat, Bridget was talking about shopping, and Maddie was trying not to show me how excited she was at the prospect of spending a week in Miami. She told me that she had never been here before, so I was planning on showing her everything I knew about this city. She was still trying to keep me in line, saying that I needed to take it easy. It wasn't like I was planning on going surfing again, so there wasn't really any chance of me overexerting myself.

Miami was one of those eclectic cities that had a specific vibe to it. Unlike Chicago, Miami was more laid back, but still had a certain level of young energy that made you feel... excited. The bright sun bounced off of everything, and there was anything you wanted for a beach vacation.

"Where are we going?" Maddie asked with her face pressed up against the glass of the window. She was like a kid in a candy story as we passed the colorful art deco buildings near the ocean.

"The docks." I pointed in the distance to port where hundreds of white yacht sails were swaying in the wind.

"Why? Do you have a boat over there?"

"Justin has the ultimate boat," Finn said. "He keeps Capriccio here during the winters."

"It's easier to keep it somewhere warm," I explained to Maddie.

"But how did it get all the way down here?"

"Magic," I chuckled. "The docks stow it for me every winter. This is the first time I've ever used it in Miami, though."

"So is that where we're staying?" Olivia asked.

"Justin has six rooms on that thing." Keegan was just as excited to be out of the chill of Chicago, so he was bouncing around like a jackrabbit.

"But what about clothes?" Bridget pointed to her pajama-clad body. "I can't go walking around like this."

That was the dumbest question I'd ever heard come out of her mouth. When have we never provided? The boat should already be stocked by now, actually.

"It's all taken care of," I said.

"This is going to be fun." Olivia grinned impishly. He had something up his sleeve.

The van pulled closer to the marina and we got out, heading towards the end of the pier. Large boats bobbed in the water on either side, but of course, mine was the biggest.

Capriccio was sitting majestically in the ocean, overpowering all the other yachts around her. It felt like years since I had seen the beautiful boat.

"Jesus, she's bigger than I remember." I helped Maddie climb up the stairs onto the deck.

"That's what she said!" Keegan shouted from the back of the group. There was a united groan and a well-deserved slap from Bridget.

We split up to find our respective rooms. Maddie and I claimed the largest, and I fell on the bed after what felt like years of traveling.

"How're ya holding up?" Maddie climbed next to me.

"Fine, and I took my medicine, so you don't have to worry."

"I'm impressed." She kissed my neck. "Why are we here?"

"Because we all need a vacation, and it's your spring break. I promised you we'd go somewhere."

"But that was before you got sick."

"Maddie, just breathe and calm down. Everything's going to be fine." I gave her a kiss that started off slowly, but soon turned into a little something more.

Over the past couple of weeks, Maddie has been a pure tease, without actually meaning to be. Our kisses were heated, but that was as far as she would allow them to go. I could tell she wanted more. wanted more, and I was almost about to burst. She would always stop right before we could get something going.

Maybe this time would work.

I leaned down and kissed her with more fervor this time while still being gentle. The electricity between us was as obvious as it was almost painful. The shocks that were flowing through my body were overpowering every other feeling I had, and I could barely keep my mind focused on how this was against the rules.

Maddie exhaled laboriously and grabbed the hem of my shirt before she pulled it with frustration over my head. She kissed my chest lightly as I gripped her thigh and hooked her leg onto my hip.

"We're going to have to stop soon." She kept kissing my chest.


"Because your heart can't handle it."

"How about we just see what I can handle." I kissed the skin of her supple neck.

Unconsciously or consciously-I wasn't sure which-our fingers began to expertly remove clothing one by one.

I unbuttoned my jeans and moved closer to her on the bed so that she could feel exactly how she was affecting me. My lips immediately found hers again, as she used her feet to pull my jeans from my body. We lay together for a while on the bed, simply exploring each other's bodies with our fingers, tongues, and mouths. I still had on my boxers, and since she had gotten on the plane straight from bed, there was barely any clothing that I had to deal with. She just had on some cotton panties that were so thin, I could almost feel the heat between her legs burning my skin.

She wanted this just as much as I did.

I made sure that my heart rate was slow and steady before moving on further.

I bent my head forward into the side of Maddie's neck and nibbled her ear softly.

She moaned, and I almost came undone from the sexy sound. As I continued biting her lobe, my hands wandered up and began gently kneading her incredible breasts that were waiting for my touch. Maddie's hands ran down my back eagerly, and her legs were now wrapped around my waist, pulling me into her. I could feel her excitement against my boxers and couldn't wait to be inside her, hoping that she didn't stop me before it got that far.

Taking complete control like she never had before, Maddie pushed me over so that I was on my back with her on top of me.

"Justin, we can't do this." She stared down at me.

"Why? I can feel you need it." I ran my finger over her fabric-covered slit, and she shuddered violently.

Still on my back, Maddie spread her legs over my lap wider; I wasn't complaining one bit.

"I've never been on the bottom," I admitted, like a virgin. I was hoping to entice her with a new sexual position. As much as Maddie thought she had the upper hand, the sexual control I had in this relationship was enough to make us both explode.

"If we're going to do this, you have to follow my rules. I've read that books and we're going slow. I'm setting the pace." Maddie had a hint of fierceness in her voice that was slightly scary.

I nodded dumbly.

I guess I didn't have as much control as I thought.

She had an aggressive streak, and I was about to fucking blow, but I kept myself under control so that I could enjoy this.

"Wait," Maddie looked down, "I forgot about these." She climbed off of me and shimmied out of her panties, throwing them on the floor. Then seeing my underwear, she nearly ripped them from my hips, discarding them as well.

"That was fast," I said as she climbed back on top.

"Stop talking," she commanded. "Talking increases your heart rate and we can't have it going crazy."

Maddie reached behind her, taking my engorged member in her hands. She positioned herself over me-slowly, tantalizingly, teasingly, deliciously- enveloping me in her heat.

"Fuck me," I grunted and threw my head back into the sheets. My hands were digging into the flesh of her ass, guiding her down until I was stretching her to the max.

"Stop talking," she repeated, and the roll of her hips was so deliberate that I could feel every inch of her insides. We were moving so alluringly slow that it was almost torturous.

I nodded again, shutting my eyes when she gave me another hip rotation; her pelvis met mine. Maddie grabbed onto the headboard, continuing to slide her body up and down over me.

I had never in my life been on the bottom, because I needed to be in control, but this was heavenly. How could I have lived my whole life without experiencing such a simple thrill? This was sensational, and I was hitting angles that I didn't even think were possible.

We kept it slow, our pace never reaching anything too hurried or rushed. This was... hot.

"Maddie, you're killing me," I said as she did all the work, rotating her ass above me and keeping me completely enclosed within her the whole time.

I think I heard her say something else, but I couldn't be sure.

When she leaned back, Maddie immediately clutched the footboard of the bed, and her body was now almost completely parallel with mine. I was still buried in her, but I had easier access to her bundle of nerves, and the moment I touched her she trembled violently.

I continued my rubbing on her wet slit as she rolled onto my cock, a little harder with each movement and definitely more fiercely. Just watching her amazing body on top of mine was the picture of my dreams, and I couldn't stop myself. I exploded deep inside her heat, fluid spilling everywhere. I felt her walls ripple around me, and I twitched on the bed as I completely emptied myself.

I kept my eyes closed and rested my head on the pillows, feeling my dick pulse out all I had.

Maddie straightened back up a little bit. I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down beside me as I wrapped my arms around her.

"That was fucking incredible," I breathed into her hair.

"I can't believe I just did that."

"You didn't enjoy it?"

"I want to go again. We're going to be in so much trouble."

"My heart didn't give out so I think we're good." I laughed as much as I could with my lack of oxygen.

We didn't talk for a long time, not even bothering to clean our bodies up.

I didn't hear anything else from Maddie as she drifted off to sleep. Or at least I think she did. Her breathing slowed and her body didn't move.

And once I was sure she was asleep, I finally let myself drift off as well, more relaxed than I'd been in months.

She could control me any time she wanted.

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