There Will Be Blood (not mine)

By turntojelena

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*YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW ME IF U WANT TO READ SOME OF THE CHAPTERS!* Justin Bieber, 25, the son of a Chica... More

There Will Be Blood
1. Prologue
2. A World Ruled by Men
3. Purity
4. Gangs of Chicago
5. Plasma and Transfusions
6. Directly From Venus
7. Shades of Brown
8. La Forza della Tigre
9. Sin and Punishment
10. Jungle Chase
11. War of the Roses
12. Master and Commander
13. Power Pleasure and Pain
14. La Pura Verita
15. Joie de Vivre
16. The Weight of One Choice
17. Heaven Hell and Purgatory
18. Chaos and Order in Russia
19. Strategy for the Demise
20. Russian Porcelain
21. Blood Oath
22. The Tale of Two Justin.
23. The Definition of Rage and Love
24. Bulletproof
25. Inferno
26. Music of the Heart
27. Poison
28. Horn of Amalthea
30. Indiscrezioni del Passato
31. Paradise Lost
32. The Revolutionary
33. Cinders and Ashes
34. Valentine's Day Massacre
35. Meeting of the Minds
36. Gargoyle
37. Pyscho-Chemical Torture
38. The Old Man and the Wheelchair
39. Obedience and Authority
40. Marine Biology
41. Helen of Troy
42. News and Return
43. The Races
44. The End of Madeleine Fell
45. The End
46. Epilogue 1- A Single Rose
47. Epilogue 2-Always and Forever

29. Apples Diamonds and Ink

27.8K 325 330
By turntojelena


I reached over to Maddie's side of the bed and ran my hand over her back. She was turned away from me and herbreathing was such so that I knew she had been sleeping for a couple of hours.

It was cold over here by myself, but I couldn't blame her for being so far away. If I was her, I wouldn't be so buddy-buddy with me right now, either.

I had ruined her Thanksgiving, and I never meant to. I was really trying to be good, but things just didn't turn out too well. The perfect dinner she'd worked so hard for was destroyed.

Thanksgiving was two days ago and even though she said she wasn't mad, I could tell that Maddie wasn't too pleased with me. She wasn't necessarily icy, but there was just a certain tone to her voice that told me I was in big trouble. I was still trying to make up for that horrible night because it was my fault, however directly or indirectly I was involved.

It was all Finn's doing and I really should have been mad at him, but the secret had to come out sooner or later. Might as well be now.

I wasn't apologizing to Keegan. Technically, I guess Keegan did have a right to be mad at me because I had kept something kind of big from him, but what happened before he and Bridget got together was fair game. He was too much of a pussy to make a move, and that wasn't my problem. I seized the opportunity like I always did. I wasn't apologizing for that. He could suck my dick for all I cared because there was no way in hell that I was going to entertain his kindergartenantics. He thought I owed him something. I'd given him an explanation; it was all he was getting from me.

When he started throwing punches, there was no way I was going to back down. No matter how mismatched we were, I wasn't one to give up on a fight.

I didn't even realize I had ruined everything until I was pulled off of Keegan and the evidence of our gladiator-style battle was all over the floor. I acted like such a dick and for the first time in my life, I think I felt remorse or regret or... whatever. I wasn't quite sure what the fuck I was feeling after that since I'd never experienced that particular emotion before.

I should have raced upstairs and begged Maddie's forgiveness, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was too much of a pussy to say "I'm sorry" for something that I caused, even though I had said to her before. It made no sense, but my pride was too big for that shit. It was probably why Maddie was being so distant with me.

We would talk and since she was off from school for another couple of days, we had all the time in the world together. But it was tense. I needed to make it up to her and show her that I was sorry, because I really was. I didn't blame her for being that way, though. I blamed Keegan for ruining it all. Currently, we weren't speaking. My older brother was being a douche. If he wanted to act that way, then I was going to treat him that way. End of story.

I continued to rub Maddie's back as she slept, not moving closer until I was certain that she was asleep. Like the creep that I was, I stuck my nose in her hair and smelled the sweet scent of her shampoo.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

There, that counted.

I scooted closer behind her so that our bodies were flush together and put my arm over her tiny body. That was the only way I could sleep nowadays. Like I had theorized, I was out like a light only five minutes later.

I woke up the next morning with a few thoughts going through my head and a plan of how to get myself back in good graces with Maddie.

Over the duration of the night, she had turned around and was now snuggled under my chin with her head resting on my chest. As I woke up, I noticed that our breathing was identical. It didn't even feel like she was someone separate.

I untangled our limbs softly so that I didn't wake her and started my morning routine.

Living with Maddie was more different than I could have imagined. I was starting to get used to it, but I was still slightly apprehensive. I had never had someone stay over at my house continuously for so long. It took a little while for us to stop stepping on each other's toes, but we were making it work. Maddie wasn't messy, and I only had to do minimal cleaning. She seemed like she was making a conscious effort to keep my OCD in line and for that, I was thankful. Of course with Maddie, my old tendencies were already dulled so now it was like I was kind of normal. Or more than I was, anyway.

I couldn't even begin to think about the mess I had to clean up after Thanksgiving. I basically kicked everyone out when Keegan wanted to throw more punches throughout the night and I was up the whole time, scrubbing the hell out of my floors. I was tempted to just have them all ripped out and replaced. All the new dishes were broken, the table had to be thrown away, and there were so many stains all on my suit that I burned it later that night. It was disgusting.

I spent my twenty-seven minutes in the shower and quickly got dressed into something more casual for the day. I chose a dark pair of suit pants and a white button up that I covered with a red sweater.

The end of November was weird because the fall season was just beginning to dissipate, although, we had already had a rough taste of winter. Today, especially, it was a warmer one than usual, and I didn't even need a heavy coat.

After I combed my hair to try and tame the beast, I went to wake up Maddie.

"Maddie." I shook her lightly. "It's time to get up."

She grumbled and rolled away from me.

"Come on, we have a long day planned." I shook her again.

"No, go away. I only have two more days off from school and I just want to sleep," she groaned.

"I can't let you sleep the day away." I climbed in bed and for some reason, licked her shoulder. "Wake up."

"Justin, please."

"I have a fun day planned. I promise you won't regret it. Dress warmly."

Maddie let out a deep breath. "I'm going to need a big ass cup of coffee." She rolled over and looked up at me.

"Our first stop will be Starbucks." I kissed her, not even bothered by her slight morning breath. "Get up."

Maddie heaved herself out of bed and muttered all the way to the bathroom. I left her to do her business and went downstairs to watch the news, which was, of course, nothing important.

There had been no updates as to who sent the poisonous flowers or what was going on with everyone in the crime world. We just kept living our lives as normal. My father had taught me a long time ago that you worry about that side of your life when it happens. You can't dwell on the negative if you're trying to live an ordinary life because it will eventually drive you insane. When someone made another threat, which they would, I was going to be waiting and this time, I was getting my answers.

I sat on the couch for about half an hour and Maddie came down in dark jeans, a black leather military coat that looked incredibly sexy and black boots that came up to her knee. I didn't know where she had learned to dress so fashionably but lately, she had been pulling out all the stops, and I liked it.

"You might need a scarf," I commented as I looked her up and down.

"Why? It's not that cold out and you don't have one." She plopped down next to me and moved to my side.

"I don't have one because I'm a man and men don't get sick like women do."

"I don't even know what to say to that." Maddie hit my chest. "You can be very chauvinistic sometimes."

"Not my problem." I shrugged. "I like myself, and it's other people who have to deal with me."

She laughed. "Is that some kind of personal motto?"

"Since I was a teenager," I answered.

"Don't ever change." She kissed the underside of my jaw. "If I went to a therapist, they would think that I was making you up."

"It's my charm, isn't it?"

"Where are we going, Justin?" she asked, changing the subject.

"I can't tell you. Just know that you're day has now been filled with plans." I lifted her off of the couch and grabbed my keys along with my wallet. We headed out of the door.

Maddie kept asking me in the elevator where we were going, but I wouldn't tell her. First, before anything else, I took her to Starbucks because we both needed a pick-me-up. I got a large black coffee, and Maddie ordered some kind of mess that was probably too sweet and too creamy. We walked back to the garage of my building and got into the BMW that I was driving this week.

Maddie leaned back as I drove and sipped her coffee. "Why don't you just put a Starbucks in your building?"

"Maybe in the new complex."

"New complex? What's that?"

"Oh, I'm thinking about building a new set of condos near the Financial District, you know, near all the big firms and stuff."

"You never told me that."

"It's just been a thought in my mind so far. I'll start working on it after the holidays."

"Wow, I get to see you in action?" There was a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Despite what you think, I do actually have a legitimate life," I chuckled.

"So you say, but I've never even once heard you mention real estate."

"I make real money sometimes."

"We'll see. It should be fun to watch you at work."

"Whatever you say, Maddie." I took her hand; she didn't pull away as I continued to drive.

She asked again where I was taking us when the buildings of the city began to transform into the land and hills of the country. The sun was out and what little leaves were left on the trees were deep reds or oranges. It was the perfect day for outdoor activities and probably the last one before the dead cold set in.

The drive took about an hour and when I started to see town signs of Chicago suburbs, I knew exactly where to go. I continued to drive and saw the two cars behind me, further back, in the rearview mirror. They were filled with bodyguards that never left us alone now. Maddie didn't seem to mind anymore, but it wouldn't matter if she did. They weren't going anywhere.

I took the exit that I needed off of the highway and drove through the streets of a town called Bolingbrook. It was one of those perfect little suburbs with manicured yards, and it made me sick to think that I spent so much time here as a kid.

"What's all of this?" Maddie had her face up against the glass of the car as she looked out of the window at the fall leaves and parade set up that was going on around us.

"It's their annual End of Fall Festival," I answered and drove slowly so that I didn't hit someone's fucking kid.

"Have you been here before?"

"Pattie loves it out here. My parents had a house down the street for a long time when we were kids. We used to come to this festival every year. I haven't been since I was younger."

"Wow. It's really beautiful."

"I guess," I muttered under my breath. It was a little too cookie cutter for me, too different a pace from the city.

"What are we doing here? Are we going to the parade?"

"No, the parade's lame. I have something better in mind."

It only took us another couple of minutes to get to our destination, and I parked in the packed lot.

Maddie got out of the car. "What's this?"

"It's an apple orchard," I replied as we walked towards the entrance. The orchard was massive with hundreds of acres, and it was all geared towards families. There were little kids running around, older teenagers trying to pelt each other with fallen fruit and couples, like Maddie and I, who were just trying to have a peaceful day. I never thought I would be one of "those" guys, but I had some groveling to do.

There were tents with old wicker baskets under them and rows upon rows of apple trees.

"You pick a basket and then go through the acres. When you reach the end, you weigh them and see how much you have. You pay by the pound," I explained to her and picked up a basket.

"I could make a couple of pies." Maddie grabbed it from me with an eagerness that I hadn't seen in a long time.

"Aren't you tired of cooking?"

"No. I told you it relaxes me."

We began walking through the rows of trees, and I kicked apples that had fallen on the ground. There wasn't much talking between us, but it wasn't uncomfortable like it had been lately. Maddie was trying to find the perfect apples, but since it was late in the season, there weren't that many good selections.

"I've never done this before." She looked up towards the trees. "Freddie tried to take me to a pumpkin patch once when I was younger, but I didn't like it."

"Why? That sounds like a good fall activity."

"I'm scared of pumpkins."

I tried to hold back my laughter, but couldn't. "You're scared of pumpkins?" I repeated slowly.

"It's not funny. You know that Sleepy Hallow legend?" She asked, and I nodded. "Well, I read that when I was younger and probably shouldn't have, but the horseman had a pumpkin for a head. After that, I couldn't stand them." She reached for an apple that was too tall for her, so I got it and added it to the small pile that was accumulating in our bucket.

"That sounds like something that would happen to you."

"Even the cute jack-o-lanterns scare the hell out of me. I couldn't sleep for weeks after that. Besides, it's always too rainy in Washington to do anything like this. I would always slip and fall or something like that. It wasn't a pretty sight."

"I'm surprised all of these are still up. We did have a couple of days in the freezing rain last week."

"I'm glad you brought me here before it was too late. This is actually fun." We continued to stroll through the orchard as the sun warmed up, but there was a strong wind in the air so it stayed cool. I wanted to carry the basket for her, but she wouldn't relinquish her hold on the thing.

"The best apples are in the back. They've had the longest time to grow." I guided her through the thick brush.

"I need some big ones. They make the best pies and maybe I can learn how to make jelly or something like that."

"Aren't you the little homemaker?"

"I try." She gazed up at the larger apples that were barely hanging onto the limbs above us. "I want those." She pointed to a cluster near me.

"Okay, give me the bucket."

"Let me pick them?" she asked.

I knelt down and pointed to my shoulders. "Climb on."

"I'm too heavy. Isn't there a ladder around here?"

"Maddie, you don't weigh more than a feather. Just get on."

"Fine, but if I break your neck, I don't want to hear it. I warned you."

I didn't even feel Maddie settle on my shoulders until she tapped my head for me to lift back up. I stood up, and she began pulling apples from the trees.

"Did you use to do this when you were a kid?" she asked me.

"Every year. Jeremy would always make it a point to take the day off and we would drive up here for the day. This and holidays were the only times I saw the man until I joined the family business," I said with a hint of disdain in my voice.

"At least you're not bitter," she joked. "He's gotten better, though, over the years, right? He seems like a good father now."

"Seems that way. He's doing a good job with Jaxon. I can't really complain." I moved to the side so that Maddie could pick more apples.

She was done after another couple of minutes, and I put her back on the ground with our basket was filled.

"I can't wait to taste your pie." I grabbed Maddie and kissed her on the lips.

"You're dirty," she replied with her hands on my shoulders. "And no, you will not be tasting my pie for a while. I'm still mad at you."

"I said I was sorry." I moved my lips to her neck.

"No, you didn't."

Well, I did last night, but you were asleep.

I was about to say it; I really was, but I felt something tugging on my pant leg.

"What the hell?" I looked down into the bright blue eyes of a little girl who was about five.

"Mister, can you lift me up so I can get an apple too?" she asked in a sweet voice.

"Uh... no. Go away," I said.

"Please, I can't reach them," she pouted.

"I said 'no'. Who are you anyway?" I felt my lip curl at the thought of being so close to a child. They bothered me.

"I want an apple, please."

"Go away. Run along." I shooed her off like a dog.

"Justin." Maddie hit my shoulder and bent down to the girl. "Where are your parents?"

The little girl shrugged. "I don't know."

She had short blonde hair and a round face with big eyes that were kind of scary looking, but I guess she could be considered cute. She had on a pink dress and a white coat.

"What's your name?" Maddie asked.

"Macy," the girl replied. "I want an apple."

"Is that all you think about?" I grumbled.

"Justin, shut up. We have to find her parents." Maddie took the girl's hand.

"She's not our responsibility."

"I can't believe you." She began walking away, leaving me with the bucket of apples.

I rolled my eyes and picked them up, following her and this... kid.

I chased after them. "Maddie, hold up. Just leave her here."

"No, and I can't believe you would even think that way."

"You know how I feel about children and her parents obviously didn't want her if they left their child alone in an orchard."

"We'll talk about your missing sensitivity chip later."

After another ten minute walk we started to hear the faint screaming of a certain mother who was looking for her Macy.

"Does that sound like your mom?" Maddie asked Macy.

"I guess so." She shrugged.

"You're not much help, kid." I said.

"Justin, she's just a child. You can't treat her like an adult."

"Why not? She seems capable of taking care of herself."

"You're starting to scare me." Maddie looked worried for my lack of child rearing techniques.

"Macy! Is that you?" I was suddenly pushed out of the way by a short woman who grabbed the girl up in her arms. "Oh my God, I was so worried. Where did you go?"

"I just wanted some apples, Mommy."

"Again with the apples," I said to myself. "We're in a fucking orchard."

Maddie glared at me.

"Thank you so much." A man, whom I guessed was Macy's father, held his hand out for me.

"Uh-huh," I answered without shaking it, using the fact that I was carrying a basket of apples, as my excuse.

"She was fine," Maddie told the mother.

The mother hugged her tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

They continued to talk for another couple of minutes until I all but pulled Maddie away.

"Wasn't that girl so cute?" she asked as we started walking towards the checkout tent.

"No, she was not. She was annoying."

"So, what you're saying is that you never want kids? Ever?"

"No, I don't. And people always look at me funny when I say that. Some people just aren't made for children. What's wrong with that?"

"Well, nothing but when you want to leave a child out in an apple orchard, I think it needs to be discussed."

"Not my problem. I can't keep track of everything in this world and that's why she has parents."

"But... I just don't understand you. Pattie and Jeremy love children. They give to orphanages, they've adopted two. Pattie's always at the hospital with them..."

"True, but I can't see myself as a father. I think it would be better if I left the child raising to someone who would actually do a good job and cared."

"You would do a good job." She nudged my shoulder.

"Once, we had a dog, I might have been eight. But I tied a rubber band around its mouth and left it there for the whole day. I don't think someone like that needs to be raising children."

"Justin, I'm starting to think that you have a little issue with emotions," she giggled.

"How am I supposed to know what to do with a kid? They're messy and loud." I shuddered.

"I think you need to go back to therapy."

"I might need to after that ordeal." I set our basket on the scale.

After getting a ticket and paying for our apples, we put them in a bag, and I carried them to the car. Maddie was going on and on about Macy and the apple pies that she was apparently famous for. I was just happy to be child-free for the time being.

"Where are we going now? You said my whole day would be full," Maddie asked when I was back on the road.

"Another surprise. Don't worry, I've got the day planned."

I drove for a couple of minutes, still in the small town that was celebrating their festival, and Maddie seemed to be hypnotized by the atmosphere of it all. She was rattling off a mile a minute about the leaves.

I found the small deli called Matt's and pulled into the parking lot.

"What's this?" she asked and got out of the car.

"The deli we used to come to when I was younger. It's famous around these parts for their chicken parmigiana. I thought we could have a picnic," I said, more like a question.

"You sure are jumping through hoops today." She raised an eyebrow when I held the door open for her.

"I know," I replied, hoping that I didn't have to say those two words again.

We went into the deli and an old man who had been here since I was five, came up to greet me with a very Italian, very enthusiastic kiss on the cheek and tight hug. He then noticed Maddie and moved onto her with as much enthusiasm. He was speaking so fast that I barely caught any of it.

"What's he saying?" Maddie whispered to me.

"He said that you're the most beautiful girl he's seen come in here since his wife."

"Isn't he so sweet?"

"All Italian men are flirts," I warned her. "You can't take him seriously."

"Are you saying I'm not beautiful?"

"Well... no... but... you know what I mean."

I pushed her towards the counter and we basically ordered everything because I told her how good it all was. Of course, Maddie was one of those girls who would eat half a sandwich and be full, but I always made her eat more. She needed to gain some weight.

"Are we eating here?" she asked as we were waiting for our food.

"No, I thought we could have a picnic in a park near here," I suggested.

She smiled brightly. "That sounds nice, really nice."

"I told you I would take care of the day. You were worried."

"I wasn't worried, but I thought we were going to go shooting or something like that."

"We can if you want."

"No, no. I like your idea better." She hugged my middle as we continued to wait for our food.

We carried the four bags of sandwiches towards the car. I was determined to make her try them all, even if she complained.

I drove us to a small park that was on the outskirts of town and secluded away from the festival that was still raging with a carnival and a bunch of smaller activities. The park wasn't anything as massive as what we were used to in the city. It was basically just a patch of grass with some benches, but it was nice.

I grabbed a blanket out of the trunk and brought it with us so that we could find a spot. Maddie chose to sit under a large tree that barely had any leaves on it, but she liked it and leaned against the trunk.

"So, what should I try first?" She clapped her hands together, and I spread out our massive feast.

"How about... the Caprese salad sandwich?" I picked it up and handed it to her.

"This looks good." She unwrapped the package and took a small bite at the same time.

"The best, even better than Pattie's." I chomped on the chicken parmigiana, which I loved so much.

"Don't let her hear you say that."

"She would agree."

"So, before my Thanksgiving was destroyed, how did she really like the food? Did she say anything to you afterward?"

"No, she was too busy cursing me out for being so pigheaded," I sighed.

"I don't want to talk about that right now."

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked like a child.

"Yes, but I'm trying to get over it." Maddie's shoulders slumped as she took another bite of her sandwich.

Even after seeing her body deflate, I still couldn't bring myself to say "I'm sorry". That made me completely weak, but I couldn't do it just yet and I knew she was waiting to hear it.

We continued to eat in silence for a little while, switching sandwiches. After a while, Maddie pulled out a book and started to read it quietly to herself. I watched her lips move around the words and noticed that her copy of Wuthering Heights was extremely worn. I must have watched her for half an hour without diverting my eyes.

"Stop looking at me." She breathed a laugh without lifting her head.

"I can't. Keep reading." I lay my head down, turning it so that I could see her. The wind was carrying a strong scent of fall and the grass was the perfect temperature.

"Do you want me to read out loud?"

"Sure." I closed my eyes, my stomach full and my mind tired.

I think I fell asleep, but I couldn't be sure. Even I my dreams, I could hear her sweet voice in my head as she told me the sorted story of Heathcliff and Catherine. I could feel her lay down next to me at some point, but she didn't stop reading.

When I opened my eyes again, the book was resting on Maddie's chest, and she was sleeping peacefully, without a care in the world.

A small smile appeared on my lips and I sat up, stretching my tired limbs. I looked around and saw Benny sipping cider a few yards away on a bench, and a couple other bodyguards surrounding us, but they were all blending in easily.

"Maddie, wake up." I bent down and kissed her neck.

"Why? I like it here." Her eyes fluttered open.

"We still have things to do." I checked my watch and noticed that it was just after two.

"But... I want to stay here."

"Get up. I promise you'll like what's next."

"Okay, fine." She sat up and cracked her neck.

We packed up our stuff and carried it back to the car before we were off again, back on the road towards the city.

Before we reached the city limits, I pulled over on the side of the highway.

"What are you doing?" Maddie asked when I reached over her towards the glove compartment.

I pulled out a black cloth and held it up. "You need to put this on."

"No," she answered quickly, "are you going to kill me?"

"No, Maddie," I laughed. "I just don't want to ruin the surprise, and I know you'll fight me on it."

"Just tell me where we're going."

"Put on the blindfold."

She looked at me skeptically for a second before taking it from me and wrapping it around her head. "If you kill me, I'll make sure Freddie gets you."

"You'll be dead."

"I'll come back, like in The Lovely Bones. Don't think I won't." She pointed at me with her eyes completely covered.

"Can you see?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

"No. What is this made out of? I can't even peak through it." She touched around blindly.

"Turkish silk. It's the only fabric that renders you completely blind because it's so tightly woven," I answered and got back on the road, trying to maneuver through thicker traffic as we approached the city.

"I don't know if I like this very much," Maddie commented.

"Will you stop worrying? Things will be fine."

"If you say so." She leaned back in her seat.

I pulled up in front of my destination half an hour later and went around the back of the building to park.

"Stay right there. I'm going to get the door." I rushed out of my side and went around the car. I helped Maddie out of the car, guiding her by her elbow, and then locked up.

"What is this? I'm so concerned for my safety right now." She stumbled onto the sidewalk.

"Stop squirming." I held her closer and knocked on the steel back door of the building.

"What's that? Is something happening?" Maddie looked around instinctively.

"I should have left you in the car." I knocked again.

The door opened and a tall, model looking Italian man with black hair stuck his head out. "Mr. Bieber."

I shook his hand. "Hi, Pablo."

"Is this Maddie?" he asked and looked at her expectantly.

"Yes," I told him.

"It's nice to meet you even though I can't see you," Maddie pouted. "Who is he?" she asked me.

"Stop with the questions." I pushed her into the building, and Pablo took us up the stairs that lead to the main part of the store.

"Everything is set up as you requested, sir," Pablo said.

"Thank you and, of course, Jeremy will be back here sometime soon for Pattie's birthday coming up."

"We look forward to it every year."

We went through a deserted store with all the lights off so it was hard to see, but Pablo bypassed it all and led us to the very back where a set of massive vaults were situated. He nimbly pushed a bunch of buttons and put in some codes.

"If you please." He ushered Maddie and me into the vault.

I should have brought my sunglasses.

On the tables, laid on black velvet, were hundreds of diamonds that were flashing from the bright lights. There were watches, necklaces, pendants, bracelets; anything you could have imagined.

"Can I take this off now?" Maddie shoved me.

I untied her blindfold and put it in my pocket. "Surprise." I held my hands out.

Maddie stood there for a second and looked around with suspicious glances. "What's going on?"

"Welcome to Bvlgari, Ms. Fell." Pablo put on a singular black silk glove and went behind a table.

"Bvlgari as in diamonds?" She scowled at me.

"Obviously. Pick something."

"Are you kidding me? You can't buy me diamonds," she whispered harshly so that Pablo couldn't hear. "I don't want jewelry."

"Every woman wants jewelry."

"Maybe for their birthday or something like that, but..."

"Maddie, I know that you would rather be in an antique book store or something like that, but I missed your birthday. You can't tell me that you don't like jewelry."

"I don't wear diamonds to class, Justin."

"Well then, maybe I'll take you someplace you can wear them."

"Are you trying to buy me off because..."

"No, Maddie. Just accept a gift. Pick something. Anything." I held her shoulders. "Please."

She bit her bottom lip for a couple of seconds. It always looked painful when she did but also extremely sexy. "Can't I just get some flowers?"

"I give you flowers all the time. It's time to step it up." I grinned.

"I'm not comfortable with this."

"Why? Jeremy buys Pattie stuff all the time. Keegan bought Bridget a car last year just because she agreed to marry him one day, and I'm pretty sure Olivia is going to be getting her own personal line of Prada. You seem to be the only one who's against nice things."

"I'm not against them, I just... don't have anything to give back to you, and so it's kind of one-sided."

"I don't recall ever asking you for anything."

"I can pick anything?" She was trying to fight a smile.


"Okay, I won't complain; but just so you know, I won't enjoy this."

"We'll see." I pulled her towards Pablo who was waiting patiently.

As much as she wanted to hate it, like I speculated, every woman enjoyed diamonds. Maddie was eager to pick something that wasn't too expensive and was trying to fight her natural urge to get what she really wanted. I had Pablo put up anything that was under five thousand dollars so that she wouldn't be tempted to pick a pen or some shit like that.

Two hours later, we still hadn't found anything that she truly loved, but I was determined to keep looking.

"I can bring out the more vintage pieces," Pablo suggested.

"Please, I think we've exhausted all of these options," I said.

"Of course, sir." He bowed his head and scurried off to another vault.

"So... Bvlgari, huh?" Maddie shuffled in her seat. "No Tiffany?"

"Tiffany is Irish, Maddie. Shame on you. Plus, Jeremy owns a lot of stock in Bvlgari, so it only makes sense that we frequent this establishment."

"You are all crazy." She shook her head. "But thank you for this. It's a nice gesture, but if you're trying to buy me things instead of saying 'sorry', it won't work."

I decided not to dignify that statement with an answer.

"Don't worry about the money. Just pick something, or I'll pick for you."

"No, I have to make sure it's perfect."

Pablo brought out a couple more velvet boxes and opened them up.

"Okay, so here we have the collection known as the Ancients," he explained. "Most of this stuff is pre-1940's and we only bring them out for special clients."

"Wow." Maddie leaned in and examined the diamonds.

Pablo picked up a nice bracelet and held it with his silk covered hand, displaying it to us. "This is the Seprenti and as you can see, it wraps around the wrist like a snake." He put it gently on Maddie's arm.

It was made of brassy gold with diamonds all around it and looked extremely beautiful, but I knew it wasn't her style. If I guessed correctly, she was going to pick a necklace.

"It's gorgeous." Maddie touched it lightly.

We sat there for a while longer, looking over the selections.

I saw Maddie's eyes shift a couple of times to a piece in the corner of the velvet mat, but she would always avoid it.

"What's that?" I pointed it out because it seemed Maddie wasn't going to.

"Ahhh." Pablo picked up the necklace. "This is the Cerchi pendent. Perfectly cut, eighteen karat, white gold with pave diamonds." He walked around so that he could fasten it behind Maddie's neck. She moved her hair to the side, and he put the necklace on easily.

It was a classic and elegant piece that featured concentric diamond loops combined together in a dazzling brightness. It was long and hung perfectly around her slender neck.

"Do you like it?" I asked Maddie as her eyes sparkled.

"No, no. It's too much," she said, trying to convince herself not to get it.

"Maddie..." I warned her. "I'll get you five things if you don't pick something."

"Are you sure it's okay?" She bit her lip again. "I don't want to seem like some gold-digger."

"You're not. It's just a gift, and it looks beautiful."

"Okay, I want this one." She nodded to Pablo.

"Perfect," he rejoiced. "We have found a winner."

My total came to almost fifteen thousand dollars and I didn't even hesitate to swipe my card. Maddie was about to have a stroke. She was saying crazy things like how she was going to pay me back and how she was going to make sure that she never wore the thing because she didn't want to lose it.

"And I promise that I'll take good care of it. I promise," she said quickly as we sat in the car. She was holding the receipt from the necklace so close to her chest that I thought she couldn't' breathe. Pablo was going to ship it to my house later in the week.

"Maddie, calm down," I said as I drove off to dinner.

"No, this is a big deal. I can't believe that you paid that much money for this."

"I told you it was no problem."

"Yeah, but-"

I cut her off. "Maddie, this is getting old. Stop talking."

"Fine. I won't say anything else." She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. That's a better reaction."

I drove us to Aqua. We easily got a table, even though it was the dinner rush on a Saturday.

We sat in our booth, and I ordered wine for myself while Maddie got soda. Of course, we ordered everything on the menu and waited for it to arrive.

"So, there is something that I wanted to ask you." I took a sip of my wine.

"Okay, nothing bad, I hope."

"No, it's... fine." I took a deep breath, "So... every year, the police department holds a ball right before everyone leaves for the Christmas holidays, and Jeremy is being honored for sponsoring the new recruits from the academy this year."

She choked on her drink. "That's ironic."

"We always have a good laugh, but the point of the matter is that I would appreciate it if you accompanied me."

"I think you're sweating."

"I'm nervous."

"About what?"

"I'm not sure exactly," I replied truthfully. "I feel like I just asked you to prom."

"Well, I would love to go with you."

"Really? I know it's not the most exciting thing in the world, but it might be bearable with you there."

"Sounds like fun." She replied. "And I can wear my necklace."

I chuckled. "Yes, you can. This year, it's a masquerade-type thing."

"I bet Olivia is going to love this."

"I would say so. It's right before you leave to go back home for the holidays..." I was cut off by the phone that vibrated on the table next to me.

We both looked at it. I had to stop my hand from twitching to get it. The thing had been ringing all day, like it always did, but I was ignoring it.

"You can get it, I don't mind." Maddie took a sip of water.

"Yes, you do." I saw that the distraction upset her slightly.

"No, you have business, so I understand," she said. "Really, I understand." She put her hand on mine.

I sighed and picked up the phone, determined to make this a short conversation. "Hello," I snapped.

"Hello, sir. Sammy, here."

"What do you want Sam?" I whispered.

"We have an issue in the casino that requires your immediate attention."

"Can't you handle it?"

"No, sir. We have a man who has sticky fingers, and I know how you like to deal with things of that nature."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Fine, I'll be there shortly," I growled and ended the call.

I lifted my head and remorsefully shrugged at Maddie, who just nodded.

"I can have Benny sit with you." I waved him over, and he was at the table in an instant.

"Is it serious?" she asked.

"Not really, but I need to handle it."

"And you won't be back for a while," she guessed.

"Probably not, no." I got up from the table. "I'm... sorry." I kissed her quickly before leaving the restaurant.

I huffed and puffed angrily all the way to the car. It figured that I would be interrupted on one of the best days that I'd had in a long time. But as much as I hated it, I had business to attend to.

I jumped in the car and sped off to the casino, which wasn't far away, so I hoped that I could finish this up quickly and get back to Maddie.

I screeched to a halt in front of the casino and took up about three parking spots, but I owned the fucking place so I could do that. I got out of the car and went inside where I was greeted by the happy hostess and took the elevator up to the casino floors.

Sam was waiting for me at the elevator doors when they opened. He was about thirty and had been my main man, as far as casino dealings went, since I opened the place. I trusted him, and that's what made this business venture work.

"What's the problem?" I asked gruffly.

"Good to see you too, boss." He patted my back. "The man at blackjack table number four. He's had a pretty good haul lately, and I'm not liking it."

"I'll check it out," I sighed and walked through the crowds of people on the floor.

When I reached table four, I bent down to act like I was tying my shoe, but the whole time, I was reading the dealer. He was lifting his card up too high, but I could tell that he wasn't in on whatever was going on. The man in question was older with shaggy brown hair and a fake beard. I saw from his jittery body position that he was up to something.

He was tapping his leg, and his eyes shifted to the left. I followed his gaze and saw him catch the eye of the man sitting at table five, right behind the dealer. That fucker was giving him the numbers.

I got up and went over to table four. "I'll deal the next hand." I moved the dealer out of the way.

"Certainly, sir." He waved his hands in front of him to show me that he wasn't holding any chips or cards and went over to the next table.

"How are you tonight?" I asked the cheating man sitting in front of me. "I see you've had a nice haul."

"Y-yes," he stuttered. He knew he was in trouble.

"Can I refill that drink for you? What was it?"

"Uh... coke," he answered.

I called a girl over and had her get another while I dealt him his cards.

"Where are you from?" I asked as we expertly played the game. He was now losing since I was going so fast that his friend couldn't call the numbers.

"Detroit. I'm here on business." His lip was quivering.


He probably had been scamming Chicago casinos for years.

"How do you like Chicago so far?"

"It's wonderful. Nice people," he said.

I continued to play with him just to watch the poor man squirm. We continued our affair for another five minutes before I got tired of him.

I nodded to Sam who was standing a couple feet away. He walked over to the man, and I saw the Taser as it slipped under his arm and gave him a shock.

The man from Detroit shook slightly and fell to the floor as Sam walked away. There was a rush of commotion.

"I need help." I got on the ground and pretended like I cared. "He's going into cardiac arrest."

"Oh, no, is he going to be alright?" some woman asked me with a concerned face.

"I think so. But he needs a doctor."

"We've got him, sir." Two big men came to lift the man up. His legs were still recovering from the shock so they dragged behind him.

I got off of the floor and followed them into the elevators, pressing the basement button.

"What... what's going on?" the man from Detroit asked.

"Just enjoy the ride," I replied.

We went down quickly and the doors opened to where Sam was waiting once again.

"I've got his friend. He was trying to skip out after cashing in his chips."

"Good, keep him for later." I snapped my fingers, and the two men threw the cheater on his knees in front of the table in the room. They put his arms on the table out in front of him.

"What's your name?" I asked and went to the corner of the room, retrieving my weapon.

"M-Mark," he stammered.

"What's your real name?" I came back over to him.

"Ma-Martin." He was sweating through his shirt now.

"Do you have kids, Martin?"

"One, a son in college."

"Does he know that his father is a cheater?" I pulled the portable buzz saw into the wall and handed it to Sam.

"I'm... I'm not a cheater."

"I saw you and your friend. Did you really think you could come into my casino and not get caught?"

"No, no. I wasn't; I swear."

"I noticed that you shuffled with your left hand." I lit a cigarette and inhaled. I bet this fucker was scared out of his mind. "Can you shuffle with your right?"

"No," he answered confusedly.

"I don't like sticky fingers." I placed my hands in front of me on the table. "You've stolen quite a lot of money tonight."

"I'll give it all back. I promise."

"I know you will."

I moved out of the way so that Sam could start his torture.

He ran the buzz saw over the pinky of Martin's left hand. There was a lot of screaming, and the sound of a crunch as the digit came off clean with a spout of blood. The men held Martin steady as Sam moved onto the next finger and severed it cleanly.

"Thank you for your business." I stubbed my cigarette out and left the three of them to have some more fun in the basement.

They wouldn't kill Martin, but he would never be able to use that hand the same way again. Two fingers was more than enough compensation, and if he ever stepping in my casino again, I was going to finish him. I usually didn't give warnings, but sometimes, I could make exceptions.

I rode the elevator up to the first floor and exited the building like nothing had even happened.

I called Finn on my phone when I was in the car. "Hey, are you guys there yet?"

"Yup, and Benny just drove up with Maddie. We're waiting for you."

"Okay, I'll be there in fifteen." I ended the call and drove towards my last destination for the night.

I went to the correct location and found everyone's cars in the parking lot. Maddie was standing with Bridget, talking, and Keegan was scowling when I pulled up. I guess he was still pissed at me. Not my problem.

I got out of the car and Maddie came over to me. "What are we doing at a tattoo shop?" she asked.

"How was dinner?"

"Fine, I'm stuffed. Back to my question; what are we doing here?"

"What do you think?" I smirked and led her inside where everyone else already was.

"I don't want a tattoo," she said quickly.

"Then don't get one. But I'm getting one," I clarified.

"Come on, Maddie. You can get something cute." Olivia bounced up and down.

"No, she can sit with me. I'm not getting one either." Bridget put her arm around Maddie's shoulders. "Olivia is too chicken, anyway."

"What are you getting?" Maddie asked me.

I pulled out my wallet, got out the piece of paper that was in it, and then handed it to her.

"What does it mean? It's in Italian."

"I know. If you want to figure out what it means, then you'll have to look it up." I took the paper from her, and the manager of the store pushed us all into the back.

"Keegan." I nodded to him as I passed.

"Jackass." He shoved me out of the way.

I breathed heavily and closed my eyes to calm down, but didn't say anything.

I pulled my sweater over my head and handed it to Maddie before unbuttoning my shirt and taking that off as well.

She watched me. "Where are you getting it?"

"Right here." I pointed over my heart and sat in the chair next to Finn.

He took off his shirt. "I can't wait. This is going to be my third one."

"Do you all get them in the same place?" Olivia asked.

"No, I'm getting mine on the side," Finn answered.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Bridget asked as she sat next to Keegan. "And what are you getting anyway?"

"Eh, the pain isn't that bad." He shrugged. "And I'm getting a cross."

"Typical." Olivia rolled her eyes. "What about a flower or something pretty?"

"Olivia, I'm not getting a flower on my body. I'll look fruity."

"But at least it will be nice to look at," Keegan teased him, his shirt sleeve rolled up so that his forearm was visible. The man was already working on his. I didn't want to know what it would be.

"I can't wait to see you scream in pain," Maddie laughed and sat next to me.

"It's just a tickle."

"Yeah, if you get a heart or something, but this is a long ass scripture."

"It's not a scripture. It's an old quote." The man who was doing my tattoo leaned me back in the chair.

"Tell me what it says," she begged.

"Look it up," I repeated.

The technician wiped my chest clean with a rag and started to open up the inks with his gloved hands.

I watched Maddie biting her lip as she watched him.

I winced in slight pain as the needle touched my skin for the first time, digging deeper with the beginning stroke. Maddie snatched my hand into hers without even a second in between.

"I told you it was going to hurt," she muttered.

"It doesn't hurt. I just wasn't prepared."

"Sure." She held my hand tighter.

It took about an hour and surprisingly, with Maddie there, I didn't even really feel anything.

My left pec was red and bruised with ink by the time he was done. I stood in front of the mirror to check out the new addition to my body.

Over my heart, in three perfect lines, was the quote that I had translated into Italian.

Una delle cose più difficili nella vita è avere parole nel vostro cuore che non si può pronunciare

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