His Universe

By abbie51304

1K 24 20

a series of shipfics K+ rating ( worst thing is kissing ) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Short a/n
215 READS OMG!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6
A/N: Broppy
On hold
Watty's 2k17

Chapter 5

54 1 0
By abbie51304

     Connie and Steven were sitting in Fish-Stew pizza, when Amethyst and
Peridot walked in." WHAT! Is this the place we are going on this so called "date." Peridot exclaimed. "Yes! OMG hey Steven and Connie! I didn't know y'all were coming here too!" Amethyst said, adding," how bout a double date!" "That sounds like a plan!" Steven universe exclaimed. Amethyst ordered everyone a slice of pizza, and a whole pizza for herself. "So what have y'all been doing?" Peridot asked. "Not much really!" Steven replied. It had been 6 months since Connie and Steven had started dating, and so much had changed. First, Lars had proposed to Sadie, and they had gotten married. Then, Steven had introduced Lapis to Jamie, and they fell for each other in their own unique way. Overall, the last 6 months had been very eventful. Steven paid for the food and the group started the walk to the temple.

"So was that a good day or not peri..." Amethyst stopped when Peridot jumped onto her back and yelled," Piggy-back ride!" Amethyst looked over to see Connie ridding piggy back style on Steven's back. 'Oh that explains it.' Amethyst thought.

    Later, the group was sitting on the beach. Steven was playing a song on his ukulele. *(play the song above)* "Amethyst, this date was satisfactory..." Peridot was cut off by Amethyst giving her a kiss on the lips. "Shut up with the nerd notes would ya?" Amethyst asked. "Awwwwww!" Steven and Connie said at the same time. "Jynx!" Connie  yelled," You owe me a soda!" Steven thought for a second, then gave Connie a kiss. "How bout a kiss instead?" Steven asked. "That sounds fair." Connie said, giving him a kiss in return. The group sat under the stars and listened to Steven play his ukulele.

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