Dylan O'Brien Imagines

By Fezcosbby

48.1K 751 119

A book of DO'B imagines. ***REQUESTS OPEN*** More

Requests Open
TBS sister - Do'b
Virgin - Ss
Hot - Do'b
Pregnant - Do'b
Dont talk to me - St
Cuddle me - Ss
House party - Do'b
Beta - Ss
Ships - Do'b
Someone else - Ss
Sing for me - Do'b
Sing for me pt:2 - Do'b
Serious - Do'b
Warm showers - Te
Notes - Do'b
Coffee - Ss
Hottest couple - Do'b
Soulmate - Do'b
Panic attacks - Ss
Clubbing - Do'b
Asshole - St
Fallen out - Dh
Interviews - Do'b
Interviews pt:2 - Do'b
Im fine - Ss
Bowling - St
Classmates - Do'b
Dogs - Do'b
Fight - St
Scribbles - Do'b
Golden Gate Bridge - St
Chemistry - Do'b
Prom - Ss
Online Friends - Ss
Drunk in love - Ss
Breakup - Ss
You love her - Te
Accident - St
Please, Y/N - St
Solipsism - Ss
Used - DO'B
No feelings? - Ss
Peak - DO'B
Oh, Babygirl-St

Pregnant pt:2 - Do'b

2.5K 39 18
By Fezcosbby

Y/C/N - your child's name

Time skip 4 years later

My gorgeous baby boy was born on the 17th July, his black hair and brown eyes reminded me so much of Dylan.

I had dated a couple guys in the past but they just weren't for me, Y/C/N was always asking 'where's dada?' But it just broke my heart. I was going to tell him someday, but not whilst he was still young.

"Alright hunny, we're gonna go and see uncle Tyler? Huh?" I smile.

He nods his head playfully. Smiling.

"Right lets go." I lock the front door and fold his pram up, taking ahold of Y/C/N's hand.

I put the pram in the boot and strap Y/C/N in his car seat.

"Mama?" He asks.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I ask.

"When in front seat?" He asks again, his lips curved into a toothy smile.

"When your older." I say, strapping myself in and then starting the car.

After a fifteen minute drive I pull into Tyler's driveway. There was a different car parked there too, wonder if he got himself a girlfriend.

I pick Y/C/N up out of the car and then walk through the door, putting Y/C/N down as he squirms to get out of my arms, wanting to run to Tyler.

I walk through the living room door and I'm met with four eyes, Tyler and...Dylan?

Gosh he's changed so much, his hair longer, stubble easily shown on his face.

"Hey, Tyler. You didn't say he was coming." I say, taking a seat next to him on the couch, him playing with Y/C/N.

"Well, I was just about to text you, but it's too late now." He sighs.

"That's fine, shall I come back later?" I ask.

"No, no...that's fine." Tyler says, Dylan looking up.

Y/C/N was being super cautious as there was a new person in the room that he didn't know.

"Hey, little guy." Dylan says smiling.

I stare at him coldly.

No messages, no calls. Nothing. And now he wants to talk to my baby.

"Mama look! New boy." Y/C/N squeals.

"Yeah, go say hi." I smile and lightly push him a little closer to where Dylan was sat. But in my head I wanted to leave, just like Dylan did to me.

"Hi." Y/C/N says quietly.

"Hi, do you know who I am?" He asks, looking at me, smiling.

I let out a sigh and turn my head to face the Tv.

Dylan frowns from the corner of my eye.

"Uncwle Tywers brover?".

"No, no. I'm your dada." Dylan says softly, taking Y/C/N's small hand.

"Mama, dada.".

"Come on, we're leaving." I say, getting up of the couch and picking up Y/C/N.

"Please." Dylan whimpers.

"No, Dylan. Don't start with this shit." I say.

"Shit!" Y/C/N shouts.

"No baby don't say that," I say "I'm so sorry Tyler, I'll call you.".

"Y/N, please don't leave." Dylan whimpers again.

I rush out the door, a tear falling from my eye, I quickly put in Y/C/N's seatbelt on and then jump into my side.

"Y/N, stop! You're not thinking straight!" Dylan shouts just as I'm about to shut my door.

"Just like you weren't when you left me at that restaurant all fucking alone, with a baby! I've had to raise him all alone. And I've done a pretty good job! So don't you dare come crawling back to me!" I shout back, a tear falling onto the ground.

I slam the car door shut and start the engine, reversing out of the driveway. Wiping my tears away.

"Mama, what's wrong." Y/C/N asks.

"Oh nothing, I'm fine hunny." My voice cracks.

"Can we go to playhowse?".

"Yes, of course.".

After a twenty minute drive we end up at wacky warehouse, I paid for Y/C/N and stick his big blue sticker on his shirt.

We both go into the child's section and I sit with him whilst he plays with the blow up balls. Throwing them as far as he could.

My phone went off in my back pocket.

'It's Dylan. Tyler gave me your number, can we please just talk this out? You can come to my place and we'll sort this out.'.

Psh, why does he want to come bouncing back into our lives now? Just because he's seen his son? I don't think so. If he wanted something to do with us he could've messaged me on Facebook or something.

My fingers were quick to type a message back 'Is this because you saw your son? Because you've realised what you've been missing out on?'.

I played with Y/C/N for a while longer.

'Because I've realise what I lost and I was stupid enough to leave it for this long. I shouldn't of been a coward and stayed with you, I want to raise this baby with you, become a family. Be the dad Y/C/N never had.'.

'That's because he didn't need a dad. Pick me up at 7 at 103 Newbury avenue, I'll drop Y/C/N off at Tyler's. If you can prove to me that you actually want to raise this baby, I'll message you the day after, and if you don't get that message, then you can carry on not being apart of my baby's life.'.

I took a deep sigh.

'Our baby'

At five, I decided to call it quits, I took Y/C/N out of the play house and went home, grabbing some nappies, his teddy bear, his bottle, pyjamas and clean clothes. I quickly messaged Tyler asking if he'd mind the baby overnight as I was going to talk to Dylan.

'Sure, I'm glad you're talking to Dylan. I hope things get better xxx.'.

I then drive to Tyler's house and drop off Y/C/N, this isn't the first time he's stayed at Tyler's to he'll be okay. And after that I drive back home.

Sitting on the couch and turning on Netflix. Smiling to myself, I switch on The Big Bang Theory.

Around an hour later, I hear a knock on the door. I get up to answer it.

"Hey, uh. You ready?" Dylan asks.

"Yeah." I say, slipping on some superstars.


Dylan runs round the side of the car, opening the door for me as I get in. I smile lightly, sitting down and strapping myself in.

He then runs round his side and gets in, starting the car and driving off.

"So, what's new?" He asks, stopping the awkward silence.

"Nothing, you?".

"Trying to get back into my ex girlfriends life, along with the baby she had." He glances at me and then looks back onto the road.


"I know, thanks.".

We pull up outside of a really big house, well decorated.

But then as soon as we went inside, it was beautifully furnished...well, apart from the mountain of pizza boxes on the kitchen counter, it was beautiful.

"I'm sorry. One second." I walk over to the pizza boxes and grab them, walking outside to put them all in the cardboard bin.

"I'm ready to talk." I say, leaning against the counter.

"Well, uh. I'll start.".

I nod my head.

"I should've never left, and I don't know why I did. I guess I was just an idiot and surprised and I didn't mean to get you, you know. Pregnant. And I should've stayed and been supporting and dropped a couple messages to see how you were getting on and...".

"I get the message Dylan. But why didn't you come back when Tyler came to yours to get my things. Leave him a message to say to me? You only want to come back now because you've saw us.".

"I went out...to drink. I was so fucking shocked and such a dick. I've been in so many interviews and every single fucking one asked about you and I just wanted to break down." A tear falls onto his cheek.

"You were never there, Dyl. Never." I whimper.

"I know, I'm suck a dick and I should've been there and...and I fucking wasn't!".

His hand collides with the kitchen counter top.

"Dylan, please don't hurt yourself. Please. You can take him out on...on weekends and you can do what all the guys do.".

"But that's never good enough is it? I'll never be a real dad to him, will I?" His tone softens.

"You will. I...I just need time. I don't know what I'm doing anymore Dylan. Please. Just accept the offer. Because he needs someone like that in his life...please.".

"But...but I'll be able to see him everyday soon...right. And not just on weekends. I'll move in or...or you'll move in I don't care, as long as we'll live together." He whispers, more tears falling.

"One day, Dylan. One day." I move closer and engulf him into a tight hug. My hands touching his shoulder blades, and his arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

"It will all become better." I whisper back.

10 years later - Y/C/N is around 13 going on 14.

"Hey mom?" Y/C/N shouts from his room.

"Yeah, you alright?" I shout back, pulling a piece of toast from the toaster.

"Yeah, when's dad coming?".

"Five minutes, come on downstairs. I want to see you before you go out.".

He hops down the last step and smiles.

"Look at how fast you're growing! Aw, any girl would be lucky." I wink.

"Mom, I don't have a girlfriend." He sighs a very long sigh.

"Then who's that girl who keeps messaging you? What's her name? Ashleigh?" I tease.

"Ashleigh's is just a friend, why have you been going through my phone?".

"I haven't, just happen to see the name Ashleigh in big letters as I walk past your phone every night.".

Dylan knocks on the side door and then walks in.

"What's going on?" He asks.

Smiling and scruffing Y/C/N's hair up.

"Dad, if only you were funny." He frowns and pats his hair down.

"We were talking about his girlfriend." I tease again, sticking my tongue out at Y/C/N as he gives me the death stare.

"My boy has a girlfriend?" Dylan smiles.

"Fine. Yeah I do, happy now mom?".

"How about, you invite her and her family over for dinner tonight?" I say.

"Will dad be there?" Y/C/N asks.

"If he isn't working." I look over at him and he smiles.

"No work for me." Dylan smiles.

"Right lets go before she embarrasses me even more." Y/C/N says, rushing out the door.

"Bye guys!" I shout, waving.

"See you tonight, yeah?" Dylan asks.

"Yeah." I say back smiling.

7 Hours Later

I pull the chicken out of the oven as soon and the boys walk through the door.

"Hey, had a good day?" I ask them both.

"Awesome. Went to watch the mets." They both say.

"Good good, where's Ashleigh?" I ask.

"On her way, her parents are coming too." Y/C/N says.

"Alright." I mutter to myself before pulling the vegetables out of the oven.

"Hey, Dylan? Could you make the gravy please?" I ask, getting six plates out from the cuboard.

I switch the kitchen Tv on, the news coming right up.

"Dylan O'Brien spotted at a mets game with his son Y/C/N, could be getting back with his ex girlfriend. We will update more on that, but for now, the fire that kil-." I switched the channel over, it was the simpsons that was on.

"That's better." I say.

"Hear that dad, I'm famous!" Y/C/N shouts.

Dylan pours the gravy into a gravy mug and smiles. His head resting in my shoulder and hugging me from behind. I hear a knock on the door.

He cuts up the chicken and plates it out whilst I answer the door.

"Hey, welcome in." I smile, everyone walking in.

"Wow, it smells lovely in here, thanks for inviting us over for dinner." What I presume Ashleigh's mum said.

"Yep, lovely." And her dad.

"That's fine, come sit." I gesture to the table where all the plates of food were.

I smile at Dylan as he played everything up and we both take a seat.

"Hey. You alright?" Y/C/N whispers to Ashleigh.

"Yeah, thanks for this." She smiles.

"No problem.".

1 hour later

Everyone had finished with their food as I loaded everything into the dishwasher, Ashleigh and her parents were about to leave, I hugged everyone goodbye and Dylan locked the door.

"Y/C/N, can you wait in the living room for a moment? I need to talk to your mother." Dylan says.

Y/C/N walks right out.

"What's up?" I say, shutting the dishwasher and turning it on."

"Could you give...us, another chance?" Dylan asks, softly.

"I wondered when you were ever going to ask I smile, putting my head in the crook of his neck.

Y/C/N walking back in.

"Finally. God mom. Finally." He fistbumps the air and then walks back out.

We both laugh and hug once more.

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