Lovin' Thugs 2

By Mo_Lovee

822K 18.5K 2.8K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A/N !!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
No Justice....
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Wattpad Beta??
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 12

33.9K 690 109
By Mo_Lovee

****>>>>> Please read!!!!! So I was wondering who could make new covers for Lovin thugs 1 and 2. If your good at covers please submit them to my Kik ASAP!!!! <<<<<<***


I woke up and looked over at the person next to me. Courtney was so beautiful. I remembered last night.

We had stayed at my house, watched movies, ate popcorn, and we even played charades. We had fun. Then after we got done with all that, we ate chocolate covered strawberries and just talked. No sex. And I can't believe it, but I'm okay with that. She was cool as fuck, but had been through some shit after we broke up. I learned that she had gotten raped my her brother's friend, and he didn't even believe her.

Then I found out she had gotten pregnant by the rape, and everyone called her a hoe. She ended up having a miscarriage. She hasn't talked to her brother or any of her family really.

"What about your mom. I remember how close you were." I had asked her.

"Well, once my brother had told her about how much of a hoe I was, she didn't talked to me anymore. She still paid for my college, but that had stopped about my third year of college. That's when I had to take loans and get a job. I started stripping, but stopped once I almost got raped again. They had kidnapped my out the strip club and almost raped me in their car, but I ended up fighting back. Once I had the chance, I ran. When I made it home, I called in the next day and quit. I got a job another job. Well two actually. I worked at a high paying resturant on week days and as a maid cleaning houses on weekends. I did whatever to pay off those loans." Sh told me. I had no idea she went through all this.

"Did you pay off the loans?"

"No. I still owe five thousand."

"Damn, I'm sorry all that happened babe." I felt bad on how she had to go through all that.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine, then put my clothes on.

Before I left I went to the kitchen and wrote Courtney a note. It told her I was gone and she could stay.

I grabbed my keys and left. I decided to take my grey Lamborgini.

I decided that I'd do something for my girl.

"Hey, how can I help you?" The women behind the desk said. She popped her gum and licked her lips. She looked a little older than me kept batting her eye lashes.

"Yea, I'd like to pay off the rest of a loan." 

"Anything for you honey. Can I see your ID and social security number?"

"Well it's not mine, it's my girls' loan I'm paying off. But here's her social security number and ID."

"Aww that's so sweet." She took the ID and social security card smiling. After about ten minutes, the loan was paid off, and I was out the door.

I was in the car and my phone rung. "Hello?" No one came through. "Hello?" I repeated. Still no response, so I hung up. I got kind of worried about the call. I men being in the drug game, you have to watch over your shoulder 24/7. People are after you, but you can never be scared.

 My phone rung again. "Hello?" I said raising my voice, getting frustrated.

"Oh sorry. I think my phone was messed up when I called you." I heard a kind of familiar voice come through the phone.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Oh, this is Candace. I met you at Kevin's party. I'm his cousin." Then her face came in my head. I remember her at the party. She had a nice body and seemed cool. I didn't really know much about her.

"Oh yea, I rememeber you. Wassup?"

"Nothing, much. I was bored and didn't have nothing to do today because I'm off work. i was wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat or something."

"I would, but I can't. See I kind of got a girl right now." I said. I was happy I couldn't go out with her. It's something about her. I can't tell if it's good or bad. I know she cool and all, but I don't want to find out, especially since I got. the perfect girl right now. I don't want to mess up.

"Oh it's cool, I understand. She a lucky girl. But if you want to, we can chill as friends."

"Ight coo'. Nice talkin' to you."

"You too bye."

"Bye." I said hanging up, with no intention on calling her again.

I walked in and smelled breakfast. I walked in the kitchen and loved the sight before me. Courtney was cooking  breakfast and had on socks, panties, and a wife beater. No bra.

"Good morning." She said putting bacon on a plate. I walked up behind her and put my arms around her waist and kissing her on her neck.

"Goodmorning. What's all this? You didn't have to do this. I was going to cook for you." I said. She turned around laughing.

"You cook? Last time I checked, you burn everything, including water."She said putting her hands on her hips.

"Girl you crazy. That was then. I can get it in the kitchen."

"Mhm." She said and then got back to the plates.

"I'll cook dinner tonight, but what you make for breakfast?" I said looking at the plates.

"I made you a ham and cheese omlet, potatoes, and sausage on the side."

"You not gone eat?"

"I already ate."

"Good, 'cause you about to feed me." I said. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"No. You a big boy."

"Yea whatever. Thanks for the plate."

"Your welcome." She said starting on dishes. While I was eating I heard the door open.

"Jamal!" I heard Nicki.

"I'm in here!" I yell back.

"I have to tell you something!" She said and came in, but paused. "Who is this? Damn that ass look familiar." Nicki said looking over Courtney who still had her back turned to Nicki. "Wait is that Courtney?!" Nicki said getting excited.

"Yep. It's me." Courtney said, turning around. "Omg what is that on your finger! Jamal didn't tell me you were married!" Courtney said and I looked up. 

"No, I'm engaged. That's what I came over her to talk to Mal about." She said looking at me. I gotr up.

"What the fuck you mean your engaged?" There was a long silence. "I'm waitin'."

"I'll go get dressed." Courtney said leaving. I looked back over at Nicki.

"Nicki you too fuckin' young to be getting married. It's bad enough you pregnant!"

"Jamal first off, I can get married, if I want to get married! You can't tell me what to do! You are not my daddy!"

"Nicki, what happened to yo going to college, huh? What happened to that? I want to hear about my little sister getting accepted to a good college, not her being pregnant and engaged!"

"Jamal, don't say it like I'm fuckin' up. I'm doing-"

"Nicki you moving way to fast!"

"We're not even getting married any time soon. We are going to wait. I don't see what the problem is."

"Nicki yo life is much more and you takin' that shit for granted! You actin like a fuck up!" I yelled. There was a long pause and saw tears welding up in her eyes.

"I'mma  fuck up? I'mma fuck up Jamal?" She said and a tear slid down her cheek.

"Nicki, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Whatever Jamal. Leave me the fuck alone. And since you just so against me getting married, you don't have to worry about coming to the wedding." She said snatching her bag and leaving.

"Nicki!" I yelled, but she was out the door. "Man fuck!"


I got off work and went to the house. I was tired, but horny as hell. I haven't spoken to Candace in a couple of days. I texted a few times, but I don't know where she was. i was thinking about breaking up with her. I thought I'd do it the very next time I saw her. That was until I walked in my room.

"Hey baby." Candace said. She was laying in the bed with not a thing on, but heels. Her smooth mocha skin glistening from what looked like baby oil. The room was dimly lit with candles.

"Hey." I dropped my stuff and started undid my tie.

"Come here." She said with a sexy tone. I did as told. Might as well get one more fuck out of it before I let it go because I can't lie, Candace got some good pussy.

I walked over to her. She undid my pants and we went to work.

"Damn." Candace said out of breath.

"Yea." I said amazed. i don't know what it was, but this time with her was the best.

"You fucked me like it would be our last." Candace laughed lighting up a cigarette and putting it in her mouth.

"What if it was?" I said getting up and going to the bathroom. I turned the water on and when it got hot, I stepped in. 

"What do you mean, 'what if it was'? Matthew are you breaking up with me." She pulled the door back and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Eh, yea." I said and started washing my body.

"Are you fucking serious? Literally two minutes ago you were fucking my brains out and the next your gonna break up with me? Thought you'd hit it one more time, then drop it?"

"Yep." I said getting under the water. Then I felt a hard slap across my face. I pushed her up against the wall , turned the water off, and got out the shower. 

"Did you really just slam me against the wall? Yo hurt my fuckin' head!" She said hitting on my back. I turned around and grabbed her wrist, squeezing them as hard as I could. 

"Listen , I'm gonna tell you this one fucking time! Don't put your hands on me! Now get the fuck out of my house!" I said pushing her back. She looked scared and was rubbing her wrist.

"Matthew what's wrong with you? You never act like this."

"Leave! Grab you clothes, toothbrush, and fucking everything else! Leave now!" I said yelling. She started crying, but did as told. On her way towards the door she turned around.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Please, don't do this."

"Get the fuck out." I said smoking on my cigar.

Once she was gone, I went to back to the bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet and took down a bottle pills.

I took my  Lamictal and sat down. I haven't taken my medicine in a while because I didn't need it, but then my behavior has started to get different. I hate taking this shit. It makes me feel like somethings wrong with me.

I got up and went to my balcony, looking over the city. I got one less problem to worry about. Now I have to find that girl that I saw at the car wash and I'll be all good.


I had been crying for hours, my head was hurting, and there was a huge whole in the wall from the anger that was trying to burst out. 

I laid there thinking about me and Jamal's fight. I cant believe he called me a fuck up. Was I really? The more I think about what Jamal said, I just can't help feeling he's kind of right. What am I doing pregnant and engaged at eighteen?

Just as I was thinking about it some more, someone came in.

"Damn, you lookin' all types of ratchet." I heard Eric say. I sat up and made a small smile to see my bestfriends Eric and Aunya.

"What's wrong with you? We came and brought you some pizza." Aunya said.

"Meat lovers, with cherries?"

What in the hell? That baby got you eatin some weird shit." Eric said. I laughed.

"Yeah. I know."

"We got meat lovers, but changing that, why it look like you been cryin?" Aunya said opening the box. I grabbed a piece and bit into it feeling like I was in heaven. I was hungry, but was too busy crying to realize it.

"Because I was crying. Me and Jamal got in a big fight. He called me a fuck up."

"Oh, Nicki I'm sorry." Aunya said puttin her pizza down.

"Aye Nicki, just calm down. It's gone take a minute for him to get use to this baby thing."Eric said between bites.

"Well I don't think that gives him the right to call me a fuck up."

"Aw Nicki just calm down, he probably didn't mean it. He just need to calm down and realize he can't let a baby between you. You'll be good Nicki." Aunya said picking her pizza back up. Ishook my head in approval.

"Aunya this is yo second time helping me. When did yo ass become Dr. Phil?"

"When her ass started watching it. She been over my house watching that shit, talking about she should be a therapist."

"Nigga shut up!"Aunya hit him in the arm. I laughed. "Anyway, why was he made anyway? I thought he was cool with it when we went out to eat that one night?"

"Yeah he was, at the time, but I guess he realized he still was once I told him Kevin proposed." I said, trying to talk about my baby's proposal on sly.

"Wait, what? He finally proposed?" Aunya said gretting up. "Let me see the ring!" She was jumping and reaching for my hand. I laughed.

"About time that nigga found the guts to ask yo ass, I thought he'd never give you that ring." Eric said shaking his head.

"Wait, you knew?"

"Of course we knew. You don't think Kevin picked out this gorgeous ring, do you? " Aunya said.

"Yall crazy! My baby could have done it!" I said smiling.

"Yeah whatever. Tell me about the proposal."

"Im about to go to the game room, while yall have yall 'talk'." Eric said grabbing a few pieces of pizza and leaving. I laughed, then turned back to Aunya.

"Girl, it was so romantic.  He cooked dinner for me, then we had strawberries with chocolate. So I thought he was doing it to apologize and so we could fuck, so while I'm kissing on his neck," I said touching my stomach because I had a weird pain kind of feeling. I been feeling almost all day. ", He stopped me and turned on Candles in the sun. We danced and, he stopped, saying that he wanted to spend his life with me. When he bent down on one knee I was in tears. He showed me the ring and I almost died. I couldn't believe he was- Ouch!" I yelled leaning over in pain. There was a horrible feeling in my stomach.  What was happening?

"What? What's wrong?"

"I don't know. It hurts. My stomach hurts bad. It's been hurting all day, but it's too bad right now." I tried to get up, but ended yelling at the pain.

"What's goin' on?" Eric came in.

"I don't know. She said her stomach hurts bad." Aunya said touching me. I felt tears falling down my cheeks.

"Come in, you got to take me to the hospital, something ain't right."

"Come carry her Eric. She can't stand cause of the pain." Eric came and picked me up and as he carried me down the stairs to the car, I just prayed my baby was alright.


I sat there at the warehouse laughing away having a good time with my boys with a weird feeling and a bad kind of feeling coming from Jamal.

"Aye Man, wassup wit' you?" I said walking up to him. He looked up at me with a mean look on his face. Oh shit, what I do now?

"Nigga what the fuck you mean, what's wrong with me?" He sounded like he was mad.

"What did I do?"

"You proposed, you fuckin proposed to her!" He said getting up and gettin' in my face.

"Wow, just calm down Jamal. I don't want to fight with you. You my brother."

"Well , if that's so, why in the fuck didn't you ask me first? I had Aunya call me a few minutes ago asking me when you gonna propose. You fuckin' told her and Eric before you even asked me about the fuckin' situation! That's my little sister and you didn't even ask me for her hand in marriage! She too young for this shit!" He yelled giving me a shove.

"Yo chill out! If it wasn't for Nicki, I would have laid yo ass out! Calm the fuck down! It ain't like we went and got married behind yo back!"

"You might as fuckin' well!"

"Aye calm down. Yall too close for this." Corey got in between us. We stood there for a second, while it was dead quiet.

Just then, my phone rang. I waited for a second and then went to go get it.

"Hello?" I heard Eric on the phone and couldn't understand a word he was sayin'. "Wait, slow down Eric. What did you say?" I listened and hoped I heard him wrong. "Alright I'm on my way!" I ended the call and turned around. "Jamal come on! We got to get to the hospital!" I said moving towards the door.

"Why? I haven't even put my hands on you yet." He said still staring at me with a mad glare.

"Man, come on! Nicki in the hospital! They said she might be having a miscarriage!" I said and that's when he was moving fast to the door. "Yall stay here and watch the warehouse. I'll call yall." I said towards everybody else.

I got in m car and felt tears burning in the back of my eyes. I was just hoping my babies is alright.

Aww I got too sad writing this. I can't be doing this alotctfuu. I'm so emotional, but tell me what yall thought about this chapter!!!

-How do feel about Courtney's story?

- What's your thoughts on Matthew right now?

-Do you think Jamal should be mad at Nicki? Why or why not.

-Do you think Jamal should be mad at Kevin? Why or why not.

-How should Kevin and Nicki be handling Jamal? How should they be feeling towards him?

-Do you think Nicki had a miscarriage? :'(

Fan. Comment. Vote!!

Goal: 200 votes. 20 comments!! <3


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