The Demon Lord (NaruxSasu) (S...

By NarutoGirlxxx

94.3K 2.2K 595

A/N Sasuke did leave the village to follow Orochimaru so he did kill him and his brother like in the anime bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
KuramaxHaru (Extra Chapter)

Chapter 8

6.4K 172 58
By NarutoGirlxxx

#4054+words Edited 20/11/2023


Sasuke POV

I waited until it was dark before I went looking for Naruto I think it's about time we had a talk and see what he has decided to do even though it won't change the fact that I'm going with him, when I got to his room he was still up reading a book on his bed "were you expecting me" I asked smirking but it turned into a frown when he answered "not really, I remembered that you were not the most patient person so I figured you were mostly likely to come tonight" he hesitated for a second before continuing "and I'll be leaving here earlier than what I planned" he finished still not looking up from his book "so what, that doesn't change the fact that I'm going with you" I answered shrugging my shoulders before sitting on his bed but I made sure that I was facing him "I was speaking to Gaara today and he suggested that I should explain a few things before you decide something that you might regret" he replied slowly I nodded my head, it would be nice to know what he has been up to for the last 6 years

"No-matter what you say I wont change my mind, I lost six years of being with you and I wont do that again" I whispered softly I watched his eyes widen in shock before they softened "when I was banished you would of thought that I would of felt betrayed, anger and sadness but I didn't, I felt relieved" I was shocked by that "I know, sounds strange doesn't it but that's how I felt, I knew deep in my soul that I would never have been happy there so the only thing I knew I had to do was to leave" he took a deep breath "I wont bore you with the details about what happened in the first few months because it wasn't interesting, after I had a conversation with the nine tails he explained that I could go to his world and be safe for once in my life, it didn't take much for me to decide to go if I'm been honest and I could happily say that I haven't been that happy in years, they took care of me like a family should and to me that made them special" he stopped and moved off the bed

"What happened after that" I asked gently, it hurt knowing someone else had took care of him instead of me but I think he needed it more than he let on "I'm not human anymore Sasuke" he held his hand up when I opened my mouth "no listen, the nine tails didn't just take some of my earlier memories but he made me apart of his family and to do that I had to give up my humanity, at first I didn't know what I wanted but he gave me time to properly think it through he didn't hide anything from me and told me the see I wont have a boyfriend or husband, I'll have a mate" he finished and he slowly turned around and that's when I saw the difference, he had red slit eyes, sharp pointed teeth and his sharp nails I gulped but I wasn't scared, if I was being honest I was kind of turned on because at this very moment he looks like a wild animal waiting to be tamed

I slowly walked towards him and I noticed he was watching my every move but I didn't stop until I was in front of him "beautiful" I whispered softly "is this why you tried to push me away because you thought I would think that you were a monster" I watched him nod, I pushed my body closer to his taking note when he tensed "I think you've forgotten what that puedeo snake had done in the forest of death, I can practically turn into a monster myself so I think that we make the best pair" and then I kissed him with the longing and passion that I've held in for so long, he moaned softly which made it even more sweeter I pulled away because if I didn't I don't think I would stop at just kissing him, we were both breathing heavily and when he opened his eyes they were his original ocean blue "so when are we leaving" I asked smiling for the first time in years and placed my finger on his lips because I know he would still argue with me "no buts Naru we belong together and if that means going with you then so be it because your not getting away from me again, I know I was the idiot who left you and I'm really sorry about that but it's time we started planning our lives together" I said seriously, determined to get him to stop trying to leave me behind because it's not going to happen, not again

He rolled his eyes and took my finger away from his mouth "if you had given me time to speak I would of told you that you are welcome to come but don't think that it will be easy because Kurama will make it hard for awhile" he commented smirking a little but there was happiness in his eyes again, I smiled before asking "so again I'll ask when are we leaving" he laughed and it was like music to my ears "tomorrow night, I can't be away any longer since there is a few things I need to sort out before it gets out of control" he answered sounding just like a leader and it made me hard just thinking about it, I was lost in my dirty thoughts that I didn't see him smirk but I came back to reality when I felt his breath on my neck "mmm I see your thinking dirty thoughts but don't worry I'll show you how demanding I am soon" he whispered seductively, I frowned not sure how he knew what I was thinking he chuckled "since I am a fox Sasuke my sense of taste, sight, hearing' he paused and looked me straight in the eye and whispered "and my sense of smell is stronger than a humans, I can smell your arousal baby" he finished while I blushed which is a first but it's Naruto

Who wouldn't blush when the love of your life starts talking dirty to you after you haven't seen him for six years and in that time I haven't had any other lovers since he was the only one I wanted to be with, we spent the night just talking and catching up with everything but it was nice just listening to his voice while the wind was blowing outside and suddenly I started to fall asleep with how soft his voice was, I woke up with the sun coming through the windows which had me moaning before I turned over to hold my Naru but when I did there was nothing there I suddenly sat up calling his name hoping that last night wasn't a dream, there was no answer I quickly got out of bed and was about to leave the room searching for him when said person walked through the door

"Are you....." I cut him off by bringing him into my arms "don't ever do that again, I thought you left me" I whispered and shockingly there were tears running down my cheeks "sshh I'm sorry but I knew you would be hungry so I went to get you some" he replied softly, when I had calmed myself down I slowly let him go but not by much since this doesn't feel real yet "I'm sorry I overreacted" I said trying to not blush it's strange but no-one apart from Naru has ever been able to make me blush I heard him sigh "don't be, this is new for the both of us I know we use to be together years ago but we have both grown up since then so we have to get to know each other again" he answered while he placed the food on the table in the corner of the room "but I have to tell you that we wont be having sex anytime soon because I don't want to base our relationship from sex I want it to mean something" he said and when he turned around I could tell that he was being honest with me

I nodded my head "your right, this relationship isn't going to be just for a few months this is forever so we will take our time" I replied smiling at him and he smiled in return

Naruto POV

He nodded his head "your right, this relationship isn't going to be just for a few months this is forever so we will take our time" he said smiling, at that moment I couldn't help but smile back and hoping my heart would stop beating so fast "so what's the plan for today" he asked when I handed him his food, I shrugged my shoulders "I'm probably going to spend it with Gaara, I know Kakashi wanted to talk to me before I leave so I might go and find him after this, what about you" I replied sitting next to him since I've already eaten "what about me" he asked looking confused I chuckled "if there is anything you have to do, people you need to see or things you've left somewhere then now is the time to do that because we wont be coming back for awhile" I explained before I started getting up but I didn't get far since he had grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap and placed his mouth on mine, kissing me with so much passion that I nearly cum in my pants.

We both pulled back with a line of spit connecting our lips together "I've got everything I need right in front of me, so maybe I will come with you to see Kakashi since he was our sensei" he whispered as he stared into my eyes, I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to his lips "come on you need to finish eating and then we will go look for him" I whispered back not wanting to ruin the moment but if we both want to have a talk with Kakashi and if I want to spend some time with Gaara, Temari and Kankuro then we needed to start the day early since we will be leaving tonight I was brought out of my thoughts by Sasuke speaking "okay, would it be alright if I come with you and see Gaara as well" he asked as I got off his lap I shrugged before saying "I don't see the problem but don't expect him to be polite straight away" all he did was nod and went back to eating while I finished writing a letter

About an hour later we left my room and went looking for Kakashi since I also want to give him a letter to pass onto Iruka, I could sense Haru following us and he probably already knows that Sasuke is coming back with us, we were looking for Kakashi for about 20 minutes before we found him and luckily he was on his own so there wouldn't be any trouble "Kakashi" I called out and watched as he turned around and saw me but he slightly narrowed his eyes when he saw who was standing next to me "Naruto, Sasuke it's been a long time since we have been gathered, all we need now is Sakura and team 7 would be complete" he said in his usual lazy tone but I could tell that he's on guard, I opened my mouth to speak but he carried on "but even I know that team 7 would never be complete again, I wish I could go back in time and be a better sensei to you both, and actually protected you more Naruto" he said sounding so sad and helpless

I sighed before closing the difference and before he could say anything I hugged him "no-matter what happens after today, just know that I'm happy to have had you as my sensei you couldn't of helped me back then because the council would of made your life harder than it already first I was hurt that you didn't want to train me since my father was your sensei but when I left I realised I didn't feel any hatred to you at all so I don't think you should feel sad anymore" I whispered into his ear I could feel him tense up when I mentioned my father but when I said I didn't hate him I felt his arms around my waist holding me tight "I'm so sorry Naruto" he stuttered I smiled sadly

I always wanted to have a friendship with him because he knew my father but obviously I never got the chance but hopefully he'll stop hurting now, "you don't have to be sorry anymore, I let go of any ill-will against you a long time ago, now you just have to forgive yourself" I answered while I pulled back so he could see my smile he slowly started smiling as he let me go. I walked back towards Sasuke and I noticed he was clenching his fist I wonder if he was angry or something I frowned at him but he just shook his head at smiled tightly I wanted to say something but Kakashi beat me to it "so I take it you have made up" he asked amused "yes but we are taking things slow since things are a bit different now" I answered before Sasuke could seeing as he is still clearly angry,

Kakashi nodded his head "if I'm being honest I was concerned about you both being together again but maybe only you can make the other happy so I'm going to give you my support and wish you a happy future" he answered truthfully, I looked at Sasuke through the corner of my eye and saw his eyes widened "thank you" we both replied before we looked at each other and laughed "so what are you doing today" he asked with true happiness shining in his eyes, Sasuke looked at me probably to answer "I have to leave tonight and I wont be coming back for awhile" I said softly as I watch his eyes widen in shock "so this is like a goodbye" he whispered sadly, I shook my head slowly "not really, who knows you might get a sudden scroll being delivered to your place by a fox" I smirked when I saw he understood what I was saying "what about Sasuke" he asked worried Sasuke was the one to answer that "I'm going with him of course" he said smirking but we both could tell that he was happy

We stayed with Kakashi for another two hours before we decided to go and find Gaara and his siblings "oh before we go when you get back to the leaf could you give this to Iruka for me, it explains a few things" I said while I handed him the letter I wrote that morning just before we walked away "and Kakashi" he looked at me "maybe you should tell him how you feel before someone else takes him away from you" I commented and as we disappeared all I saw was his eyes widen further and a slight blush on his cheeks, we reappeared back in my room since Gaara would still be in the meeting room so I decided to just wait here for him, when I turned my head towards Sasuke I remembered something "why were you angry before" I asked tilting my head to the side "because you were in someone else's arms and not mine" he gritted out still sounding angry

I sigh walking towards him "so you were jealous because I was hugging Kakashi and not you, huh" I said with a teasing tone he narrowed his eyes and started opening his mouth but I didn't give him a chance because I was suddenly hugging him and he sagged against me in I think was relief, I moved my mouth to his ear and whispered "you don't have to be jealous anymore because when we mate you will be the only one who would be able to satisfy me and I you" I felt him shudder which caused me to smirk "come on we need to find Gaara because the day is going so fast and I want to spend some time with my brother" I said moving towards the door as Sasuke followed me quietly "don't you want to see any of the other's" Sasuke asked when he finally caught up with me

I thought about it while we made our way to were I sensed Gaara was but before we got there I answered "no I don't, we have different lives now it wouldn't be the same anymore" I admitted honestly "them knowing that I made peace with my childhood a long time ago made them finally get rid of the guilt they have felt since my banishment, there is nothing left to say" I finished just as we got to the doors to the meeting and just our luck the other leaf shinobi are here, I heard from Gaara yesterday that the other Kage's will leave straight after the meeting so I wouldn't see them so I knew they would of left by now but I was also hoping that the leaf would be gone as well......just my luck that they hadn't

"Sasuke-kun" was the first thing we heard but I also noticed that Sasuke wasn't paying attention to her but kept on staring at me, when Gaara moved closer to us I think he noticed the difference between us because he nodded his head slightly "Naruto, I heard from Haru that you will be leaving tonight" Gaara said sadly, I nodded before answering "yes I'm needed back home, my people don't like me to be here for long mainly because of my past, so before anything dramatic happens I'm going back" I replied chuckling a little "when will you be coming back brother" he asked gently "it wont be for awhile I'm afraid" I told him sadly because even though the leaf isn't my home, the sand became my home before I left and Gaara became family.

It was nice talking to Gaara without looking at the other's since our conversation I know that they might be sad about me leaving again but I think they finally understand that this isn't my home anymore "Sasuke-kun does this mean that your finally coming home to be my husband because I've already started sorting things out" came a squealed voice, I winced because it sounded so much louder to me, I also noticed Kiba wincing as well, well we both do have sensitive hearing "and why would he be marrying you" Neji asked sarcastically making me snicker "because he was promised to me of course" she announced proudly, I felt Sasuke tensing beside me which made me discreetly grab his hand to calm him down

"Sakura" he said sternly, which had her trying to look sexy but unfortunately it didn't work "yes baby" she replied a little too sweetly "I would never marry you, your a whore someone who only wants me because of who my family was and the fact that someone actually told you that I was promised to you without even asking for my opinion is ridiculous, also that I am and always have been in love with Naruto since we were in the academy together" he admitted honestly without hiding anything, the next minute me and Kiba had to hold our ears because the banshee let out a piercing scream "fucking hell" I muttered angrily because my ears were still ringing "why the hell would you love that idiot when you can have me, who is obviously better than him" she shouted but was suddenly cut off when Haru appeared with his sword at her neck

"Don't you ever disrespect Naruto-sama again you stupid bitch, you could never be better than him and if I had my way I would of killed you the minute you opened you fucking mouth' Haru snarled, everyone looked startled at his appearance but I just shrugged my shoulders when they all looked at me "Haru, let the whore go" I ordered and noticed Sasuke from the corner of my eye trying not to laugh "yes Naruto-sama" he replied before walking towards me and standing behind me "Gaara, Sasuke will be coming with me since he can't leave me alone, so I was hoping that we could spend time together before we leave" I announced hoping we could leave this room and the screaming banshee that is still shouting that her Sasuke isn't leaving "yes lets go" he said smiling tightly

I could tell that he was trying to remain polite so I wanted him to get out of here before it becomes a killing zone, as we were leaving the room I heard a quiet "goodbye Naruto" I turned my head and saw the rest of the rookies looking at me I nodded my head and replied "goodbye" and then I was gone following Gaara and his siblings to their home to spend the rest of our remaining time

Fast Forward (When their leaving)

It's finally that time, the leaf shinobi have already left the sand village so now me and Sasuke will also take our leave "promise us that you will come back" Temari asked with tears in her eyes "of course I will and hopefully by that time, I want to at least have a niece or nephew running around even if the father is Shikamaru" I said cheekily which caused her to blush "over my dead body" came the reply from Gaara and Kankuro which had me and Sasuke laughing and Temari's blush to deepen, we spent a few minutes with them before they started walking away and I turned back around to face Sasuke "are you sure this is what you want Sasuke because there is no going back" I asked seriously, he looked me straight in the eyes and replied "there is nowhere I'd rather be than here with you" I smiled before biting my finger and shouted "Blood Release: Demon World Portal" and then a red swirl started forming in front of us

Sasuke POV

I watched as Naru bit his finger and shouted Blood Release: Demon World Portal and suddenly a red swirl was forming in front of us, I held my breath and watched in silence as it started forming into a dark red door Naruto stepped forward and for some reason I quickly grabbed his hand and without any words between us the door slowly opened and stepped through. I didn't realise I had closed my eyes until Naru whispered "open your eyes love" and then I did but slowly I gasped when I saw what was in front of me, it was beautiful we were standing on a hill over looking a small city which was surrounded by tall green trees that look like they have been there for thousands of years "welcome to the demon world, it's not what you expected is it" Naru said smiling softly, I shook my head in awe

I looked at Naru and noticed how at peace he is here and I knew I had made the right choice, I watched in silent wonder as he tilted his head back and roared loud and clear, I was about to ask him why he did that but suddenly I heard more roars following, I looked back at him frowning "shall we go, they are waiting for us" he said holding his hand out waiting for me to take it which I did and then we started walking towards the city



Only the epilogue to go - Jayne x

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