Tutoring The Bad Boy

By SkathanMagconn

281K 7.7K 997

Adalyn Parker never thought she would have to tutor the Bad Boy. She was wrong. How can the Bad Boy of the s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Prom Part 1)
Chapter 12 (Prom Part 2)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (four years later)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
8k, New book & SEQUEL
10k and THE SEQUEL
The Squeal
Omg 15k
Q & A With Author

Chapter 20

6.2K 216 14
By SkathanMagconn

3 weeks later

Adalyn's POV

It's graduation day!!! The last day of school for the seniors. Graduation is at 1 this afternoon and it's 10 am. "Huh surprised they didn't wake me up." I get up and walk downstairs in my Pj's. "I see sleeping beauty is awake." Dad says before taking a drink of his coffee. I chuckle and roll my eyes.

"Hey I don't have to he ready till 12:30, your lucky I'm up now." He chuckles. "I'll take what I can get." I pour myself a cup. "Where are  McKenna and Nikki?" "McKenna wanted to redye her hair before today so they left early this morning." He tells me.  "Do you want breakfast?" I ask him. "Yeah what are you making?" I shrug. "Whatever you want." "Okay then a omelet with bacon, cheese and ham." "Yes sir." I give him a fake salute. He just laughs. I make us both omelets and put them on the table. 

"There done." "This one mine?" He says pointing. I nod. "I'm going to make some more coffee for us." I hear the door open and McKenna and Nikki walk in. "Hey Omg McKenna your hair is gorgeous." She smiles. "You like it?" I nod. "Do you think Ethan will?"

I nod. "M he'll love you no mater what hair you have. Did you guys eat?" I ask them. "Yep we ate on the way back." I roll my eyes. "Let me guess Panera?" Nikki laughs. "You know us so well." I shake my head.

We finish eating. By the time we're done it's 11. "Oh Adalyn before you go get dressed I have a gift for you." My Dad says getting up. "What?" He hands me a small box as Pumpkin starts to jump at my feet. I open it and in it is a necklace with a graduation cap on it. "Dad I love it." I say as before hugging him. "I'm glad you like it." I laugh. "Of course I would. I'll wear it today. Speaking of-" "Go go get ready." I give him a kiss on the cheek.

Pumpkin follows me up the stairs as I head to my room. "What do your caps look like?" I ask them. Our school let's us decorate our graduation caps. We agreed not to show them to each other the day of graduation.

After that we get dressed. I put on a grayish brown dress and brown ankle boots. I put in  diamond earrings and the necklace dad got me. I curl my hair and do light make up. We all agreed to wear our heart rings today. My cap says a world of possibilities awaits.

"Oh my God. You look gorgeous!" McKenna says.  I blush. "Thank you." "Can you do my hair?" I nod. I follow her into her room. She has on a light yellow dress and white strapy heels. I braid a chunk of her hair back into a braid. She does make up and puts on her heart ring. Her cap it say Just did it, like the Nike slogan.

"I'm having and outfit situation." Nikki says. "Oh it can't be that bad." I say. "Just come help me!." She drags us into her room. "It's between these to." She point to a black dress and a white one laying out on her bed. "White dress." Me and McKenna say at the same time.  She puts on a white dress with lace on the top and black pumps. I curl her hair while McKenna does her make up. After were done she puts on her heart ring. Her cap says 99 problems but a diploma ain't one.

We head downstairs and get some pictures together. We decided to meet the boys there. We put on the pale blue gowns the school gave us before leaving.  "You nervous for your speech?" Nikki asks me. "A little but just the jitters." When we get there the guys are on the football field waiting for us.

"You look beautiful." Nate says "Thank you, you look quite handsome also." He gives me a hug and a gentle kiss mostly because my Dad is right behind us. "I love you and your going to go amazing today." I smile up at him. Even thought I have boots with heels I'm still 8 inches shorter then him.

"Thank you." He gives me a weird look. "For what." "For just being there when I need you." "I always will be." I give him a quick kiss goodbye before going up to my place on the bleachers. They put us in alphabetical order.

I find my name and I quickly sit down. "Alison Olson." Brice say into the mic. "Our Valedictorian Adalyn Parker." I walk up on stage and receive my diploma and a hand shake from Brice. "You'll do great things Adalyn never forget that." I nod. I walk off the stage back to my seat.

Pretty soon everyone has gotten there diplomas, now I have to give my speech. "Now for the Valedictorian speech." I stand up and walk up to the stage. I shake hands with Brice before stepping up to the podium.

"Hello class, it's great to be here today. I always dreamed that I would do amazing things with my life and now I have the opportunity. I have learned so much here, in the four years I've attended. I have leaned a lot this year. A friend told me labels don't define who you are, you do, I didn't really believe him. He showed me He was more then the bad boy I've always labeled him. I challenge you to step out and be you. Don't hide behind your label wither it's nerd, geek, jock, prep, or delinquent. That doesn't matter. live outside of it.

Just because your labeled something doesn't mean that's who you are. I'm glad I've learned that. All of you guys have taught me I can do any thing I set my mind to, never give up cause you might end up with regrets. Life is full of surprises, I've learned to embrace them. Never be afraid of the future. It's so uncertain I get that.  No matter how uncertain your life gets don't forget about all of the people you have there to catch you when you fall. 

High school, huh it's funny to think that just 4 years ago we were freshmen. It's weird for me to think that. I look at me back in 9th grade and me now I see the change. We've all had an impact in each other's lives. That's funny to think about." I lick my dry lips before continuing. "I know you have all impacted my life. We are the people we are today because of each other. My goal I've created for myself my whole life was to make people proud of me. I believe I'm making good on that goal. My mom she died when I was in 8th grade, I can remember the fact it was like I lost a part of myself when she left. I know I'm making her proud because I look at my Dad and I see the light in his eyes and I know she's here watching me. 

 Class of 2016. Thank you for making me who I am. I wouldn't be here with out any of you or my family and friends. I blessed to have you all in my life and I couldn't be more proud to call us high school graduates. Thank you and I know you all have bright futures ahead of you and I couldn't be more happy for you guys. Thank you." I give a small wave before walking away from the podium. They start clap as I walk of the stage and I head back to my seat. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket of my gown. I pull out and I see that Nate texted me. You did great. Love you! I knew you were going to mention me. I smile to myself before I look back at Nate. He give me a smile. I mouth thank you back to him. 

I turn back towards the make shift stage. "Okay graduates please rise." Brice says. We quickly stand and I stuff my phone back into my pocket. "Please move your tassel from the left to the right. Congratulations class of 2016 you are now graduates!" We throw our hats up in the air. I catch mine and our class song we voted on comes through the speakers. Something Big by Shawn Mendes. Nikki and McKenna meet me in the middle and we do a group hug. "We graduated!!" We all shout. "Lets go dance."McKenna says. She grabs Nikki's wrist and Nikki grabs mine. 

The guys meet us there a few minutes later. I feel Nate's arms wrap around my waist. "Hey, you were amazing." He says before pressing his lips to mine. He goes to pull away but I keep him in place by pulling on his collar. We pull away when the need for air becomes necessary. "Thank you." I say. He rests his hands on my waist and I place my hands on his shoulders as we sway lightly to the music. 

"I love you." He says kissing my forehead. '"I know and I love you. Always." "Forever." We get some pictures before, Me and my Dad, me and Angela, me and Nate, Me and Nash, all of the guys and all of us together. After that we leave. Dad's having a cook out for graduation. "Who's helping me this time?" My Dad asks. "Not me!" Me, McKenna and Nikki say at the same time. "All you Nate." Nash says as him and Ethan push Nate forward. I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck." He just chuckles. 

Nate's POV

"So what are your all's plans because Adalyn's moving to road island I don't want her to get  her heart broken." Mr.Parker says when we reach the grill. Now I get why Adalyn said good luck. "I have a plan Adalyn doesn't know about it yet. She will soon." He relaxes. "Good I just don't want my baby girl to get hurt." I nod. "I know sir, I love her the last thing I want to do is hurt her." "So grandkids?" I almost spit my water all over him and the grill. He must see the look on my face because he says. "Relax Nate, just kidding. None until you both graduate college and have jobs." He points the tongs at me as he says it. "You got it sir." 

Pumpkin and Maverick come bounding out of the house and into the backyard. "Do I get to hear your plan?" I shake my head. "I prefer the turn actions speak louder then words." He gives me a smile. ""What did you think of Adalyn's speech?" "I loved it. She's going to do amazing things at Brown." He nods. "Do you think she'll go with the plan?" He asks me. "Hopefully. I at least think she will." Angela brings out the burgers and hot dogs. They hare a knowing smile before leaving. "Umm what are you going to do after Adalyn leaves?" He starts to put the burgers on the gril. "Work and take care of the house and maybe go on a few dates." I raise and eyebrow. "With Angela?" He gives a quick nod. So quick I almost miss it. 

"I know Adalyn will be happy for that." He chuckles. "Trust me she'll be finding out soon." "I see I'm not the only one with a plan." He laughs. "After awhile kid you learn nothing goes according to plan and that you just have to go with the flow." I know he's right but right now I'm at least hoping she considers it.

Adalyn's POV

I help Angela make the rest of the food. "Are you excited to go to Brown in the fall?" I nod. "Yes, I can't wait. I'm going to miss everyone so much and me and Nate haven't discussed what's going to happen to us what I move so it's a little bit scarry." She gives me a small smile  "Don't worry I have a feeling things will all work out."

I nod. "Yeah life tends to do that sometimes." We stay in silence for awhile. Until she breaks the ice again. "Adalyn what would you think of me and your father going put on a few dates?" She asks like if she takes the wrong step the ground she's standing on would fall out from underneath her feet.

"I would love it!! Do you not realize how badly I want to do a cartwheel right now. I've been trying to get him to ask you out for the past 3 weeks." She laughs. "Really??" I nod. "He liked you, I guess he was scared it would hurt me. I know he still loves Mom and everything but it's good if he moves on. She woukd want him to be happy and he's happy with you." She smiles widely then blushes. "You think?" She's acting like such a teenager when they have a crush. "I know so."

"Excuse me for one moment." I say. I walk out the back door and to wear Nate and Dad are standing talking. "So you and Angela?" I say. He nods. "Yep, any problems?" He asks. Nate puts an arm around my waist and I lean into him. "Nope non. All positive." He just smiles. "So you need my help with anything?" Nate asks me. I shake my head. "Nope, I know Dad will need you when he's done cooking." I unwind my self from his grip and head back towards the house.

I hear him mumble something that sounds like traitor. "Touche." Nate just glares at me. While my Dad just laughs. After awhile dinner is done. "Great burgers Dad." I tell him after I take a bite. He smiles in satisfaction.

"Okay I got you girls a little something even though you told me not to." Dad says. We roll our eyes. "What did you get us?" Nikki asks him. He hands us each a small box with a ribbon on it. "Open them." We open them up and there matching necklaces that says follow your dreams and when you open it up its a compass.

"So you guys will never give up and so you can always be pointed in the right direction." We all stand up and give him a hug. "Love you Dad." I say. He kisses the top of my head. "I love all of you girls." I get a card from Angela.

"Hey I have something for you." Nate says. "What?" I ask him. He pulls me away from my family and where his car is parked in the front yard. "What are you going to give me?" I ask him when we reach his car. He hands me a picture frame that has our prom picture in it. "Look at the back." I give him a confused look before turning it around. On the back is a aceptance letter from brown. "What's this?" I know it's not mine because mine is in my room framed.

"My acceptance letter from Brown." My mouth drops open. "What?" I ask. "Were going to brown together." I jump into his arms. "Really?" He chuckles. "Really I applied after I realized I loved you. I know I would get in because of your tutoring." I chuckle. "Cocky much?"  He just rolls his eyes. "I'm not done though. There's one more thing."

"What?" He pulls out a document with s picture stapled to it. "This." I give him a puzzled look but read over it. My eyes go wide when I realize what it is. "Nate you bought us an apartment!" I say loudly. He smirks. "Yep. I don't want you to be on a dorm that's on the other side of campus." I run my fingers through my hair. "Nate no. This is to much. You don't have to do this." He shakes his head. "Adalyn I love you. I want to love with you. Your choice I can live alone or with you. What do you want to do?"

How did I get so lucky. No other guy woukd do this for me. I truly did get lucky. "Yes I'll move in with you." He smirks before picking me up and spinning me around. I laugh as he puts me down. "I'd thought you'd say no." I chuckle. He did convince me. "Why?" I ask. He shrugs. "I know you and seemed like you would say it." I chuckle."Your not wrong."

We head back to the get together. Everyone hangs out for awhile before they all leave. Me, McKenna and Nikki help Dad clean up. "I can't believe we graduated." Nikki says. "I know right it seems like yesterday we were in uth grade together." I chuckle. "I does. I'm going to miss you guys when I move to Rhode Island." I say. "Your not going to miss Nate?" Nikki asks.

I shake my head. "Nope. Not really." They stare at me wide eyed. "What??" They ask at the same time "hey ain't you going to miss your boyfriend?" McKenna asks me. "Because he's going to be living with me." I say. "What??" They ask again. "Me and Nate are going to brown together. We going to move into an apartment near campus."

They smile before running over to hug me. "Were going to miss you when you leave for Brown." I feel tears start to we'll up in my eyes. "I'm going to miss you guys too. Hey I'll see you guys on vacations and you guys can visit and I'll be visiting here all the time. Only 4 years." "Couldn't it be less?" Nikki says. I laugh.

"You guys are going to miss me that much." "Duh! A, we love you to death." McKenna says. I give them both a tight squeeze. "We have all summer together." "We know, but still going to miss you no matter what." I nod. "Same!" We finish cleaning up before heading outside.

Dad and Angela are talking and watching a movie. "Mind if we crash?" Nikki asks them. "Go right ahead." Dad says. We sit on the other couch and watch a few movies with them before heading up to bed. I get a quick shower. I turn on my tv and fan before shutting out my light.

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