The Safe Word By Shaniqua S...

Por draqulatte666

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The Safe Word By Shaniqua S. Harris

49 0 0
Por draqulatte666

Misty was a cruel and miserable bitch who liked to play games with her slaves. Every day when she came home; she would take a bingo wheel out and let the ball come out.  Whatever number she received was the slave she chose for the game. Misty didn’t give her slaves names.

She gave them each a number and initial, so if ball 15 came to her she got R15 for the game. But today’s ball demanded for the latest slave W23. She smiled a sinister smile. Today would be W23’s first game; what are the odds of that Misty thought. She went and grabbed W23 from the pen. W23 was considered a wild one, but, she wasn’t wild. She was nice and gentle, although her beauty was more on the inside than the out. And this is what gave her a frightful reputation.

“Please don’t beat me” she cried. “Hush” Misty said. Misty told her they were going to play a game. If W23 won she got her freedom; if misty won she got to keep her forever. Knowing this all the same made W23 determined to win.

Misty told her the game was simple. She was to be given a safe word and let misty do everything she wanted to do to her for an hour. When the hour was up and W23 had not said the safe word she would be free. If she said, it she would belong to Misty forever. Misty wasn’t worried; she had played these types of games with her other slaves countless times, and they never won.

W23 agreed to the terms even though she didn’t really have a choice, and thus the game commenced. For an hour Misty tortured her. There is no other word for it, it is what it is. When Misty sodomized her with a broom; she cried out but didn’t mention the safe word, mostly because she wanted freedom. But also because she didn’t know what it was. Misty only told her the safe word was something she knew nothing about; nor anything would she ever see.  

When Misty gave her an electric shock she said nothing; just screamed and dealt with the pain. By the time the timer went off announcing the hour was up, W23 was tired and filled with pain and horror; not to mention terror. But she was relieved as well, because she won. She had beaten misty at her own game and she had won her freedom. “I’m free” she cried.

Misty laughed in her face. “Did you really think I set you free for winning one game?”   “But you promised.” “Did I? Doesn’t matter, a promise is worth nothing to a slave” W23 was mad and betrayed.  She had enough with Misty.

Over the last few weeks she had seen many slaves led back broken, to the cages where they were kept. When slave A1 led her back she had decided something was to be done.  She begged slave A1 to give her a chance for freedom. “Many slaves try to run from here” Slave A1 told her “and all of them have failed. What makes you think you will be any different?” “I don’t. I just beg for the chance” W23 had said. Slave A1 nodded her head yes and then left the shackles off.

 Slave W23 rested until nightfall and then grabbed the shackles and headed up to Misty’s room, thanking the god’s that Misty lived alone… well minus the slaves of course. When she got there Misty was sound asleep. She locked her in the shackles and woke her up by shoving a broom up her behind. “We are going to play a game” she said.  “If you win I’ll let you live and if you lose you lose your life.

“The game is simple you have to guess a safe word. I’ll give you a hint; it’s something you know nothing about nor anything you will ever learn. If you guess right I’ll free you, guess wrong and I’ll kill you. You have 1 hour.” Misty responded with anger “Let me fucking go now Slave W23” “No. And if you’re not nice to me I’ll gag you.”

“Slave A1 Slave A1.” Slave A1 ran to Misty’s room and looked at slave W23    “what are you doing?” “Stop her, free me” “Don’t touch her slave A1 look at what she has reduced you to; a letter and a number. Your name is a letter and a number. What was it before? Do you even remember?”

“Rachel. My name was Rachel.” “Rachel was a pretty name would you like it back?” “Yes and my house too. This was my house before she came.” “Your house huh? I could give it back to you if you want it.” “Yes. What would I have to do?” “Let me play my game and get the other slaves.”

“Slave A1 you can’t be listening to such garbage kill her, then untie me. Do it now! Right now!” Slave A1 smiled and begin to leave. “Slave A1 don’t you leave! Slave A1 do you hear me?!” “The name is Rachel. Have fun Wanda.” “Will do Rachel.” Wanda said

“Are you ready slave M1? To play our game?” “No! Please, no?!” “What’s the safe word?” “Money, power, control?” “No, no, and no. You have that already, well had anyways. It’s something you don’t have, and don’t know anything about” “Freedom, love, poverty?” “No my dear, and frankly time is running out.” Wanda kept torturing Misty. Doing everything Misty did to her. Misty kept naming safe words and guessing wrong. “Last chance Slave M1.” Wanda said after the timer went off. “Patience?” She said “No, sorry. You lost. The safe word was mercy. Kill her!!” The slaves pounced on misty as she screamed her last words: "No!!!"


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