Be mine - A Teenlock/Johnlock

By xMaaaayx

345K 19.1K 15.7K

What happens when Sherlock Holmes a sixteen years old boy gets new neighbours? A Johnlock fanfiction; 2017; More

1. The new neighbours
2. Protector
3. A walk to school
4. Confusing
5. Not a freak
6. Sharing ice creams
7. Teasing
8. Holding hands
9. Caring is dangerous
10. The real you
11. Apologizes
12. Friendship or love?
13. Lunch date?
14. Not my type
15. Baby wipes
16. Lucky day
17. Snuggling
18. Acting
19. Watson&Holmes
20. Oopsy
21. Goodnight kiss
22. Sherlock vs Chihuahua
23. I can't
24. Redbeard
25. tickles
26. Confrontation
27. John's princess
28. A question under the moonlight
29. Weekend alone
30. Facing the evil.
31. Blackmail
32. Sulking
33. John's a better kisser
34. Mr Sheep on a stick
35. I have you
36. Ignore them
37. Helping a friend
38. Basement
39. Savior?
40. Better with you

42. Happy ending

7.3K 382 335
By xMaaaayx

Above is a picture drawn by claudiajprpa Isn't it cute? It's from the butterfly scene when Sherlock threw the ball on purpose over the edge. Thank you so much for this! It's absolutely gorgeous!

Sherlock woke up as first. The sunlight was directly on his face, causing him to bury his face back into his pillow. He groaned slightly, feeling exhausted. He then frowned as he felt arms around him and jerked his head up, ignoring the fact that the sun was shining brightly in his face. For a moment he forgot that John was present in his room. He smiled down at his sleeping hobbit. He caressed John's cheek with his thumb, butterflies bumping against his tummy. He leaned over and kissed his cheek sweetly. John stirred in his sleep, rolling away from Sherlock. Sherlock rolled with his eyes, chuckling softly. He decided to let John sleep for a little bit longer. He slipped out of his bed and wrapped himself into his night gown. He wondered if Mrs Hudson was downstairs.

Sherlock descended the stairs and smelled something delicious. He grinned. Mrs Hudson.

"Sherlock is that you?" She yelled from the kitchen. Sherlock didn't reply, he approached her, a calm expression on his face. Mrs Hudson was frying eggs. It was like for a whole army.

"Good morning dear." She said, craning her neck to look at him.

"Good morning." He replied nicely. "Can I help?" He offered. Her brows knitted together in a frown. Sherlock sighed. "I want to make breakfast for John." He pointed out. Mrs Hudson squealed slightly.

"There are trays in the drawer where you're standing." She said. Sherlock nodded, pulling the drawer open and took two yellow plastic trays out of it. He then placed it on the counter. While Mrs Hudson was working on the eggs. Sherlock began with other things, stuff he knew. He turned on the kettle, preparing tea for both of them. He took an extra mug for Mrs Hudson, being a gentleman. Mrs Hudson smiled as she saw him making tea for her as well. While the water was boiling, Sherlock placed toasted bread on both plates which Mrs Hudson already prepared. He also placed fruit juice on it together with the now ready tea. Mrs Hudson was done with the eggs and laid them on the toasts.

"Enjoy your breakfast dear." She said motherly, taking a sip from the tea he prepared.

"I will." He replied fondly. Sherlock picked up the two trays, carefully wandering to the room. He silently tiptoed into the bedroom with the breakfast trays in his hands. He placed the trays on the bed, ever so gently as to not spill anything. He cautiously leaned over, face burying in John's neck.

"John." He whispered, breathing in the scent from his hopefully future man. John mumbled something unintelligibly.
"Jawn wake up." Sherlock said, placing feather kisses on John's neck. Sherlock rolled with his eyes as John kept mumbling weird things. "John." Sherlock said with his normal voice. John's forehead crinkled and his eyes fluttered open.

"Sherlock?" He said weakly, a yawn escaping his lips. Sherlock grinned, his lips moving from John's neck to his mouth. John chuckled, melting on his lips.

"Good morning." Sherlock purred on his lips.

"A very good morning." John clarified. Sherlock hummed, pulling away and sat himself upright.

"I've made breakfast." He paused. "Well, me and Mrs Hudson." He corrected himself. John yawned again, rubbing his eyes as he sat up as well. His eyes widened a bit at the perfect breakfast lying in front of him.

"God Sherlock... Thank you." He blurted out, a blush blooming over his face. Sherlock beamed, proud on himself. Sherlock knew he was getting soft. That's what John had done to him. John changed him. But he didn't mind one bit. He loved him, with every fibre in his body.

"You're welcome." Sherlock said warmly. For a moment, they stared into each other's eyes, lost in their own words like the sappy couples from romantic movies. John then licked his lips and turned away. He took the tray closest to him and laid it on his lap. Sherlock did the same. They began eating, having a normal conversation about different subjects. When they finished eating breakfast, they placed it on the night table. John scooted closer to Sherlock, lying himself in his arms, snuggling on Sherlock's chest.

"You've done so much for me." He said, sliding his fingers between Sherlocks. "You always tell me how you can't believe that I'm yours. That you don't deserve me, which it utterly ridiculous. Sherlock, you have no idea but you are a good person. I'm the one who don't deserve you. You're perfection in my eyes. You're just..." John trailed off, sighing. "Perfect." He muttered. "You even gave me a bloody handjob to make me happy." Sherlock smiled brightly, his chin was resting on top of John's head. He held John firmly against him, both wrapped in the blankets. He didn't know how to reply on this. So he simply placed a lingering kiss on his head, causing John to smile. They continued lying like that until something flashed into John's mind.

"Sherlock?" John started, his smile was slowly vanishing.


"I have to talk with you about something." John said, his voice was quite serious. Sherlock frowned, panic raising inside of him. "Next year is our last year in high school." He started, Sherlock hummed in reply, not knowing where this was going. "Are you going to university?"

"Yes my mom wants me to go to the private university. It's only twenty minutes away." Sherlock informed. John sighed inwardly. "Why?" Sherlock asked. John rolled over so he was laying on his chest, facing a confused princess.

"I spoke with my parents yesterday." He paused. "Before the thing with Jim. And they uh." John trailed off.


"They want me to go to a boarding uni, miles away." He muttered sadly. Sherlock turned pale at this. "Don't worry, we'll see each other in weekends and vacations. We still have a year left." John stammered, stuttering slightly. Sherlock frowned deeply. John looked at Sherlock, trying to read him. But Sherlock looked blankly ahead with a frown. "Sherlock?" John inquired softly. When Sherlock didn't reply, John sighed, and got out of Sherlock's arms and sat himself at his side. "I'm sorry. I ruined our weekend didn't I? I just wanted to tell you this now and not at out graduation next year." He said quietly. Sherlock shook his head.

"No... It's fine." He said. There was something sad in his voice, and John couldn't bear to hear it.

"There's just no university around here for me. And I really want to become a doctor."

"No I understand." Sherlock lied.

"You sure?"


"Okay." John said clearing his throat. There was a bothering silence between them. Even though Sherlock said he didn't mind it. John knew that It was a lie. But what could he do? Work in a supermarket for the rest of his life? It's only three years studying. Afterwards they can rent a flat and start their life together. Sherlock Holmes and John Watson against the rest of the world. Just when John wanted to speak up again, Sherlock leapt out of the bed.

"What are you doing?" John asked, flustered.

"It's brilliant John!" Sherlock yelled, taking his laptop in his hand and plunked himself down onto the bed again.

"What?" John was definitely confused right now. Sherlock swiftly opened the lid of his laptop and began googling something. John scooted closer, following his actions. Sherlock was surfing on the website of John's future university. "Why are you-"

"I have the perfect solution." Sherlock said quickly, scanning some details on the screen. He then found out that he could study what he wanted on John's school as well.

"For what?" John asked, rubbing the back of his own head. Sherlock grinned closing his laptop and laid it on the side of the bed. He then turned his head facing a puzzled John Watson.

"I'm going with you."


"I can study in the same university. I don't care what my mom says. As long as I finish it." Sherlock said. John just frowned. "Maybe we can share a dorm room. If that is possible. We can act like best friends first, otherwise they won't let us share one and-" John raised his hand, making Sherlock stop.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked softly. Sherlock nodded fiercely. John then began chuckling but it sounded more like sobs.

"Oh god Sherlock." He said and pulled Sherlock close for a bear hug, holding him tightly against him.

"Did I say something wrong?" Sherlock asked, chin resting on John's shoulder. John laughed.

"No you idiot. You definitely didn't say something wrong. You just made me the happiest man in the whole world." 


YAS I can't believe I'm writing this right now... I didn't think I would finish this so soon. I thought I was going to write many more chapters. But honestly. I have no idea how I can write more. Mystrade happened, Mormor happened, Angst with Jim happened, bit smut. Just everything in this story that I wanted is finished. And I can continue write this story endlessly with filler chapters. But I don't want to do this. It's going to turn out crappy. Maybe I can write a sequel in the future about their university life. But I'm not sure about that.

Anyways; I feel empty right now. Because I really loved writing this story, and maybe I have a bit tears in my eyes right now while writing this. But who cares heh.

Thank you all soooo much for following this story! You have no idea how much It means to me. Xxx

Normally when I finish a story, I publish another one. But since I started with college... I decided not to. Because I don't know how much time I will have for writing. I'm currently writing two stories. One about middle ages. Sherlock being a prince (teenlock). And another fluffy one. (secret huhu).

So I hope to see you all soon! And thanks agaiiin❤️

~May xxx

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