The Last Time | Noah Foster FF

By Lilynoelle20

11.6K 152 13

Savannah has not been to Lakewood since the murders started. Her father took her out because he used to be fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
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Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Scream renewed or cancelled
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30

Chapter 29

137 0 0
By Lilynoelle20

            "I thought you loved me, and you how are you even here?" I looked at the two of them back and forth and then again and again. "No question to how i'm here, yeah that sounds about right." "Shut up mom but you died, you were in a car accident-" "That's what he told you wow." "I went to your funeral how, how is this even possible?" "People fake their deaths all the time Savannah" "And you why are you here I watched you died?" "Okay again people fake their deaths you know I bet you if Noah survives what I did to him, he would still leave you to protect you. See your mother here as kind enough to take me in and give me a nice home." "That was nice of her-" "Yeah it was and then she told me about how your father was and I told her let's get revenge. We'll Charlie was just for fun, your dad well you know we had to kill him of course, then I had to die so that you would have been upset about me, then we were going to kill you but while you were dying we were going to make you watch Noah and Audrey die." "Why did you need revenge?" "Because Savannah your dad was a nutcase and instead of him getting put away your mom did because he said that she was crazy. Ah yeah and not to forget when Noah broke up with you and you got with me, I told Noah to do that or someone would die and you know you guys always have to be the heros." I looked between the two of them and then down at Audrey, maybe I could grab her and make a run for it. Maybe the rest would know and follow after me, maybe I could make it out alive with my friends.

            I took a good long look at the two people who were killing off all the ones I loved the people that were my real family. I looked back down at Audrey who was beginning to wake up from her spot on the floor. I can grab the bat and then get Audrey up and make it out the door yeah I can do it, we can all make it out of here alive. I went to make a move but Oliver had his arms around me, I was pushed against the wall with a knife planted just above my stomach. "Try to move again and i'll gut you like a fish." Audrey was now playing like she was still passed out on the floor, my mother was moving around her and coming towards me. Audrey looked at my eyes and winked at me, I felt my heart sink she was going to risk her life for me and that wasn't going to happened. I was ready to move for when she got up and started hit, but that never happened she grabbed my mother's ankle and yanked her down to the ground, Oliver turned to go after Audrey but I pulled him back around putting his hand with the knife around his throat. "If you move I cut your throat out." He started laughing and went to move around to get me but I dug the knife further in and he gulped hard. "You wouldn't do it, you would never kill me. You don't have the guts to do it and you never have. Your mom never took me in she had me I was the one they were putting up for adoption, sweet little sister." I looked at my mother who was getting up and Audrey who was looking at me. "Audrey turnaround quickly!" Audrey looked around and this time stood up and grabbed her arm twisting it around her and pushing her against the wall. She took her boot and pressed it on her back and hit her hard. Audrey then with her foot still on my mothers back she grabbed the knife. Blood was dripping the corners of my mother's mouth and Audrey laid her to the ground. Oliver let out a cry as the woman hit the floor, she looked dead at me and gave a small smile. "You kinda like like me and you have your father's eye you always have. You were a pretty girl and I left you for something so stupid and I'm sorry, I love you Savannah. Please stop killing us don't be that bad guy." Audrey looked at me and then at her, "Oh shut up lady, you left her and I picked up the pieces as well as Noah. Nothing you say is going to make her change her mind."

            Audrey smiled a little as she looked back over at me, I looked down at the ground and then I felt a pinch in my stomach. Oliver was reaching back at me, I pushed myself further against the wall and then pulled him in closer. They were right I may not have the guts to kill them but I could find the guts I need. I was so tired of losing people and I would lose the family I had left but that didn't matter because even if we were blood related I had a family that would never leave me. Audrey stared at me while Oliver tried to fight me off laughing as I tried to gain more strength over him. Audrey looked over at your mom and then back at you, she gave a small smile to you and then grabbed the bat. "Savannah what do you want me to do?" " I don't know what are we supposed to do?" "Savannah you have to decide whether they live and go to jail or..." She was cut short when my body slide down the wall, Oliver had brought his arm up and elbowed me in the gut. Audrey lunged forward with the bat but Oliver had already cut my arm before she could get to him. "Audrey put the bat down or Savannah is going to die right here right now." "No i'm good" She raised the bat over her head and brought it down on Oliver's shoulder, he fell down in pain gripping his shoulder. Audrey ran over to me and helped me to my feet, I stood up and picked up the knife. "This time is the last time, you will ever see me. This is the last time you will ever kill anyone. This is the last time period." I put the knife out and then back in, I looked at Audrey and she grabbed it from my hands. "I got this Savannah, go see if Noah is okay." I was shaking bad and I began to walk towards the door when my mother's hand gripped my ankle. "Don't let her do this you love me, don't you? I'm your mother tell her to stop now!!!" "No you're not actually you walked out and I made a new family, a family who would never ever fake their deaths. I found a family would love me no matter what was going on in my life, a family who would obviously die to protect me. So yeah have a nice life somewhere else would ya."

            I walked out of the room and looked around it was completely empty, I walked outside and there stood Jake, Brooke, Noah, Kieran, and Maggie. I ran to Maggie and gave her a big hug and then I ran to Jake and hugged him so tight. "I love you Savannah never leave us again you could have gotten killed." "I know and I'm sorry for it, but at least you guys are all still alive." "Noah's laying over in the shade.." "I know I saw him. This is all my fault and if he would have died..." "Stop thinking that way." I walked over to Noah with a small smile on my face, I grabbed his arm and pulled him close. "I'm so sorry I let all of this happen to y..." "Savannah don't apologize I knew what I signed up for when I rushed over here. I will always make this decision and I mean always." I smiled at him and kissed his forehead, he leaned up and placed his lips on mine and held them there. "I love you Noah Foster." "And I love you Savannah Roberts."

            I was beginning to stand up when Audrey came out of the house looking at me. "She wanted me to cave but you know what that's not me and if she would have stayed she would have known that." She smiled at me and then walked over to hug me, "Do not blame yourself for a second, you hear me this was not your fault." She grabbed my cheeks and pulled my face to where it was facing her and she smiled at me. "I'll call the sheriff and get all of this handled you kids go home okay." Maggie looked at us and then walked inside the house. Jake and Brooke had already started to walk forward, then Audrey helped me and Noah off the ground. We were of course going to go to the hospital first to get Noah checked out and then my arm. The hospital wasn't far from my grandmother's house at all, it was just a 10 to 15 minute walk. It was a pretty silent walk the whole way there. I didn't have much to say and neither did Audrey or Noah. I mean what was there really to say other than my own mother kill a whole bunch of people and oh yeah so did my brother.

            Once we got to the hospital we told them what was wrong and all that had happened, Noah went back to a room first. I waited patiently with Audrey in the waiting room, we sat and watched all the other come in and their loved ones sit in this small room. Eventually a lady came in and asked me and Audrey to follow her in the room that they had taken Noah. When we got into the room he had the biggest smile on his face. "What did I miss something?" "No I"m smiling because you walked in the room you're suppose to smile back at me not question my smile." The smile on his face grew even bigger as he kept explain how I was suppose to smile back at him. After a while of listen to him go on and on about how smiles work I smiled back. All I wanted to do was hear his voice over and over again because we had made it out together and we were going to be okay. He had survived another set of attacks.

            After a couple of days they released him from the hospital and Audrey and I had planned his whole first day out together, We were going to have so much fun just the three of us just like before all of these crazy murders began. We were actually going to enjoy being alive for once in our whole entire lives. 

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