The Girl on the Corner

By MeganNyce

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Jordan Prescott is a girl with a troubled past. Parents not wanting her, abusive and strict orphanage directo... More

~ Prologue ~
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

99 9 7
By MeganNyce

Hello ! This is Chapter Twelve! So sorry it's been taking me awhile to update! I've been busy with basketball practice/games and homework! Thanks for being so patient! Hope you all are enjoying this book so far, and the chapters to come! Love you all! <3

"The scariest thing about distance is not knowing wheather they'll miss you, or forget you completely.." 


Through all this excitement, I completely forgot to tell my best friend, Brooke, everything. I'm such a bad friend sometimes! So I texted her a few minutes ago and we're gonna go for a walk and chat about everything, since we both have off today. When she arrived at my front door, I quietly snuck past the sleeping, snoring Nora only to be caught by little Kaylee. 

"Where are you going now?" She asked looking sad, "You're never home anymore" She pouted

"I'm going out with Brooke," I started, crouching to my knees to look her in the eye, "Hey, how bout this? When I come home, I'll put everything else aside and I'll hangout with my favorite little munchkin..How's that sound?" I asked watching Kaylee's eyes light up

"Really?" She asked jumping up and down, I giggled

"You bet kiddo," I said kissing her forehead, "I gotta go right now, but I'll see you later ok?" 

"Okay, bye Jordan!" she said firmly placing her small arms around my neck

I successfully got out of the door and closed it quietly trying not to awake Nora, and found Brooke sitting on the porch.

"Hey!" She said getting up to hug me, I hugged her tightly deeply missing my best friend more than anything. 

"Hey," I started, "I missed you!" I said

"Missed you too! We need to catch up!" She said as we started down my sidewalk and onto the street

"Yes, we really do, I have so much to tell you!" I said enthusiastically 

"So tell me!" She said clapping her hands urging me to continue 

"Well, you're looking at the next big pop/country star.." I said happily remembering the meeting and what Liam had done for me

"No you are not.." She started and looked at me for a second only to realize that I wasn't kidding.. "Shut up!" she said hugging me tightly, "Congrats girl! How'd this happen?" Brooke asked as we continued to walk

"Well, Liam said he wanted a video of me singing just to you know, listen to I guess," I started, "Anyways, then he showed his head of security the video who told the record label, then I had a meeting with them and bam, now I'm famous!" I said "Well, almost"

"Wow, that Liam of yours!" She said giggling

"Oh shoot, actually I have a recording with the record label at 10.." I said making Brooke look upset, "Hey maybe you can come with, what harm would that do?" I said and Brooke's face lit up, I looked at my phone to check the time and realized it was only 8am, we have some time before I need to finish getting ready since Brooke looks gorgeous as ever. 

"My best friends!" Brooke said giggling

"Yep! Oh hey, what ever happened with you and Niall?" I asked curiosly 

"Well, it's complicated, I mean we're talking and technically dating, but he's really never asked me" She said using emphasis on the asked part.

"Don't worry, he'll come around, I promise!" I said reassuring her, and she smiled at me

We continued to talk for the next hour when we started walking back to the orphanage. When we returned, Nora was still sleeping, thank goodness, and Brooke and I ran quietly up the stairs to my room. I went into my closet and took out some dark wash skinny jeans, a navy blue floral tank top, navy blue flip flops, and undergarments. I went into the bathroom and threw everything on. I rolled up my jeans a little at the bottom making it look more summery. I brushed through my long brunette hair and decided to put it into a sock bun. After that, I applied some make up, consisting of concealer, cover-up, light pink lip gloss, some light pink eye shadow, since the flowers on the tank top were light pink, and some black mascara. Then I squirted some of my Hollister perfume and some de-oderant and checked my appearance one last time before emurging from my bathroom to find Brooke watching spongebob, even though we're 18, me and her still love our spongebob. 

"You look gorgeous!" Brooke said to me as I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone from my bed.

"Thanks Brookie!" I said as we left my room and made our way to Matt's truck that he let's me drive for emergencies only.. this counts as an emergency right? Oh well, he can yell at it for me later. I unlocked the truck and we both hopped inside. We buckled our seatbelts as I turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life. I pushed the gear into 'reverse' and slowly backed out of the driveway. I put the truck back into 'drive' once we reached the end of the driveway and we were off to the recording studio. 

"Do you mind if I turn the radio on?" Brooke asked

"Not at all" I said smiling still keeping my eyes on the road because if I wreck Matt's truck, I'll be killed twice. Once by Matt and the other by Nora. Shivers went down my spine as I thought about it, but then, Brooke turned on the radio and the soothing sounds of Country music rang in my ears. We sand along to every song for the rest of the drive.


At The Studio: 

I parked the truck and Brooke and I emerged from it and began walking towards the tall building. 

"Wow, fancy." Brooke said with a nervous gulp

"I know, don't worry, it'll be fun, I promise." I said nudging her shoulder, she looked at me and smiled

"Okay, okay!" She said giggling ad we continued walking towards the building. 

Once inside, I walked up to the big, fancy, wooden desk.

"May I help you?" the perky red head with the name tag of Brenda asked

"Uhm, It's my first day and I have a recording at 10" I said, nervously 

"You must be Jordan!" She said flipping through some papers

"Yep, that's me!" I said smiling

"Hi sweetie, I'm Brenda and I'm Mr.Higgins head secretary, if you need anything you can come to me!" She said coming out from behind the desk revealing her short, petite figure.

"Thank you!" I said with another smile

"Okay, I'll escort you and uhm-- I'm sorry I didn't get your name" She said referring to Brooke

"I'm Brooke, Jordan's best friend" She said  extending her hand as Brenda took it. 

"Nice to meet you Brooke!" Brenda started "Okay so I'll escort you both to your recording studio and Mr.Higgins will take it from there" She said pushing the button on the elevator and we all stepped inside. Brenda pressed the number '4' button indicating the fourth floor. The elevator bolted to life and carried the three of us to the fourth floor.  Then, the doors opened and all of us stepped out. Brenda escorted us down a long, long hallway till we reached a huge studio. 

"Here you are girls!" Brenda said and opened the door for us using a swipe card thing

"Thank you so much!" I said with a smile

"Anytime, nice to meet you both!" She said returning the smile and then walked away. 

Brooke and I walked into the room. It was fantastic! It had a lounge area with a keurig, and a fridge full of water, juice and snacks. Then on the other side of the room was the recording studio. There were all kinds of buttons and levers, that I was afraid I'd mess up so I just backed away. And inside the room, were all kinds of microphones, sets of headphones, and some really comfy looking chairs. I gasped in awe. And just then, Mr.Higgins walked in with a girl who looked to be only 3 years or so older than me.

"Why hello, Jordan! Like what you see?" He said with a chuckle gesturing to the room with both of his hands

"Hello Mr.Higgins! And yes, it's stunning!" I said with a huge smile 

"Great!" he then gestured to the girl beside him.. "This is your assistant, Raelyn" 

"Assistant?" I asked confused, I don't need an assistant, if I did couldn't I pick who I wanted? Like Brooke. Or one of my orphan brothers and sisters. I mean I would ask Liam, but he's already famous and busy, I'm surrised he's had this much time to even spend with me.  He's honestly a saint in my eyes, I love him so much. I hope our careers don't affect our relationship. Oh shoot, speaking of careers..what am I gonna do about the coffee shop? I can't quit, I love that job.. Wow I really need to quit zoning out.. 

"Jordan?" Mr. Higgins asked breaking my train of thought. 

"Uh what? Sorry" I said, blushing with embarrassment 

"Oh, nevermind, It wasn't important.." he started, "Anyways, my professional writers had come up with songs for you to try out, it's just covers right now till we get everything straightened out buisness and taste wise." he said handing me a sheet of lyrics and notes. It was the song, 'Wasted' by Carrie Underwood. 

"Okay so just step into that room," he said pointing to the studio door, I opened the door and walked inside, "Okay, now, put on those headphones," Higgins said pointing to the set of red headphones placed over a microphone, "And of course, use that microphone, now, are you familiar with this song?" he asked

"Yes, very" I answered with a smile

"Good" he started, "Hit it!" he said to Raelyn, my 'assistant' and she played the music, while I belted out the song

   Standing at the back door She tried to make it fast   One tear hit the hard wood

It fell like broken glass
She said sometimes love slips away
And you just can't get it back
Let's face it

For one split second
She almost turned around
But that would be like pouring rain drops
Back into a cloud
So she took another step and said
I see the way out and I'm gonna' take it

I don't wanna' spend my life jaded
Waiting to wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by

Another glass of whisky but it still don't kill the pain
So he stumbles to the sink and pours it down the drain
He says it's time to be a man and stop living for yesterday
Gotta face it.

Cause' I don't wanna' spend my life jaded
Waiting to wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by

Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing
The still of the morning, the color of the night
I ain't spending no more time

She kept drivin' along
Till the moon and the sun were floating side-by-side
He looked in the mirror and his eyes were clear
For the first time in a while

Hey, yeah,
Oh, I don't wanna' spend my life jaded
Waiting to wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by

Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing
The still of the morning, the color of the night
I ain't spending no more time

Oh, I don't wanna' spend my life jaded
Waiting to wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by

Yeah, yeah
Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing
The still of the morning, the color of the night
I ain't spending no more time

Once the song ended, everyone clapped and I walked out of the studio putting the headphones back onto the microphone. 

"That was excellent!" Higgins said and got a little to excited and pulled me into a hug, "Sorry" he said

"It's fine, and thank you" I said smiling

"Well, that's all for today, we'll call you in a few days with more details." Higgins said, shook my hand and freed me and Brooke to head out

"You're truly amazing" Brooke said smiling at me

"Thank you." I said returning the smile. "I'm starved, wanna go to McDonald's or something?" I asked and Brooke nodded, we got in the truck and head out to McDonald's. 


Back at Happy Harbor Orphanage: 

After I dropped Brooke off back home, I went back to the orphanage. I pulled into the driveway and parked Matt's truck, yeah he's totally going to kill me for this. I opened the back gate and walked up the sidewalk to the dor. I put my key in the door, unlokcing it, because Nora has this weird phobia of burglers and shit so at all times, doors are locked. I stepped in and shut the door quietly, locking it again. I turned around and Matt was there.

"Jesus Matt! You scared me!" I said jumping and catching my breath. 

"Sorry," Matt chuckled, then turned back to serious, "Where have to been with my truck?" 

"I'm so sorry I didn't ask first Matt, but I had to get to the recording studio and--" I was cut off

"Recording studio?" Matt asked with curiosity. 

"Uh, yeah, about that.." I said and Matt motioned me to continue and then crossed his arms infront of his chest. "I kinda got a job, and well, I'm  a singer now.." I said smiling but Matt didn't seem to thrilled

"What? Explain now Jordan!" He said with his eyes bugging out of his head

"Liam took a video of me singing and without me knowing, he showed his head of security and he showed the record label and well now, here I am." I started. Matt still didn't look thrilled. "Matt, c'mon you can't be mad at me, it's my dream and you know that." I finished, crossing my arms over my chest

Okay, okay," he started "I'm just glad you didn't ruin my truck!" he said with a chuckle and playfully punched my arm.. "Oh, Kaylee is really excited about you spendng time with her tonight, she misses you Jordan, you haven't been around much since Liam came along." Matt said, I took that kind of offensively, but it's the truth I guess, so I brushed it off and just smiled. Speaking of Liam, I haven't talked to him all day..I walked up to my room and took my phone out of my pocket.. No new texts or missed calls..okay then. I decided to call him, after all he is my boyfriend, and even though he didn't make an effort to talk to me today..well maybe he's busy.. 




No answer. I stared at my phone for a moment and eventually, just brushed it off and put my phone back into my pocket. He'll return my call..Right? I can't stress this anymore, I have a fun night ahead of me with Kaylee. Speaking of that little munchkin..Where could she be..I can' scream for her, since Nora's sleeping; like always,so I ran upstairs to her room and opened the door with a knock. 

"Kaylee?' I called "Kaylee? Hello?" I called again, searching around her room. All of the sudden, she bursted out from her closet, and I screamed in fear, because you know, if a little girl jumped out of a closet at you, you'd be scared too. 

"Gotcha!" Kaylee shouted, falling to the floor giggling. I couldn't help but giggle along with her. I fell to the floor as well and began tickling her. She squirmed and laughed harder than I've ever heard her laugh. I found myself laughing extremely hard as well. What can I say? This little girl's happiness is not only incredible, but contageous. I stopped tickling her and we both caught our breath and sat up.

"Gotcha" I said mocking her. She stuck her tongue out at me and I did the same. "Alright, alright, what do you wanna do Kay? It's up to you sweetie" I said smiling at her. 

"Hmm" Kaylee hummed, thinking, but she shrugged, indicating she had no idea. I looked at the clock on Kaylee's wall and it told me it was 3:30pm. Making dinner early tonight wouldn't be any harm. 

"Wanna help me make dinner?" I asked, "I'm making homemade pizza!" I said as Kaylee's eyes lit up and she quickly nodded yes. I stood up and so did she, I took her small, fragile hand and led her down the stairs. Once we got to the bottom of the steps, I turned around to face her and put my index finger infront of my lips, "Shhh." I warned her and pointed to the still sleeping Nora on the couch. She nodded and we quickly surried off to the kitchen, shutting the door behind us; yes our kitchen has a door; judge me. I got the yet unrolled pizza dough out of the fridge, along with the tomato sauce, shredded cheese, and pepperoni. I placed everything on the counter quietly. I then walked over to the cubbord and took out a rolling pin, pizza pan, and cutting board, walking back over to where I put the other things and set the items I just grabbed down. 

"Uhh, Jordy?" She asked, I turned around and realized she can't see the top of the counter

"Oh, sorry Kaylee! Hold on" I said and went over to our dining room table and stole a chair, I went back into the kitchen and placed the chair infront of the ingrediants, and I hoisted Kaylee up onto the chair. "Better?" I asked, and she nodded giving me a huge, warm smile.  

"Wanna roll out the dough for me?" I asked, picking up the rolling pin

"I don't think I'm strong enough.." Kay muttered, bowing her head

I tilted her chin up to look at me, "Sure you are Kay, you're the strongest girl I know!"

"Stronger than Andrea?" she asked quietly

"Between you and me, yes even stronger than Andrea" I said, she smiled bigger than ever before

"Hand me the rolling pin" She said and stuck her hand out, I smiled and handed her the rolling pin and also putting the dough on the board, applying flour when needed as Kaylee rolled it out into a perfect circle

"How's that?" She asked looking up at me

"Wonderful!" I said and she smiled once again, "Let me just finish it off by doing the crust part okay? Then comes the fun part of the toppings!" I said and pinched the top of the dough making the crust part. When I was done, I grabbed the jar of tomato sauce and two spoons for Kaylee and myself. I opened the jar and Kaylee and I began taking out the tomato sauce in spoonfuls, spreading it onto the dough. When we finished that, I grabbed the bag of shredded cheese and let Kaylee sprinkle the cheese all over the pizza. Smiling and laughing as she did so. I never realized how much I love this little girl and how much I love spending time with her. She's truly amazing. When Kaylee finished spreading the cheese, I then grabbed the pepperoni.

"Can we make it look like a smiley face with the pwepperoni?" Kaylee asked, mis-pronouncing pepperoni, but It was so cute.  

"Sure sweetie" I said smiling at her, I cut the pepperoni into thin slices and Kaylee placed them to her liking, which in the end, looked like a perfect smiley face, "Perfect Kaylee!" I said and hugged her as she stood proud of her masterpiece

"Thank you!" She said and clapped her hands together, "I think it'sready for the oven now!" Even though she's only a little girl, she's insanely smart and witty. 

 "I think you're right!" I said carefully carrying the pizza to the oven. I set it to the proper temperature and put it inside. I then walked back over to Kaylee and began cleaning the counters. While waiting for the pizza, Kaylee and I played a game of eye spy, laughing at eachothers wacky guesses. About 30 minutes later, the pizza was ready. I put on oven mitts and carefully took the smiling pizza out of the oven and carried it over to the counter. Kaeylee clapped and smiled as she saw the pizza she had created. I smiled at her, and walked to the cubbord and grabbed some plates.

"Hey, wanna go tell Matt, Andrea and Ryan that dinner is ready?" I asked 

"Sure!" Kaylee said and ran away happily to get the others

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the pizza Kaylee and I created. I guess I should wake up Nora. I walked into the den and saw Nora still laying there, why is she so tired? I shook her awake

"Nora?" I asked quietly

"What?!" She yelled angrily 

"Uhm, dinner is ready" I said nervously

"What is it?" she asked

"Pizza, homemade" I said and smilied thinking of the fun Kaylee and I had making it

"Bring me a slice, now" Nora ordered and I wnt back into the kitchen and began to cut the pizza. I put slices on all the plates and took one plate out to Nora

"Here you go" I said handing her the plate and a napkin

"Thanks. Now leave" she ordered, and I did what she told. 

I walked back into the kitchen and noticed everyone was already in there and eating the pizza. So I grabbed a plate myself and joined everyone. When we were all done eating. I took Kaylee upstairs and got her ready for bed,  I put her into her pajamas and brushed her long, dirty blonde hair.

"Thanks for spending time with me today Jordy" She said and gave me a huge bear hug, and I smiled

"Anytime sweetie, I love spending time with you and the others, I've just been side tracked lately, and I'm sorry" I said 

"It's okay" She yawned and layed down, I tucked her in, kissed her forehead and turned out her light. 

"Goodnight Kay" I whispered and shut her door.

"JORDAN!" Nora screamed, oh yay, 

"Coming!" I called and rushed down the stairs to Nora "Yes?" I asked

"Someone's at the door, answer it." She ordered. Wait so you called me downstairs to answer the door when you're literally 3 feet away from it? Oh, okay.. Anyways, I did what I was told. To my surprise..Liam was at the door, so now he talks to me, I've been waiting all day ya know! 

"Liam?" I asked surprised, I stepped out of the house and into the warm summer night air, shutting the door behind me, so Nora would'nt listen to our conversation. 

"Hey" Liam said, okay, he's acting really weird.. 

"I called you, but you didnt answer" I said

"I know, i'm sorry" He said, okay yeah something's really up with him 

"Okay, Liam, what's wrong?" I asked 

"I-uh..we need to talk.." Liam said

"Okay?" I asked, kinda scared. This should be quite interesting.. 


Annnnd there's chapter twelve. What'd you think? It's pretty long, well kinda I guess, haha. Oh and.. CLIFFHANGER! Hahaha sorry, I had to. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I also hope you all are enjoying the book in general! <3 Oh, also sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, didn't correct the last part of the chapter! 

Well anyways..

~ Comment what you think Liam wants to talk about  with Jordan...

~ Don't forget to vote! 

Love you all! & thank you so much for 600 reads! It means to much to me! You guys seriously rock! <3

~ Megann, xoxo <3 


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