Kidnapped and Broken {Wattys2...

By foreignwulf

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Go read 'Deranged' **Before you read this book, I want to warn you about a few things. I wrote this story a... More

Meeting My Kidnapper
You didn't learn
The girl
I won't trust him
It hurts
I want to help you
He's A Monster
Bad move
You will suffer
This can't be happening
I want you
Say Goodbye
I Killed Him
I'm so stupid
Game On
The Kiss
Must Read
Broken Boy
We're Dead
I love you
The Answer
Foolish Mistake
Follow you anywhere
The Girl They Both Loved
Say It
Hello Marcus
His story
Another Love
All I See
I'll Find You
Kidnapped and Broken (Rewritten)
Deranged (Revised Version)
The Lies They Told


122K 893 176
By foreignwulf

** Before you read this book, I want to warn you about a few things. I wrote this story a little over two years ago, so the writing is really amateur. There are a lot of grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and the plot is just pathetic. I'm currently in the process of re-writing this whole entire book, so you should definitely go check out the revised version on my profile which is called 'Deranged'. The second draft is way much better, and everything has already been edited.

My writing should not be judged or criticized by this version of Kidnapped and Broken (You have been warned.) If you're smart, you'll read the revised version instead.**

CHAPTER 1 : Kidnapped

The bell rung and literally everyone in the classroom immediately fled their seats. I shook my head in amusement and started to pack up my books and papers . I fixed everything neatly inside of my backpack before throwing it over my shoulder .

'' Ms. Dawn '' The teacher called after me , right before I was about to exit the class .

'' Yes? '' I turned around to face my history teacher .

'' I have graded your history project and I must say you did exceptionally well considering you never really come to class . '' He smiled and handed me my paper .

I almost had a heart attack when I looked down at my grade , 105% ?! The gods have came down from the heavens and blessed my soul . Okay , so I overexerted a little ! The reason I'm so shocked is because I really haven't been able to come to class because of my Soccer and swimming practices . It's hard to believe but I send more time at practices then I send actually learning in my classes .

'' Thank you so much ! '' I squealed , with a wide grin spread across my face . After thanking my history teacher about 80 more times , I finally left the class room . While every other student was rushing out of the doors and going home , I still had to stay and go to swim practice . UGH Fuck my Life .

'' Hey Tori ! Congratulations on your win ! '' a random girl congratulated me , as I was speed walking toward the gymnasium .

'' Thank you ! '' I shouted back , not even bothering to look at her . You can't be late for Practice , Victoria !

'' Tori ! '' I heard somebody yelling from behind . Everyone's be coming up to me and congratulating me for winning one of the most intense soccer games ever . I put on my best fake smiles and turned to face the person . My smile immediately turned genuine when I spotted my boyfriend Sawyer . He almost crashed into me but luckily he stopped himself in time . Sawyer and I been dating for 5 months now and my hearts been broken by him multiple times . He cheated on me one time but I stupidly took him back because I'm Victoria Dawn . I believe in changing the players , stupid right ? Don't judge me . I used to love Sawyer with everything I had , but now I'm only in a relationship with him to please my parents . Sawyer's family is really successful .

'' You need a ride home ? '' He asked , flipping his blonde hair out of his face .

'' Sorry Sawyer , I have swim practice . '' I stated , not meeting his gaze .

His shoulders slouched in disappointment and his cheeky grin dropped immediately , '' How about I come in get you after practice ? We can go to my house ...and you know ....Study . '' He asked hopefully , sending me a few smirks .

Studying means having sex in Sawyers dictionary . That's one of the reasons I can't trust Sawyer anymore , I know he'll leave me after he gets my virginity .

'' I think It'll be better if I just walk home . '' I suggested , not wanting to actually hang out with Sawyer .

He looked at me in disgust and disappointment . '' Whatever , Tori . '' He spat , walking away from me over to Kat Lisa (The Head Cheerleader) He started to flirt with her and I wasn't surprised at all . If he couldn't get sex from me (His own girlfriend) He'd definitely get it from someone else . I didn't have time to go after him or chase him , I was already 10 minutes late for practice . SHIT !

~'~'~'~' After Practice ~'~'~'~'

After 7 LONG HOURS of working my ass off at practice , I was pacing around in the schools parking lot . Everyone else got to go home at 6 and I had to stay all the way until 10 pm fucking swimming my ass off ! The coach made me stay 4 hours longer because I was 10 minutes late for practice . He tells me that I have too much potential to be late and If I want to make it into the college of my dreams , I shouldn't lack . But how the fuck am I supposed to get home ? My body aches and my feet feel like their going to fall of . I texted Sawyer and asked him to pick me up but he's still angry at me .

'' Shit ! '' I cursed out loud , becoming impatient . FUCK IT , I'll just walk . I started walking toward the road and I realized that If I walked it would take about 25 minutes and that's too long of a walk . I have to be home in time to tuck my little sister in and do my homework . I frantically looked around and I noticed the woods . If I walked through the woods , I would be home In under 12 minutes .

Really Victoria ? Your an idiot ! Who walks through the wood at 10:12 at night ? Are you begging to be murdered or something ? My inner voice screamed at me .

I'm an athlete , I can run fast enough . After I boosted my confidence and got rid of my fears and I started sprinting through the woods like a maniac . I was getting hit in the face with bushes and branches but I wouldn't dare stop . I was afraid that big foot would freaking chew off my head or something if I stopped . All of a sudden I heard a scream which immediately caused me to stop in my tracks .

I was breathing heavily and sweat was dripping down my face . That voice .... sounded familiar ...

'' VICTORIA HELP ! '' a girl yelled , from a distance in the woods . My heart sunk in my chest when I realized the voice belonged to my best friend Freya . Freya didn't come to school today and I found it a bit strange that she didn't show up because she would of told me if she wasn't coming .

This has got to be a joke !

'' F-f-Freya ? '' I shouted back . I turned around but I saw nothing ..nothing at all . My breathing picked up when I realized .. Its dark and I'm alone in the woods and my best friend might be in trouble . I could feel myself holding back the tears , I was looking around trying to find Freya but I couldn't . The wind was blowing my damped hair all over the place , which made me shiver . I'm too much of a fucking baby because I could feel myself on the verge of tears .

'' Freya this isn't funny ! You know I hate when you try and scare me ! '' I yelled , picking up a large stick off the ground . I'm a big ass scaredy cat but If someone try's to attack me , I won't go down with out a fight .

'' Tori run .. '' I heard Freya cry out from behind . I snapped my head toward Freya and that's when I saw her standing their with tears pouring down her face . Her body was shaking violently and I could see the fear in her big grey eyes . I stared at her in utter confusion but I didn't say anything right away . I could feel eyes on me ...Like I was begin watched . Freya stood there having a staring contest with me until I finally spoke .

'' Freya I don't understand ... what's wrong ? '' I questioned , taking a couple step toward her . All of a sudden a man with a ski mask came up behind Freya holding a gun to her head . A gasp escaped my lips and I felt myself hyperventilating in all kinds of emotions . Freya stood still , fighting back her screams and cry's .

''Freya ! '' I tried to run toward her but someone restrained me . I felt a hard arm wrapped around my neck and my stomach . I fought as hard as I could but he was too strong . I yelled as loud as I could , in hopes someone would save us from this nightmare . The man forcefully knocked Freya to the ground , causing her to hit her knees on the cold wet mud .

'' STOP ! '' I cried out , feeling the fear paralyze my body . The man who was holding the gun pointed it directly at the back of Freya's hand .

'' If you scream or try to get away .... I'll spatter your best friends brains all over the ground . '' The man chuckled and cocked the gun . His voice was deep and scary , it made my skin crawl . His piercing green eyes bored into mine . The other man who was holding me back , tightened his grip on me . I heard Freya silent cry's but I couldn't see her face because she had in buried into the ground .

'' Why are you doing this .. '' I asked through gritted teeth .

'' You'll find out soon enough .. '' The man with the green eyes spoke ... his voice cold and husky like I had deceived him .

All of a sudden Freya lifted her head in looked at me with pained eyes . She's my best friend / my sister and I love her more than anything , I hated to see her like this .

'' RUN '' She mouthed to me , with a look of determination in her eyes . My stomach knotted up and my spit got caught in my throat . DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID FREYA , DONT !

She kicked the man with the gun in the knee and he fell to the ground . The another man who was holding me loosened his grip and I elbowed him right in the face . I ran over toward Freya and grabbed her hand . We started to run as fast as we could ...until it happened . A shot was fired and Freya stopped in her tracks .

'' We got to keep moving , Freya COME ON ! '' I commanded , squeezing her hand . Freya looked at me and then fell to the ground . My breath was took away when I realized she had been shot in the head . She feel to her knee's and her face made contact with the ground . Her lifeless body fell before me eyes . My heart broke inside of my chest as I held my hands up to my mouth . The green eyed man ran over toward me and grabbed my forearm .

'' I told you NOT to make any moves . '' He shouted angrily at me , gripping my arm so tight that I could feel the blood rushing to that one place . The other man stood there in the spot that I left him and looked at Freya's body in shock . I made eye contact with him and I could tell he was sickened by seeing a dead body . His electric blue eyes meet my gaze and he looked sorry for me . He only broke eye contact when he turned around and threw up . I turned my eyes toward Freya and my heart broke all over again . It was then when the shocked wore off and I fell to the ground crying my eyes out .

'' WHY ? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO HER ? YOU FUCKING SICK BASTARDS !!!! WHY WOULD YOU SHOOT HER ?! " I hollered at them , my hand lying on Freya's back .

'' Scott GET HER IN THE VAN !! NOW ! '' The green eyed man demanded the blued eyed man who name was 'Scott ' so I'm guessing .

My bestfriend just got shot before my eyes and I'm begin kidnapped .... Oh god no !

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