Challenge Me (Larry Stylinson)

By Starpoof

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CHALLENGE - A call or dare for someone to compete.[Completed] "Are you up for a challenge,bro?" Louis' accept... More

Chapter 1 (OMG)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Thank you!🎈 (Should I write more?)

Chapter 26

244 7 1
By Starpoof

Harry's PoV

"Forgive me" was what Louis said and before my brain can even process what he meant by that,his lips were on mine and a spine chilling current went through my entire body.

As cliche as it may sound,I felt the sparks and fireworks and I think it's the best feeling I ever felt through my whole 16 years of living. This boy I've been trying to steal his attention for 2 months is kissing me and I'm not even the one who started first.

Does it sound stupid when I say my dreams come true? I wanted my first kiss to be his only his and as crazy as it may sound,here it is happening right now.

My eyes closed as his begin to move his lips on mine. His lips tasted like medicine and I almost forgot he was sick in the first place. As much as I enjoyed his rough but enjoyable lips on mine,I didn't respond to it. Not that I don't want to but I don't know how.

Its a first kiss for God's sake!

After a minute I felt him exhaled,he finally pulled his lips back and I stopped myself from groaning at the lost of contact. I started breathing again (since I almost forget I was suppose to breath) and my eyes opened to this beautiful person who stole my first kiss. His face was still just inches from mine and his hands never moved, locking me in place.His gaze were so deep into my eyes that I felt like melting into a puddle right there and then and I wanted to avert my gaze to something else but my eye fell on his lips instead. I want them on mine again.

"You okay?" Louis' voice snapped me out of my thoughts and my gaze dropped to the floor.

Am I okay? I don't know. Whatever just happened just now it's still unacceptable for my brain to process. I mean,it's something that I thought will never happen and I already gave up on him. 80% of my crush on him was dumped away....or so I thought. I think it was always in me and I never threw it away. This could be one of those mind tricking dream again,the one that felt so real and it wasn't. I'll probably wake up in a few minutes.

"Say something." Louis said and I am really just waiting for the moment for me to wake up. Maybe I should pinch myself?

I looked into Louis' mesmerizing eyes,hoping this dream will be over. I'm so nervous and I hate it. Wake up,Harry Styles!

I gasped out loud when Louis suddenly leaned in again,his lips dangerously close to mine. "Don't make me kiss you again. that what you want ?"

"Does this Louis only comes when you're sick?" I asked and luckily,my voice didn't show any nervousness.

"No. This Louis only exist around a certain person who happened to be my hostage right now."

I shook my head,smiling at his answer. "I think you should go to bed and get some rest."

"If you'll go with me."

I gently pushed him forward so he take a couple of steps back and said "Goodbye Lou" before grabbing the doorknob and running outside without closing the door.


Here I am sitting down on my bed,thinking about Louis. Im trying my best to let him go and this suddenly happens out of nowhere. He kissed me. Louis kissed me. His lips were on mine. Our lips fit together. He asked if I was okay with that and he didn't regret it. He's not drunk when it happened. He's completely sane. Am I sane?

I don't think I can think straight anymore. I can't even do my homework without thinking about him now. What should I do? Should I call him? Should I ask if he's aware of what he did? Wait,did he take his meds??

I groaned and fall back onto my bed. Why must Louis make my life complicated? I put my thumb and index finger on my lips as I ponder. This lips were on Louis'. I smiled a bit. I had a flashback of Louis' lips moving against mine and I smiled a bit more. Maybe it's not so bad. I guess he likes me the way I do to him?

My smiled dropped. Did he kiss me because he can't control himself again? And not because he genuinely like me? He..he promised he won't do it again. Maybe he...argh! Louis Tomlinson,stop fucking up my life!


Louis' PoV

There was a knock on the front door in the afternoon and I rushed to open it. I couldn't stop myself. I missed Harry,especially after everything he did for me yesterday. I kissed him and it was the craziest shit I've done. I shouldn't kiss a friend on the lips,especially when the feeling's not mutual. I guess I have to admit that I like Harry. I can imagine the shock he's in and now that he's here,I can explain. Personally.

"Hey,Louis." Niall greeted me when the door's open with Cara beside him,smiling to me. Oh it wasn't Harry..

"Hi Niall,Cara." I greeted back. "Come on in."

"Hold on,those 3 nitwits are so fuckin slow." Niall pointed a finger behind him and I looked behind him to see Zayn,Liam and Ed getting out from their car and walking towards us.

"Hey bud." Liam hugged me. "You feeling okay?"

I nodded and let all 5 of them in to my living room while I lay down on the sofa. They asked me how was I doing and I smiled. I'm getting better because of the medicines the doctor prescribed me. All thanks to Harry for bringing me to the clinic yesterday. I couldn't help feeling how everyone is here but not Harry. Don't get me wrong. I am very grateful my friends, that they cared and they come for a visit but it's just not complete without Harry and I just had to ask.

"Where's Harry?"

"He's busy hanging out with a dude that his name I can't remember. Uh and he told me to check if you're eating your meds right." Niall answered.

I am happy,thinking that he wanted me to eat my meds and..he cares but then I repeated Niall's words in my head. Hanging around with some dude until he can't come and visit me? Some dude?!

"You all know the dude?" I asked and all of them shook their head. I sighed. Who's this oh so important dude he gotta spend time with rather than with me?

"What's wrong,Louis? You seem frustrated." Ed asked,chuckling a bit.

"Bro,relax. I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself. I saw the dude hanging with Harry today and by the way they laughed together and all,I guess he's nice. No one dangerous." Zayn said.

"I have something to tell you guys and I hope no one send me death threats because of what I've done."
I said.

They laughed except Cara and Niall who seemed to be focused on me,waiting for what will I say next. After receiving nods from everyone,I took a deep,steady breath and hoped that God is with me,protecting me so no murders will happen in this house after what I'll say.

"I...I...I ki-.. oh lord how am I gonna say this?" I groaned and rubbed my face frustratedly with my hands. I took another deep breath and tried again.

"I kissed Harry yesterday."

Cara,Ed and Zayn's mouth dropped open at the exact same time,looking at me,surprised. Shocked,maybe. I nervously smiled and awkward smile and gulped. I'm so gonna lose my friends after this and my life will be so fuckin lonely I'll have to search for new mates and I can't even walk in the halls and cafeteria without them giving me dirty looks I'm screwed this is -

"YOU DID WHAT?" Liam asked,his voice raised and I got scared.

I grabbed the blankets next to me and wrapped myself in it,eyes dropping to the floor in guilt. I know I shouldn't have told them. I shouldn't have did it either.

"I CALLED IT!" Niall suddenly exclaimed,jumping up from his seat.
I wanted to laugh but then Niall sat back down when he sees Liam's face.

It remained quiet for a few minutes and I felt like I've did the biggest mistake in life. I'm still new in their school,just came 'bout 2 to 3 months ago. I was invited to their group and because of that,I wasn't lonely when I first came. All thanks to them. Now it felt like I've destroyed their most precious artifact (Im not saying Harry's their artifact,ok?) that they build and colour together for years.

"Louis." Liam called me and I raised my head up to look at him. "I'm not saying I'm angry but somehow,I am. I know I can't do anything about it anyway since it already happened and nothing can be changed so it's no use for me to be...mad. What I want to know is,why Louis?"

"Firstly,I'm sorry. I know he's your friend,best friend,brother and he means a lot to you guys and you guys definitely meant a lot to him. He told me the other day at school,that you all taught him all there's to know and if it's not for you Liam,he would've got bullied and thrown around like a piece of trash. You helped him when he was still pure,stupid and innocent. Thanks to you and Zayn,his life now is better and his reputation grew. What I'm trying to say is I know just how much you love him,love him like he's your very own brother. I have 4 sisters so believe me when I say I know how protective you can get for him but also believe me when I say,I know what I did and I did it for a reason." I said,biting my lips nervously.

"And what might that reason be?" Liam questioned.

"Wait for it......" Niall whispered too loudly and I smiled.

"I think I might have...fallen for your best friend."

Cara squealed and attacked Niall in a hug that sent them falling down on the floor. Niall groaned out loud when Cara fell on him but he returned her hug anyway. Zayn and Ed looked at each other and laughed,shaking their head at the buffoons on the floor. I wanted to join in too but I realised Liam is still watching me so I maintained my position.

"What makes you suddenly realised this Louis,or do you like him from the very beginning?" Liam asked me.

"I like him from the beginning since we first met,as a friend though. He's the do you say... he's the only one that doesn't treat me like all 'hey hello new kid welcome' or 'hi,am Harry nice to meet you'. He didn't be all friendly to me when Niall first brought me to your table on my first day and I found it annoying. All I thought that moment was 'What have I ever do to you? Your friends are fine with me and your all go away you're not welcome.' But strangely,I like it."

"So you were never interested in him like this before?"

"I'm not sure,Liam. I'm the type that doesn't admit it to myself before. He does make me nervous at some moments but I do recall wanting to kiss him so bad." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Why suddenly,though? You said you're the type that doesn't admit to yourself so why suddenly admit?"

"Goddamn it,Liam. I think you're secretly working at CSI. Strange,I never see you in CSI television shows before. Maybe we should sign you up,mate." Niall stood up and helped pull Cara up,sitting back down on the smaller sofa.

They took so long to hug.

"Liam,this poor boy is ill and you're torturing him with this interview." Zayn said.

"I want to know." Liam told me,ignoring whatever they just said.

"Liam,while I was sick yesterday he visited me and I'm sure you all know that. He...he didn't just come for a chat you know? He asked me everything. Have I eaten,did I take any pills and whatsoever. When he found out I haven't eaten anything since morning,he cooked. He freaking cooked for me. You know to be honest if I was him,I'll just order something or buy something but he didn't. He took me to the clinic and helped me with my meds and all I did was observed him. I felt this...feeling when I look at him but I can't say what. And when one thing led to another,I found out so I kissed him."

"How'd you find out?"

"I guess... it's the heart,Liam. It just told you so."

Gratefully,Liam accepted it. He apologized if he scared me earlier but he said what I said was true. He was just protective of Harry. Zayn and Niall convinced him into trusting Harry to me rather than to other complete strangers at school. I was so relieved. I thought I'll lose my friends but no. But not everything is done and settled though. I still don't know if Harry likes someone else or not and if he does,who is she? Or he?? Does it have to do anything with the guy he's spending time with today?

"Do you think Harry likes me? I kind of kissed him out of nowhere and he ran out after that. What if he already got an eye for someone?" I asked.

"He's got an eye for someone alright. He's got an eye for you,Louis." Cara said and Niall tsked at her.

"What do you mean?"

Cara opened her mouth to speak but Niall covered her mouth with his hand and she squirmed around. I rolled my eyes at them playfully and just wait. Cara will win,I know.

When Cara managed to pull Niall's hand away from her mouth,she said "Harry's got his eyes on you since the first week you just moved and he likes you. He's got a cute little crush on you and he goes crazy everytime you accidentally touched him and you don't know how much he talked about you to me and Niall."

"A little update though. He gave up on his crush on you about a week ago because you never notice him." Niall stated.


"It's only been a week. He might still like you so let's get you two together so you lads can talk it out?" Ed suggested and I can't help but smile at my friends.


I finally decided to come to school on Friday since I feel normal as usual. My body is not warm anymore and I finished whatever meds I had to finish. I followed the descriptions. So,daily routine. I got up,shower,dry myself,pick out some nice clothes I have (which happened to be navy blue skinny jeans,a normal black T-shirt and a jeans jacket to go over it),styled my hair in a quiff,sprayed my favorite cologne and go to school.

I saw Harry a couple of times but everytime I want to approach,there's always something in the way. Either he'll walk away in some directions, he'll get lost in the sea of people or that this one guy walks away with him. I guess he's the guy Harry's spent time with yesterday. I can't help but feel angry he's smiling like that to him. It bothers me.

I told the others I can't get to him and they say the only time to get him is during lunch at the cafeteria. He'll surely sit with us. Even Liam is in this :)

When the bell rang signalling for lunch time,we sat at our usual table and just waited. No one bought anything yet since they planned to move later when Harry came. Just about 5 minutes later,Harry came walking to our table with his bag slinged in one arm and my heartbeat increased.

"Hey." He greeted and he didn't realise I was there. He sat down at the end of the table and put his bag down.

"Louis' back." Liam informed him.

Harry looked at Liam,surprised and he smiled back to Harry. Harry looked around the table and his eyes fell on mine but we didn't even make eye contact for a split second,he averted his eyes away and stood up,saying he's buying lunch. My heart felt like it shattered. Why did he..

When he came back to his seat with his food and drink,one by one started to leave. Zayn said he,Liam and Ed wants to spend the lunch time practicing some basketball in the gym and they left. Niall stood up saying he gotta pee. Cara said her friends called her to their table and that left us two only.

Harry groaned annoyingly and stood up. He wanted to leave without so much as a bye and I can't let him. It's hard to get a freaking chance with him. He grabbed his bag and turned around but I pushed the chairs back and grabbed hold of his wrist. He turned around and his eyes fell on my hand.

"Love,talk to me." I whispered softly and our eyes met.


Guys sorry sorry sorry late update. I made this chapter 3000 words as an apology :) Don't be mad. I appreciate who's still reading and I will update soon if I can.

Just need to add maybe another 71649181 Larry moments then I'll die in peace :D



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