Perfect Two ( a louis tomlins...

By Myirishsnowflakenial

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jade thirwall and louis tomlinson.... two singers from two bands... when they meet.... will they get together... More

Perfect Two


370 6 3
By Myirishsnowflakenial

hey guys!!!! im so sorry ik the other chapters where trash!!  but now i got some tips to write my story better! ( hope it works)   well here is the story! :D


----------------------------JADES P.O.V------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

''Jade wake up!!!!'' Perrie said.'

'leave me alone!!, dont you see im so tired!'' i said.

''louis had a baby with kim kardashian' perrie said.

''WTF!!''i said.

''hahahaha!! tricked u..... now go get ready we are going to the mall!.

''ugh okai''

i went to the shower and took a really long bath and then i went to my dressing room i got a yankees snapback ( i didnt put it in the back) , red black and white varsity with an ML , white and black spots crop top,my red black and white adidas and skinny jeans(picture on the side) ..... i went downstairs and saw perrie cooking.

''where is everyone'' i said.

''OH SHIT!!!... u scared me!... well jesy and leigh are in the beach, and the boys are in simon´s office'' she said.

''well good thing we can eat without niall taking our food'' i smiled.

''well yeah and other thing is that i have zayn's car keys :D''

''then lets eat then we will go'' i said.

''sure'' she said.


''where here!! perrie said.

''okay!! lets get out of the car first and then see what store we will go first'' she said.

:( '' fine'' i said.


''lets go to forever 21!!'' i said grabbing perrie's wrist and pulling her to come with me.

i bumped with someone..

''oh um sorry..'' then i looked up and it was sam..

what the actual fuck??!? dont u see my shirt is new?'' he said.

'' hey, WOAH stop it right there asshole! dont talk to her like that! perrie said.

''well u know, i dont give a SHIT about ur shirt! i said,throwing some juice into his white shirt'' 

i could see that he had no abs anymore.... i bursted out laughing!

'''what is funny about this?'' a girl with a anoying voice said.


i looked at her..

''oh..uhm sorry '' i said.

''what the fuck are you doing here jade thirlwall''?? she said with a really angry voice

''...dont worry love i dont want ur  piece of crap :)''

''well i think we need to go to forever 21!'' perrie said.

''sure!'' i said and when i was walking i made sure to put my feet between sam´s so he can fall in the fountain.

it actually worked!!


we went home and i saw the boy there laying in the couch and the girls too like they have nothing to do................. at all...i dont understand why the are like that?? because we have a game room , we have a big ass backyard, we have skates,and we have like a million of movies!! so i dont get the point of being there lying down on the floor..

'' hey why u guys so bored'' i said with a smile

''well firstable where u fucking been!' louis said with anger ( he yelled at me)

''i was at the mall! and no need to yell at me!'' i yelled him back

''well lets see how can i explain it to you........ I WAS FUCKING WORRIED!!! U NEVER ANSWER MY CALLS AND MESSAGES!!

i looked at him with anger and i pointed at my iphone 5s that was in the kitchen all the time

''wow! now u see! i would answer but i had  no battery! what do u want me to do!'' i yelled and him and then ran up to my room.

----------------------------------------------------ZAYN'S P.O.V----------------------------------------------------------------

wow i have never seen jade that mad before! maybe its because louis and her are a couple now ... and well idk but im her best friend so far cuz she got a fight with harry because harry was mad at her and she called her a slut! so i better go to her and talk to her

i went upstairs and knocked the door before entering...................and i saw what i exactly didnt want to see...she gasped

''what are you doing here?'' she said.

''well dont u wanna talk to ur bitch?'' i said joking ( she calls me is bitch sometimes, but she loves me as a friend )

''yes i do!but close the door'' she said while hidding her left arm that there were some cuts

i sat next to her and saw her arm the grabed it carefully

''explain this...'' i said with the most serious tone

''well..... it just makes me feel better'' she said.

she started crying... i feel realy bad for her so i suggested a hug

''aww... come on... :( hug me'' i said

''but zay-'' i cut her off and hugged her and she hugged back then after like 20 seconds she pulled off

''i-i-im sorry :('' she said and my smile frownded

''why are u sorry'??'' 

''well i messed ur white shirt with my blood'' she said

''dont worry i have tons of em, now let me help you clean the cuts'' i said and she nodded... i like when she obeys me :D

''done!'' i said

''' thank you zayn'' she said with a big smile!

''now lets go downstairs aand see whats going on... but first put this wristband so they cant see ur cuts'' i said and she nooded again :D

--------------------------------------JADE'S P.O.V------------------------------------------------------------------------------

i went downstairs and the boys were hanging out while louis was sleeping in his room..........but then i turned around and saw something i would not like to see ever in  my life!!.............




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