By sjlover274

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Kyuhyun and Donghae had been friend since kid because they live together at ophanage house 'Hope House'. Afte... More



575 10 1
By sjlover274

Donghae keep moaning when Eunhyuk's dick reach his sweet spot. He is riding Eunhyuk now. Eunhyuk look at Donghae's face. He does not know how many time that they had sex after that night bu he really love when his dick in Donghae's ass.

"You seem to enjoy my dick so much." Eunhyuk said. Donghae just remain silent. He want this to quickly done. So he move more faster, even it hurt him, it's better if Eunhyuk come fast.

"I afraid if you do that my dick will come..." Eunhyuk said then he moaning and shout Donghae's name. "Your little slut! Take my seed!" Eunhyuk said then he come inside Donghae's ass. Donghae tears come out again when he heard Eunhyuk call him slut.

"Now, stand up. I want to take a shower." Eunhyuk said. Donghae stand up and get of from Eunhyuk's bed. Eunhyuk also get of from his bed, he slap Donghae's butt "Your ass totally amazing. Kepp it just for me ok. Ohh, I forget, of course you should keep it for me, because you are my sex slaved anyway." Eunhyuk said then walk to the bathroom.

"How could you say that. Am I really just your sex slaved?" Donghae ask. Eunhyuk stop.

"What did you say?" He look at Donghae.

"I ask you. Am I just a sex slaved for you?" Donghae ask again. His tears keep coming out.

"Why bother to ask? Actually you are not even had the right to be my sex slaved. You should be the slut that been fuck by everyone. You should consider you are lucky that I keep you for myself. You heard that?" Eunhyuk said and walk back to Donghae.

"But I...." Donghae cannot finish his sentence. Eunhyuk slap him again.

"Just shut up and know your place. You are just rubbish to me." Eunhyuk said then walk in to the bathroom.

Donghae start crying.

He climb the stair to go upstair and wear his shirt. Then he take his key then walk out from the room.


"Thanks for today Hyung." Kyuhyun said to Changmin.

"No, it's nothing. Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you to your room?" Changmin ask

"Yes. You already take me out and buy me meals today. I don't want to troubled you anymore." Kyuhyun said.

"Alright then." Changmin said. He look at Kyuhyun, the he pull Kyuhyun into his arm. Kyuhyun a bit shock but also hug Changmin.

"Please take care ok." Changmin said.

"Allright." Kyuhyun reply, then Changmin let Kyuhyun go. Kyuhyun get out from the car. Changmin open the window and look at Kyuhyun again.

"Drive safely Hyung." Kyuhyun said then waved his hand to Changmin. Changmin smile and waved his hand to. Then te car leave Kyuhyun there.

Kyuhyun smile and walk in to the dorm, then he meet Donghae.

"Oh, Hae ah, where are you going?" Kyuhyun ask.

Donghae look at Kyuhyun with his tearing eyes.

"Omo, Hae ah. Why are you crying?" Kyuhyun ask. But Donghae does not give an aswer but he hug Kyuhyun and cried on Kyuhyun chest.

"Hae ah, what's wrong? Tell me?" Kyuhyun said again. But Donghae just crying onKyuhyun chest. Kyuhyun hug Donghae and pat Donghae's back.

"Let's go to my room first." Kyuhyun said. Then Kyuhyun let's go of Donghae, Donghae who still crying walk with Kyuhyun to Kyuhyun's room.


Siwon and Yunho is on a date at Myeondong. Siwon as usual, because he is an idol, he wear his cap, sunglass and the face mask.

"Siwon ah.. gomawo.." Yunho said suddenly.

"Why?" Siwon ask.

"Thanks because you be my boyfriend. I don't know what will happen to my life is we broke up." Yunho said. He look at Siwon face.

"Sure...." Siwon said. In his head he feel so sorry to Yunho. Before Kyuhyun came, Siwon really love Yunho, but his heart change. He love Kyuhyun now. Everything about Kyuhyun he want to know. He want to protect Kyuhyun and he want to always be at Kyuhyun side.

"Siwon ah. I want some ice cream. Can you buy it for me?" Yunho ask with a cute face.

"Aigoo, you are so cute. Ok, because you are cute, I will buy you the ice cream. Wait here ok." Siwon said and pinch Yuno cheek.

Yunho just smile, after Siwon go ang get the ice cream, Yunho take out his phone. He dial a number.

"Hello. How? Sure. Do you write Kyuhyun name on it? Good." Yunho talk to the phone and end the call. He take his phone back to his pocket. "Cho Kyuhyun, Siwon will always be mine. So you better go and get loss!" Yunho said in his head.


"Here drink this." Kyuhyun give Donghae a glass of water.

"Thanks Kyu ah." Donghae take the water and drink it.

"What's wrong? Are you and Eunhyuk had a fight?" Kyuhyun ask.

Donghae look at Kyuhyun. "No, we are not. I just..." Donghae stop.

"Just what?" Kyuhyun ask.

"I think I don't suit here." Donghae said.

"What you mean by that?" Kyuhyun ask.

"I don't know, I just think that I don't suit here." Donghae reply.

"So what? You want to stop attend this school?" Kyuhyun ask.

Donghae just nod his head.

"But, how about your dream? How about your time that you use for study? Are you going to waste it like that?" Kyuhyun ask.

Donghae look at Kyuhyun and smile bitterly. "I will try to attend another school and work hard." Donghae said.

"Are you really sure about this?" Kyuhyun ask.

"yes. I want to get out from here." Donghae said.

"But where you will live?" Kyuhyun ask.

"I will look for a place. So don't worry ok." Donghae said.

"How about me?" Kyuhyun ask.

"You can stay here. But promise me that you will archieve your dream ok." Donghae said.

Kyuhyun does not know what to say, because Donghae look like he really serious.

"But... please don't tell anyone about this. include Eunhyuk." Donghae said.

"But why?" Kyuhyun ask.

"Just do me a favour." Donghae said.

"Arrasso." Kyuhyun said.

Donghae stand up then walk arround in Kyuhyun's room while Kyuhyun wash the glass at the sink.

Donghae found something on Kyuhyun's desk. It in an envelope and Kyuhyun name been wrote on it.

"Kyu ah, you got a letter here." Donghae said.

"What? Letter?" Kyuhyun ask that wipe his hand using the hand towel.

"Yes, should I open it?" Donghae ask.

"Yes. Open and read it for me." Kyuhyun said then walk slowly to Donghae. Donghae just open the enveloped then saw a photo.

"Omo!" Donghae shout. The picture fell to the floor and straight to Kyuhyun leg.

"Why? What it is?" Kyuhyun ask and take the photo. He look at the photo.

He shock. What is this photo all about. He heart feels like stop beating. His hand were covering his mouth. His hand tremble and his body start sweating.

"Kyu ah. Siwon and the Dr, Are they in this kind of relationship?" Donghae ask he also shock because of the photo. Photo of Siwon and Yunho naked and Siwon hug Yunho while Yunho's head lean on Siwon chest.

Kyuhyun look at the date at the down of the picture. "This is today date." Kyuhyun said. Donghae look at Kyuhyun. Donghae can tell that Kyuhyun look more suprise than him.

"Do you know about this?" Donghae ask. Kyuhyun just stay sillent.

"Kyu ah, are you ok?" Donghae ask again.

Kyuhyun look at Donghae. He try to smile.

"I am ok..... I just shock because... you know, Siwon is my roommate and I don't know that he is this kind of person..." Kyuhyun said.

"Ok, then. Kyu ah, I think I will get going. Once again, please don't tell Eunhyuk that I want to gat out from this school." Donghae said. Kyuhyun just nod his head.

"Then. see you at the class tommorow." Donghae said then walk out from the room.

Kyuhyun look at the door that been close by Donghae. Then he start crying. His knees were tremble and he fall on his kneel. He cry out loud.

"How could you Siwon.... I believe you and I fall for you. But... you are two timming?" Kyuhyun cry. His tears keep coming out. His heart hurt.. He cannot take it. How he will face Siwon now?


Siwon open the door and look inside his room. The room were dark. He walk in and close the door. He look for Kyuhyun.

"Kyu ah, where are you?" Siwon shout.

"Cho Kyuhyun! Are you upstair?" Siwon shout again. Then Siwon switch on the lamp. He take a look of his room then he shout.

"Omo! Kyu ah? Is that you?" Siwon ask after he saw Kyuhyun seating on the floor.

Kyuhyun look at Siwon.

"Kyu ah. Why you seating in the dark?" Siwon ask again but Kyuhyun just remain sillent. Because Kyuhyun not answering him, Siwon walk to Kyuhyun.

"Kyu ah. Are you ok? tell me. Is there something wrong?" Siwon ask again and again.

Then Kyuhyun give the picture to Siwon.

"What is this?" Siwon ask he look at Kyuhyun and take a look at the picture. His heart stop beating for a second.

"Kyu ah, Where you got this picture?" Siwon ask.

Kyuhyun look at Siwon with his eyes full with hatred to Siwon.

"Kyu ah, it not just like what you though. I can explain this." Siwon said.

Kyuhyun smirk then he stand up.

"Kyu ah, listen to me." Siwon grab Kyuhyun's hand.

"Let go of my hand!" Kyuhyun said. The he strugle so that Siwon will let go of his hand.

"No, You had to listen to me first." Siwon said.

"I said let go...." Kyuhyun cannot finish his sentence when Siwon lips were landing on his lips. Kyuhyun try to push Siwon but Siwon were to strong. and at last Kyuhyun just reply the kiss. After a minutes their lips been a part.

"Look, Kyu ah. This picture is not true." Siwon said.

Kyuhyun look at Siwon. "What you are talking about?" Kyuhyun ask.

"This photo is faked. You see, this is today date. how come the picture of today date be sent here. And Yunho is to old for me. Don't you think so?" Siwon ask.

"So, you mean this picture is fake? Why would someone do this to us?" Kyuhyun ask.

"Maybe they were jealous of us. That's why they try to destroy our happiness. Kyu ah. Please do believe in me. For now, I just love you. no one can replace you in my heart." Siwon said. He look deep into Kyuhyun's eyes.

Kyuhyun also look at Siwon. "Alright. I believe you." Kyuhyun said then they smile to each other before they share a very lovelly kiss.


End of this chapter. I know it were short and some of you totally will said that Kyuhyun is stupid because trust Siwon. Trust me, the more he believed in Siwon, the more he will hate Siwon when he know about the truth. Perhaps in the next chapter. Well, Yunho will seat still when Siwon still with Kyuhyun. Let's wait and see.. Thanks for reading... Please do leave a comment.

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