Just can't let her go {Punk L...

By weisdirectioners

104K 2.8K 497

"Why do you keep pretending you're afraid of me?" He hissed, obvious anger in his eyes. "Becau... More

Day one, 1,440 minutes too long. {chapter 1}
Your heads in space again, darling {Chapter 2}
Dumped all the sparkle in your eyes.~ {Chapter 3}
State Of Dreaming~ {Chapter 4}
Please Take Me To Space And Back~ {Chapter 5}
Just Take Your Breath Away~ {Chapter 6}
Choking On Your Alibis~ {Chapter 7}
In Love With The Thought Of You~ {Chapter 8}
All These Scars You See Through {Chapter 9}
Written In His Eyes; Intemporal.~ {Chapter 10}
To Be Someone Else For You~ {Chapter 11}
A Prisoner Of History.~ {Chapter 12}
Seeing Is Deceiving.~ {Chapter 13}
Say Something I'm Giving Up On You.~ {Chapter 15}
He Will Escape Unscarred {Chapter 16.}
Too good to be good for me. ~ {Chapter 17} END

Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You {Chapter 14}

3.9K 136 23
By weisdirectioners

A/N: WELL HELLOOOOOO LOVES. So it's me again c: I HAVE A FEW THINGS TO SAY. ONE- I HAVE A NEW 8TRACKS MIX OUT. IT'S CALLED We're Strange; We're Strong. IT'S WHAT I WROTE TO TODAY. MY FAVORITE IS WHY'D YOU ONLY CALL ME WHEN YOU'RE HIGH BY THE ARCTIC MONKEYS. So if you guys want to listen to it, my 8tracks name is the same as my name here c: weisdirectioners. YAAAAAAY! Okay, next, I'M GOING TO PISS MYSELF WHEN THIS GETS TO 5k. Like, my story is really ill-written for like 3/4ths of these chapters XDDD BUT MASSIVE THANK YOU TO ALL YOU CHERUBS. *throws confetti* Fun Fact #(something, I'll edit this out later.) : My friend Maeve actually gave me the idea for this chapter at school and I kinda freaked out, soI think a few people at school are afraid of me now... ANYWHORE, THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO MAEVE AS A TANK U. GIF ON THE SIDE IS ME. SO NOW, CHAPTER 14! I've run out of witty little things to say, so yeh. Thass it.

~Two weeks after all the bullshit!~ I grabbed my backpack and ran out to Zurich's truck, excited to see Lou again. We've been completely drama-free for two weeks and I couldn't explain how amazing these days have been. "It's good to see you this happy!" Zurich laughed and nudged me with a wide grin, giving me a teasing wink. I rolled my eyes and coudln't prevent the little smile that snuck on my lips. "Thanks." I say with a light laugh and scoot farther onto my side, making room as we pulled up to Chelle's house. She got in and smiled, giving me a small hug and waving to Zur. "Anyways, why doesn't he pick you up ever?" He asked, giving me an incredulous look. I rolled my eyes and shrug, actually not having a very good answer. "He just doesn't, I mean- I've never asked him too, so why would he? What, are you tired of me?" I say with a mock pout and gave Zurich a small nudge. Chelle laughed but it sounded unconvincing. "I dunno Elliott, have you ever been to his house?" I gave a sour look and nod, trying to act smug. "I have; twice. Once at the party, and once when I was dropping him off." I crossed my arms and flicked some hair over my shoulder. She giggled and sighed. "Well, what ever rows your boat."

As We pulled up to school, I saw Katlynne, Niall, Maeve and Patty waiting in the parking lot, leaning against Niall's car. I got out of the car and skipped over to the girls, running into them and laughing. "Hey! Where's your super hot boyfriend?" Katlynne said, giving me a wink. I laughed and put my arms up as an 'I don't know'. We walked into the school, people staring at us and gossiping, as we've become the new 'it' crowd. Even the cheerleaders who stuck up their noses at us earlier this year are busting their non-existent balls trying to get in a good word with us. I found it kind of funny, but still overly annoying. I looked around, searching for my punk-tastic boyfriend, but sighed when there was no sign of him. A collective gasp echoed through the hall way, and I turned knowingly to the doors with a wide grin. Kids began splitting into two sides like the red sea, and in walked my boyfriend Moses himself. He was wearing an unamused expression and looked lazily between the kids, making them either excited or uncomfortable.

His eyes found mine and a spark lit up in his; a soft smirk dwelling on his expression. I grinned wider and began walking slowly towards him, never breaking eye contact. These last two weeks of school, I was getting a reputation of 'the ice queen'. Now personally, it made me laugh, but I thought the name was actually heart warming. I'm "the ice queen' because I was the first person who broke through to Louis' "Ice cold heart". Honestly, they didn't know about Louis' first girlfriend, but in a way, I agree. And it makes my heart swell and gush as I think about that fact. As I thought I felt his arm snake around my waist and pull me against his side; my hand lacing with his as if no one elses hand would fit. "Did you miss me much?" I murmured up at him, letting the rest of the school tune out. "Hmmmm, did I?" He said back in a low tone, scrunching his nose as if in thought. I laughed and kissed his cheek, sticking my tongue out when I pulled away. "You totally did." I said, feeling his thumb brush the back of my hand which caused butterflies to swarm in my stomach. "Totally did." He said with a laugh, kissing my head as we got back to our friends who were all smiling.

At lunch I notice something that I haven't noticed up until this point. Louis is straining to smile right now. To everyone else, he probably looks normal. But I can see it- behind his eyes there's a push. Something that looks forlorn and oh so tired. It almost makes me ask, but the way his eyes shift to me takes me by surprise. He gives me a small had tilt and the corners of his lips tug up into a smile, reminding me of the way elderly couples look at eachother. With such love; such affection; that I can't dare to ask Louis why he can't actually where a genuine smile. I mirror the look on his face, and we share a quiet moment of contentment. I felt at home, being lost in his blue eyes. The way they slightly crinkled at the edges when he smiled. The way they danced with mischief and adoration when his walls were down. Everything about him was so intriguing, and it made me forget about the way it seemed as if his smile was being tugged up by two strings on either side. Just barely, but I decided to 'not notice'.

After 7th periods bell rang, I eagerly turned to face Louis who was putting his things away, glancing up with a soft smile when he saw me.  "What is it, Ellie?" He asked, a laugh caressing his lips as he shoved his last book into his rucksack. "Well, I was hoping that since we don't have plans,maybe we could watch a movie tonight? I'll make snacks." I offered and rocked back on my heels as I felt excitment bubble inside me. It was all swiped away by a few simple words. "Ah- I'm actually kind of tied up. So maybe not tonight?" It was the hesitation in his voice that made me weary. The way his nose scrunched up, as if it was hard for himself to believe that. I bit the inside of my lip and pushed away any suspicious thoughts. "That's fine, Lou. Maybe tomorrow?" I urged, feeling only a bit upset. In all honesty, I didn't want to come of as clingy. But the next words sent me into a bit of a panic.

"Yeah, I'm actually kind of tied up for a while." I noticed it again. The way he was forcing himself to say things with the politeness he was using. Forcing away the bite that I could see churn in his eyes. I knew he wasn't telling me everything, but the fact that we had been working out for this long, caused me to stare for a moment. I saw Louis force away the agitation as I stood in front of him. "So, if you don't mind, I have to go?.." I all but stammered back, not finding an ounce of grace to use. I for some reason felt like a giant elephant trying to get along with mice. "See you later then, Ellie." I heard it finally, closing my eyes as I felt the bitter sound of his departure reverberate through my entire body. And for some reason, I was extremely scared, because never once has someone being closed off affected me like this. I felt like I was the only person on the earth, and it expected me to carry it on my shoulders.

After that day, things with Louis seemed to get worse. It didn't just resolve it's self like I expected. In stead, he slowly looked more tired, and stressed by just being with us.It was the second day of Louis not being at school or answering his phone at all, so needless to say all of us were pretty bent out of shape. "You think every things okay with him?" Patty asked me as we 'ran laps' in gym. I glanced down at the wood floor that Mr.Hadden was a little overprotective of. "I honestly have no idea Patty, he's really scaring me." I mumble, glancing up to see Patty and Maeve exchange a look. I couldn't read it- or maybe I didn't want to- but I knew that it was more than just me in that moment who felt the tug Louis was giving off. As we got down and began stretching, I tried to listen to what we were talking about, but my mind kept jumping back to Louis. What's wrong with him? Is he sick? Is he trying to get away from his parents and finally move? "ELLIE! Did you hear me?" I snapped my head in Patty's direction and gave an apologetic smile. "No, sorry, say it again?" I asked sheepishly. Maeve rolled her eyes with a smile. "She said, maybe you should go drop by Louis house." After that was said, it seemed like the only option I had. "O...okay, I suppose I will." I said breathily as we started the play-offs for volleyball.

I clutched the steering wheel with sweaty palms and bit my lower lip with such nervousness, I thought I would tear it straight off. After school, I immediately got in my car and peeled down the street to Louis' house. Now as I drive down his road, knots are forming in my stomach, and I have more doubt than I did when Maeve and I were going to ditch gym class one morning. I saw his house and my heart beat sped up, thrumming against my chest at such a high velocity, I swore that if it wasn't encased by my ribs, it would of been pounding straight out of me. I pulled over at the side of Louis curb and put my hand on the buckle to unlatch it.

But suddenly I froze. Stop. Don't move. You don't want to see it. A little voice in the back of my mind took over me in that instant, and I felt paralyzed. Call it gut instinct, but something inside me at that very moment was preventing me from leaving the car. I tried to force the little nagging voice away, but with every push I would give it, the louder it would scream. I was about to start my car up again when suddenly the front door opened.  I looked up with a wide smile, fully prepared to greet my loving boyfriend, to tell him he was stupid for missing school, and that I missed him. All of that changed in one instant. Because it wasn't Louis I saw walking out the front door. I watched as a tumble of red hair bounced as the owner jogged down the steps. It was Dylan. I gave her a once over, not with judging, but world-shattering pain as I soaked up the fact that her blouse was partly un buttoned, her clothes were rumpled and badly in need of ironing, and her hair was a disarray of red. I then took in the next fact with such pain, I actually almost dry heaved. Her bright red lipstick was smudged, and she was wearing the most smug smirk I had ever seen. She was walking out of Louis' house like that. And just like that, she was across the street, and I was frozen as the sky fell around my feet.

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