The Windy Staircase

By tiptoe13

2.1K 35 42

Completed short stories and poorly written attempts at poetry can be found here. Featuring stories about love... More

A Girl Named Hush
Brother for Sale
Blood-Stained Robes
Little Ginny Weasley- Invisible
Little Ginny Weasley -Unbreakable

Little Ginny Weasley- Incredible

309 3 11
By tiptoe13


It's past one, Harry should be here, soon.

There's something about the way

the street looks when it's just rained

I sink lower in the couch as Dean passes by, not wanting to talk to him. Not that he would want to talk to me, anyway. We don't associate anymore, he and I. Ever since the break up. I don't really miss him. We never had a strong relationship or friendship. Not like me and Harry. Now, there's a strong friendship, with sparks, too. Now, if only the boy would see it...

Sunlight streams through the open windows. Its rays seems to bounce off people and land on me. I can feel their warmth. I close my eyes and open them again. It is now five past one.

There's a glow off the pavement

you walk me to the car

Gryffindors laugh, talk, and mingle around me. Ron struts around like Merlin himself, brandishing the Quidditch cup for all the world to see. “We won! You won! We won!” It seems to be all he can say around his broad grin.

Hermione elbows people out of the way and sits next to me on the couch. “Phew! This is some party.” She offers me some of her butterbeer and I take a sip. “Where's Harry?”

She knows me so well. I almost feel embarrassed for sitting here and waiting for him to arrive. Man, I sound desperate.

“He's not here yet.” I say.

Hermione gives me a sympathetic look. “Don't worry, he'll be here, soon.”

And you know I want to ask you to dance right there

in the middle of the parking lot, yeah

I glance at the clock again; it is now ten past one. Where is he?

I wonder what I should do when he finally does arrive. I want to do something, I just don't know what. Should I give him a small, secretive smile? A hug? Or, goodness parish the thought, a kiss?

What would he think of me? Would he return the gesture? I know he's not soft on Cho Chang, anymore, but I don't know who the newest lucky girl is. Lately, I could have sworn I've seen him glance my way. Of course, I'm probably just seeing things. It would be so clich� for him to like me. Me, his best friend's little sister. Ron's little sister. Fred's little sister. George's little sister. Percy's little sister. I have too many older brothers. Thankfully, I don't have an older, prettier sister, or I would never even have a chance at Harry.

We're driving down the road

I wonder if you know

I'm trying so hard not to get caught up now

Oh, gosh he's coming. The portrait hole is slowly opening....

Before I can rethink my actions, I'm running towards him.

This is it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it!

I kiss him.

I don't know who finally breaks the kiss. I just know my breathing is labored and my cheeks are flushed and I don't know when I've ever felt this happy. It's been a long time, I know. I look up at him. His cheeks are also flushed, his glasses crooked, and his black hair messier than usual. I can't think of a time when he's looked more handsome.

But you're just so cool, run your hands through your hair

absentmindedly making me want you

He breaks into a silly smile, almost big enough to match my own. People titter and wolf whistle around us, but I don't care. Let them laugh and gossip, I just kissed Harry Potter, so there.

Harry gestures to the portrait hole and I follow him out. People crane there necks, trying to get a good look at us leaving. The Fat Lady swings shut before they can. All is silent.

Looking slightly skittish, Harry takes my hand and I almost faint, right on the spot. Oh my goodness, I cannot believe it! Harry Potter is holding my hand! The Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, and the one who will someday most likely defeat Lord Voldemort, is holding my trembling and slightly sweaty hand. I am going to die.

And I don't know how it gets better than this

you take my hand and drag me headfirst


Harry looks at me out of the corner of his eye.

Since I doubt Harry will say anything unless I start, I say, “I've liked you for awhile you know.”

“You have?” Why does he have to sound so surprised? Haven't I made my feelings clear? I broke up with Dean, didn't I? I've been hanging out with him as much as I can, especially after Quidditch practice. I think I was obvious. Of course, Harry and Ron are so much alike, and Ron is extremely thick when it comes to girls. Maybe Harry is, too.

We amble through Hogwarts and out onto the rolling green lawn. All the while, my senses seem to be magnetized. Everything is so clear. The hummingbird fluttering by sounds like the roaring of a lion. The delicious scent wafting from the roses I sniff smell intoxicating and surround me in a puff.

I am in love. It fills me up until I am sure I shall burst. I want to sing and dance. It's incredible, this feeling. I could live on it forever. Nothing seems bad in this world. It can't be, not when I'm feeling so happy.

I, regretfully, break free of Harry. My arms outstretched, I twirl around and around.

“What are you doing?” Harry watches me, amusedly. He doesn't seem to mind that I interrupted our conversation.

“Dancing!” I laugh merrily and grab both his hands. We twirl and dance like children.

And I don't know why but with you I'd dance

in a storm in my best dress


I feel so young and happy. So carefree. It's so wonderful to see Harry like this. He's always so solemn, as if he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Well, I suppose he has, but he doesn't have to be such a downer. People will help him if he'd just ask.

We fall onto our backs underneath the tree he, Ron, and Hermione always sit under. The leaves rustle, seeming to chant “he kissed her, he kissed her,” over and over, again. White, glorious clouds float lazily across the pale blue sky. A breeze makes the luscious green grass bend and then stand on end as if dancing to a magical melody.

So baby drive slow 'till we run out of rode

In this one-horse town, I wanna stay right here

Harry uses his elbow to prop himself so he's facing me; I do the same. We just lay there, not talking barely breathing. I study him as he studies me, taking in his wonderfully raven-colored hair, his strong nose, and slightly jutted chin. His eyes are mesmerizing. I feel myself fall and get lost in those great green orbs. Professor Trelawney should really ask Harry to teach divination; I can see my whole future reflected in his eyes.

I lightly run a finger across his cheek.

Harry seems to take this as a invitation to touch me. He traces my entire face, from my ears to my chin, with his fingers. He is so gentle, acting as if I'm a porcelain doll. I close my eyes, savoring the moment.

In this passenger seat

you put your eyes on me

in this moment now

capture it, remember it

He looks into my eyes, as if asking permission, then he hesitantly brings his lips to mine. I can see sparks. They look like Fred and George's fireworks, only more real and spectacular. They are my own little set that I can only see when I kiss Harry. This really is incredible. I've never felt anything like it....

We both pant and lay on our backs after the kiss. I feel even happier and lighter than I did after our first kiss. I am totally intoxicated and not thinking straight. I just smile and giggle. So this is what it feels like to be in love.

And I don't know how it gets better than this

you take my hand and drag me headfirst


“We should do this again, sometime.” Harry says, at last.

“Yes, very soon.” I agree.

Oh my goodness, Harry Potter wants to go out on a second date with me! Well, I guess this couldn't exactly be called a first date, but we'll get to real dates later. Maybe he'll ask me to go to Hogsmeade with him! Or, a picnic by the lake sounds just as good. Either one, I'm not picky as long as I'm with him.

“You would want to, right?” Aw, he's worried I don't want to, the silly boy. Doesn't he know love when he sees it? I'd go anywhere with him; he's my prince charming.

And I don't know why but with you I'd dance

in a storm in my best dress


I know all about prince charmings. I've read about them in those muggle books. They go around with a sword (or in my case, sometimes a wand) and they rescue damsels in distress. The story always ends with a kiss and a “they lived happily ever after.” He already rescued me in my first year, and he even used a real sword, so check those two off. He even kissed me, although it was five years later. Better late than never, I suppose.

Now, we just have to live happily ever after. I don't think that will be too hard. Harry just has to defeat and kill Voldemort, thus saving both the muggle and wizarding worlds. It will be all in a days work for him.He can smile that irresistible smile of his, wave at the fans and spectators, then sweep me off my feet. It shall be wonderful.

Well you stood there with me in the doorway

my hands shake, I'm not usually this way but

I suddenly realize how cold it has gotten. Were the clouds really that low in the sky when we came out? A shiver passes through my body.

“Here, take my sweatshirt.” Harry has noticed how cold I am and has given me his sweatshirt! I could kiss him right now! In fact, I do just that.

After the kiss, I pull his sweatshirt on. It is wonderfully big on me, just the way a boyfriend's sweatshirt should be. Wait, is he my boyfriend now? Oh, I hope so!

Harry admires me and I blush. “Should we go inside?”

I hate to leave and ruin the moment, but he's right. “Yes, I suppose.”

He takes my hand, again. “Oh, Ginny,” He stops and runs his free hand through his hair. A nervous habit he does. “Would you ever consider- I mean we ki- I would love it if-”

Dare I say it, but I think he's trying to ask me to be his girlfriend!

“I would love to be your girlfriend.” I say firmly, squeezing his hand.

You pull me in and I'm a little more brave

it's a first kiss, it's flawless, really something

it's fearless

Harry looks extremely relieved and breaks into a grin. “Great!” He pecks me on the cheek.

We both laugh giddily and I find myself skipping back to the castle, pulling Harry behind me.

“Slow down!” He yells, still laughing.

“You'll have to keep up, Mr. Potter!”

“But you're going too fast!”

I stop and turn to face him. “Honestly, now, I'm much shorter than you and you're quite fit! I should be trying to keep up with you!” How fun this is, to tease him.

“Why, Ms. Weasley,” Harry says, a manic glint in his eye, “I do believe I've just been complemented!”

and I don't know how it gets better than this

you take my hand and drag me headfirst


“You most currently have not, Mr. Potter.” I giggle and try to continue skipping, but Harry grabs me around the waist. We both end up on the grass where he tickles me until tears trickle down my cheeks and I'm begging for mercy.

We are both gasping for breath when we walk into Hogwarts, leaving the grounds still ringing with our laughter behind us.

“Ms. Weasley, I do believe I have just grabbed the upper hand.” Harry gloats.

“Well, I do believe,” I say, somewhat mocking him, “Mr. Potter, that I was caught unaware.”

“I do believe that I'm a bit stronger than you, Ms. Weasley.”

“If you mean, headstrong, then yes you are, Mr. Potter.”

“Why, Ms. Weasley!”

and I don't know why but with you I'd dance

in a storm in my best dress


We continue bantering back and forth until we get to the portrait hole. We then stand opposite each other, uncomfortably looking at anything other than the other person.

“Just kiss, already!” the Fat Lady spouts, seemingly fed up with us.

We both laugh and break the tension. I kiss him until the portrait hole bursts open, breaking us apart.

“Oops,” A brown-headed third year says, “did I interrupt something?” She smirks and walks away.

I glance after her, thinking about how much she reminds me of myself at that age. Spirited, not caring what others really thought (except Harry), and breezing through life at my own speed and in my own special way.

and I don't know how it gets better than this

you take my hand and drag me headfirst


I look at the ajar portrait hole, not sure if I should go in or not. My question is answered for me, however, because it suddenly bursts open with people going down to dinner.

“I guess our date doesn't have to end!” Harry says, joyously.

“How wonderful!” I agree, happily.

Harry holds out his arm, “May I have the pleasure of escorting milady to dinner?”

“You may,” I slip my arm through his.

and I don't know why but with you I'd dance

in a storm in my best dress


Well, it may not have been the perfect first date, but it was a wonderful and once-in-a-lifetime first date with Harry Potter. And it was incredible. Athough, we never did talk about the Quidditch match.

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