Short love story.

By beaniebaby42

12 0 1


Short love story.

12 0 1
By beaniebaby42

            My phone buzzed and I looked at it. My screen shined as it was telling me that he texted me. I got butterflies in my stomach even though we have been texting for over an hour or so. We have been friends for years. I always get butterflies whenever he texts me. I usually have to initiate the conversation, and that makes me feel like I’m bothering him. He has told me multiple times that I will never be a bother to him. That doesn’t make me feel any less guilty, but I just go with it. I sighed deeply as I responded to his text

            I actually got the chance to hang out with him. It’s a miracle since he’s always so busy. He has school, work, after school activities, and he has his girlfriend. They all take importance over me, and I know it but he never wants to admit it. He probably thinks about it, but he’ll never say it out loud to me. We were walking down the street having a normal conversation. We talked about school, work, and just life in general; nothing in particular and nothing specific. Every time he spoke, my stomach would flip with glee just because I finally had the time alone with him and to actually hang out with him.

My mind drifted off as we continued to walk and I started to imagine things. I imagined that I was happy and that I was dating him. I didn’t even realize I was crying until I felt a tear hit my shirt while we were still walking. I snapped out of my day dream and quickly tried to wipe my tears away with my hoody sleeve before he could notice, but it was too late. He was already staring at me as I used my sleeve as a tissue.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, concerned.

“Y-yeah, I’m perfectly fine,” I answered back. We both have stopped walking now as I continued to try to wipe up my pathetic tears.

“If you’re fine then why are you crying?”

“N-no reason. I-I-I just got something in my eye.”

“Bull shit. If you got something in one of your eyes, you wouldn’t be crying out of both your eyes. Now tell me, what the fuck is wrong?” He asked, now gripping my shoulders. He sounded kind of mad at me.

“Absolutely nothing,” I lied through my teeth. My mind refused to agree with the words my mouth were saying as the tears continued to stream. I eventually gave up after both my sleeves were soaked. I lifelessly dropped my arms to my side as I continued to cry in front of him.

“I saw you zoning in and out of our conversation. There is obviously something wrong. Why won’t you tell me?” He urged me on. I wanted to tell him the truth. I’ve wanted to tell him the truth since last year when I began to like him. I couldn’t hold it back anymore.

I blurted out, “I like you.” I quickly covered up my mouth and I felt myself as I began to blush. My cheeks felt like they were on fire underneath my hand.

“You… you what?” He asked, skeptically. Did he not hear what I said, or did he just not comprehend my stupidity? I released my hand from my mouth and just gazed at him.

“I… I like you…” I repeated, feeling my cheeks become hotter.

            He began, “But… how…”

            I cut him off, “I like you. There is no two ways about it. I have liked you for a really long time. You are one of the cutest guys I have ever met. You are so sweet to me even when I am a straight up bitch to you. You can calm me down in the worst storms that have been conjured up in my mind. You have stuck around for me for so long and are always there for me when I need it. When I’m about to do something stupid that I will regret, you are always there to talk me away from doing it. You’re hugs are so great and I never want you to leave me. I fell head over heels for you and now I’ve been stuck in this ditch of a crush. So there you go… I lik- no… I love you…” It began to rain during my confessions to him. We didn’t move an inch and stood in the pouring rain. I was completely sobbing in front of him now as he just stared at me.

            Before he could respond to me in any negative way I whispered, “I’m so sorry.” I began to run away and didn’t turn around to see if he was following. I just ran and ran in the rain that refused to stop pouring. As I was running someone reached out and grabbed my arm. I was forced to a stop and was turned around. He was right there with his drenched hair hanging in front of his face.

            “Wh-what are you doing? Why did you chase me?” I shouted at him. He grabbed both my shoulders and just looked at me. I searched his eyes for an answer but couldn’t find what I was looking for. Suddenly, he embraced me in a hug. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there in his arms. He pulled away and looked at me in my eyes. They were probably red and puffy now because I have not stopped crying. The next thing I knew, he brought my face to his and kissed me. I had no clue what to do so I just stood there with my eyes closed. He pulled away and looked at me with a smile on his face.

            “What… what just happened? Why did you just do that?” I asked him. I was perplexed as to why he did that since he didn’t like me and had a girlfriend.

            “You never asked if I loved you back. I have loved you for a really long time now. I broke up with my girlfriend a few days ago because I couldn’t stand the thought of her not being you. I mentioned that when you spaced out and started crying. I planned on asking you out tomorrow, but that obviously isn’t going to happen,” he told me, still smiling. I was still confused as ever, though. He continued, “You are a gorgeous human being and I’m glad I met you. You have shined so much light in my darkened life. You helped me out of my depression and broke me out of my shell. No one could do that except for you. I have a very important question for you. Will you please be my girlfriend?” I gazed at him through the downpour of the rain and a giant smile grew on my face. I can’t believe this is actually happening. I was speechless, so I just nodded my head. His smile brightened and he brought me into another kiss again. We stood there in each other’s embrace and the rain started to lighten up. It was a little drizzle as we walked back to my house, hand in hand.



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