30 • cth

By sunflowerems

9.3K 215 72

"Let's make a deal" "What kind of deal?" "Well, you want to know my name, and I want to have some fun..." "Ok... More

Hi :)


1.1K 16 3
By sunflowerems


~Scarlett POV~

"Are you sure about this? I mean, there's still like 10 minutes left until we get let in it's really not too late to turn back and go home and have a night in watching Netflix and eating junk food which I think sounds like a great idea and-"

"You're rambling again, Scar," my best friend Angela interrupted me laughing and rolling her eyes.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Don't worry about it I know you're nervous. But don't be. And to answer your question, no, we're not going home. You watch Netflix and eat junk food every night, tonight we're going to live a little. Besides, it's not like once we walk in we can't ever leave."

"I know," I sighed.

Angela had dragged me to a nightclub a few blocks away from our dorm, insisting that I needed to 'get out more and live a little' so that I don't 'turn into an old lady with no friends besides her 30 cats'. It's ridiculous, really. I have plenty of friends. And I would never become a cat lady, I'm allergic to cats. Plus dogs are just way better in general.

"Hey, come on don't be like that. Be excited! I know you're not super into partying but this is your first time going clubbing! You never know if you'll like it until you try it."

"Ok but when I say I want to go back then we're leaving, no buts. Got it?"

"Totally." Angela suddenly started jumping and squealing, "I'm just so excited we're finally spending a night out together! This is going to be awesome!"

We stood there in line for about five more minutes before the security guy checked our IDs and let us in.

"Yay come on hurry up!" Angela yelled to me while grabbing my hand and running in, dragging me along behind her.

I took a deep breath and looked around. The club was definitely like the ones shown in movies, crowded with drunk and dancing young adults, lit up with nothing but some bright lights strobing all over the dance floor. It smelled like a strangely sweet mixture of sweat, alcohol, and desperation. The smell wasn't necessarily unpleasant, but it also wasn't like something I'd use as an air freshener. It was one of those smells that was just there, neither good nor bad, like plastic or cleaning supplies.

Angie brought me straight to the bar, of course. After arguing for a bit, I managed to convince her that one of us should stay sober to make sure we get home safe, and she finally let me order a water, thankful she had bought my excuse. We live six blocks away, neither of us actually had to stay sober. I just didn't want to drink.

"Well if you're not drinking, I guess I am. Vodka please," Angie said, turning to the bartender.

She quickly finished her drink, grimacing as the liquid burned her throat.

"Ooooh I love this song," she squealed and, without warning, pulled me onto the dance floor.

Why people enjoy this, I have no idea. It's hot, everybody is sweaty, and strangers are squished against you on all sides. I don't need to be this close to anybody, and I especially don't need to be this close to the drunk couple grinding to my left.

After the song ended, I needed to get away, so I told Angie I was going to get us more drinks.

"Ok, but be back soon, you don't want to miss all the fun!"

'Fun'? Did she call this mess 'fun'? Impromptu dance parties in the kitchen while baking cookies were 'fun'. Rainy days spent inside with lots of blankets and movies were 'fun'. Being on a crowded dance floor while people drunkenly swayed against each other was not 'fun'. Never in a million years would I describe that as 'fun'.

When I finally made it back to the bar, I just sighed and leaned against it, drinking my water and surveying the crowd. Angie would come over here in a few songs when she needed more to drink, she'd be fine on her own. I just knew there was no way I was going back into that crowd.

This is the first chapter ever of my first fic ever so I hope everyone enjoys :) I promise it gets more exciting soon! Also feel free to comment, I'm always looking for constructive criticism

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