Mark Me Yours ✔️[REWRITING]

By ivankaross

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(The first book of the supernatural series) When eighteen year old Savanna opens a portal during camping wit... More

Mark Me Yours
(1) Battle Cry
(2) The Coronation
(3)Meet Mr. Knight
(4) Mother Dear
(5)The New Man
(7) The Forgotten Story Of Vashka
(8) Lost In Knowledge
(9) Humanity
(10) First In Everything
(11) A Shock Of Doubt And Attraction
(12) Attraction For Death
(13) Know Your Enemy
(14) The home For The Wicked
(15) My Beloved
(16) Jealousy Does Not Suit You My Friend
(17) Mine
(18) I Am My Own Enemy
(19) We Are At War
(20) Dear Cousin
(21) Witches beware
(22) The Lost Soul
(23) A Sleepless Night
(24) The Lost Witch
(25) The Thorns Of Pain
(26) Brotherhood
(27) I Sense The Pain In Your Presence
(28) A Sword On Your Mouth
(30) The Awaited Moment
(31) Monsters Vs. Magic

(29) Enchantments And Goodbyes

431 19 2
By ivankaross

Chapter Twenty Nine (unedited)

Days became weeks and weeks became Months. The more time sped, Savanna realized she had weakened. Every little thing never got back and now they were both suffering.

They were near to war

The wolves came prepared. Leaders who agreed stayed into Alaric's land. Some had stayed into a closer meter so they could plan with the others. The days had been busy yet she of all wolves stayed on her room once again. Nothing was developing. Amanda was still in coma, Raphael lost too much strength to help and Lucas....

Lucas never once looked at her any longer. It bothered her so much that she was doubting if he felt the pain of the mates space. How he didn't look affected as she is.

How could every stand there and still be him. How could he talk in front like a leader- a leader who wasn't suffering like the woman he marked was

She didn't even think she wanted to be titled as his 'mate' anymore

She was too tired

Too weak to fight him anymore

Too consumed by her thoughts, her eyes had wandered though the open fields where she saw some armed men practicing. The archers not far away and the others stood to watch. For some reason, watching them and knowing this would be too great to watch and sit still, she should be there too. Practicing since she'll die after this

A bitter laugh escaped her. Yet the pain stood erect in her heart that Savanna couldn't ignore it. She was going to die

"What do I do mother" she whispered. She wasn't crazy. She knew way she heard last night despite the pain that was amused that moment, she knew she wasn't hallucinating. She heard her.

She wasn't crazy

"Hear me mother. Please hear my voice" she begged. She had to be here with her

Suddenly she remembered. It was like a switched had turned on into her head as she tried to remember the time they told her the story of how Vashka had the ability to call out those restless souls

With hope, she stood and paced around the room. Her mind jumbled with a plan that she may regret later but if it cause to see her mother then she's willing to do it

She slowly closed her eyes. The mind blank as she chanted the goddess to help her, help her crazy plan to contact someone dead

Her mind lost agaisnt nothingness. HEr soul rested agaisnt her body yet she felt it shift. The sound and feeling that she had carried herslef away from reality and life but as she concentrated more, she heard an unmistakable sound of a woman

"Mother!" she gasp. HEr heart beating erratcally as her eyes went wide and open only to see herself in an area filled with flowers. The pasture green and healthy as she searched the place. This felt too peacful and filled with great adventue' she thought

"Beautiful isnt it my dear?"

Suddenly, Savanna whirled where she looked behind. A woman, HEr hair dark as night yet her face unseen but Savanna just knew.

This was her mother

"Mother?" she choked. Her mind on jumbled thought as she thought of billions of questions she wanted to ask yet she remained frozen and tongue tide. This woman....

Her skin pale like a goddess, her body covered in white cloth yet what caught her attention more was the locket she had on her neck. The same necklace she wore now

She must be dreeaming right now... This has to be a dream

So she was right. Having Vashkas blood,It gave her her abilities just as the Goddess herself

"It is you" she murmured. She just look like the women she saw during the vision Amanda had shared with her yet this time her features seemed to blur. Something that wast clear but Savanna didn't mind because she was too consumed with happiness to care

"mother I don't know what to do" she begged. Her eyes searching for Sarah but she remained blank " what do i do now?"

She didnt speak but Savanna could tell she pittied her daughter. The child who had to suffer someone else's greed. The power they fought

" my sweetheart" she hushed. Her smile carried the happiness of a mother who had never seen her daughter grow. The way she reached out to caress Savanna's wet cheeks yet never touched

But Savanna had felt it. She felt the power, the emotions that swam against the air she filled

"My brave and beautiful sweetheart. You make me proud. So much" Savanna wanted to speak. At least make a sound but somehow every time words would try to spill out of her mouth, her sobs would consume them that she would close them again

Suddenly her head bowed, bringing them to Savanna side that she began to walk closer to her mother, to feel her comfort yet she only felt the comfort of nothingness

Sarah's mouth stayed above her ears, open and ready that Savanna felt her heart constricted when she heard the very same words

"You are not a monster"


The world she had seen suddenly vanished that she seemed to witness her sight go black before she pushed herself to open them again only to see Alester looking down on her with concern etched on his handsome face. She couldn't speak nor could comprehend what had happen minutes ago. All she knew she felt like she had fallen asleep 

"Are you alright?"

Suddenly Savanna was brought back when he spoke. His sentence cut short when she nodded absently

"Where am I?"

"Your room, I came to talk to you since everyone is busy and I thought it was a good time to apologize.... Only I saw you on the floor. Goddess Savanna I almost got a heart attack. I thought something happened and I- I-"

"Alester I'm fine, but I wanted to ask. Aren't you suppose to be busy just like those alphas?"

Alester only shook his head. His face down that she couldn't see his expression only to witness a red tinge of color that form on his cheeks before he turned fully and paced around. He looked nervous or maybe just scared of what he wanted to say

No one spoke, instead they looked at each other but this time Alester never held unto his walls. His emotions raw and visible that Savanna somhow couldn't meet his eyes anymore

"How are you?"

Alester broke the silence and when she looked up, he walks towards her and sat in the bed. Their hands just inches away yet Savanna didn't have the strength to shift it away

"I'm fine"

Another silence. Either Alester spit out his intentions for breaking that dream or whatever it was for Savanna to see her mother or he harms to leave because Savanna didn't have like having him near her. Especially when she's in the state if vulnerability


"Okay fine, I came her because everyone knows and probably cause feel the tension between you and Lucas and I just wanted to check on you.......Savanna, has he been treating you good?"

Savanna didn't answer. She knew if she did Alester wouldn't be pleased by the answer so she smiled stiffly before nodding

"Things are fine alester-"

"If it were then you wouldn't look like a mess right now Savanna. You wouldn't be so far away from you 'mate'" Savanna saw Alester cringed yet she brushed it off with a shrug

"Then you wouldn't have ask if you knew my situation"

"Damn Savanna I- shit, look I just want to talk okay? We didn't get to talk last time -"

"Alester could we stop?" She cut in. She wanted to end this even if she felt a tinge of sorrow and grief but she knew they needed to cut the bond fully. They were hurting each other if they kept this up. Alester didn't speak, as if he was unable to. He seemed shock first before his eyebrows furrowed in pain

" I can help you Savanna. Pleas we know how  Lucas could be heartless and he- he doesn't even give a damn about what's important until he losses it"

This time, Savanna was quiet. He was somehow right and even if she would fight Alester that's he's wrong then she was the one who's blinding herself all because she loves him

"Then come with me " he demanded softly that Savannma froze, not believing what she just heard


"Run away with me. Leave him Savanna. If he doesn't appreciate what's in front of him then you're  just going to hurt yourself in the process. This is your life, take care of yourself Savanna because no one can"

Fir some reasons, Savanna began to have the courage to look at Alester in the eyes and she mentally flinched at such raw emotions that swam on his wonderful blue eyes

She could. She would have but it was a sign of cowardice and she was done being a coward. So she smiled sadly, she appreciated the love Alester showed her despite their situation months ago

"I'm sorry Alester, I appreciate it but I really really want to stop running. I'm tired of choosing the other just because he doesn't love me enough. I love you but this needs to end. I don't want to hurt you or anyone anymore please Alester...."

Alester never spoke. It seemed like he couldn't so he nodded wordlessly before he stood up and walked towards the door. Savanna didn't even call him but she saw him stop as I he was contemplating something until he finally turned with one stiff smile

"I respect your decision Savanna. I really hope you'll find your way without Lucas because that man will not be by your side twenty four seven. But I'm pretty sure you can handle yourself anyway since you've made it this far.... I knew you were strong just didn't know you were stronger then what I've expected"

Finally Savanna smiled for the first time in this hellish week

"I hop we can be friends Alester"

He flinched but nodded Before he turned to leave the room but Savanna just had to say one more thing. The thing that has been on her shoulders for quite a long time

"I'm really sorry about your Brother Alester and everyone too but I'm pretty sure he must be proud to have you lead his pact"

He didn't turn but I would tell this had surprised him until he gave her a nod

"It wasn't your fault in the first place but thank anyway"

And the. He was gone leaving her with a smile on her face

She was ready to face the world. With the things that happene today. Her mother and alester, she could finally keep her head high once me

She was no monster and she damn knew well she was strong enough to support herself whether Lucas is in her life or not. She will continue

She had to

Lucas say on his chair. The meeting had finally ended and he knew well the war was coming. He knew Vashka that she would always mark every twenty fourth each month as a celebration Of her death but this time she had marked it as their destruction

Their extinction

He finally groaned. Thig were too tight. His time, schedule an even his body. Hi heart had ached throughout the day without her and he finally felt like he was dying

He was about to be welcomed by slumber when the door ba he open revealing his brother who wore the biggest grin ever

"Brother wha-"

"She awake... My wife's awake" his eyes red from tears that Lucasseemed to realize had been about a hour ago

"How long had she awakened?"

"Two hours ago, I wanted those hours with her first but I guess she wanted to talk to your so she's all yours"

Lucas didn't hesitate. He ran forward toward Amanda's room with a grin and when he finally saw her figure week but alive, smiling at him with open arms that Lucas ran to her arms and enveloped her with a bear hug

"Thank goddess you've made it" he sighed  in relief. He's body tore into happiness as he watched his sister in law awake and healthy. Somehow the guilt he had weighed loosened and all he could do was smile despite the lonely days

Amanda smiled, her eyes glittered from the tears as she held unto her stretched arms for him to take, which he did gratefully

"Lucas you look different.....bad different" she stated with a frown. Her eyes assessed his appearance and went back in looking at his eyes. You haven't been taking care if yourself just like my husband

"Things are... Hectic"

"Hmm so I've heard" she muttered before liking at his sullen eyes "you know, Raphael told be about your situation. It's bad timing considered you're preparing for war tomorrow "

Lucas only nodded his hand touched her arms and squeezed it gently. He didn't speak. He couldn't even when  he wanted to but now that their subject turned and now their talking about Savanna and him. Something he didn't want to discuss with right now

"You know I had a dream- about both of you"  Amanda stopped her eyes scrunched up as she winced from pain

Lucas who was alerted jumped out of his seat and looked at her only to be waved off.

"I'm fine just a slight headache -"

"Then you need to rest-"

"Of for goddess sake you sit down and hush up. I'm trying to tell you something so you better listen up" this shut him up

"I had a dream, it was hazy but I could tell it was you and Savanna. Raphael was there and surprisingly I was there too. We were smiling and laughing at something that somehow I felt so at ease- like everything was fine and we were in this mansion in the human world and I couldn't help but watched you too. Do you want to know what I saw?"

Lucas didn't say anything not did he nod but -'and a knew too well that he was damn curious so she smiled lazily

"She was carrying a pup Lucas. Her smile so contagious she didn't even mind if she looked like a clothed balloon.  I was so surprised that I didn't even see you holding another until you soothed it's cry"

"Amanda-" he coked only to quiet down when glared at him weakly

"Lucas what I'm telling you is, even if it was a mere dream, I believe it would come true.....if you just let go of someone dead already. Stop clinging into the past and start worrying about what's gonna happen in the future Lucas. Would you rather live in shame and sadness over something Honoria might Have forgotten? She in the good hands of the goddess Lucas you don't to have to keep hurting yourself"

"It's not that simple"

"You know what? Fúck the simple things you were made to do something extreme for goddess sakes. You were Lucas, one of the greatest kings and now look at you. Nothing but a shell of a man who hides over guilt of something he hasn't done. You have someone right now, are you willing to lose her?"

"I don't know"

"Put a thought in that will you?" She smiled weakly. Leaving Lucas in his thought until he felt himself tear down

He is an idiot.

2 more chapters to go! I'm hoping u could help me get more reads by voting and commenting. And if u want pls follow me it would really help :>

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