Chim - Don't Walk Away

By X_WCheryl_X

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Chim - Don't Walk Away
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

491 10 0
By X_WCheryl_X


Once at the entrance door I went to take her hand.

" Cheryl please." She smiled before pulling her hand away.

" Aww sorry , It just we used to do that all the time."

" Ano we did but this is different."

" Ok I will slow it down a bit. God we sound like a couple on a date." I laughed.

When we walked through the doors it seemed as if the whole party was staring at us. But I didn't care the only people I cared about was Amy and the rest of the girls who were also looking. They were all smiling especially Amy.  She got off her seat and made her way over to us. After giving me a hug she turned to Kimberley.

" Kimberley I am really sorry." She said tears fulling her eyes.

" Hey don't cry. Its ok."

" I can't help it." Amy laughed.

" Can I give you a hu .  .  . ?" 

Kimberley's sentence was cut off when Amy leaped at her wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close.

" Am so sorry , I missed you so much." I heard her sob.

" I missed you too."

I could see Kimberley had started crying now which only caused me to cry.

How could I have been so nasty taking her away from Kimberley ' I thought to myself.


The party was in full swing. I had chatted with some of the old dancers I had reconised. I had also chatted with Hillary our old manager. But now I was just enjoying myself in the company of the girls.

" Mam ?" 

" What ?"

" Sarah says I have to ask you if I can get a drink ?"

" Ohh did she now." I laughed.

" I told her it would of been fine because I do it any other time but she insisted." 

I rolled my eyes at her before telling her it would be ok.

" Just one." I said.

" She is a beauty just like her mum." Kimberley smiled.

" Yeh she is a little stunner." I giggled.

" I bet your fighting off the boys !"

" Well sometimes I have to get my baton and mase out." I laughed.

" Haha ! , Still the same then." She said before joining in on my laughter.

" Hey Kimberley I forgot to ask , What about your life. Tell me about it."

I turned to face her. I was about to rest my hand on her knee but decided against it and rested it on my own.

" Well where to start. Once you left Me and Justin broke up. The strain I was putting on the relationship wasn't healthy so we took a break. We remained good friends and about 3 years later we got back together. I tried putting you to the back of my head but I just couldn't. Then when he proposed I said no I don't know why but I couldn't do it. Now here I am a single pringle." She smiled.

" No kids ?"

" Nop sadly not."

" Can I take your hand please ?" I said although it came out as more of a plea.

She held it out and I took it greatfully.

" Kimberley please you have to know I am so sorry for the heartache I caused you. If I could go back in time to that morning I would of done so much differently. For starters I would of stayed in your arms instead of running. Ano we are trying to rebulid our friendship but I need to tell you something . . ."

" Hey budge over !" Amy smiled interupting me.

I rolled my eyes at her before letting go of Kims hand and moving over. She sat between us blessing each of us with one of her smiles.

" What's that you have." I said nodding at the bottle in her hand.

" Ehh a blue wkd." She laughed wiggling it infront of my face.

" Yeh well that's the only one your having."

" Mum !"

" Amy ! " I laughed raising my eyebrow.

She turned to Kimberley and smiled.

" See she's such an oldy."

Kimberley laughed before taking her hand.

" She just loves you that's all."

" Amy come and dance with your Auntie Sarah !"

I turned around to see Sarah. By the looks of it she looked more than tipsy. She extended out her hand which Amy took.

" Am away to show all you oldies how it's done." She laughed before walking off to the dance floor hand in hand with Sarah.

I watched in amusement as she danced along with her. She had always been a good dancer which I think took Sarah by suprise.

" Haha ! , Look at Sarah trying to keep up." Laughed Nicola.

" Wow she is a really good dancer. Just like you." Nadine said.

" Aye get's it from her mam." I said cheekily.


The night went in quickly. I could feel myself getting drunker by the second probarly because Sarah kept passing me shot after shot. I also happened to realise Kimberley hadn't drunk alot.

" Babe why you not drinking ?" I asked leaning over so she could hear me.

" Erm . . . A dunno just don't feel like it."

" It's not like you." I giggled.

" Yeh just don't feel like it."

" Kimberley is it because of me , Is it because I am here ?" I asked sadly.

She let her gaze fall to the floor.

" Am sorry Cheryl I just don't really know how to act around you anymore. I don't really want to get drunk because I remember what we are like when we get drunk together. We are to touchy feely and I don't think I am ready for that yet."

By the end of the night I was feeling very drunk. So much so that when I stood up I fell back down again.

" Right mum I think we should go to our room now. You are getting to drunk."

" Babe am not drunk." I pouted.

" Wooo Chezza's drunk !" Nicola shouted before falling and landing on Sarah who burst out laughing.

" Kimberley will you help Amy with Cheryl and I will get these two." Nadine who was completely sober aswell said before pointing to the two girls lying in the corner.

" Right come on Cheryl." Kimberley said before taking one of my arms and directing Amy to do the same with the other.

" I love you Girlies !" I shouted before stumbling off with them.

" Love you too Chez." I heard Nicola and Sarah chorus back.

After stumbling upstairs they managed to basically carry me to the room. 

" Woo this is fun !"

" Yes very." Amy laughed before plonking me on the bed.

" Amy ?" I said in a serious voice.

" Yes ?"

" Have you been kissing ?"

" Haha ! , Kissing who ?"

" I don't know but have you been kissing !" I asked still in a serious voice.

" Aww yeh coz you know how I like to kiss 40 year old men." She giggled which caused Kim to laugh aswell.

" What's so funny ?" I pouted.

" You ! , Your talking Sh*t." Amy laughed.

" The correct word is jobby."

Amy and Kim both looked at each other before they burst out laughing.

" Aye that's right you stand there and laugh."

" Kimberley am away to get changed. You think you can handle her for 10 mins ?" Amy asked still laughing.

" Am sure I can put up with her for 10 mins babe." She said before casting an eyes over me.

I put on my best innocent face before smiling back.

" Right be back soon." She said before strolling off.

" You going to put your Pjays on aswell Cheryl ?" Kimberley asked.

" No I can't be f*cked , I just slip the dress off."

Stumbling to my feet I managed to stand straight before trying to reach the zip on the back.

" F*cking stupid zip." I cursed.

" You need some help ?" Kim asked.

" If you don't mind."

I heard her get up before she made her way over to me.

" Lift your hair up."

I did as she said and she easliy slid the zip down.

" There." She said before walking back over and sitting back down.

" Thanks."

I slipped the dress off before climbing into bed and wrapping the covers around me. Looking over I could see Kim blush as I caught her stare.

" What ?"

" Nothing." She replied still flustered.

" Come here." I said before patting the space beside me.

I could see her hesitate but eventually she got up and made her way over. She sat down and made herself comfortable.

" What ?" She smiled.

" I just want to tell you again that I am very sorry." 

She smiled at me as her eyes filled with tears.

" I just missed you so much Cheryl , I thought I was never going to see you again."

" Can we just put it behind us , Start a fresh because I am here now and I am not leaving until next week. When I go back to America you can come over and visit and we can come over here and visit you aswell . . . . Please ?" I begged.

" Cheryl swear down to me you wont leave me again , Well at least we will still keep in contact , Because if I get attached again then loose the both of you a second time it will finish me."

I lifted my hand to her face and wiped away the tears.

" I promise Kimberley , These last 10 years without you have been hellish. You mean so much to me and I need you."

She smiled sweetly before leaning down and wrapping me in a hug.

" Get a room." Amy laughed.

" Erm we are in one." I laughed still hugging Kimberley.

Pulling away Kim looked up at Amy.

" Come here." She said opening up her arms.

She smiled before climbing on top of the bed and joining in with the hug.

" Well I suppose I should be leaving you two to get some beauty sleep." Kimberley sighed before climbing off the bed.

" Stay here." I blurted out.

" Erm . . Well I don't know."

" How ?" Amy said before pulling the covers back and getting in beside me.

" Were will I sleep ?"

" Here !" She said before pulling the covers back once more and patting the space beside her.

" Well . . Ok." Kim smiled before climbing back in and snuggling up beside Amy who was in the middle.

Happy and content that we were finally putting everything behind us I let myself drift off to sleep. Knowing very well that the next day I would suffer with a major hang over.

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